Jenseits der Frage, ob das transatlantische Bündnis tatsächlich an Bedeutung verlieren wird – in Berlin werden Stimmen laut, dies müsse unbedingt verhindert werden -, ist der einstweilige Gewinner der Schwächung Großbritanniens Deutschland.
Daily Archives: 21. September 2014
Yemeni Presidency denies resignation of PM Bassindwa
Yemeni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi has not so far received the resignation of Prime Minister Mohammed Salem Bassindwa, a presidential statement said Sunday.
The government is still doing its duties until the resignation is officially submitted for the president to take a proper decision according to the legal measures.
The statement expressed surprise at the earlier media reports in this connection.
Yemen deal signed after Shiite rebels seize govt, PM quits
„A national peace and partnership agreement based on the outcomes of the national dialogue conference was signed this evening at the presidential palace“ in Sanaa, state news agency Saba reported.
Deutschland-Analyse des Auswärtigen Amtes: ‚Deutschland ist in fast jeder Hinsicht ein autoritäres Land‘.
Wer die Folgen des autoritären Staates zu tragen hat? Jene, die zugunsten der “Elite” ihr Leben auf einem absolut kostenminimierten Existenzenniveau bewältigen müssen: die Arbeitslosen, zumeist kranke, alte und behinderte Menschen, die in Folge eines gnadenlosen Selektionsprozess der deutschen Wirtschaft (also: der Profiteure des Systems) aussortiert wurden.
Unser Protest wirkt: CETA – Kein Abschluss der Verhandlungen auf EU-Kanada-Gipfel
“Wer das vorliegende CETA-Abkommen mit den Anforderungen abgleicht, die DGB und SPD aufgestellt haben, wird feststellen: Gabriel kann CETA nicht mehr zustimmen. Dies betrifft nicht nur die Investoren-Schiedsgerichte, sondern auch die öffentliche Daseinsvorsorge und die Liberalisierung von Dienstleistungen.”
Politiker als Berater: Die Bundestag Consulting Group
Viele Abgeordnete des Bundestags arbeiten nebenbei als Berater. Wer ihre Kunden sind, verraten sie noch immer ungern – und müssen das auch nicht, dank eines Schlupflochs in den Verhaltensregeln.
Neue Austritte zehren an den Piraten
Es bestehe daher »die potenzielle Gefahr einer weiteren Destabilisierung der Partei« und die Gefahr, dass die Piraten »sich selbst in der Marginalität und einem politischen Sektierertum zu versenken«.
Neocons Grow Frantic over Iran Progress
In anticipating any such regional changes, it is important to distinguish actual interests and likely post-agreement behavior from what regimes may say disingenuously for effect today.
This is most obviously the case with Israel, where smart people concerned about a possible Iranian nuclear weapon realize that the object of their concern is much less likely to materialize with an agreement than without one, but where the right-wing government is doing everything it can to kill a deal in order to keep Iran in the international doghouse, suppress it as a competitor for regional influence and U.S. attention, and retain it as an all-purpose bogeyman to distract attention from things the Israeli government would rather not talk about.
Sanction-Drunk West Forgets to Target ISIS Sponsors
American and European hypocrisy so stark undermines the legitimacy of both their governments and institutions as well as their agenda domestically and abroad. Condemning and leveling sanctions against Russia for allegedly doing in Ukraine what the West is openly doing in Syria and Iraq with its own immense proxy army leaves the global audience to decide between Russia managing a crisis on its borders and a West meddling thousands of miles from its borders.
Slain officer in Cairo blast ‚was witness in Morsi trial‘
One of three policemen who was killed in an explosion in Cairo earlier Sunday was a prosecution witness in the trial of ousted Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi and dozens others charged with breaking out of jail in 2011, a judicial source said.
Unsichtbar wird der Wahnsinn, wenn er genügend große Ausmaße angenommen hat. – Bertolt Brecht
U.S.-Bundesberufungsgericht: S.W.A.T.-Razzia zur Überprüfung der Shop-Lizenz rechtswidrig
Tag für Tag ereignen sich in den U.S.A. Übergriffe mit Rollkommandos ohne angeordnete richterliche Durchsuchungsbefehle gegen die Zivilbevölkerung. Die Tendenz steigt, dabei von den Polizeibehörden ohne Anlass erschossen zu werden.
Washington will Fortsetzung seines 13-jährigen Terrorkrieges von Vereinten Nationen absegnen lassen
Am 24. September wird U.S.-Präsident Barack Obama ein “Gipfeltreffen” des Sicherheitsrates der Vereinten Nationen führen und eine Rede in deren Allgemeiner Versammlung halten. Thema wird eine Fortsetzung des nach dem 11. September 2001 begonnenen weltweiten Terrorkrieges des Imperiums der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und seiner “Alliierten” sein, diesmal gegen einen mit den eigenen Waffen bestens ausgestatteten “Islamischen Staat” und einem unter wildem Schattenboxen mit sich selber vollzogenen neuen Anlauf zur Syrien-Invasion.
