Daily Archives: 26. September 2014

26.09.2014 - 19:01 [ MYFOX New York ]

Veteran reporter John Slattery passes away

The television station said Thursday that John Slattery died unexpectedly overnight.

He was one of the first reporters on the scene after the World Trade Center attack. He also covered the „Miracle on the Hudson“ water landing and Superstorm Sandy. And he reported from Saudi Arabia, Ireland and the Vatican.

26.09.2014 - 18:24 [ MYFOX New York ]

Fire at air traffic center halts Chicago flights

All flights in and out of Chicago‘s two airports were halted Friday after a fire at a suburban air traffic control facility sent delays and cancellations rippling through the nation‘s air travel network.

26.09.2014 - 16:38 [ SZ ]

Verfluchtes Schiedsgericht

Und das Ganze ist auch ein Exempel dafür, dass ein privates Schiedsgerichtsverfahren der staatlichen Justiz mitnichten überlegen ist. Das aber wird derzeit gern und laut behauptet, zum Beispiel bei den Verhandlungen zum Freihandelsabkommen TTIP zwischen der Europäischen Union und den Vereinigten Staaten.

26.09.2014 - 15:41 [ Radio Utopie ]

Vierter Jahrestag vom “Schwarzen Donnerstag”: 240. Montagsdemo gegen staatlich-industrielles Programm “Stuttgart 21″

Am 30. September 2014 jährt sich der vierte Jahrestag vom “Schwarzen Donnerstag”. Am 30.09.2010 hatten die Stuttgarter Polizei, die Landespolizei Baden-Württemberg, sowie Sondereinheiten, für das von Deutsche Bahn AG, Bundesregierung, Landesregierung und Stadtregierung betriebene staatlich-industrielle Programm “Stuttgart 21″ (S21) den Stuttgarter Schlosspark geräumt, brutal und unter Einsatz von Wasserwerfern.

26.09.2014 - 14:56 [ Süddeutsche ]

NSA-Affäre: Wie die Opposition Snowden nach Deutschland holen will

Die Klage, die von der Frankfurter Rechtswissenschaftlerin Astrid Wallrabenstein als Prozessbevollmächtigte der Opposition vorbereitet wurde, hält sie aus zwei Gründen für Erfolg versprechend. Zum einen sieht sie vor dem Bundesverfassungsgericht die Bundesregierung und die Ausschussmehrheit in der Beweislast. Sie müssten dort stichhaltig belegen, weshalb sie Ausschuss- und Minderheitenrechte einschränkt. Ein klarer Vorteil im Verfahren.

26.09.2014 - 14:55 [ Neues Deutschland ]

Opposition will Snowden-Aussage erzwingen

Wallrabenstein verwies in diesem Zusammenhang auf die Minderheitenrechte der Opposition. Diese ermöglichen es LINKEN und Grünen, in dem Ausschuss Zeugen zu benennen. Aber wo und wie diese befragt werden, sehen Union und SPD als Verfahrensfragen, über die mit ihrer Mehrheit entschieden werden könne. Ob dies einen Verstoß gegen die Minderheitenrechte darstellt, wird nun die Karlsruher Richter beschäftigen.

26.09.2014 - 14:02 [ Ceiberweiber ]

Der UN-Sicherheitsrat als Komplize von Terroristen

Es gibt in vielen Ländern ein „huch, die Amerikaner“, ein sich Wegducken, Angst haben, ausweichen, Dinge nicht aussprechen, sie allenfalls andeuten und wegsehen, wenn die unter Druck geraten, die aufstehen; auch Komplizenschaft des Staatsapparates in Verfolgung dieser „Dissidenten“. Paradoxerweise vertreten nur Dissidenten tatsächlich „westliche Werte“, nämlich universelle Menschenrechte, Völkerrecht, Demokratie, Meinungs- und Pressefreiheit, Rechtstaatlichkeit.

26.09.2014 - 14:01 [ Youtube ]

Gaza Massaker ..

Kurzfilm zum Massaker in Alshajaayah/ Gaza mit Zeugenaussagen vor Ort, eine Produktion der Aljazeera, deutsche Untertitel, das Original unter الشجاعية مجزرة الفجر zu finden

26.09.2014 - 14:00 [ Haaretz ]

IDF‘s intel tech advances put to the test in Gaza op

(3. August) Roughly a year ago, the Israel Defense Forces made extensive structural changes in order to accommodate technological advancements. The program, which included the closure of some units that relied on outdated equipment, had been scheduled for an evaluation later this year, but the ground operation in the Gaza Strip has offered an opportunity for real-time evaluation in the field.

