An internal investigation by the Central Intelligence Agency has found that its officers improperly penetrated a computer network used by the Senate Intelligence Committee in preparing its report on the C.I.A.‘s detention and interrogation program.
In a statement issued Thursday morning, a C.I.A. spokesman said that agency’s inspector general had concluded that C.I.A. officers had acted inappropriately by gaining access to the computers.
„Tatsächlich wurden im ausgebrannten Wohnmobil Kindersachen gefunden. Auf einer Kindersandale wurde die DNA-Spur “P66″ einer weiblichen Person festgestellt. Hier sind sie Sachen zu sehen:“
Corporations will continue to abuse their constitutional protections as legal “persons” until fresh water has become fully privatized, or until corporate constitutional rights are eliminated with a constitutional amendment.
Zur (Vor-) Kriegspropaganda – Beobachtet man den Weg der Propaganda, wird sie von US-Leitmedien vorgegeben und von führenden Medien im deutschsprachigen Raum abgekupfert. „Newsweek“ bringt gerade angebliche Geheimnisse über das „einsame“ Leben von „Zar Putin“, der nicht mal ausländisches Klopapier benutzen, lang schlafen, ein Naturfreak sein soll und Handy und Internet ablehnt. Als Quelle dient Ben Judah, ein beim „Economist“ sozialisierter britischer Journalist, der auch für die „New York Times“ schreibt.
In a complaint received by 9NEWS Tuesday, Meeker claims she was taken hostage by a man with a gun while at work at the assisted living center in Carbondale. Meeker says the gunman held her against her will while she begged for her life.
Es drängt sich der Verdacht auf, dass nicht das Land von der DB über den Tisch gezogen wurde, sondern dass das Land sich freiwillig ohne Gegenwehr hat ziehen lassen.
Most Canadians agree: our government is reckless and out of control when it comes to spying. If you agree, go to and speak out!
JPAC and the Defense Department‘s other casualty accounting agency, the Defense POW-MIA Office, are the subject of a Pentagon inspector general‘s investigation of potential fraud and waste.
In March, after The Associated Press reported the failings of the military‘s MIA accounting effort, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced a shake-up that includes combining the functions of the two entities into a new agency.
Es entsteht der Eindruck, dass der jetzt auf Sektorebene übergegangene amerikanische Sanktionsdruck ein einziges Ziel verfolgt, nämlich mit uns abzurechnen für die unabhängige und für Washington unbequeme Politik. Wir richten die Aufmerksamkeit auch auf die offensichtlichen Elemente einer unsauberen Handels- und Wirtschaftskonkurrenz in den Handlungen der USA.
Die realen Verluste durch eine so destruktive und kurzsichtige Linie werden für Washington sehr spürbar sein.
Während im Juni sich 40 Prozent der Befragten für einen Truppeneinmarsch in die ostukrainische Region Donbass aussprachen, sind es nach dem Absturz der Boeing 777 der Malaysia Airlines nur noch 26 Prozent. Zugleich ist von 45 auf 61 Prozent der Anteil derjenigen gestiegen, die einen Militäreinsatz im Südosten der Ukraine für einen falschen Schritt halten.
31.07.2014 - 14:53 [ Oberster Gerichtshof Österreich ]
(24. Juni) Der Europäische Gerichtshof hatte aufgrund eines Vorabentscheidungsersuchens des Obersten Gerichtshofs entschieden, dass Access-Provider von Kunden unter gewissen Voraussetzungen verpflichtet sind, ihren Kunden den Zugriff auf Internetangebote mit rechtsverletzenden Inhalten zu verwehren (Rechtssache C-314/12, UPC Telekabel). Konkret ging es dabei um das – inzwischen ohnehin geschlossene – Internetportal
Aufgrund dieser Entscheidung bestätigte der Oberste Gerichthof nun eine entsprechende Anordnung des Oberlandesgerichts Wien.
Part of a Kurdish oil cargo has been offloaded from a Greek-managed tanker into another tanker in the South China Sea, but mystery surrounds the identity of the buyer and where the two tankers are headed.
A Greek court acquitted two men accused over the shooting of migrant farm workers who were demanding unpaid wages and gave two foremen suspended sentences in a ruling that prompted outrage from unions and rights groups on Thursday.
Austrian President Heinz Fischer is to pay an official visit to Iran in November, the Austrian Press Agency APA reported on July 31.
Fischer was scheduled to visit Tehran in early August after the six-month nuclear talks between Iran and the six world nations – known as the P5+1 was ended.
One of the most annoying things about the net neutrality fight — as we‘ve been noting for over a decade — is how silly the net neutrality debate was once it became „partisan.“ An issue that, previously, had been a general one about the future of the internet turned into a ridiculous political circus with Republicans (misleadingly) claiming it was about „regulating the internet.“ You‘d think that the „pro-business party,“ as they like to call themselves, would support a policy of an open and free internet that enables so many entrepreneurs and businesses to exist. But, of course, „pro-business“ is often code for „pro-big-legacy business.“
(10. Juli) Fewer tablet computers were sold around the world in the first three months of 2014 than in the same period a year earlier, the first time in history that‘s happened, a market research firm said Wednesday.
