(24. Oktober) „We were shocked by some of the comments that he has made in the past, so it should come as no surprise that he wasn‘t able to get some of the meetings he requested,“ a US official told The Jerusalem Post on Friday.
Daily Archives: 25. Oktober 2014
Israel‘s Defense Minister: Mideast Borders ‚Absolutely‘ Will Change
(23. Oktober) The borders of many Arab states were drawn up by Westerners a century ago, and wars in recent years show that a number of them are doomed to break apart, according to Ya‘alon, a career soldier who became Israel‘s defense minister last year.
U.S. publicly humiliates Israeli defense minister as visit ends
The White House refused to give Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya‘alon an audience with Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State John Kerry, and National Security Advisor Susan Rice during his trip to the United States this week, senior American officials confirmed Friday. The reason for the cold shoulder was a number of statements Ya‘alon made six months ago, in which he criticized the Obama administration and Kerry in particular.
State Department calls for ‘speedy, transparent investigation’ of Israel’s killing of 14-year-old US citizen
Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian teenager late Friday during clashes in Silwad village near Ramallah in the occupied West Bank, medical officials said. Orwa Abd al-Wahhab Hammad, 14, was shot multiple times with live bullets. He was taken to Palestine Medical Complex where he was pronounced dead. An Israeli army spokeswoman said that soldiers fired at a Palestinian adult who was hurling a Molotov cocktail at forces in the area. Witnesses said Hammad was hit by an Israeli sniper from close range, insisting the soldier shot to kill. Orwa was a US national. His uncle was killed during the First Intifada.
Israeli army kills 14-year old Palestinian with U.S. citizenship
(24. Oktober) A Palestinian teen with U.S. citizenship was killed today by the Israeli army at a demonstration in the West Bank town of Silwad, near Ramallah. Fourteen-year old Orwah Hammad was shot with a live bullet that entered his neck and exited through his head, according to Ramallah hospital staff. He died while being treated at Ramallah hospital around 6 p.m. this evening, Jerusalem time.
Canadian And American Politicians Use Ottawa Shootings As Excuses To Demand More Surveillance, Greater Policing Powers
As you may have heard, an apparently mentally unstable guy shot up the Canadian Parliament earlier this week, killing a soldier, before being shot dead himself. The attack certainly raises some questions — about dealing with mental health, about security at the Parliament and probably a few other things as well. However, police state/surveillance state apologists have seen the window to expand their own powers and are taking it. It starts with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who wasn‘t shy about using this one-off incident as an excuse to massively expand the surveillance and police state:
Assange: Google Is Not What It Seems
In this extract from When Google Met WikiLeaks Assange describes his encounter with Schmidt and how he came to conclude that it was far from an innocent exchange of views.
Julian Assange Talks to Vogue.com About His New Book, When Google Met WikiLeaks
Julian Assange, the 43-year-old founder and editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks, has been living in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London since June of 2012. He occupies a single room in the building, a couple hundred square feet of space cluttered with work and life. He avoids using email and tries to interact with his staff only in person.
Brief an meine Freunde in Israel und Palästina
Wenn ihr ehrlich mit euch seid, seht ihr die Abwärtsspirale, in die euch die Politik eurer Regierenden getrieben hat. Ihr wisst, dass nur die Extremisten etwas bei diesem Krieg zu gewinnen haben.
One of the more memorable pieces of fan (i.e. hate) mail I‘ve received motivated by my post on the Jerusalem terror attack:
„1. no such thing as pali ONLY arab
2. land is ours …all of it !
3. we don‘t steal a thing if its ours!
4 Now go and stick ur head in a oven of zyklon B and do the world a favour !!“
Palestinian Authority should end joint security with Israel, says chief Palestinian negotiator
Step should be taken if U.S. vetoes Palestinian end-of-occupation bid at UN Security Council, Saeb Erekat says.
BKA-Mitarbeiter muss wegen Kinderpornografie Geldauflage bezahlen
Da es sich bei den Fotos nicht um Bilder von Babys oder Kleinkindern gehandelt habe, sich die Tat an der unteren Grenze des strafrechtlichen Rahmens bewege und sich der Mann einsichtig zeige, sei das Verfahren vorläufig eingestellt worden.
