Daily Archives: 12. September 2014

12.09.2014 - 18:52 [ Radio Utopie ]

DER 11. SEPTEMBER: Duplikat, Drone, Plan

Bereits vor Jahrzehnten entwickelte das Militär der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika den Plan ein eigenes ziviles Passagierflugzeug in der Luft gegen eine unbemannte “Drone” auszutauschen, um es dann selbst abzuschießen. Ebenso wurde der Plan einer “Terrorkampagne” in der eigenen Hauptstadt Washington, sowie die Versenkung eines US-Kriegsschiffes autorisiert. Ziel war es, diese Vorfälle einer feindlichen Macht zu unterstellen, vor der Weltöffentlichkeit das Opfer zu spielen und nachfolgend eine Invasion starten zu können.

Jahr der Entwicklung des Plans: 1962. Zielobjekt: Kuba.

12.09.2014 - 16:37 [ trend.az ]

Azerbaijani defense minister meets representatives of several countries’ armed forces

Azerbaijani Defense Minister, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov received the Chief of the Croatian Armed Forces General Staff Lieutenant General Drago Lovric on Sept. 11 at the Baku Expo Center. (…)
Colonel General Hasanov also received the Chairman of the Pakistani National Engineering and Scientific Commission (NESCOM) Muhammad Irfan Burney, who also arrived in Baku to take part in the ADEX 2014.

12.09.2014 - 16:35 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

Army General Command: Army units assume full control of Helfaya town in Hama countryside

nits of the armed forces in cooperation with national defense forces assumed full control of Helfaya town and the areas surrounding it after restoring security and stability to the towns and villages of Arzeh, Khatab, Khourbet al-Hjameh, Blahssein, al-Qsa’aiyeh, Shar’aya, Tal al-Samsam and the hills to the west of Taybat al-Imam town in the northern countryside of Hama, killing large numbers of terrorists, most of them were non-Syrians and destroying their equipment and vehicles.

12.09.2014 - 14:28 [ sicherheitspolitik-blog ]

(2.9.) …und danke für den Fisch: Weshalb die USA den Umfassenden Kernwaffenteststopp-Vertrag ratifizieren sollten, es aber nicht tun werden

Joshua Keating bringt es auf den Punkt: „The U.S. Will Not Ratify Any Treaty Unless It Has to Do With Fish.”
Solange sich also an den Machtverhältnissen im Senat nichts grundlegend ändert, bleiben die Aussichten für die Ratifikation des Umfassenden Teststopps düster. Schon jetzt sind die Demokraten meilenweit entfernt von einer Zweidrittelmehrheit (zur Erinnerung: 67 Stimmen): Sie stellen 53 Senatoren, die Republikaner 45; dazu kommen noch zwei Unabhängige.

12.09.2014 - 13:41 [ EurekAlert! ]

Researchers inspired by marine life to design camouflage systems

Beyond the invisibility cloak, the work could have applications for military, industry.
The prototype developed by the researchers works in black and white, with shades of gray, but Yu said it could be designed to work in the full color spectrum. Similarly, he said while the prototype is less than one-inch square, it can be easily scaled up for manufacturing.
The flexible skin of the device is comprised of ultrathin layers, combining semiconductor actuators, switching components and light sensors with inorganic reflectors and organic color-changing materials in such a way to allow autonomous matching to background coloration.

12.09.2014 - 13:30 [ youtube ]

shore googleglass 2014

Fraunhofer IIS presents a real-time* face tracker on Google Glass that can read people‘s emotions. At the same time it also estimates age and gender of persons in front of Glass‘ camera.

12.09.2014 - 11:10 [ The Intercept ]

Media Should Be Challenging Arguments for War, Not Baying for Blood

Retired Army Col. Douglas Macgregor, now a military scholar and author, summed up his questions in three words: “Purpose? Method? Endstate?”

He argues that ISIS isn’t the threat some make it out to be, and that it’s only one part of a proxy war against Iran that will continue as long as Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar continue to fund it:

12.09.2014 - 10:58 [ Global Research ]

The Mainstream Media Calls War Criminal Henry Kissinger “the Most Celebrated Foreign-Policy Strategist of our Time”

So let’s talk about Henry Kissinger.

The former national security adviser seems to be everywhere lately. He made an appearance at an event with other former secretaries of state, leading Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank (9/3/14) to call him “the most celebrated foreign-policy strategist of our time,” and to note that of those gathered, “the wisest, as usual, was Kissinger.”

12.09.2014 - 10:51 [ Daily Beast ]

John Kerry Says U.S. Is Not at War With ISIS Because Words Have No Meaning

Meanwhile, when Yahoo! News’ Olivier Knox asked White House press secretary Josh Earnest, “What does victory look like here?” in the fight against ISIS, he replied: “I didn’t bring my Webster’s dictionary with me up here.” And on Wednesday, a senior administration official told reporters that Saudi Arabia is an important partner in combating the threat from ISIS because the country “has an extensive border with Syria.” (It really, really does not.)

