Daily Archives: 22. August 2014

22.08.2014 - 20:22 [ Einar Schlereth ]

Ägypten: Spannungen zwischen Sisi und Geschäftswelt steigen

Er fügte hinzu: „Es gibt viele Fälle von Korruption, die von der Koalition des Ägypten-Fonds bearbeitet werden, um dem Generalstaatsanwalt unterbreitet zu werden, die eine Anzahl von Geschäftsleute betreffen, die sich hartnäckig weigern, für den Fond zu spenden.“ Er meinte außerdem: „Die Resonanz der Geschäftswelt war enttäuschend. Einige von ihnen sollten wissen, dass Spenden an den Fond eine Gelegenheit ist, ihre Chancen zu verbessern, bevor Prozesse wegen finanzieller Korruption eröffnet werden.“

22.08.2014 - 20:08 [ Antikrieg ]

Tiefgehende Gerechtigkeit in Ferguson

Aber Kappeler, der an der juridischen Fakultät lehrt, fährt fort: „Die Ähnlichkeiten zwischen den Sklavenpatrouillen und der modernen amerikanischen Polizei stechen zu sehr ins Auge, als dass man sie abtun oder ignorieren könnte. Demzufolge sollte die Sklavenpatrouille als Vorgänger der modernen amerikanischen Ordnungskräfte betrachtet werden.“

22.08.2014 - 18:57 [ Truthout ]

Police Killing of Yet Another Black Man Near Ferguson Protests Warrants Probe

It is disappointing to see that there has not been more public outrage – especially in the major media – about the killing of Kajieme Powell. He was shot by St. Louis police on Tuesday just a few miles from where Michael Brown was gunned down. A very clear video of the entire incident was released yesterday, and as the Huffington Post accurately reported, it shows a very different story than the one told by St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson the day before.

22.08.2014 - 18:48 [ RT ]

Banksters win again: BoA settlement with US govt allows Wall St fraudsters to ‚act with impunity,‘ critics say

Yet the $7 billion in “relief” is considered a „soft money“ fine, in which the bank will reduce some homeowners‘ mortgages. Very few homeowners are eligible for the refinancing pursuant to the settlement, AP reported. Those who are eligible may need to wait years to see any settlement aid, as payouts will be ongoing through 2018.

Those already in the hole following a lost home due to foreclosure or a short sale – when a lender takes less money for a home than what the borrower owes – are unlikely to benefit from the terms of the settlement.

22.08.2014 - 17:31 [ Standard ]

Katar und Saudi-Arabien als IS-Financiers im Gerede

Kein diplomatisches Blatt vor dem Mund nahm sich am Mittwoch der deutsche Entwicklungsminister Gerd Müller (CSU), als er Katar direkt der Finanzierung des „Islamischen Staats“ bezichtigte. Damit schlug er in die Kerbe des nunmehrigen irakischen Übergangspremiers Nuri al-Maliki, der wiederholt nicht nur das kleine Emirat, sondern auch Saudi-Arabien als Geldgeber der extremistischen sunnitischen Jihadisten benannte.

22.08.2014 - 17:21 [ Mondo Weiss ]

‘We made a mistake. There is a sickness inside our community’ — Jacob Ari Labendz in the synagogue

This is a brilliant speech– not just in its ideas but its subtle manner, its means of entering a Jewish space and forever changing it. The speech avoids the rhetoric of anti-Zionism, but when you hear this speech, you realize that it is Over for the Israel lobby inside the Jewish Diaspora. It is just a matter of time.

22.08.2014 - 17:19 [ Marc H. Ellis / Mondo Weiss ]

Mr. Netanyahu, what is your endgame?

I pose the same question to those in high positions in Jewish institutions in America who enable Israel in the name of the Jewish people everywhere (as you also claim).

What’s your endgame in Gaza?

Then, tell me, what your endgame is in the West Bank and Jerusalem. As leaders you have a strategy – you have to. What is it? Where is it likely to lead us?

You justify everything Israel does. You invoke the Nazis, terrorist Hamas and now ISIS. Jews, indeed the whole world, has heard it all.

Tell us Israel, beyond tomorrow or the next day, what do you have in mind?