Die Linke – Wir sind Rechtsnachfolgerin der SED
(20. April 2009) Vor Gericht hat die neue Linke ihr Verhältnis zur alten SED klargestellt. Lafontaines Partei bezeichnete sich selbst als Rechtsnachfolgerin der Partei von Honecker und Ulbricht. Dank dieser Einlassung gewann die Linke einen Prozess gegen ein Boulevardblatt. Doch der Preis dafür ist hoch.
China criticizes U.S. missile defense radar in Japan
The United States is damaging stability in the Asia-Pacific region by positioning a missile defense radar in Japan, China said on Thursday.
Feminist scholars call on Obama to drop the torture-based charges against Rasmea Odeh
In 2004 award-winning filmmaker Buthina Canaan Khoury made the documentary Women in Struggle about 4 Palestinian women who were former detainees. In her research and through interviews with the women, she documents the physical, mental and sexual torture women experienced during interrogations that led to forced confessions. Rasmea Odeh was one of those women. According to her testimony, she was brutally coerced into confession and served 10 years in an Israeli prison before her release. She was exiled from her Palestinian homeland and eventually immigrated to the United States from Jordan in 1994 as a legal resident where she tried to put her memories of torture behind her. She later became a naturalized citizen.
Iran, Qatar plan joint investment committee
Iran’s Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance Ali Tayyeb-Nia says the Islamic Republic and Qatar plan to set up a joint investment committee, stressing the need for the expansion of economic ties between the two countries.
Germany ‚evaluating‘ Italy ruling
Germany said Thursday it is analyzing an Italian Constitutional Court ruling that struck down State immunity to civil prosecution for war crimes and crimes against humanity lodged in other countries.
Libya‘s oil to flow despite struggle between rival governments
A struggle has broken out for control of Libya‘s state-run energy sector as rival governments in Tripoli and the east compete for power, but a common interest in maintaining oil revenues will keep exports flowing for now.
The Secret Stupid Saudi-US Deal on Syria
The Kerry-Abdullah secret deal
Video: Hinter den Kulissen von Uber
Die amerikanische Website www.whosdrivingyou.org hat ein Video bei Youtube veröffentlicht, das hinter die Kulissen schaut.
Die Seite beschäftigt sich, wie wir hier bei Schwarzkonkurrenz.de, mit Einsteigern in den Beförderungsmarkt und nimmt ihre Angebote kritisch unter die Lupe.
Hedvig Mollestad Trio kill it!
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The bitter mans guide to why we love metalheads
When I was their age I went to shows like it was a matter of life or death. I stood in line for hours to be at the front, I sang along. Yes those days are long gone, but thats a matter of age and cynicism rather than disregard for the scene.(..)
Its a sad statement of the current scene in Oslo, that the one with the most die-hard fans who spend their money and support the bands are the ones that end up having the hardest time staying afloat.
Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung: Interview mit Prof. Izzeldin Abuelaish
Palästinensischer Arzt zu Gast in jüdischer Gedenkstätte in Freudental – Mahnmal und Ort der Völkerverständigung
Sookee: Vorläufiger Abschiedsbrief
Album „Lila Samt“ (2014)
Text/Rap: Sookee
Recording/Mixing: LeijiONE
Beat: Beat2.0
Cuts : DJ Spion Y
Chor: Jools
Master: Shem
Video & Edit: Urban Tree Music
Swimming Cities of Serenissima
Called the Swimming Cities of Serenissima, the boats looked like something out of the 1990s post-apocalyptic movies ‘Tank Girl’ and ‘Waterworld’ sprinkled with a bit of swamp water. Not only the craft themselves was made from re-used material, (including modified Mercedes car engines), but the team also picked up more flotsam and jetsam on their crossing, which they installed in a »cabinet of wonders«.
Moscow, Beijing poised to sign deal on joint cyber security ops
Moscow and Beijing will next month sign a deal to commence joint information security projects and operations, and to increase cooperation in the space, according to a popular Russian newspaper with ties to President Vladimir Putin.(..)
If the reports are correct, the treaty continues a recent trend towards more co-operation between the states.
Using Excel to Watch Movies at Work
The Excel subreddit exploded earlier this week when redditor [AyrA_ch] shared his custom spreadsheet that allowed him to play video files on a locked-down work computer. How locked down? With no access to Windows Media Player and IE7 as the only browser (all plugins disabled, no HTML5), Excel became the unlikely hero to cure a 3-hour boredom stint.
