Das ist die Gefahr der Einmischung in die Kriege anderer Völker, die tausende Meilen entfernt leben. Diejenigen am anderen Ende der fremden Bomben – und ihre überlebenden Familienmitglieder oder alle, die mit ihnen sympathisieren – haben eine große Motivation, Vergeltung zu suchen. Es sollte nicht besonders schwer fallen, dieses Gefühl zu verstehen.
Daily Archives: 27. Oktober 2014
Amy Goodman zu Gast in Österreich
„Democracy Now!“ mal von Wien aus gesendet – „Democracy Now!“, der „war and peace report“ aus New York wird als tägliche news hour von 1.200 TV- und Radiostationen weltweit übertragen, unter anderem vom Community TV Okto in Wien. Dort war Goodman kürzlich zu Besuch anlässlich eines Aufenthalts in Österreich, wobei die Sendung ohnehin zunehmend von europäischen Partnern eingeladen wird, sodass es inzwischen „Democracy Now! on Tour“ gibt.
An End to Torture
Twelve Nobel Peace Prize laureates have written to President Barack Obama asking the US to close the dark chapter on torture once and for all. Please add your voice in support of their message below. It will be forwarded to the President. And please share widely.
Sao Paulo: Simone part one
Trotzdem finden wir auf unsere Art eine zufällige Protagonistin deren Geschichte so film-attraktiv ist, dass sie im Grunde unsere Rahmen sprengt, der hinter keinen besonderen Biographien her ist, sondern im Gegenteil, beliebigen Begegnungen hinterherrennt um umfassendere Tendenzen zu stalken. Simones Geschichte ist keine exemplarisch moderne, keine die von der speziellen Entwicklung unserer Zeit geprägt ist, keine, die von neuen Träumen erzählt. Sie ist eine archaische, sehr südamerikanische Geschichte, auch wenn die Welt in sie verwickelt ist. Simone ist von Anfang an eine Ausnahme, wir führen Interviews mit ihr, wir begegnen ihr nicht wie den anderen, stumm, ohne Fragen, ihre Geschichte, die ihr aus jeder Pore quillt lässt es nicht zu.
Klaus Barbie Der Feind meines Feindes.
USA Patriot Act: Jedes Jahr Tausende geheime Hausdurchsuchungen
Seit 2002 dürfen US-Polizisten Wohnungen durchsuchen, ohne den Besitzern das zeitnah mitteilen zu müssen. Eigentlich gedacht für den Kampf gegen den Terror, nutzen Behörden das nun tausendfach bei anderen Verdachtsfällen.
In Cold War, U.S. Spy Agencies Used 1,000 Nazis
At the height of the Cold War in the 1950s, law enforcement and intelligence leaders like J. Edgar Hoover at the F.B.I. and Allen Dulles at the C.I.A. aggressively recruited onetime Nazis of all ranks as secret, anti-Soviet “assets,” declassified records show. They believed the ex-Nazis’ intelligence value against the Russians outweighed what one official called “moral lapses” in their service to the Third Reich.
Wir hatten hier schon, dass man in den USA nicht mit Bargeld herumfahren sollte, weil die Cops dann mal eben ohne konkreten Vorwurf beschlagnahmen und behalten dürfen.
Naja, denkt ihr euch jetzt vielleicht, tut man die Kohle halt aufs Bankkonto. Stellt sich raus: Das hilft auch nicht.
Schon die neuen 10 € gesehen? Selfie machen, teilen #mynew10! Anmeldung auf der Competition Site
Innenminister und Polizeiführung in Venezuela entlassen
So informierte etwa der damalige Innenminister Tarek El Aissami im Dezember 2009, dass zwischen 15 und 20 Prozent aller Gewaltverbrechen in Venezuela von Polizisten begangen werden.
Russland um Wiederaufnahme interparlamentarischen Dialogs mit Ukraine bemüht – Duma-Sprecher
Die Staatsduma (russisches Parlamentsunterhaus) rechnet mit der Wiederaufnahme des Dialogs mit dem ukrainischen Parlament, das im Ergebnis der vorgezogenen Wahlen gebildet werden soll, wie der Sprecher der Staatsduma (russisches Parlamentsunterhaus) und Vizesekretär des Präsidiums des Generalrates der Partei „Geeintes Russland“, Juri Schuwalow, am Montag in Moskau sagte.