22.08.2014 - 17:19 [ Palestinian Information Center ]

Al-Mezan: Gaza death toll hits 2,090 after 46 days of Israeli aggression

At least 2090 Palestinians have been killed in the ongoing Israeli offensive rocking besieged Gaza since July 7, Al-Mezan center for human rights said on Thursday.

The center said in a statement issued Thursday that Al Mezan and sister human rights group documented until August 21, 2014, the killing of 2,090 Palestinians whose names were identified. The total death toll includes 494 children and 287 women.

22.08.2014 - 17:17 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Gaza Night: A series of Horror

Sleeping in Gaza becomes a prosperity due to the continuous Israeli raids day and night from air, sea and ground.

Sleeping becomes our last priority we would care about because death is everywhere. At home we are counting our last minutes and expecting any moment a strike would hit our house or our neighbor’s house.

22.08.2014 - 17:11 [ trend.az ]

Yemenis to continue mass anti-government protests

Houthi insisted that the movement will employ „peaceful, civilized and legitimate means,“ urging President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi and Defense Minister Mohammed Nasser Ahmed to „not fall into the trap of attacking people and protesters.“

On Wednesday, Hadi called for dialogue with Houthis and invited representatives to join a „unity government.“

22.08.2014 - 17:06 [ Techdirt ]

LAPD Officer Says Tragedies Could Be Prevented If Citizens Would Just Shut Up And Do What Cops Tell Them To

In the continuing furor that is Ferguson, Missouri, someone is finally asking, „Won‘t anyone think of the poor police officers?“ Naturally, the person raising this question is a police officer — a 17-year veteran of the Los Angeles Police Department. And the question isn‘t so much being raised as it is being thrown in the reader‘s face.

Sunil Dutta wants to make a point about the difficulties faced by police officers every day. But he does so by boiling down his argument to little more than, „Shut your mouth or I‘ll beat your ass.“ Dutta begins by stating the obvious:

22.08.2014 - 17:06 [ Techdirt ]

Who Needs SOPA? US Court Wipes Sites From The Internet For ‚Infringement‘ Without Even Alerting Sites In Question

TorrentFreak has the exceptionally troubling story of a federal district court in Oregon issuing an incredibly broad and questionable order, effectively wiping a bunch of websites out, without ever letting the websites in question know that they were being „tried“ in court. The request came from ABS-CBN, a giant Filipino entertainment company arguing infringement, of course. But the argument against these sites is somewhat questionable already, made worse by the demand that the whole thing be done under seal (without alerting the site operators). Then Judge Anna Brown granted the temporary restraining order, basically deleting these sites from the internet, without even a sniff of an adversarial hearing.

22.08.2014 - 16:28 [ RiaNovosti ]

Ukraine-Besuch: Merkel trifft sich mit Bürgermeistern mehrerer Städte

Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel will laut Regierungssprecher Steffen Seibert bei ihrem Besuch in Kiew am Samstag mit Bürgermeistern ukrainischer Städte zusammenkommen.
Es handelt sich dabei um die Städte Kiew, Donezk und Lwow, teilte Seibert am Freitag Journalisten mit. Außerdem soll ein Vertreter der Krim-Tataren anwesend sein.

22.08.2014 - 16:14 [ Bandcamp ]

Best of Quantic by Quantic

Quantic Bogota, Colombia
Jazz sensibility with future dancefloor orientated grooves, deep funk, tough drums and tropical rhythms.

22.08.2014 - 15:13 [ ITAR-TASS ]

US blocks Russia-proposed draft resolution — FM

The US decision to block the adoption of a UN Security Council draft resolution on aid to Ukraine leaves no doubt the United States wants to continue the armed confrontation in that country, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Friday, commenting on US decision to block the Russia-proposed draft resolution on relief aid to the population in southeast Ukraine.

On August 21, Russia suggested adopting a UN Security Council Resolution to support the delivery of relief aid to the conflict-hit eastern Ukraine.

22.08.2014 - 14:15 [ ceiberweiber.at ]

Russlands Angebot an Europa

Während davon die Rede ist, was die von den USA der EU und Russland aufoktroyierten Sanktionen auch die europäische Wirtschaft kosten, wird die russische Sichtweise kaum thematisiert. Tatsächlich bietet Russland Europa schon länger an, einen gemeinsamen Wirtschaftsraum von Lissabon bis Wladiwostok zu schaffen.