Gruner und Jahr in Hamburg – die Gründerfamilie Jahr verlässt das Verlagsschiff
Julia Jäkel, die Tweakerin als Retterin? Schon manch einer, der als Retter antrat, endete als Abdecker bzw. Konkursanmelder, wie z.B. Thomas Middelhoff, auch der war einst Star-Manager bei Gruner und Jahr-Eigentümer Bertelsmann, bevor er als Retter bei Karstadt-Quelle antrat, und mit der Firma dann in die Insolvenz segelte.
Der große Ausverkauf! Wer bietet mehr?
mit Marieluise Beck, Katrin Göring-Eckardt, Tarek Al-Wazir, Omid Nouripour und Cem Özdemir.
Ich bin der Dieter Nuhr. Und ich mache jetzt mal ein paar Judenwitze.
So weit ist es schon gekommen. Jetzt muss auch noch ich mich von mir selbst distanzieren. Ich werde jetzt nämlich mal “Zitate” von “Kollege” Dieter Nuhr bringen, in denen lediglich dezent-metaphorisch u.a. “der Islam” durch “das Judentum” und regionale Zuordnungen ausgetauscht und somit leicht verändert wurden.
Free! Music! Contest 2014: Abstimmphase läuft
Die Vorbestellung und somit die Anmeldung für das Publikumsvoting erfolgt auf der Webseite der Musikpiraten. Dort ist auch ausführlich erklärt, wie sich aus Jury- und Publikumsstimmen das Endergebnis zusammensetzen wird. Vorbestellung und Abstimmung sind noch bis zum 31. Oktober 2014 möglich.
Rußland: Zähes EU-Fleisch beschlagnahmt
Laut der russischen Landwirtschaftssicherheitsbehörde hat der Zoll 600 Tonnen Fleisch aus EU-Ländern beschlagnahmt, das als Kaugummi deklariert war. Die 26 Kühlcontainer (für Kaugummi?) enthielten Fleisch und Schweinespeck aus Deutschland, den Niederlanden, Belgien und Polen.
Anwalt der Deutschen Bank in New York tot aufgefunden
Ein mit den Devisen- und Zins-Manipulationen der Deutschen Bank befasster Anwalt ist in New York tot aufgefunden. Anfang des Jahres war bereits der bekannte Risk-Manager William Broeksmit gestorben.
Italians protest at PM’s austerity moves, labor reforms
The 24-hour strike has been called by the main and biggest trade union Italian General Confederation of Labor (CGIL) to protest against cuts to public spending and job market reforms proposed by the premier.
Nobelvorlesung: Harold Pinter – Kunst, Wahrheit & Politik
(9.Dezember 2005) Es ist nie passiert. Nichts ist jemals passiert. Sogar als es passierte, passierte es nicht. Es spielte keine Rolle. Es interessierte niemand. Die Verbrechen der Vereinigten Staaten waren systematisch, konstant, infam, unbarmherzig, aber nur sehr wenige Menschen haben wirklich darüber gesprochen. Das muss man Amerika lassen. Es hat weltweit eine ziemlich kühl operierende Machtmanipulation betrieben, und sich dabei als Streiter für das universelle Gute gebärdet. Ein glänzender, sogar geistreicher, äußerst erfolgreicher Hypnoseakt.
Ich behaupte, die Vereinigten Staaten ziehen die größte Show der Welt ab, ganz ohne Zweifel. Brutal, gleichgültig, verächtlich und skrupellos, aber auch ausgesprochen clever. (…)
Ich glaube, dass den existierenden, kolossalen Widrigkeiten zum Trotz die unerschrockene, unbeirrbare, heftige intellektuelle Entschlossenheit, als Bürger die wirkliche Wahrheit unseres Lebens und unserer Gesellschaften zu bestimmen, eine ausschlaggebende Verpflichtung darstellt, die uns allen zufällt. Sie ist in der Tat zwingend notwendig.
Wenn sich diese Entschlossenheit nicht in unserer politischen Vision verkörpert, bleiben wir bar jeder Hoffnung, das wiederherzustellen, was wir schon fast verloren haben – die Würde des Menschen.