Lawrow: Russland erkennt Parlamentswahl in Ukraine an
„Ich denke, wir werden diese Wahl anerkennen, denn es ist für uns sehr wichtig, dass in der Ukraine eine Regierung entsteht, die sich weder gegenseitig bekriegt noch ein Ost-West-Tauziehen betreibt, sondern sich der realen Probleme annimmt, vor denen das Land steht.“
BayernLB-Chef gibt im Hypo Alpe Adria-Prozess Bestechung von Jörg Haider zu, kriegt anderthalb Jahre auf Bewährung.
Sitzungswochen im Deutschen Bundestag 2014
08.09. – 12.09.2014
22.09. – 26.09.2014
06.10. – 10.10.2014
13.10. – 17.10.2014
03.11. – 07.11.2014
10.11. – 14.11.2014
24.11. – 28.11.2014
01.12. – 05.12.2014
15.12. – 19.12.2014
@gruen_digital @boell_stiftung Wir haben da einen konkreten Vorschlag: macht keinen Urlaub, macht Eure Arbeit. #Bundestagsucks
Vortrag & Diskussion: Wie funktioniert der Skandal im digitalen Zeitalter?
Gerade hinsichtlich der weitgehend ausbleibenden öffentlichen Empörung über die durch den Whistleblower Edward Snowden bekannt gewordenen Überwachungs- und Spionagepraktiken verschiedener westlicher Geheimdienste, führen wir seit einiger Zeit eine intensive Debatte darüber, wie es gemeinsam gelingen kann, die Menschen für die Dimension und die Bedeutung der Überwachung für unseren Rechtsstaat noch stärker zu sensibilisieren.
Nigeria’s unreported killing fields
On her way out of the farm, she saw two police officers inside a white Toyota Hilux van speeding towards the village and two men following them on a motorbike.
“Barely ten minutes later,” she told PREMIUM TIMES from her home in Makurdi where she awaits financial assistance to treat her wounds, “I saw them coming back while I was trekking to the road to board a taxi to Makurdi. There was a dead body inside the police van and 10 Fulani men following the van on motorcycles.”
She flagged down the police van to find out what had happened but the vehicle would not stop. Then she continued her journey.
Suddenly, she said, the 10 men who were trailing the police vehicle on motorcycles made a u-turn and came towards her.
Nigeria‘s Jonathan brushes off scandals to lead 2015 election race
Not many presidents could survive three multi-billion dollar government oil corruption scandals and a wave of cold-blooded killings and kidnappings of civilians by Islamist militants still holding hundreds of schoolgirls after six months.
Meeting of Azerbaijani, Armenian presidents with OSCE MG co-chairmen starts in Paris
A meeting of Azerbaijani, Armenian presidents Ilham Aliyev, Serzh Sargsyan with the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen started in Paris, spokesman for the Armenian president Arman Saghatelyan twitted.
Azerbaijani Interior Ministry’s delegation is in Israel
The expansion of relations between the relevant agencies of the two countries, improving and further strengthening the cooperation in the fight against different kinds of crimes are planned to be discussed during a two-day visit as part of the strategic partnership between Azerbaijan and Israel and others.
Push for Israelis to move to Berlin causes an uproar
„Zionism sees Israel as national home for the Jews,“ he said. „But when they call me anti-Zionist, I tell them I have no home in Israel. I was an officer in the army, but I don‘t have a home to protect because it is so expensive.“
So far, thousands of people have signed onto his Facebook page and its appeal to German Chancellor Angela Merkel to issue thousands of work visas for young Israelis.
FUCK the leaders. FUCK the war. FUCK the police state, spies, generals & all those cracy asses. Welcome to Berlin
Leaving Israel for Berlin
People here are treated with respect, crime is negligible, the German economy is a powerhouse and the quality of life far exceeds that of any major American city, including New York.
Add to that an incredible art scene, some of the world’s best museums, a physically beautiful environment, creative, friendly people and a stable country led by a respected lea….
Another New York Times’ reporter’s son is in the Israeli army
Yet another reporter for the New York Times has a son in the Israeli Defense Forces. Isabel Kershner, a correspondent in the newspaper’s Jerusalem bureau, says that her son is in training in the army. This is the third time in recent years that a writer who covers the conflict for America’s leading newspaper has a son serving in an army that is regularly accused of human rights abuses. On each of those occasions, an outside publication has disclosed the army service.