22.08.2014 - 13:14 [ Junge Welt ]

»Unverständlicher Krieg«

Das ist eine interessante Frage, woher die Granate gekommen ist. Es gibt eine »dritte Seite« – wir nennen sie jetzt so –, die diese Granaten verschießt und die Schuld der einen oder anderen Seite zuschreibt.
Wer ist diese »dritte Seite«?
Ich weiß es noch nicht, ich habe keine entsprechenden Informationen. Wir nennen das, als Arbeitstitel, »dritte Seite«. Besler von den Aufständischen nennt sie so, und die Leute in Donezk sagen es auch. Nach diesen Leuten wird gefahndet, um herauszubekommen, wer diese Saboteure geschickt hat.

22.08.2014 - 12:33 [ Land Destroyer Report ]

Growing Mayhem – US Operating on Both Sides of Syrian-Iraqi Border

As predicted, the „sudden“ appearance of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (ISIS) in northern Iraq weeks ago, has created the rhetorical framework within which the United States and its regional partners will attempt to militarily intervene in both Iraq and Syria. Token US airstrikes have already been underway in Iraq, and it is now revealed that US special operation forces have been operating in Syria, under the guise of attempting to rescue abducted and now slain American journalist, James Wright Foley.

22.08.2014 - 12:28 [ Middle East Monitor ]

Military Expert: Israel is using three internationally banned weapons in Gaza

Safwat Al-Zayat, a retired Brigadier General in the Egyptian Army and an expert in military affairs, told the Anadolu news agency that „Israel‘s use of such internationally banned weapons is a continuation of the approach it adopted in Operation Cast Lead in 2008/2009.“

Al-Zayat added that Israel used Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME), which had already been used in Operation Cast Lead. DIME weapons spread inert metal atoms that penetrate the human body and are difficult to get out of human tissue.

22.08.2014 - 12:26 [ Counterpunch ]

Israel’s Most Important Source of Capital: California

The amount of support of for Israel’s economy originating from Silicon Valley’s private equity firms is especially large. In 2001, during the first year of the Second Intifada, Sequoia Capital Partners, a private equity company headquartered in Menlo Park, raised $150 million to invest in Israeli technology companies. This was Sequoia’s second Israel-focused venture capital fund. Last year Sequoia raised its fifth Israel-dedicated fund, totaling $215 million. Since 1999 Sequoia Capital has injected over $789 million into Israel’s software and electronics industries. Much of this money managed by Sequoia Capital was contributed by California investors, including major tax-exempt institutions like the J. Paul Getty Trust, and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.

22.08.2014 - 12:25 [ Henry Siegman / Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Center ]

Gaza and the Palestinian Struggle for Statehood

Too many Israelis seem to believe they have a God-given right to occupy, suppress, disenfranchise and displace non-Jews—particularly Arabs—in Israel. That right seems to be implied in Prime Minister Netanyahu’s insistence that Palestinians affirm the State of Israel as the historic homeland of the Jewish people.

It is a belief that, by extension, also leads some Israeli Jews to discredit and disenfranchise fellow Israeli Jews on Israel’s political left and NGO humanitarian and civil rights activists who criticize Israel’s behavior as deeply violative of democratic and humanitarian norms. That is why there have been repeated efforts in Israel’s Knesset to outlaw these NGOs.

That belief may also account for the fact that adherents to a Jewish religious tradition that stresses the sanctity of human life and man’s creation in the image of the divine react so callously to the destruction of innocents as Israelis have, 80 to 90 percent of whom approved Israel’s incineration of so many of Gaza’s non-combatant population. It seems not to have occurred to them that this sense of special entitlement that characterizes their behavior resonates an ideology that lead to the Holocaust—even as they invoke the memory of the Holocaust in justification of measures they say are intended to prevent its reoccurrence.

22.08.2014 - 12:24 [ BuzzFeed News ]

Amnesty International Takes “Unprecedented” U.S. Action In Ferguson

Amnesty International has taken “unprecedented” action to deal with the situation in Ferguson, Missouri, by sending resources the human rights group has never before deployed inside the United States.

The organization has been on the ground in Ferguson since Thursday. It sent a 13-person human rights delegation to the city in the wake of the Aug. 9 police shooting death of Michael Brown.