Ein potentieller Störfaktor für diese geostrategischen Pläne wurde bereits vor einem Jahr bis heute faktisch außer Funktion gesetzt: die Berliner Republik.
Erinnert ihr euch noch an die massiven Funkzellenabfragen in Sachsen vor ein paar Jahren? Ja?
Nun, dabei ging es darum, die „Antifa-Sportgruppe“ zu finden, die angeblich heimlich still und leise Jagd auf Neonazis macht.
Jetzt hat sich herausgestellt: Die gab es nie.
@CNN asks ‘Why worry about ISIS when the danger of Climate Change is so much more clear and imminent? ‘
That is the gist of a story today at CNN by Sally Kohn titled:
Families of German MH17 victims to sue Ukraine: lawyer
Survivors of German victims of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 downed over Ukraine plan to sue the country and its president for manslaughter by negligence in 298 cases, the lawyer representing them said on Sunday.
French and German visions for Europe to clash in Berlin
„We have no interest in humiliating the French,“ said one German official who requested anonymity.
15,000 police launch major operation in Istanbul
Police also took criminal action against 397 people in terms of the law on misdemeanors, and against 1,432 drivers for traffic crimes.
Seven stolen cars were also seized, while 281 drivers were disqualified from driving.
Administrative sanctions were also issued on 162 workplaces, and fines worth a total of 657,891 Turkish Liras were handed out during the operation.
Russian inspectors to make Open Skies flight over US
A group of inspectors will begin a monitoring flight by observation aircraft Tu-154M Lk-1 over the United States under the International Open Skies Treaty, the acting head of the Russian National Centre for Reduction of Nuclear Danger told Itar-Tass.
“An observation flight at a maximum distance of up to 4,900 kilometres will be made from September 21 to 29 from the Open Skies airfield Wright-Patterson, Ohio,” Ruslan Shishin said.
Please share this. Make it viral. Get this on the news. ALL of the tweets & facts we exposed in one PLACE here
St. Louis Police Academy Promotes ‘Highly Entertaining’ Course On Michael Brown Shooting
Learning about how to manipulate the media after a police officer shoots someone can be a blast, according to a flier produced by the academy promoting the course.”The training is also highly entertaining,” the flier says, “You will learn a lot, and you’ll have fun doing it!”
Russian, Japanese leaders discuss on phone situation in Ukraine – Kremlin
“The leaders discussed key issues of the Russian-Japanese relations and exchanged views on the current international agenda, including the situation in Ukraine,” the press service said. “They have agreed to continue bilateral contacts at various levels.”
Wie Unternehmen die Parteien unerkannt mit Millionen sponsern
Die Zauberformel lautet: Politsponsoring. Auf diskretem Wege lassen sich so Millionen aus der Wirtschaft auf Parteikonten transferieren, ohne dass es die Öffentlichkeit mitbekommt.
Chinesische Kriegsflotte wirft Anker im Persischen Golf
Am Morgen des 20.September 2014 trafen Kriegsschiffe der chinesischen Armee in der Hafenstadt Bandar Abbas in der Strasse von Hormus im Iran ein.
Gemeinsam mit der iranischen Marine sind Seemanöver geplant.
F-22 fighters intercept Russian military planes 55 miles off Alaska
They did not enter sovereign airspace of the United States or Canada.
Jazdyk said the fighter jets were scrambled “basically to let those aircraft know that we see them, and in case of a threat, to let them know we are there to protect our sovereign airspace.”
Mikdad: Failure of enemies of Syria to achieve their goals pushed them to reconsider their stances
In an article published by the Lebanese al-Binaa newspaper on Saturday, Mikdad said that the flagrant interference of the western countries and their tools in Syria’s internal affairs and their attempt to change the standing national regime in it, following their success in other Arab countries in the frame of what they called the “Arab Spring” , is the “origin of the plight”.
“There are two top priorities to solve the crisis in Syria; countering terrorism and achieving further national reconciliations, Mikdad said, pointing out that countering terrorism necessitates that all countries including Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and the Western countries to stop financing , arming, harboring and facilitating the coming of the terrorist organizations to Syria and Iraq.