The Sinai presents a convenient excuse for Sisi to close Rafah on behalf of Israel, the US and Abbas.
#Egypt‘s using an #Israel-i style of widening court restriction and limping protestor law. Mahmoud Abbas stands w/ dictator #Sisi.
Israeli politicians promote a Final Solution for Gaza
(5. August 2014) It is a sinister polemic repeated in a growing number of Op-Eds submitted to the Israeli media. Here are just a few examples:
Arutz Sheva‘s op-ed on how to „quiet“ Gaza – permanently – by attacking whoever and wherever without any consideration. The author calls it his „Solution“.
The Times of Israel‘s op-ed on „When genocide is permissible“. The article was deleted soon after it was posted. It has been reprinted by Mondoweiss.
The Jerusalem Post‘s op-ed on „Why Gaza must go“ and where to relocate the „good Arabs“. The idea is, essentially, to annex the Gaza Strip after depopulating it.
Warschauer Ghetto
Bereits am 2. Oktober 1940 befahlen die Deutschen allen jüdischen Einwohnern der Stadt innerhalb von sechs Wochen den Umzug in ein Gebiet westlich vom Zentrum. Dort mussten die nichtjüdischen Bewohner ihre Wohnungen verlassen. Das Warschauer Ghetto wurde ab der Nacht vom 15. auf den 16. November 1940 in der Folgezeit mit einer 18 Kilometer langen und 3 Meter hohen Umfassungsmauer abgeriegelt und die anfangs 22 Tore von SS-Wachen unter dem Kommando Paul Moders bewacht. Heinz Auerswald, ein deutscher NS-Jurist, wurde als Kommissar über den nun so genannten „Jüdischen Wohnbezirk“ eingesetzt.[1] Das Ghetto erhielt – wie andere Sammellager im besetzten Europa – eine nur nominelle Selbstverwaltung in Form eines den Deutschen vollkommen unterstellten Judenrats, dem wiederum eine unbewaffnete jüdische Ordnungspolizei unterstand. Die Aufgaben des Judenrats, mit Adam Czerniaków als Ältestem, waren vielfältig: sie reichten von der Armenfürsorge über alltägliche Ordnungsdienste, die Einhaltung von Arbeitsbestimmungen bis hin zur Bereitstellung der von den Deutschen geforderten Anzahl an Juden auf dem Umschlagplatz für die Abtransporte nach Treblinka. Die Transferstelle Warschau fungierte als deutsche Verwaltung des Sammellagers. Sie regelte und kontrollierte den Wirtschaftsverkehr hinein und heraus.
Planning board to consider first new Arab city in Israel‘s history
A plan to build the first new Arab city in Israel since the establishment of the state will come before the National Planning and Building Council for approval next week.
Egypt court orders arrest of leading activist Abdel Fattah
Abdel Fattah, a well-known secular figure in the 2011 revolt that ended Hosni Mubarak‘s rule, and 24 fellow activists had been freed on bail last month pending a retrial after the presiding judge in their case stepped aside.
Egypt to step up military trials after Sinai attack
Egypt expanded the jurisdiction of military courts on Monday to try civilians accused of attacking state facilities or blocking roads, following some of the worst assaults on security forces since last year‘s ousting of Islamist President Mohammed Mursi.
Renzi attacks PD left, CGIL after party divisions exposed
Several rebel members of the centre-left PD took part in a massive rally in Rome organised by the left-wing CGIL trade-union federation against the government‘s Jobs Act labour reform, which seeks to soften the rules on unfair dismissal to encourage firms to take on staff.
Speaking at an annual conference Renzi has held for several years in his native Florence, the so-called Leopolda, the premier said he had no fear of a possible split that would see members of the left wing of the party forming a new party
Italy must avoid 4th year of recession
„Italy‘s GDP have fallen over 9% on its 2008 level,“ read the letter by Economy Minister Pier Carlo Padoan.
Banks drag down Italy‘s financial market
Italy‘s leading financial index shed 1.56% in morning trading Monday after the European Central Bank (ECB) said two Italian banks were among the weakest in its major survey of the health of financial institutions.