22.08.2014 - 12:22 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Entitled ideology supporting ‘incineration’ of Gaza resonates with Nazi ideology — Siegman

An astonishing piece by Henry Siegman, at the Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Center, goes further than this Jewish leader, who escaped the Holocaust himself, has gone before. Siegman categorically defends the right of resistance for a subject people exposed to the violence of occupiers in occupied lands and says Palestinians may exercise the same right of resistance exercised by Jewish people in the 1940s. He uses the words “Dresden” and “incineration” to describe the destruction of Gaza, and then explicitly likens Netanyahu’s ideology of Jewish exceptionalism to the ideology of the Nazis.

22.08.2014 - 12:21 [ Techdirt ]

Thomson Reuters Thinks Not Responding To Their Email Means You‘ve Freely Licensed All Your Content

So here‘s the question: if we send Thomson Reuters a similar letter, and the company fails to respond, and then we start reposting Reuters stories on Techdirt, how quickly do you think their lawyers would nastygram us?

22.08.2014 - 12:19 [ Mondo Weiss ]

‘The land of goodness turned upside down to the wasteland in 5 minutes’ — Eyewitness to massacre

On July, 20th, 2014, at 6:20 am, Hamed Asheikh Khalil could snatch some sleep for only 10 minutes through which a streak of consternation buckled the place. “I woke up with a distraught shake by the very heavy shelling of the Zionist artillery, F16, and unmanned planes, paving my way down to the staircase which my whole family gathered there as we thought it was the safest place in the house, never imagining that this staircase would be the eyewitness of the ferocious massacre of 7 members of my family,” he desperately said.

22.08.2014 - 12:16 [ Springfield News-Leader ]

Human rights observers question Captain Ron Johnson

Amnesty International observers, who have been deployed for the first time in the U.S. in response to the turmoil here, questioned Missouri State Highway Patrol Captain Ron Johnson Wednesday night.

22.08.2014 - 11:57 [ Global Research ]

‘Only’ American Fighter Within Kiev Forces Dies in Battle in East Ukraine

It appears Paslawsky was a 1981 graduate of the US Military Academy at West Point, and served in the US Army until the age of 32. He had lived in Kiev and Kharkov, Ukraine, and also in Moscow for many years, working in the financial sector. His latest job was one of independent investment advisor. He joined the Maidan protesters, rallying against then-President Viktor Yanukovich, and for integration with the EU, at the end of 2013.

22.08.2014 - 11:49 [ Global Research ]

The Real “Dirty Wars” in the Horn of Africa – “Expiration by Starvation” Sanctioned by the Obama White House

The real dirty wars in Africa remain unknown to the world’s peoples, thanks in part to a smokescreen, how ever blissfully ignorant or well intended, about drones and high tech murders that diverted attention from the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Africans, whose “expiration by starvation” was sanctioned by the highest levels of the Obama White House.

22.08.2014 - 11:47 [ Aussenministerium der Russischen Konförderation ]

Erklärung des Außenministeriums Russlands zum Beginn der Lieferung von humanitärer Hilfe an die Bewohner des ukrainischen Südostens, welche durch die Kampfhandlungen in Mitleidenschaft gezogen wurden

Wir begrüßen die erzielte endgültige Einigung über alle Parameter der dringlichen Lieferung von russischer humanitärer Hilfe in den ukrainischen Südosten über die Fahrtroute Iswarino – Lugansk. Dieser gingen angestrengte und vielfältige Bemühungen voraus, welche nicht nur die praktische Organisation des Transports einer großen Menge von Lebensmitteln, Medikamenten, Gegenständen des alltäglichen Bedarfs und Elektrogeneratoren beinhalteten, was alleine schon vom logistischen Standpunkt eine beispiellose Aufgabe darstellt, sondern auch intensive Kontakte mit verschiedenen ukrainischen Instanzen, der Leitung und Vertretern des Internationalen Komitees vom Roten Kreuz und anderen ausländischen Partnern. Letzten Endes konnten alle Bedingungen für die möglichst rasche und effektive Erreichung des Hauptziels erfüllt werden: die Lieferung und Verteilung der jetzt im ukrainischen Südosten so notwendigen humanitären Fracht.

22.08.2014 - 11:23 [ RT ]

Outrage as Saudi Arabia beheads four men in execution

“The recent increase in executions in Saudi Arabia is a deeply disturbing deterioration. The authorities must act immediately to halt this cruel practice,” said Said Boumedouha, Deputy Director of Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Programme.