Daily Archives: 24. September 2014

24.09.2014 - 17:17 [ r. Willie Soon, Christopher Monckton of Brenchley / Watts Up With That? ]

It’s time to stop the climate scare stories

India Prime Minister Narendra Modi sensibly refuses to attend yet another climate summit – this one called by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon in New York for September 23, under the auspices of the United Nations, which profits handsomely from the much-exaggerated climate scare.

24.09.2014 - 17:16 [ Mondo Weiss ]

US elites are vulnerable to donor pressure on Israel question

Several recent articles have highlighted the importance of pro-Israel donors in influencing the political discourse at universities, in synagogues, and in U.S. elections. Two pro-Palestinian voices have lost their jobs at campuses in part because of such pressure (Steven Salaita, Bruce Shipman). Here are several stories/incidents that underline the importance of pro-Israel money and even blackmail threats. I’m ranging over several years, but the pattern is clear; and as Lawrence Davidson points out near the end of these items, elites are particularly vulnerable to donor pressure, and elites are crucial to the lobby because Israel has lost the grass-roots. In fact, the battle is now raging inside elite opinion, which makes donors crucial.

24.09.2014 - 17:15 [ Techdirt ]

FUD: Former FBI Guy Lies, Claiming New Mobile Encryption Would Have Resulted In Dead Kidnap Suspect

Yesterday, we wrote about law enforcement freaking out over the announcements from both Apple and Google that they‘d start encrypting phones by default, better protecting data on those phones from anyone who wants it — whether government/law enforcement or hackers. We noted, oddly, that former FBI guy Ronald Hosko had showed up in articles in both the Washington Post and the WSJ spewing a bunch of FUD about it. In the WSJ:

24.09.2014 - 14:30 [ Mondo Weiss ]

West Bank settlers exporting dates labelled as ‘Made in Palestine’

Along one of the roads in the city of Ariha in the north of the occupied West Bank, merchants Khaldoun and Hassan regularly receive 30 tons of dates produced in the neighbouring Israeli agricultural settlements, in preparation for their transfer to one of the packaging factories built on the outskirts of the city, Anadolu news agency reported. Inside the factory, about 13 miners are working on “screening” the dates and repackaging them in bags that read “dates of the Holy Land” in both Arabic and English and “Made in Palestine” in order to market them locally, in the Arab states and in Europe.

24.09.2014 - 14:26 [ Techdirt ]

Is The UK Government Trying To Sneak Through Its Own Corporate Sovereignty Rules?

As their name suggests, corporate sovereignty chapters in trade deals are problematic in part because they place corporations on the same level as nations, allowing the former to sue the latter in special tribunals outside national courts. What‘s particularly troubling is that companies are now claiming that basic democratic functions, like passing laws promoting health, should be considered a form of „expropriation“, because future corporate profits are reduced. That effectively turns investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) into a downward regulatory ratchet that makes it very difficult — or at least very expensive — to bring in any new regulations that reduce profits for some business sector.

24.09.2014 - 12:47 [ PressTV ]

Yemen deal vital for national consensus: Iran SNSC

A landmark peace deal between the Yemeni government and Ansarullah fighters will be instrumental in the establishment of national consensus in the country, the secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) says.

24.09.2014 - 12:42 [ ceiberweiber.at ]

Wie frei ist Österreich?

Auf den ersten Blick mag das Thema der Parlaments-Sondersitzung wie „Kraut und Rüben“ wirken, so eine Kritik. Das Team Stronach wollte jedoch von der Bundesregierung wissen, ob Österreich frei oder fremdbestimmt ist. Als Beispiel dafür wurden die Verhandlungen zum TTIP, die Sanktionen gegen Russland und die Brüssler Bürokratie genannt.

24.09.2014 - 10:54 [ Spiegel ]

Uno-Resolution gegen „Foreign Fighters“: Obama präsentiert Schlachtplan gegen Terror-Reisende

In der zentralen Passage des US-Entwurfs für die Resolution, die SPIEGEL ONLINE vorliegt, heißt es: Jede Nation solle die Rekrutierung, den Transport oder die Ausrüstung von Einzelpersonen verhindern, die „mit dem Ziel in ein anderes Land reisen, terroristische Akte zu begehen oder terroristisches Training anzubieten oder zu absolvieren“.

24.09.2014 - 08:14 [ Ceiberweiber ]

Obamas Terrorkrieg und Österreichs Neutralität

„Wir sind bei allem dabei, was die USA tun, aber halt ohne Waffen, weil wir neutral sind“ – so kann man die Haltung der österreichischen Bundesregierung in einem Satz ausdrücken. Dies führt nicht nur Bundeskanzler Werner Faymann vor, wenn er Reden hält, sondern auch Außenminister Sebastian Kurz, der gerade in den USA weilt. Somit unterstützt Österreich Sanktionen gegen Russland „wegen der Souveränität der Ukraine“ und ist mit von der Partie (ohne Waffen), wenn die USA die Souveränität Syriens verletzen.

24.09.2014 - 08:13 [ Babylon Kino Berlin ]

Die Reise des Akkordeon

Mi, 1.10. 20:30 Uhr
D / Kolumbien 2014, R: Andrew Tucker & Rey Sagbini, digital, 80 Min, OmU
Premiere mit Gästen. In Kooperation mit Basis-Filme & dem Instituto Cervantes

24.09.2014 - 08:11 [ Foem ]

G’Culture ‘Ciao Ciao’ Remix Competition

Create a remix for G’Culture from Munich.
Win a release on Unicade Music.
Contest deadline is October 19, 2014.