RetroShare is a Open Source cross-platform, Friend-2-Friend and secure decentralised communication platform.
It lets you to securely chat and share files with your friends and family, using a web-of-trust to authenticate peers and OpenSSL to encrypt all communication.
RetroShare provides filesharing, chat, messages, forums and channels
Ursprünglich sollten die Forscher von der Carnegie Mellon University ihre Methode während der Black Hat Security Conference vorstelllen, doch die Präsentation wurde abgesagt, weil die Uni keine Freigabe für die öffentliche Vorstellung der Angriffsmethode geben wollte. Dingledine vermutet nun, dass die Attacke Anfang Juli Teil von Experimenten der beiden Forscher war, auch weil sie bereits verlauten ließen, dass sie ihren Ansatz getestet hätten.
Sicher ist sich der Leiter des Tor Project dabei allerdings nicht, weil er noch keine Rückmeldungen von den Forschern von der Carnegie Mellon erhalten hat.
Then the second class of attack they used, in conjunction with their traffic confirmation attack, was a standard Sybil attack — they signed up around 115 fast non-exit relays, all running on or Together these relays summed to about 6.4% of the Guard capacity in the network. Then, in part because of our current guard rotation parameters, these relays became entry guards for a significant chunk of users over their five months of operation.
We actually noticed these relays when they joined the network, since the DocTor scanner reported them. We considered the set of new relays at the time, and made a decision that it wasn‘t that large a fraction of the network.
Das offene Mikrofon birgt jedoch eine nicht zu unterschätzende Problematik. Das Unternehmen hat zwar seinen Hauptsitz in London, die Nutzerdaten können jedoch ins Nicht-EU-Ausland übertragen werden, wie Shazam in seiner Datenschutzrichtlinie angibt. Was mit den Tonaufzeichnungen passiert, geht aus dieser Privacy Policy nicht hervor.
Much before Science extended our vision onto the material world, it‘s been the Arts that helped man reach out beyond the mundane and the ordinary. The mission of the artist has always been to delve into the immaterial ineffable mysteries and bring back tangible forms that could stretch people‘s vision beyond its default limited mode. Beautifully put by Paul Klee: „Art does not reproduce the visible; it makes visible.“
Im heutigen Teil von How-To Analyze Everyone wird es ausnahmsweise nicht um einen bestimmten Algorithmus oder eine konkrete Technik gehen. Vielmehr wollen wir betrachten, wie Algorithmen bei der Polizeiarbeit eingesetzt werden und wie sie dazu führen können, dass sich Vorurteile selbst verstärken.
31.07.2014 - 09:56 [ Außenministerium der Russischen Föderation ]
Erstaunen rufen die Worte des Präsidenten der USA, Barack Obama, hervor, dass Russland an der internationalen Untersuchung der Flugzeugkatastrophe der malaysischen „Boeing“ nicht mitarbeite.
Erstens stellte gerade Russland als eines der ersten Länder auf dem jüngsten Briefing des Verteidigungsministeriums der Russischen Föderation die ihr vorliegenden objektiven Kontrolldaten, die mit dem Absturz in Verbindung stehen, zur Verfügung. Die amerikanische Seite präsentierte der Öffentlichkeit bis zum heutigen Tag übrigens keinerlei Fakten mit Ausnahme von haltlosen Anschuldigungen und Angaben aus den sozialen Netzen.
Deshalb braucht man nicht die Schuld auf jemanden anderen schieben.
The U.K.’s Energy and Climate Change Committee [yesterday] endorsed the IPCC’s 2014 opinion that humans are the dominant cause of global warming.
In a 9 to 2 vote in a parallel universe the “Science was Settled”, yet again. But not by scientists, of course. Let’s look at the MPs who voted: Of the 9 in favour at least one had fiddled his expenses, just six held degrees and only one of them in what could be considered a scientific field, Human Biology.
Under policies aimed at stopping asylum seekers reaching Australia‘s mainland by boat, migrants are sent to camps in Papua New Guinea and the South Pacific nation of Nauru where they face long periods of detention while they are processed.
In January of this year, we urged Techdirt readers to express their views on copyright by participating in the European Commission‘s consultation on the subject. It seems that many of you did, judging by the final numbers, which have just been published by the Commission (pdf):
Cases are only referred to the world‘s permanent war crimes court if countries involved are unable or unwilling to prosecute atrocities, Justice Minister Ivo Opstelten said in a letter to parliament.