26.09.2014 - 13:56 [ Techdirt ]

FBI‘s Biometric Program Blends Criminal And Non-Criminal Data For ‚Efficiency,‘ Obsessed With Tracking Care Providers

As was noted here earlier, the FBI‘s Next Generation Identification (NGI) system has rolled out, pretty much right on schedule and well ahead of the Privacy Impact Assessment it hasn‘t updated since the announcement of the „system upgrade“ back in 2008.

EPIC has obtained another load of documents from an FOIA request dealing with the „Rap Back“ portion of the NGI system, one that provides constant monitoring of certain people — like suspected criminals, people on parole, employees with security clearances and „trusted positions.“ Notably, the Rap Back program does not track employees of the criminal justice system, and nothing in what‘s been obtained even suggests it can be used that way.

26.09.2014 - 13:56 [ Ceiberweiber ]

Snowden, alternativer Nobelpreis und Neues von der NSA-Affäre

Freilich gilt die US-Definition von Souveränität und territorialer Integrität: Sie spielen dort keine Rolle, wo man noch keinen „regime change“ herbeigeführt hat – deshalb darf Syrien ohne Protest des schwedischen (oder eines anderen europäischen) Außenministeriums bombardiert werden. Wo man mit dem „regime change“ erfolgreich war, siehe Ukraine, gelten alle, die den „regime change“ und seine Folgen ablehnen, als Verletzer von Souveränität und territorialer Integrität oder stehen auf Seiten derer, die so handeln.

26.09.2014 - 13:55 [ Torrentfreak ]

Why Record Labels Want Kim Dotcom’s Album Taken Down

The above is concerning for several reasons. First of all, it shows that IFPI and others don’t verify the legitimacy of their takedown notices. This means that pranksters can easily get them to censor legitimate content.

Secondly, Mega usually can’t check the validity of a claim, or it simply doesn’t know whether or not a user has permission to publish it. So they have very little options to stop the abuse.

26.09.2014 - 13:53 [ Techdirt ]

Australian AG Insists New Anti-Terror Law Only Allows What It Allows; Refuses To Say What It Allows

Yesterday we told you about just one of the troubling aspects of a proposed „anti-terror“ law in Australia, in that under a single warrant, ASIO, the intelligence gathering organization, could effectively monitor the entire internet. During some Parliamentary discussions on this, Senator Scott Ludlam tried to add an amendment limiting the number of computers that could be monitored under a single warrant. Brandis‘ „contribution“ to the debate on this was to accuse Ludlam of being a „liar“ for claiming that the law would allow the tapping of the entire internet under a single warrant and then… refusing any further explanation. The exchange is really quite incredible.

26.09.2014 - 13:42 [ Netzpolitik ]

Wirtschaftsminister Gabriel: “Programmiersprachen gehören zu den Sprachen des 21. Jahrhunderts”

Wirtschaftsminister Gabriel ließ in einem Gespräch mit der Rheinischen Post verlauten, er sähe die Möglichkeit, “Programmiersprachen als zweite Fremdsprache in Schulen anzubieten”. Damit soll das Hinterherhinken Deutschlands in der Digitalisierung aufgeholt werden. Auf selbiges Ziel hatte Gabriel auch schon in seiner Rede auf dem Parteikonvent der SPD hingewiesen:

26.09.2014 - 10:56 [ Lars Schall ]

RIP Michael C. Ruppert

(15. April 2014) It has been confirmed by the Napa County Sheriff’s Office that investigative journalist and book author Michael C. Ruppert is dead from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.

26.09.2014 - 10:55 [ Michael C. Ruppert / weebly.com ]

Crossing the Rubicon – The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil

(2004) For everyone who never gave up on me.
For every American and for every citizen of Germany, France, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, Russia, The Netherlands, Ireland, Scotland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Israel,
Iraq, India, Portugal, Greece, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Poland, Belgium, Mexico, Panama, Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Brazil and every other country who stood up after 9/11 and said “We do not accept this!” —

and who stayed the course.

26.09.2014 - 10:47 [ Seattle Pi ]

Trailer: Kill the Messenger

Instead of a superhero or super soldier, Renner is playing real life journalist Gary Webb – a man who uncovered the CIA’s role in cocaine entering the US.

26.09.2014 - 10:28 [ Intercept ]

Managing a Nightmare: The CIA Reveals How It Watched Over the Destruction of Gary Webb

Eighteen years after it was published, “Dark Alliance,” the San Jose Mercury News’s bombshell investigation into links between the cocaine trade, Nicaragua’s Contra rebels, and African American neighborhoods in California, remains one of the most explosive and controversial exposés in American journalism.