Climate Doomsday draws near: just 37 days to go
Sackett – now the former chief scientist – issued her five-year warning four years, 10 months and 24 days ago. Meanwhile, previous claims that global warming would cause hotter European winters may now be disregarded, because global warming has decided to make things colder instead:
Isis jihadis using captured arms and troop carriers from US and Saudis
(8. September 2014) The jihadi group surging through Iraq and Syria is using large captured US-made weapons and has access to anti-tank rockets supplied by Saudi Arabia to a moderate rebel group, according to a report published on Monday.
The study by the London-based Conflict Armament Research consultancy found that Islamic State (Isis) militants had access to large numbers of US weapons, which they were shifting to key battlefields.
Operation Northwoods
„c. Commence large scale United States military operations.
3. A „Remember the Maine“ incident could be arranged in several forms:
a. We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba.
b. We could blow up a drone (unmanned) vessel anywhere in the Cuban waters. We could arrange to cause such incident in the vicinity of Havana or Santiago as a spectacular result of Cuban attack from the air or sea, or both. The presence of Cuban planes or ships merely investigating the intent of the vessel could be fairly compelling evidence that the ship was taken under attack. The nearness to Havana or Santiago would add credibility especially to those people that might have heard the blast or have seen the fire. The US could follow up with an air/sea rescue operation covered by US fighters to „evacuate“ remaining members of the non-existent crew. Casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation.
4. We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington.“
Declassified Papers Show Anti-Castro Ideas Proposed to Kennedy
(19. November 1997) “We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington,“ it continued. “The terror campaign could be pointed at Cuban refugees seeking haven in the United States. We could sink a boatload of Cubans enroute to Florida (real or simulated).“
The records show that on March 13, 1962, the Joint Chiefs of Staff endorsed these ideas as “suitable for planning purposes.“ No evidence exists that they were carried out.
DER 11. SEPTEMBER: Duplikat, Drone, Plan
(12. September 2014) Bereits vor Jahrzehnten entwickelte das Militär der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika den Plan ein eigenes ziviles Passagierflugzeug in der Luft gegen eine unbemannte “Drone” auszutauschen, um es dann selbst zur Explosion zu bringen und einen Abschuss vorzutäuschen. Ebenso wurde der Plan einer “Terrorkampagne” in der eigenen Hauptstadt Washington, sowie die Versenkung eines US-Kriegsschiffes autorisiert. Ziel war es, diese Vorfälle einer feindlichen Macht zu unterstellen, vor der Weltöffentlichkeit das Opfer zu spielen und nachfolgend eine Invasion starten zu können.
Jahr der Entwicklung des Plans: 1962. Zielobjekt: Kuba.
Proclamation 3447 – Embargo on All Trade with Cuba
Whereas the Eighth Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Serving as Organ of Consultation in Application of the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, in its Final Act resolved that the present Government of Cuba is incompatible with the principles and objectives of the Inter-American system; and, in light of the subversive offensive of Sino-Soviet Communism with which the Government of Cuba is publicly aligned, urged the member states to take those steps that they may consider appropriate for their individual and collective self-defense;
Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917
The Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917 (40 Stat. 411, enacted 6 October 1917, codified at 12 U.S.C. §§ 95a–95b and 50 U.S.C. App. §§ 1—44), sometimes abbreviated as TWEA, is a United States federal law to restrict trade with countries hostile to the United States. (…)
As of 2008, Cuba is the only country restricted under the act. North Korea is the most recent country to have the restrictions lifted.
UN General Assembly Likely to Vote in Favour of Lifting Cuba Embargo, Again
Pellicer stated that the blockade is an „is an act of genocide, it violates international law, the U.N. Charter and the rules of international trade.”
Even the right wing journal Forbes says that “the official position is outdated, hypocritical, and counterproductive.”
The Cuban embargo was inaugurated by a Kennedy administration executive order in 1960 as a response to the confiscation of American property in Cuba under the new Fidel Castro government.
Cuba to move UN for lifting of US embargo
The Cuban government will submit a draft resolution to the UN General Assembly (UNGA) Oct 28 to end an economic, financial and trade embargo the US has imposed on it. (…)
In the last vote, only the US and Israel voted against the bill which calls for the end of the economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba which the US imposed in 1960.