12.09.2014 - 10:43 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Report: Jordan to provide logistical support, training to Iraqis

Jordan said it would also open its airspace to Western aircraft headed to strike specific targets in Iraq and possibly Syria.

Meanwhile, thousands of miles away in Denver, Colorado, Prince Feisal Bin Al-Hussein of Jordan promised his country would back the US in its attempt to rally the world behind a military campaign to ward off IS.

12.09.2014 - 10:34 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Das Ende einer Epoche (I)


Die Aufrüstung der irakisch-kurdischen Streitkräfte durch die Bundesrepublik, die die deutschen Militärs in Erbil begleiten, hat mittlerweile begonnen. Sie soll überwiegend über den Flughafen Leipzig/Halle abgewickelt werden, über den bereits US-Truppen in den Irak-Krieg geflogen wurden.[7] Die Transporte werden auch mit Hilfe des ukrainisch-russischen Joint Ventures „Ruslan Salis“ abgewickelt, das seit 2006 militärische Transportflüge für die EU und die NATO durchführt; seine Tätigkeit wird durch den Konflikt mit Russland nicht eingeschränkt.[8] Das Volumen der Rüstungsausfuhr (german-foreign-policy.com dokumentiert die Lieferpläne hier) veranlasst Berliner Regierungsberater inzwischen, eine ausführliche Debatte über die Mittelostpolitik zu fordern. Die deutschen Waffen würden absehbar dazu beitragen, „das Machtgefüge in der Region zu verändern“ – und „darüber müsste zumindest diskutiert werden“, erklärt Markus Kaim von der „Forschungsgruppe Sicherheitspolitik“ der „Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik“ (SWP): Man müsse umgehend klären, „was unsere politische Ordnungsvorstellung für diese Region ist“.[9]

12.09.2014 - 10:30 [ RT ]

Debt-ridden Spain to spend €1mn on riot gear

„They say they buy this material to control disturbances, but how exactly will it be used?“ posed Amnesty‘s Ángel Gonzalo. „In Greece we have documented how these water cannons, when used a short distance, can provoke severe injuries and commotions.“

The organization is also critical that the new equipment could lead to further crackdowns on Spanish citizens civil rights.

12.09.2014 - 10:28 [ Arutz Sheva ]

Soldiers in Elite Intel Unit Declare ‚Insubordination‘

The soldiers, who include extremist leftist activists, complained that their service to Israel‘s security „harms innocents.“

„There is an idea that serving in the intelligence corps does not include moral dilemmas, and only contributes to the lessening of violence and harm to innocents,“ wrote the insubordinate soldiers in their letter. „But during our military service we learned that the intelligence corps is an inseparable part of the military control of the territories“

12.09.2014 - 09:41 [ All These Days ]

The Work.

In the H2 section of Hebron movement is restricted, street by street, for tens of thousands of Palestinians as settlers slowly take over more land.
Stuck between an urban settlement and various streets that Palestinians are banned from walking on is a family home. There a deaf mother lives with her son who was born with one arm.

A group of, mostly Israeli, volunteers spent the day helping to clean up the yard, which is their only pathway home.

This Israeli soldier on patrol asks what this group is doing. The answer: Helping to clean up.

12.09.2014 - 09:36 [ Privacy SOS ]

NYPD to Muslims: Don‘t try to assert your rights, because if you do, we will undermine them even further

The NYPD has a message for Muslims who even consider asserting their rights by filing suit against the department‘s religiously-motivated, unconstitutional spying: If you sue us to demand your rights, we will try to undermine them even further.

Just Security describes how, in the ACLU‘s Raza v. City of New York, NYPD lawyers are demanding wide ranging access to membership lists and even the private emails of Muslim activists:

12.09.2014 - 09:34 [ Speakeasy Magazine ]

Megan Marzec refuses to apologize for standing with Palestine, Bobcats for Israel arrested

Approximately 11 minutes into the ongoing speech by Bobcats for Israel, a student with a cloth pinned to her shirt that read “Free Palestine” planted her feet firmly on the table and screamed, “I object!” which was immediately echoed by the entire room. “Democracy is for everyone!” she continued, “We will not be bullied!” As the student chanted she was soundly echoed by the entire room.

12.09.2014 - 09:32 [ Athens News ]

Open letter by dozens of OU faculty supports Megan Marzec

To the Editor:

As faculty at Ohio University, we declare our support for Megan Marzec‘s right to hold the views she expressed as well as the manner in which she expressed them in her „Gaza blood-bucket video.“ We are appalled by the death threats and other forms of intimidation that she has faced in response. We are also disappointed in OU administrators and community members who have criticized her act but have not publicly defended her against this violent response.