The 20,000-word series enraged black communities, prompted Congressional hearings, and became one of the first major national security stories in history to blow up online. It also sparked an aggressive backlash from the nation’s most powerful media outlets, which devoted considerable resources to discredit author Gary Webb’s reporting. Their efforts succeeded, costing Webb his career. On December 10, 2004, the journalist was found dead in his apartment, having ended his eight-year downfall with two .38-caliber bullets to the head.

26.09.2014 - 10:26 [ trend.az ]

Qatar emir denies funding Syria extremists

“If you talk about certain movements, especially in Syria and Iraq, we all consider them terrorist movement,” he added.

“But there are differences. There are differences that some countries and some people [believe] that any group which comes from Islamic background are terrorists. And we don’t accept that,” he said.

26.09.2014 - 10:26 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Shocking! 6.3million Greeks live in poverty or are at risk of poverty

It was high time that the real data of the economic situation of the Greek society come to the surface! 2.5 million Greeks live below the line of relative poverty and another 3.8million people are at risk of poverty! A total of 6.3million people, which means more than half of Greece’s population of 10million. Reasons are “material deprivation and unemployment”. The report based on date of household incomes and living conditions was drafted by the State Budget Office of the Greek

26.09.2014 - 10:22 [ Nachrichten.at ]

IS: Deutsche Ausbilder und Waffen im Nordirak eingetroffen

Kurden-Präsident Massoud Barzani forderte nach einem Treffen mit von der Leyen noch mehr und modernere Waffen von der internationalen Gemeinschaft. Barzani sagte, dass „die Qualität der Waffen und die Anzahl der Waffen“ noch besser sein könne. Er fügte hinzu: „Es ist nicht nur unser Krieg. Wir kämpfen im Namen aller in der Welt gegen die Terroristen.“

26.09.2014 - 10:16 [ trend.az ]

Caspian Five to meet Sept. 28 to finalize statement

Foreign ministers of Russia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan („Caspian Five“) will meet Sept. 28 in Astrakhan to finalize the policy statement of the Caspian summit, the Russian President Vladimir Putin’s assistant Yury Ushakov said Sept.26, RIA Novosti reported.

26.09.2014 - 07:12 [ Techdirt ]

Obama Administration Learns: If You Redefine Every Word In The Dictionary, You Can Get Away With Just About Anything

We‘ve written before about how the NSA uses its own definitions of some fairly basic English words, in order to pretend to have the authority to do things it probably… doesn‘t really have authority to do. It‘s become clear that this powergrab-by-redefinition is not unique to the NSA when it comes to the executive branch of the government. Earlier this year, we also wrote about the stunning steady redefinition of words within the infamous „Authorization to Use Military Force“ (AUMF) that was passed by Congress immediately after September 11, 2001. It officially let the President use „all necessary and appropriate force“ against those who „planned, authorized, committed or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001.“ But, over time, the AUMF was being used to justify efforts against folks who had nothing to do with September 11th, leading to this neat sleight of hand in which the military started pretending that the AUMF also applied to „associated forces.“ That phrase appears nowhere in the AUMF, but it‘s a phrase that is regularly repeated and claimed by the administration and the military.

26.09.2014 - 07:09 [ Techdirt ]

Journalists Attack Obama Administration For Being Ridiculously Secretive And Vindictive

Earlier this year, then NY Times Executive Editor Jill Abramson called out the Obama administration for being the most secretive in history, despite the claims of Obama himself that his would be „the most transparent administration in history.“ Not only has this administration used the Espionage Act to go after whistleblowers more times than every other administration in history combined, it‘s currently fighting a legal battle to put NYT journalist Jim Risen in jail for refusing to reveal a source. It‘s also denied more FOIA requests than any other administration in history. The White House has ridiculously tried to defend its „most transparent in history“ claims by pointing to the fact that unlike previous administrations, this one releases visitor logs. Whoop. De. Doo.

26.09.2014 - 07:09 [ USA Today ]

Holder renews call for civilian terror trials

(1. April 2014) „The system is both tried and tested,“ Holder said in New York where Abu Ghaith last week was the most senior member of the terrorist organization to be tried and convicted in the U.S. „Its strength is founded on more than two centuries of rigorous precedent and deep experience.

26.09.2014 - 07:08 [ Washington Post ]

Holder says his plan to try 9/11 suspects in civilian court in New York was right one

(4. November 2013) He had to reverse course after being criticized by political leaders in New York and a bipartisan group of lawmakers in Congress, who said a trial on U.S. soil carried too many security risks and costs.

Although the Obama administration backed down and returned the case to the Defense Department, Holder has always said he believes that it would have been the better legal path to try Mohammed and the others in civilian court.