US-Luftschläge gegen IS in Syrien? – Moskau äußert Besorgnis
Eine internationale Antiterroroperation darf entweder mit Zustimmung der souveränen Staaten, oder gemäß einer Sanktion des Uno-Sicherheitsrates unternommen werden, betonte er am Freitag in einer Sitzung des Sicherheitsrates, in der die Situation im Irak behandelt wurde. „Sonstige Varianten betrachten wir als gesetzwidrig und als eine Verletzung der internationalen und regionalen Stabilität.“
US thanks France, Saudi Arabia for support in Isil fight
Saudi ambassador says Isil and Bashar Al Assad regime are ‘two sides of the same coin’
Gespräche über Waffenruhe in Ukraine: Moskau sieht „Söldner“ auf beiden Seiten
Russlands Botschafter in Kiew, Michail Surabow, der Moskau bei den Verhandlungen der Kontaktgruppe für die Regelung des Ukraine-Konflikts in Minsk vertritt, sieht Söldner auf beiden Seiten des Konflikts.
„Unsere Kollegen haben bereits mehrmals Fakten angeführt, wonach jene, die wir als Söldner bezeichnen, sowohl auf der einen, als auch auf der anderen Seite präsent sind“
Putin reagiert
An der Wurzel des Konflikts liegt die NATO-Osterweiterung, Kernpunkt einer umfassenden Strategie, die Ukraine aus der russischen Einflusssphäre zu holen und in den Westen einzubinden. Dazu kamen die EU-Osterweiterung und die Unterstützung der Demokratiebewegung in der Ukraine durch den Westen, beginnend mit der Orangenen Revolution 2004.
First details emerging of Turkey’s rescue of 49 hostages from ISIL
No ransom was paid to ISIL and no swap was made by Turkey for the release of hostages. One official source said ISIL might have “not wanted to get into a clash with Turkey.” Yet there are indications of a kind of false flag, or deception operation by MİT. (…)
The moves of the ISIL terrorists while moving the hostages have been traced using electronic intelligence, signal intelligence and through agents in the field.
Germany Pushes for International Support in Fight Against Islamic State
(18. September) Germany is launching a diplomatic push in support of U.S.-led efforts to build an international alliance against the Islamic State insurgency in Syria and Iraq.
The government will host a conference for Iraq and Syria‘s neighboring states in the German capital on Oct. 28 to discuss the security situation in the Middle East, Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said Thursday.
Läuft es innenpolitisch nicht gut? Dann hilft zuverlässig ein Krieg, am besten Luftschläge gegen irgendwelche Islamisten weit weg.
(19. September) Hollande will jetzt im Irak Islamisten bombardieren.
Hamas is just as bad as ISIS and worse than Boko Haram — Israeli government propaganda
In late July while Israel’s 50-day offensive Operation Protective Edge was in its final weeks, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-hand man met with a group of journalists in Jerusalem. Tensions were at a peak; the ground invasion had just ended and the air campaign was at an unstable pause. The Israeli Minister of Intelligence Yuval Steinitz was about to give the first political strategy briefing on what the Jewish state would want for the future of Gaza, what it would go on to lobby for in truce talks once reconvened in Cairo.
Turkey Embraces ISIL, Its FM Says War Must Be against Assad Regime
Well-informed sources assert that as Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Bahrain are unable to launch a land war against ISIL, the US will certainly impose on Turkey to play a vital military role in the upcoming encounter.
Leb. Army Kills 11 Nusra Militants on Arsal Barrens, Arrests Two Terrorists
The Lebanese Army on Saturday shelled heavily the terrorists‘ sites and gatherings on Arsal barrens, inflicting heavy losses upon them, according to Al-Manar reporter.
The Syrian opposing Observatory reported that 11 Nusra militants were killed on Arsal barrens by the Lebanese Army‘s shelling.
Israeli navy shoots 70-year-old Palestinian fisherman on beach
Israeli naval forces opened fire off the coast of northern Gaza late Wednesday, injuring a Palestinian fisherman on a beach, locals said. Yousef Zayif, 70, was hit by live fire while waiting for his sons on the shore near al-Sudaniya. Medics said he was moderately wounded. An Israeli army spokeswoman said she was looking into the incident. On Sunday, an Israeli warship opened fire at Palestinian fishermen off the coast of Gaza City’s al-Shati refugee camp, the speaker of the Union of Gaza Fishermen said. Nizar Ayyash told Ma‘an that Israeli gunboats “have been firing at fishermen every day since the ceasefire agreement was signed.”
Climate Craziness of the Week: White House fence jumper was “concerned that the atmosphere was collapsing” and wanted to alert the president
Secret Service spokesman Brian Leary identified the fence-jumper as Omar J. Gonzalez, 42, of Copperas Cove, Texas. According to court documents, he was carrying a folding knife with a 3.5-inch serrated blade. (…)
Margarita O’Donnell, a lawyer representing Gonzalez at a court appearance today, said he served 18 years in the military, including three tours in Iraq, and reported living in the Washington area for about three months.