A few years back, people were rather disturbed to find out about the famous Excel bug, whereby the multiplication of two numbers in Microsoft‘s spreadsheet gave the wrong number. It turns out there are other circumstances in which Excel (and, to be fair, presumably other spreadsheets) can give incorrect results, but they are unlikely to be encountered in typical everyday tasks. However, in the specialized world of bioinformatics, which uses computers to analyze data about genes and related areas, careless use of spreadsheets can throw up a significant numbers of errors, as this paper in BMC Bioinformatics explains:
The City of London police have continued to take their bull-in-a-china-shop approach to „stopping piracy“ (generally based on a near total misunderstanding of the internet) to it‘s next level of ridiculousness. The police (which, yes, no need to remind us, represent a square mile in the middle of wider London, though, yes, it covers many big London businesses and financial firms) appear to have bought into Hollywood‘s fable about „piracy“ being the equivalent of „theft“ and not being even remotely concerned about the possibility of collateral damage. Back in April, we noted that the City of London Police had been creating a „blacklist“ for advertisers of „bad“ sites. And, now it‘s been revealed that advertisers are supposed to insert a ridiculous City of London advertisement on those websites in place of other ads.
Every so often, people who don‘t really understand the importance of anonymity or how it enables free speech (especially among marginalized people), think they have a brilliant idea: „just end real anonymity online.“ They don‘t seem to understand just how shortsighted such an idea is. It‘s one that stems from the privilege of being in power. And who knows that particular privilege better than members of the House of Lords in the UK — a group that is more or less defined by excess privilege? The Communications Committee of the House of Lords has now issued a report concerning „social media and criminal offenses“ in which they basically recommend scrapping anonymity online. It‘s not a true „real names“ proposal — as the idea is that web services would be required to collect real names at signup, but then could allow those users to do things pseudonymously or anonymously. But, still, their actions could then easily be traced back to a real person if the „powers that be“ deemed it necessary. Here‘s the key bit:
Beppe Grillo, the leader of the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement, on Wednesday predicted that Italy would need an International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailout by the end of the year and said he doubted Premier Matteo Renzi would stay in office until Christmas.
Yemen‘s oil and gas pipelines have repeatedly been sabotaged by insurgents or tribesmen since anti-government protests led to a power vacuum in 2011, causing fuel shortages and slashing export earnings.
Iraqi Kurdistan‘s attempts to export oil independently of Baghdad hit another obstacle on Wednesday, as a Turkish energy official and industry sources said the autonomous region‘s pipeline to the Mediterranean has been shut for the past week.
„We confirm the resignation of the General Mohammed Salah al-Hamedi, the chief of staff of the Tunisian army land forces, for personal reasons,“ Rachid Bouhoula, a defense ministry spokesman said, adding that Colonel Major Mohssen al-Farissi would take the role until the president appoints a new chief.
Es ging – um es noch einmal zu sagen – einfach um den Machtstoß der einen imperialistischen Gruppe – gegen die andere. Das heißt aber für uns alle auch: wir dürfen uns nicht hinter dem Recht und all seinen Folgerungen verstecken. Sondern müssen offen eingestehen, dass es hier um den Fall eines imperialistischen Angriffs geht. Und die Welt soll nicht darauf neugierig sein, wie Putin reagiert. Sondern darauf, ob es zwischen den großen Imperialisten nicht doch Gruppen geben kann, die sich dem höllischen Gefecht zu entziehen suchen.
An amazing work from two great underground musical explorers, using modified field recordings, dictaphone tape manipulation, non-input mixing board feedback and computer processing to create an incredible three track album for Aurora Borealis.
A Greek court‘s decision to acquit local farmers who admitted shooting 28 Bangladeshi strawberry pickers when they dared to ask for months of back pay has sparked outrage in the country.
The Republic of the Marshall Islands, which is daily losing territory due to the effects of global warming, filed suit in the International Court of Justice against nine nuclear weapons countries: Israel, France, England, China, Russia, Peoples Republic of North Korea, Pakistan, USA and India. The suit claims that these countries have failed to fulfill their obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and have committed flagrant violations of „customary international law.“ In 1996 the International Court of Justice stated that „an obligation existed to bring the disarmament negotiations to a conclusion.“ It is likely that the International Court of Justice will rule in favor of the Marshall Islands and require these states to dismantle their nuclear weapons.
Federal attorneys have made their first big move to dismiss a lawsuit that alleges the United States, along with eight other countries, has violated a 46-year-old treaty to dismantle its nuclear arsenal. The lawsuit was filed in April — in U.S. Federal Court as well as in the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands — by the the tiny Pacific nation of the Marshall Islands, which the U.S. bombarded with nuclear weapons tested between 1946 and 1958. Marshall Islands officials maintain that radioactive fallout from the tests sickened citizens and rendered some territories unlivable.
President Barack Obama announced Tuesday that he will tap two well-connected energy experts for impending openings on the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.