Daily Archives: 2. Juli 2014

02.07.2014 - 18:55 [ Vimeo ]

Jitter Room, a breakcore movie by Ruby My Dear & Lisa Chabbert

Somewhere in a depopulated countryside, three children carry a stained tarpaulin. Inside it is a corpse. They too are dirty. They are wearing odd costumes. Snot is dripping down their noses…

02.07.2014 - 18:47 [ Ad Noiseam ]

Ad Noiseam Summer 2011 label compilation (free download)

This digital version intends on being an way to check out and discover some sounds you might have missed.

02.07.2014 - 17:57 [ archive.org ]

Nine Inch Nails – Ghosts I – IV (March 2, 2008)

This collection of music is the result of working from a very visual perspective – dressing imagined locations and scenarios with sound and texture; a soundtrack for daydreams. I‘m very pleased with the result and the ability to present it directly to you without interference. I hope you enjoy the first four volumes of Ghosts.“
Ghosts I-IV is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license.

02.07.2014 - 17:18 [ Süddeutsche ]

„USA, ihr habt den Knall nicht gehört“

Hartmann sagte, man befinde sich in einem gemeinsamen Sicherheitsbündnis und führe Verhandlungen über Freihandelsabkommen. Dadurch könne man Druck ausüben. US-Unternehmen, die nicht garantieren könnten, dass sie Daten deutscher Bürger nicht weitergeben, könnten zum Beispiel die Aufträge entzogen werden. Die USA müssten „so etwas wie tätige Reue“ zeigen.

02.07.2014 - 17:07 [ Fefe ]

Von Mark Twain gibt es ein schönes Zitat: „There is no distinctly American criminal class – except Congress.“

Update: Wer nicht bis zum Ende gelesen hat, für den zitiere ich mal den letzten Satz:

Michael Hartmann sitzt seit 2002 im Bundestag, er ist auch Mitglied im Parlamentarischen Kontrollgremium.

Nur falls jemand Fragen hatte, wieso das parlamentarische Kontrollgremium so eine Lachnummer ist (das sind die, die die Geheimdienste „kontrollieren“ sollen). (…)

Update: Angeblich war dieser Hartmann „der engste Vertraute“ von Edathy.

02.07.2014 - 17:02 [ Reuters ]

Japan to decide possible easing of North Korea sanctions on Thursday

North Korea in May agreed to reopen the probe into the status of Japanese abductees. In return, Japan promised to lift travel curbs, restrictions on the amount of money that can be sent or brought to the impoverished North without notifying Japanese authorities, and allow port calls by North Korean ships for humanitarian purposes, when the investigation is launched.

02.07.2014 - 17:01 [ Techdirt ]

Privacy And Civil Liberties Board Mostly Unconcerned About PRISM Or Backbone Tapping By NSA

As expected, the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB) has now issued its analysis of the Section 702 surveillance done by the NSA (and, as revealed earlier this week, passed on to the FBI and CIA). You may recall that, back in January, the PCLOB issued a scathing report about the NSA‘s Section 215 bulk data collection efforts, calling the program both illegal and unconstitutional. In contrast, the report on the 702 program is much more muted — claiming that the program is constitutional, legal and effective as a counterterrorism tool. Like the previous report, this new one is highly readable — and I recommend reading it in its entirety. However, the legal analysis is disappointing compared to the earlier report.

02.07.2014 - 16:58 [ Ansa ]

Germany broke fiscal rules first, Renzi

„If Weber was speaking on behalf of Germany, I remind him that during the last Italian presidency (in 2003), there was a country that was not only allowed flexibility but was also allowed to breach the limits so as to be a country that is growing today,“ he said.

02.07.2014 - 16:56 [ Truthout ]

Privatized Education Steals From the Poor, Gives to the Rich

Free-market capitalists view education in terms of products and profits. The products, to them, are our children. The profits go to savvy businesspeople who use a „freedom to choose“ rallying cry to convince parents that they‘re somehow being cheated by an equal-opportunity public school system.