The invocation of „civility“ in the responses of OU authorities and some members of the community to Marzec also concerns us. Too often, as is recently the case at the University of Illinois and University of California, the invocation of „civility“ functions to silence dissent and debate on issues of current concern.

12.09.2014 - 09:31 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Ohio student leader’s dramatic act for Gaza

(9. September) Gaza continues to resonate on U.S. campuses, and an Ohio student leader who did a dramatic action on behalf of Gaza’s victims has stirred outrage and support. This video, posted by Ali Abunimah two days ago (in a post on the new “civility” rules on campus), shows Megan Marzec, the student senate president at Ohio University, pouring a bucket of fake blood over her head in solidarity with the massacre victims in Gaza.

12.09.2014 - 08:59 [ Ted Cruz / CNN ]

Ted Cruz: How U.S. can stop ISIS

Indeed, this is an opportunity to reverse the destructive policy of the last five years of reaching out and appeasing our enemies while giving our allies the cold shoulder. Instead, we should partner closely with our friends in the region who are already engaged in this fight, notably Israel, Jordan and the Kurds.

This mission must be led by the United States if it is to be done right, and we cannot make the assembling of a coalition a higher priority than the execution of our mission.

12.09.2014 - 07:40 [ Huffington Post ]

Why Obama Should Ask Congress for an ISIS AUMF

(it‘s difficult for even the most clever constitution lawyer to argue that a document justifying the targeting of al Qaeda could be used to target a group that wasn‘t formed until 2004). Only a new authorization could resolve the outstanding questions that legal scholars and lawmakers continue to have on the war powers issue post-9/11.

12.09.2014 - 07:32 [ Robert Chesney / Lawfare ]

The 2001 AUMF: From Associated Forces to (Disassociated) Successor Forces

For the administration to claim, as Marty Lederman reports here, that IS nonetheless remains subject to the 2001 AUMF both because of this past and because IS though now independent in some fashion claims to be the “true inheritor” of “bin Laden’s legacy” (and because AQAP and other AQ associated forces have made ambiguous statements, for whatever reason, applauding IS’s claims and achievements) is just stunning from a legal perspective.

12.09.2014 - 07:14 [ Mondo Weiss ]

The rise of ‘If Not Now’ and the collapse of the pro-Israel consensus

If Not Now quickly became more than just another organization. Much like Occupy Wall Street, If Not Now’s grassroots, social media-savvy messaging has led others around the nation to take up its banner.

“This was a moment, a breaking point where we realized if we don’t do it, nobody’s going to do it,” Yonah Lieberman, a 22-year-old former board member of J Street U, told me while sitting in a Brooklyn coffee shop.

12.09.2014 - 07:10 [ James Petras ]

The US and Global Wars: Empire or Vampire?

To the growing army of critics of US military intervention, who also reject the mendacious claims by American officials and their apologists of ‘world leadership’, Washington is engaged in ‘empire-building”.

But the notion that the US is building an empire, by engaging in wars to exploit and plunder countries’ markets, resources and labor, defies the realities of the past two decades. US wars, including invasions, bombings, occupations, sanctions, coups and clandestine operations have not resulted in the expansion of markets, greater control and exploitation of resources or the ability to exploit cheap labor. Instead US wars have destroyed enterprises, reduced access to raw materials, killed, wounded or displaced productive workers around the world, and limited access to lucrative investment sites and markets via sanctions.

12.09.2014 - 07:06 [ Mondo Weiss ]

ISIS, 9/11, and the terrorism time loop

As we mark another anniversary of the attacks in 2001, it seems as if little has changed. We appear to be caught in a time loop where history keeps repeating itself again and again. If it was al Qaeda in 2001 that represented the pinnacle of all things evil that animated the US invasion of Afghanistan and later Iraq, today its al Qaeda’s evil twin Islamic State that is prompting air strikes in Iraq and upcoming airstrikes on Syria as well. Once again the moral outrage over the killing of innocent Americans, this time two journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, serves to enable the US government to both carry out interventions in the Middle East and justify its domestic counter-terrorism policies.

12.09.2014 - 06:54 [ Sara Roy / Counterpunch ]

A Response to Elie Wiesel

As a child of Holocaust survivors—both my parents survived Auschwitz—I am appalled by your anti-Palestinian position, one I know you have long held. I have always wanted to ask you, why? What crime have Palestinians committed in your eyes? Exposing Israel as an occupier and themselves as its nearly defenseless victims? Resisting a near half century of oppression imposed by Jews and through such resistance forcing us as a people to confront our lost innocence (to which you so tenaciously cling)?