24.09.2014 - 08:10 [ Golem ]

Deutsche Telekom: Umstellung auf VoIP oder Kündigung

Die Telekom stellt die Inhaber von Festnetzanschlüssen vor die Entscheidung, auf VoIP umzustellen oder gekündigt zu werden. Einer Verbraucherzentrale liegen Schreiben an die Kunden dazu vor.

24.09.2014 - 06:44 [ Sydney Morning Herald ]

Syrian air strikes get mixed reaction internationally

The US moved quickly to justify the aerial attacks as legal. The US ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, told Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in a letter that such attacks were permitted under a fundamental principle in the UN Charter that gives countries the right to defend themselves, including using force on another country‘s territory when that country is unwilling or unable to address it.

„The Syrian regime has shown that it cannot and will not confront these safe havens effectively itself,“ the letter states.

24.09.2014 - 06:36 [ Barbara Lee, Abgeordnete des U.S. Repräsentantenhauses ]

Congresswoman Lee Releases Statement on U.S. Airstrikes in Syria

I have called and will continue to call for a full congressional debate and vote on any military action, as required by the Constitution. The American people deserve a public debate on all the options to dismantle ISIS, including their costs and consequences to our national security and domestic priorities.

The rapid escalation of another war in the Middle East underscores the danger of the blank check for endless war passed by Congress in 2001. I could not support this blank check for endless war or the 2002 blank check for war in Iraq. I have introduced legislation to repeal the 2001 and 2002 authorizations for the use of military force and continue to build bipartisan support for their repeal.

There is no military solution to the crisis in Iraq and Syria. In fact, continued U.S. military action will result in unintended consequences. We must remember the roots of ISIS – President Bush’s ill-begotten war.

24.09.2014 - 06:21 [ ap ]

Syria vote isn‘t last word from Congress on war

Congressional authorization for military action is „long overdue,“ said Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, the No. 2 Senate Democrat and the most senior member of Congress to question Obama‘s legal basis for intervening in the Middle East. „We are living on borrowed time, and we are traveling on vapors.“

24.09.2014 - 06:19 [ Techdirt ]

Law Enforcement Freaks Out Over Apple & Google‘s Decision To Encrypt Phone Info By Default

Last week, we noted that it was good news to see both Apple and Google highlight plans to encrypt certain phone information by default on new versions of their mobile operating systems, making that information no longer obtainable by those companies and, by extension, governments and law enforcement showing up with warrants and court orders. Having giant tech companies competing on how well they protect your privacy? That‘s new… and awesome. Except, of course, if you‘re law enforcement. In those cases, these announcements are apparently cause for a general freakout about how we‘re all going to die.

24.09.2014 - 06:11 [ Progressive.org ]

John Kerry Fronts for Illegal War

(18. September) At his testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee on Wednesday, Secretary of State John Kerry used two weak arguments to justify President Obama’s war-making in Iraq and potentially in Syria.

First, he said the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), which Congress approved right after 9/11, gives the President the right to go after ISIS, even though ISIS had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks and wasn’t even around then.

24.09.2014 - 06:10 [ NBC ]

Top Dem Says Another Big ISIS Vote is Coming After Midterms

(18. September) Congress is about to vote to authorize President Barack Obama’s plan to arm the Syrian rebels, but a top Democrat says a broader vote to greenlight the military fight against ISIS is coming after the November elections. Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois told reporters Thursday that the Senate plans to craft, debate and vote on a new authorization to use military force (AUMF) when Congress returns from its recess. “I think it’s long overdue,” he said.

24.09.2014 - 06:09 [ Techdirt ]

Two Top Intelligence Officials, Both Of Whom Admitted To Lying In The Past, Now Try To Rewrite History And Deny The Lies

Apparently the US intelligence community has decided that they should start trying to totally rewrite the history of two of its top officials directly lying to Congress. First up: Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper. This lie is the famous one, in which while testifying before Congress, Senator Ron Wyden engaged in this exchange:

Wyden: Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?

Clapper: No sir.

Wyden: It does not?

Clapper: Not wittingly.

24.09.2014 - 03:48 [ got-djent ]

Clément Belio: new album ‚Contrast‘ released

If the instrument you play truly defines the way you write a song, why not consider playing more than one instrument ?

24.09.2014 - 03:05 [ Resident Advisor ]

The online underground: A new kind of punk?

There are of course qualitative drawbacks to self-releasing. Artists tend to release before they‘ve hit their stride, they can be discouragingly prolific and impulsive, and they may not know when to edit themselves. And, putting the wilder forms of creative relativism to one side, their work can often suffer from poor technique: dodgy mixing or mastering, for example, or what I call „timestretchmarks.“ These were all precisely the sorts of problems that ‘80s indie reviewers complained about when faced with home-recorded cassettes. But the problem lies with what „good music“ is, and whether you‘d rather have „good“ music or new and interesting music. Perhaps for many listeners they‘re the same thing. But musical invention comes from places that don‘t have excessive quality control, from accident and necessity rather than pre-conceived ideas of superior technique. „Good music,“ since it lives and dies through comparison to these pre-established norms, won‘t suit those hungering for another world.

24.09.2014 - 00:56 [ The Vineyard of Saker ]

Why Ukraine Will Never Retake Crimea

The Ukrainian Defense Minister Valerii Geletei is hardly a credible figure.

Not only did he recently declare that Russia had threatened the Ukraine with nuclear strikes, he even told a Ukrainian journalist that Russia had already executed two tactical nuclear strikes on the city of Lugansk (apparently to explain why the Ukrainian forces had to retreat from there). The Junta later denied the story and blamed it on the journalist who first published it.