02.07.2014 - 16:55 [ Truthout ]

The Oligarchy‘s Greed Knows No End: New Tax Cuts for the Rich Proposed in House

However, as BuzzFlash at Truthout detailed in one example yesterday, there are plenty of legal ways for the wealthy and corporations to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. The BuzzFlash commentary focused on the growing trend of US corporations moving their headquarters overseas to countries with lower tax rates, thus officially no longer being US companies.

02.07.2014 - 16:35 [ Ceiberweiber ]

Farbrevolution auch für Russland?

Die USA wollen John F.Tefft als Botschafter nach Russland schicken, einen Karrierediplomaten mit „Farbrevolutions“-Erfahrung von seinen früheren Posten in Georgien und in der Ukraine. Tefft war bereits einmal in Moskau stationiert, als stellvertretender Botschafter von 1996 bis 1999. Es heisst, dass Vorgänger Michael McFaul eher ein Theoretiker war, der von „Change“ sprach, während man Tefft als Praktiker einschätzt, der sich dementsprechend um Veränderungen in Georgien und der Ukraine bemühte. Dies macht ihn für Russland nicht unverdächtig, sodass wohl jede seiner Aktionen genau beobachtet werden wird.

02.07.2014 - 14:35 [ Techdirt ]

EU Publishers Present Their ‚Vision‘ For Copyright: A Permission-Based Internet Where Licensing Is Required For Everything

For too many years, the copyright industries fought hard against the changes being wrought by the rise of the Internet and the epochal shift from analog to digital. Somewhat belatedly, most of those working in these sectors have finally accepted that this is not a passing phase, but a new world that requires new thinking in their businesses, as in many other spheres. A recent attempt to codify that thinking can be found in a publication from the European Publishers Council (EPC). „Copyright Enabled on the Network“ (pdf) — subtitled „From vision to reality: Copyright, technology and practical solutions enabling the media & publishing ecosystem“ — that is refreshingly honest about the group‘s aims:

02.07.2014 - 14:22 [ Techdirt ]

Court Tells DOJ To Cough Up The Other Secret Memos That Justify Killing People By Drone

Last week, we wrote about how the DOJ finally released (a heavily redacted) copy of its memo authorizing drone use for killing Americans (though, some have pointed out that the memo was written well after the US started trying to kill Americans with drones). More importantly, we noted that the memo actually pointed to another secret memo as part of the justification. It‘s secret memo on top of secret memo, all the way down. The ACLU went back to court to see about getting its hands on that other memo, and the court has now ordered the DOJ to cough up any such memos related to killing people with drones. Specifically, the judge has ordered the DOJ to provide:

02.07.2014 - 14:17 [ Gazetta del Sud ]

ANSA/ Immunity for lawmakers inserted into Senate revamp

Originally planned to strip them of immunity from prosecution. Constitutional Affairs Committee Chair Anna Finocchiaro, who is from Premier Matteo Renzi‘s centre-left Democratic Party (PD), and Roberto Calderoli, who is from the anti-immigrant, regionalist Northern League party, co-authored an amendment to the government‘s bill restoring the status quo.

02.07.2014 - 12:51 [ Guardian ]

Japanese pacifists unnerved by lifting of ban on military intervention

„What Abe is doing is destroying the principles of our pacifist constitution,“ Ishida, a professor emeritus at Tokyo University, told the Guardian. „Not killing anyone abroad is, in a sense, a precious part of our heritage. Why should we have to throw it away on the orders of one man rather than through the will of the people?“

02.07.2014 - 11:50 [ The Washington Post ]

List of foreign governments and organizations authorized for surveillance

This exhibit lists the 193 foreign governments as well as foreign factions, political organizations and other entities that were part of a 2010 certification approved by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. These are the entities about which the NSA may conduct surveillance, for the purpose of gathering foreign intelligence. Each year a new certification must be approved by the court to permit such surveillance under Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act.

02.07.2014 - 11:45 [ taz ]

Die Bundestagscops

Noch kurz vor ihrer Wahl in den Bundestag im vergangenen September schob sie Schichten bei der Kölner Autobahnpolizei. Jenseits von Nordrhein-Westfalen war die 38-Jährige bis dahin bestenfalls Fans von Reality-Dokus bekannt – schließlich jagte Irene Mihalic für die TV-Serie „Achtung Kontrolle!“ auf dem Beifahrersitz eines Zivil-BMW über die Autobahnen rings um Köln. Am Steuer saß ihr Mann Dennis, Autobahnpolizist wie sie.