Uruguayan presidential run-off on 30 November; ruling coalition ruins pollsters forecasts
Uruguayan pollsters again seem to have missed their target regarding estimate results of Sunday‘s legislative and presidential elections: the ruling Broad Front coalition presidential candidate Tabare Vazquez took a strong lead in the exit polls, and although he will be forced to a run-off with runner up Luis Lacalle Pou as anticipated, the percentage numbers indicate he should be able to achieve a comfortable win at the end of November, contrary to what was forecasted.
In wessen EU sind wir eigentlich Mitglied?
Es sieht nicht so aus, als würde „Europa“ handlungsfähig sowohl außen- als auch wirtschaftspolitisch durch die Abgabe von Kompetenzen an die EU. Im Gegenteil, die Union erweckt immer mehr den Eindruck, zu einem Instrument der USA geworden zu sein, dem sowohl Bürgerinnen und Bürger als auch Politikerinnen und Politker mehr oder minder machtlos gegenüber stehen. Eine Analyse von Willy Wimmer, der lange dem deutschen Bundestag angehörte:
Und das Ganze im Namen eines asiatischen Handwerkers den das damalige PRO-EUROPÄISCHE Imperium vor 2000 Jahren ans Kreuz geschlagen hat…
…sind zwei Seiten derselben Medaille. Das Ziel ist zu Herrschen.
Das Abschlachten der CDU Ägyptens und der Aufbau des „Islamischen Staates“ durch die Imperialisten in London, Washington und Jerusalem…
UK PM‘ Review Into the Muslim Brotherhood Find No Links to Acts of Terrorism
(24. Oktober) The Sunday Telegraph on 20th October reported apparent findings of the review which attempted to vilify the Muslim Brotherhood and link it to extremism. Much of the Telegraph’s report have been proven to be inaccurate and misleading. The report notably cited former MI6 Chief Sir Richard Dearlove as an ‘advisor’ to the review and Dr Lorenzo Vidino as have having ‘worked on the review’. It has been confirmed that neither had in fact worked on the review as claimed. This trend of leaks suggests an attempt to manipulate the review’s findings.
The Muslim Brotherhood has engaged fully with Sir John Jenkin’s review and provided access to its members at the highest level possible all over the world. The Muslim Brotherhood reserves the right to reply to any negative allegations made against it from any quarter. To date, the Review Team have not provided the Muslim Brotherhood’s legal team with any allegations that it considers to be of concern.
Colonial politics: Kill the moderates, support the extremists and rulers. Then scaremonger your homegrown morons. #egypt
Salafist Al-Nour Party and left-leaning Tagammu Party express their support for the draft constitution as Muslim Brotherhood leaders‘ trials continue in Cairo
(10. Dezember 2013)
The City of London Corporation: the state within a state
(7. Februar 2009) When people ask – as they often do these days – which is the biggest tax haven in the world, our answer is almost invariably the City of London. The City hosts Britain‘s largest offshore financial centre and is intimately linked to satellite tax havens across most time zones, ranging from Hong Kong and Singapore in the East, to the British Virgin Islands, the Turks & Caicos Islands, Bermuda, the Cayman Islands and the Bahamas in the West.
Downing Street set to crack down on the Muslim Brotherhood
(19. Oktober) The source said: “We cannot ban the organisation, but that was never the intention of the review. We can go after single individuals, not for terrorist-related activity, but through the Al Capone method of law-enforcement. We cannot get them for terrorism but I bet you they don’t pay their taxes.“
Press Statement: Muslim Brotherhood responds to British Governments review
(2. April) It has been reported that the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom has ordered a review into the Muslim Brotherhood. (…)
It is essential that such an important process is conducted fairly. The Muslim Brotherhood has concerns about the appointment of Britain’s Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Sir John Jenkins, to lead the review. It is important that the British Government does not bend to pressure from foreign Governments who are concerned about their own people’s quest for democracy. It is hard to see how Sir John Jenkins will be able to conduct an independent internal review of the Muslim Brotherhood and carry his brief as Ambassador to a non-democratic regime that is openly in political opposition to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Orientation Bulletin No.1/2014
(23. Oktober) Finally, the Army Headquarters calls on all the troops to abstain from lending their ears to fabricated rumors spread by terrorists through social media and other means to weaken the morale of the troops for their Institution is currently stronger than ever before and stands defiant in the face of all the attempts targeting its tenacity. Bear in mind that the Lebanese people are counting on the Military Institution and its definite role in saving the country and safeguarding its sovereignty and independence.