Bei den Pflanzen, die die Kommission nun zum Import durchwinken kann, handelt es sich um vier Soja- und eine Maislinie. Die Sojasorten MON87708 und MON87705 stammen vom US-Agrochemiekonzern Monsanto, beide sind resistent gegen ein Herbizid – die erste gegen Dicamba, die zweite gegen Glyphosat. MON87705 hat außerdem eine andere Fettsäurenzusammensetzung, genau wie Soja 305423 von Dupont-Pioneer, die auch gegen Herbizide aus der Gruppe der ALS-Hemmer resistent ist.
Daily Archives: 22. Juni 2014
Gentechnik: Bundesregierung enthält sich schon wieder
Die Bunderegierung hat sich in Brüssel bei der Importzulassung für insgesamt fünf gentechnisch veränderte Soja- und Maissorten von Monsanto, Bayer, BASF und Pioneer erneut enthalten, obwohl sie eigentlich einen Kurswechsel angekündigt hatte; künftig wollte die Regierung dem Verbraucherwunsch nach Ablehnung von GVO nachkommen.
Wealthy Clintons Use Trusts to Limit Estate Tax They Back
Bill and Hillary Clinton have long supported an estate tax to prevent the U.S. from being dominated by inherited wealth. That doesn’t mean they want to pay it.
BBC-Filmreihe “The Trap” (III): Die Freiheit von Berlin oder Der “Kampf der Zivilisationen”
In der Tat spielte die U.S.-Besatzungsmacht konsequent dem heute vergessenen obskuren “Schiitenprediger” (ohne Ausbildung) Muktada el-Sadr (Muqtada al-Sadr) in die Hände, der von den US-Truppen völlig unbehelligt in Kerbela (Karbala) lebte, obwohl ihm und seiner “Mahdi”-Miliz regelmäßig Massaker zur Last gelegt wurden. Beobachter gingen davon aus, dass el-Sadr ein Kollaborateur der US-Besatzungsmacht war und mit allen Mitteln versuchte Ayatollah al-Sistani in seinem Einfluß zurückzudrängen, um einen Bürgerkrieg zwischen den Irakern zu entfachen.
Bereits 2005 tauchten in der U.S.-Presse Berichte darüber auf, dass die U.S.-Besatzungsmacht im Irak Todesschwadronen (“Special Police Commandos”) nach Vorbild der seinerzeit in den 80ern von U.S.-gestützten Diktaturen in Süd- und Mittelamerika aufgestellt hatte. Erster Leiter des U.S.-Militärkommandos zur Ausbildung irakischer Einheiten von 2004 bis Mitte 2005 war übrigens der vor wenigen Tagen als C.I.A.-Direktor zurückgetretene General David Petraeus.
2006 wurden an jedem Tag, an jedem Morgen, Dutzende, manchmal bis zu hundert verstümmelte Leichen auf den Straßen gefunden. Die Todesschwadronen die diese Massaker verübten, setzten sich größtenteils aus Polizisten und Milizen des von den U.S.A. eingesetzten irakischen Regimes zusammen, die wiederum eng mit der “Mahdi”-Miliz von el-Sadr verknüpft waren (hier die britische Dokumentation “The Death Squads” von Ende 2006).
Ende 2006 Anfang 2007 veröffentlichte dann der der U.S.-Partei “Demokraten” nahestehende Think Tank “Brookings” zwei Denkpapiere (“A Bosnia Option vor Iraq“, “Things fall apart“), die unter Bezug der Kriege in ex-Yugoslawien eine Teilung des Irak nach ethnischen Kriterien und Selektion der Bevölkerung vorschlugen (wohlmeinende Lager inbegriffen, in denen sich die erschöpften Opfer des sunnitisch-schiitischen Extremismus besser konzentrieren könnten), bzw. mit einer Intervention der Nachbarstaaten Türkei und Saudi-Arabien und / oder einem Eingreifen der N.A.T.O.. kalkulierten.
Adam Curtis / “The Trap”:
“Und der revolutionäre Versuch im Ausland ´negative Freiheit´ zu kreieren, veränderten Freiheiten in Britannien selbst”.
Am 7. Juli 2005 führte die Firma Visor Consultants unter Managing Director Peter Power für eine bis heute unbekannte Organisation eine “Terror-Übung” mit tausend involvierten Personen in London durch, in der die simultane Explosion von Sprengsätzen zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt an mehreren Orten im Londoner U-Bahnsystems geübt wurde. Leider explodierten am 7. Juli 2005 zu genau diesem Zeitpunkt an genau diesen Orten im Londoner U-Bahnsystem simultan Sprengsätze. Es starben u.a. die üblichen Verdächtigen, die so praktischerweise die üblichen nicht verurteilten Verurteilten wurden. Sie blieben bis heute die Einzigen.