02.07.2014 - 11:44 [ Techdirt ]

Latest Cybersecurity Bill Could Actually Be A Backdoor To Destroying Net Neutrality

Earlier this year, we wrote about the Senate‘s latest attempt at a cybersecurity bill, the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA), which tries to distinguish itself from the toxic attempts to pass CISPA over the past few years. We and many others have already detailed how CISA, like the CISPAs before it, has a tremendous problem in creating perverse incentives for companies to help the government spy on people, but as a bunch of public interest groups are noting, the definitions are so broad, that the bill could actually be a backdoor way to undermine net neutrality. That‘s because it has an incredibly broad definition of a „cyberthreat“ such that an ISP could declare, say, Netflix to be a cyberthreat, allowing it to throttle Netflix‘s bandwidth. Here are two key paragraphs from a letter sent by CDT, EFF and a bunch of other groups:

02.07.2014 - 11:43 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Gov’t threatens PPC-unionists with ‘mobilization’ should they cause “black out”

Greek government is determined to prohibit black outs as the unionist of Greek Public Power Company threaten to turn off the electricity, if the government proceeds with the sale of 30% of PPC to private investors.

The unionists claim that the sale of so-called “little DEH” will alternate the ‘public character of the state-run enterprise’.

02.07.2014 - 11:41 [ Techdirt ]

UK‘s Part-Time Intelligence Watchdog Thinks Twice-Yearly Inspection Of Spy Services ‚Sufficient‘

As Techdirt discussed back in March, oversight of the UK‘s intelligence services is essentially one person, working part-time, one of whose techniques for establishing whether everything is being conducted according to the rules and the law is to take the word of the heads of the services that it is. The Right Honorable Sir Mark Waller — for it is him — has now issued his annual report on the UK‘s Intelligence Services (pdf). Despite Snowden‘s revelations of massively-intrusive spying on the entire UK population, and much of the world besides, Waller apparently doesn‘t feel that he needs to change the way he does things:

02.07.2014 - 11:39 [ Ceiberweiber ]

Erpressen die USA Frankreich?

Russland behauptet, die USA erpressen Frankreich, um eine Lieferung von Mistral-Hubschrauberträgern zu verhindern. Wenn man daran denkt, dass die französische Bank BNP Baribas eine Milliardenstrafe wegen Geschäften mit von den USA sanktionierten Ländern bezahlen soll, scheint dies nicht weit hergeholt. Außerdem widmet sich das „Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence“ im US-Finanzministerium dem Kampf gegen andere Staaten.

02.07.2014 - 11:38 [ Ceiberweiber ]

Die NATO und die Pressefreiheit

Gerne wird Russland und anderen Staaten vorgeworfen, die Pressefreiheit einzuschränken, ohne dass im Einflussbereich von USA und NATO genauer hingesehen wird. Dass dafür wenig Bewusstsein besteht, liegt auch an den Medien, die sich dem Weißen Haus bedingungslos unterwerfen

02.07.2014 - 11:15 [ Der Standard ]

T-Mobile: Vorratsdaten sind gelöscht

Länger bei Backup

Bei den Backupsystemen werde es noch ein paar Tage länger dauern. Die Daten werden nach einem Industriestandard gelöscht. Am Montag hieß es seitens der Provider, dass die Umsetzung nicht so einfach sei. Bei A1, Drei und UPC werde derzeit darüber beraten.

02.07.2014 - 10:46 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

Flawed Oversight Board Report Endorses General Warrants

The PCLOB report provides the public with much needed information about how the 702 program works. But the legal analysis is incorrect and the report fails to offer effective reforms. The government‘s collection and search of Americans‘ communications without a warrant or individually approved court order is barred by the Constitution and must be stopped. We look forward to continuing such arguments in Jewel v. NSA, our ongoing case against the NSA‘s mass spying programs.