NATO Officers Head to Iraq to Train Local Forces
(8. August 2004) Alliance headquarters called it the official start of the training mission.
„The guys will essentially start work right away, establishing contact, offering advice and preparing the long-term training,“ spokesman Robert Pszczel said at alliance headquarters in Brussels.
Nato-Vertreter: Irak-Krieg war ein Fehler
(25. Oktober 2014) Die Militäroperation der USA im Jahr 2003 im Irak war laut dem Chef des Nato-Informationsbüros in Moskau, Robert Pszczel, ein Fehler, der möglicherweise hätte vermieden werden können, wenn die USA die anderen Mitglieder der Nordatlantischen Allianz zu Rate gezogen hätten.
Mikdad : Whoever wants to combat ISIS must stand by Syria
Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Fayssal Mikdad stressed that when the war against Syria started in 2011, some inside and outside the country lost the “compass” and they believed that what is taking place is an “Arab spring” that would bring democracy and freedom to the Arab citizens as some leaders and countries in the region and outside the region were driven by this novel which proved to be just an “illusion.”
In an article published by Lebanese al-Binaa Newspaper on Saturday, Mikdad wondered why the so-called “Arab Spring” has not reached the countries which are in dire need for democracy and for the realization of human rights such as Saudi Arabia, inquiring about the essence of this “spring” which has been plotted by Israel and the US.
Stalingrad war sein Damaskus
(21. Oktober 1977) De Gaulle – Wlassow – Seydlitz: Drei Generale des Zweiten Weltkriegs, die einiges gemein haben. Alle drei hatten sich in den Anfangsstadien des Krieges durch besonders glänzende Waffentaten ausgezeichnet, und alle drei wurden später in ihren Ländern in absentia zum Tode verurteilt, weil sie im späteren Kriegsverlauf von außen gegen ihre Regierungen arbeiteten, de Gaulle und Wlassow sogar mit bewaffneten Streitkräften, Seydlitz mit Propaganda.
Mobile exhibition documents life details in Aleppo city before and after destruction at the hands of terrorist organizations
A mobile exhibition embracing 114 photos captured by more than ten youths opened on Friday at Dar al-Assad for Culture in the coastal province of Lattakia under the title “Aleppo from destruction to victory”.
The exhibition documents the industries, archeological markets, life details and historical heritage of Aleppo city before and after being targeted by the armed terrorist organizations.
Daniel Neun – Die Künste (Die Müllmänner Gottes)
und der dürre Maler mit zitternder Hand
erzählt seinen Traum nur der staubigen Wand
er lässt die Sonne für sich untergehn
in Deiner Sehnsucht am Abend kann ich Dich noch sehn
Picasso‘s Guernica
What do you think an artist is? An imbecile who has only eyes if he is a painter, or ears if he is a musician, or a lyre in every chamber of his heart if he is a poet, or even, if he is a boxer, just his muscles? Far, far from it: at the same time, he is also a political being, constantly aware of the heartbreaking, passionate, or delightful things that happen in the world, shaping himself completely in their image. How could it be possible to feel no interest in other people, and with a cool indifference to detach yourself from the very life which they bring to you so abundantly? No, painting is not done to decorate apartments. It is an instrument of war– Pablo Picasso
15 Fakten über Pablo Picasso, die Ihnen neu sein dürften
6. Picasso war kein guter Schüler und bekam oft Ärger. Doch das war ihm nur recht. Wenn er nachsitzen musste, konnte er weiterzeichnen, ohne lästige Unterbrechungen durch Schularbeiten.
7. Als Mitglied der kommunistischen Partei erhielt er 1950 und 1961 den internationalen Lenin-Friedenspreis.
8. Picasso wurde bereits mit 13 Jahren an der Akademie der schönen Künste im spanischen Barcelona aufgenommen. Doch er fand die Ausbildung zu verschult und durchstreifte lieber die Stadt und zeichnete Menschen, denen er auf Barcelonas Straßen begegnete.
Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso wird in Malaga am 25.10.1881 als Sohn des Malers und Zeichenlehrers José Ruiz Blasco geboren.