Kerry: U.S. a complete partner in Azerbaijan’s efforts to develop its energy resources
The letter was addressed to the participants of the ceremony marking the 20th anniversary of the Contract of the Century and groundbreaking of the Southern Gas Corridor held in Baku, Azerbaijan.
The letter was read by the U.S. State Department Representative Amos Hochstein.
President Ilham Aliyev received a delegation led by Special Envoy of U.S. Department of State
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has received a delegation led by Acting Special Envoy and Coordinator for International Energy Affairs of the U.S. Department of State Amos Hochstein.
USA Army Secretary arrived in Tbilisi
USA army secretary John McHugh has today arrived in Georgia. During the visit the minister will be in the Academy of National Defense of Georgia in Gori and meet Georgian Defense Minister Irakli Alasania, USA embassy in Tbilisi told Trend.
The sides will discuss providing regional security issues and help to Georgia on the way of NATO integration.
Analysis: Southern Gas Corridor. Azerbaijan rediscovers way from Caspian Sea to Europe
An event of global significance has occurred in Azerbaijan today. The implementation of one of the most ambitious modern projects „Southern Gas Corridor“ was launched.
Symbolically, the foundation of the project for the delivery of Caspian gas via Georgia and Turkey to Europe was laid in Baku on September 20, the twentieth anniversary of signing the so-called „Contract of the Century“ (a project of developing the „Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli“ block of fields).
5 Video Clips from Germany Vol. 1
Deine Partys sind furchtbar. Es ist nicht zu fassen.
Italian military to grow marijuana
Italy is to grow medical marijuana to make it easily available to the sick but it will be grown at a secure military lab.
Haruna Ishola-Sule Tapa/Abudu Benson
apala music
The Isil Strategy
Michael Ramirez Cartoon
Aktionstag gegen Schikane in Jobcentern
„Sie verlassen den grundgesetzlich geschützten Raum und betreten das Jobcenter“ stand auf einem Transparent von Tacheles, einer Erwerbsloseninitiative aus Wuppertal. Es war Teil einer Protestaktion, um auf die teils unhaltbaren Zustände im Jobcenter aufmerksam zu machen und auf die für Ende des Jahres geplanten weiteren Verschärfungen des SGB II-Leistungsrecht hinzuweisen. Gleichzeitig war sie der Auftakt für bundesweite Protestaktionen, die bis Anfang Oktober 2014 vor den Jobcentern stattfinden sollen.
Ottawa admits to tracking hundreds of protests
Newly released documents show about 800 public demonstrations and events were observed and reported on by government departments and law enforcement agencies since 2006.
List of Protests that Federal Government is Tracking Released
The list shows the date of the event, a short summary of the event and the source doing the tracking which includes several Federal departments, the RCMP and media articles.
U.S. releases 14 Pakistani prisoners from Bagram
One of the released detainees is 29 year-old Abdul Halim Saifullah, who was reportedly missing in 2005 after sending his father to a clinic in Karachi. Later in 2006, the ICRC informed Saifullah‘s family that he was being held at Bagram. Saifullah was detained in Bagram for 9 years without trial or access to a lawyer.
Afghan presidential runners reach deal on creation of unity gov‘t
Afghan presidential candidates Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai and Abdullah Abdullah on Saturday agreed to sign an deal on creation of national unity government, ending a weeks-long political deadlock, reported local media.
Air France pilots extend strike to September 26
This is one of the longest strikes at Air France in several years. It reflects larger challenges for Europe’s airlines and European economies trying to maintain generous worker protections while allowing companies to adapt to evolving markets.
Morlaix: des légumiers mettent le feu au centre des impôts
Toute l‘actualité sur Coup de force des agriculteurs vendredi soir à Morlaix. Plusieurs centaines de producteurs de légumes ont mis le feu au centre des impôts de la ville et à la mutualité sociale agricole. L’incendie a fait de très gros dégâts. Les agriculteurs entendent dénoncer ainsi les contraintes fiscales et administratives qui pèsent sur eux.
PM calls for French farmers to be prosecuted for fire protest
Some 100 protesters arrived on tractors to ransack and set fire to the MSA agricultural mutual insurance building before going on to burn the local tax office, said Jean-Luc Videlaine, prefect of the Finistère region of Brittany, in comments to Reuters.
KURZNACHRICHT: Russland lehnt die Bitte Novorossijas, der Russischen Föderation beizutreten, ab
Gerade erhalte ich über diese Nachricht, von der ich heute nirgends den Hauch einer Andeutung gelesen habe. Es ist wohl so, wie Eric Zuesse schreibt, dass „diese wichtige Erklärung von dem Rebellenführer Andrei Purgin am Mittwoch, dem 17. September mitten in einer AP-Nachricht begraben war, die sich mit „Opfern in der Ostukraine“ beschäftigte.“