As he commented on Turkey‘s recent decision to assist the Iraqi Kudistan Regional Government (KRG) Peshmerga forces to pass through Turkey into Kobani in Syria. Muslim said that the YPG, PYD‘s armed wing, already has enough soldiers in Kobani but the Peshmerga forces, whom will be crossing into Kobani, are special forces equipped with heavy weapons.
Saleh Moslem: Turkey has not kept its promise
(8. Oktober) In an interview with ANF, PYD (Democratic Union Party) co-chair Saleh Moslem made important statements on the present situation in Kobanê, the details of the meeting with Turkish authorities in İstanbul, and the Kobanê decision of France.
Moslem said he had a meeting with the Turkish authorities last week in İstanbul and added: „The Turkish authorities promised us that they would help to Kobanê. But they don‘t keep their promise despite all our insistence“.
Kurds reject Erdogan report of deal with Syrian rebels to aid besieged Kobani
A senior Syrian Kurdish official on Friday rejected a report from Turkey‘s president that Syrian Kurds had agreed to let Free Syrian Army fighters enter the border town of Kobani to help them push back besieging Islamic State insurgents.
Erdogan: Syrian Kurds seem to accept FSA in Kobani
(24. Oktober) Turkey‘s president said Friday that Syrian Kurdish militants have agreed to accept 1,300 Free Syrian Army troops in Kobani to help fight the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant Anadolu Agency reported
Syrien: FSA schickt 1.300 Kämpfer nach Kobani
(24. Oktober) Mehrere Einheiten aus der nördlichen Provinz Aleppo sollen in die umkämpfte Stadt an der Grenze zur Türkei geschickt werden, teilte die FSA-Führung mit.
Es handele sich um etwa 1.300 FSA-Kämpfer, sagte der türkische Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Die kurdische Partei der Demokratischen Union (PYD) sei mit der Unterstützung durch die FSA einverstanden
La Marseillaise Casablanca
Film américain de Michael Curtiz (1942)
Book claiming Vichy regime is ‚misunderstood‘ and ‚tried to save Jews‘ is France‘s bestseller
Mr Zemmour is an ubiquitous presence on French television and radio stations and is hugely popular figure for many French, but critics denounce him as sexist, homophobic and Islamophobic.
He was found guilty of incitement to racial hatred in 2011 after telling a television chat show that drug dealers in France were mostly „blacks and Arabs“.
Open Letter to Samantha Power
I recently read your statement decrying the UN General Assembly‘s election of Venezuela to the UN Security Council. This statement, so obviously laden with hypocrisy, necessitated this response.
You premise your opposition to Venezuela‘s ascendancy to the Security Council on your claim that „From ISIL and Ebola to Mali and the Central African Republic, the Security Council must meet its responsibilities by uniting to meet common threats.“ If these are the prerequisites for sitting on the Security Council, Venezuela has a much greater claim for this seat than the U.S., and this is so obvious that it hardly warrants pointing out.
Israel and Palestine is not about Jews vs. Palestinians
Last night an event called “Zionism & The New McCarthyism: A Conversation with Bruce Robbins” took place in Champaign-Urbana. It was a canceled University of Illinois event that was rescheduled as an independent event, without university support. Bruce Robbins’s short documentary, Some of My Best Friends are Zionists, interviews influential Jews such as Judith Butler and Tony Kushner who discuss the repression of anti-Zionist viewpoints. His talk addressed the rise of a “new McCarthyism” on college campuses which threatens to shut down criticism of Israel under the guise of “civility.” Respondents included myself, Jodi Byrd (Professor in American Indian Studies) and Bruce Levine (Professor of History). My comments were as follows:
Friday Funny – You’re a climate denier if:
– You believe that the atmosphere has continued to warm for the last 17+ years despite rapid growth of CO2. 97% of real climate scientists acknowledge that it hasn’t. They call it the “pause” or “hiatus” although there is no scientific evidence that warming will pick up again or when.
– If you believe that Antarctica is melting. NASA satellite data shows that the sea ice extent around Antarctica in 2014 is the largest in recorded history. …
Iran denies any clash on Pakistan border
Iran‘s border police commander of Sistan and Baluchestan Province denies any fire exchange with Pakistani forces on the border.
Raham Bakhsh Habibi responding to news published in the Pakistani media about fire exchange on the borders, told Fars News Agency on Oct.24 that not any army confrontation has happened between Iran and Pakistan‘s forces.