Iraq – The Death Squads || Dispatches 2007 – War on Terror
The torture and slaughter of Iraqi civilians is reaching unprecedented heights with estimates of up to 655,000 dead. Night after night death squads rampage through Iraq´s main cities. In Baghdad, up to a hundred bodies a day are dumped on the streets. Often they´ve been tortured with electric drills.
BBC documentary reveals American colonel who trained Iraqi torturers
(12. März 2013) A new documentary from the BBC (in cooperation with The Guardian newspaper) has revealed direct ties between the torture practices and death squads of the Shia militia in Iraq and an American trainer, who also is alleged to have trained Salvadoran death squads. Retired Col. James Steele was dispatched to Iraq by former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and served under/with General Petraeus in Iraq. This was not the first time Petraeus and Steele cooperated. During El Salvador’s civil war, Steele trained special police brigades that have been linked to death squads and torture, when Petraeus visited the country to learn counter-insurgency techniques
Jeffrey Allen Sinclair
He has served as the Army Operations Officer and chief of the Plans and Training Division in the Joint Special Operations Command.
Sinclair was Deputy Commander of Support for 82nd Airborne Division in Afghanistan before being removed from command and placed under investigation for allegations violations of military ethics and sexual assault.
James Steele: America‘s mystery man in Iraq – video
A 15-month investigation by the Guardian and BBC Arabic reveals how retired US colonel James Steele, a veteran of American proxy wars in El Salvador and Nicaragua, played a key role in training and overseeing US-funded special police commandos who ran a network of torture centres in Iraq. Another special forces veteran, Colonel James Coffman, worked with Steele and reported directly to General David Petraeus, who had been sent into Iraq to organise the Iraqi security services.
Brig. Gen. Sinclair demoted 2 grades after sex scandal
Sinclair had a three-year affair with a female captain who accused him of twice forcing her to perform oral sex on him. The former deputy commander of the 82nd Airborne Division was originally brought up on sexual assault charges punishable by life in prison. Sinclair was spared prison and fined $20,000.
The Way of the Commandos
(1. Mai 2005) Along with a dozen commandos, there were several American advisers in the room, including James Steele, one of the United States military‘s top experts on counterinsurgency. Steele honed his tactics leading a Special Forces mission in El Salvador during that country‘s brutal civil war in the 1980‘s. Steele‘s presence was a sign not only of the commandos‘ crucial role in the American counterinsurgency strategy but also of his close relationship with Adnan.
Veterans groups: No more troops in Iraq
As President Barack Obama announced Thursday that military advisers would be sent to Iraq, some veterans of the Iraq War railed against more military intervention in the country, warning that it would add to the violence and destruction.
Palestinians have no choice but a new Intifada: Analyst
Press TV: First of all, do you think that there is now a major threat to Israel by a third Intifada that could actually happen?
Al-Bassouss: Well, I think based on the situation we can witness on a daily basis in the West Bank where the Israeli army have arrested hundreds of Palestinian people. This ongoing abduction of the Palestinian population in the West Bank and the blockade on the Gaza Strip and the daily air strikes on the Gaza Strip and talking about silence of the international community, I think nothing has been left for the Palestinian people except having a new Palestinian Intifada.
Rand Paul: Blame Dick Cheney for Iraq violence, not Obama
„The fact is, what we‘re seeing now is an outgrowth of that bad policy the neocons got us in, that crowd, on false pretense that said, go in there. And, as a result, ISIS was born. Let‘s face that fact,“ she continued. „It was Vice President Cheney and Condi Rice working for George W. Bush and Rumsfeld and all those folks — that‘s just like, you know, a nightmare come back to haunt me, just frankly — who are basically telling us, get right back in there again. The American people don‘t want it. The president doesn‘t want us in.“
Rand Paul: Stay Out of Iraq‘s ‚Jihadist Wonderland‘
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul warned Sunday that more U.S. military action in Iraq could lead to a „jihadist wonderland“ in the region.
UN chief ‘concerned’ about West Bank violence, arrests
The UN chief “expressed concern over the increased violence, mass arrests, and restrictions on movement in the West Bank. He further said that it was imperative, for both political and security reasons, not to give in to provocations in a way that seems likely to escalate tensions still further,” the statement said.
Deputy minister: Shut off electricity in West Bank, Gaza
“In my opinion there is room for extensive actions against the civilian population,” Danon said in an interview with Radio Darom. “I am saying something harsh here, but I believe it.
Der gefälschte Krieg gegen den Terror: Wie die USA einige ihrer Feinde schützten
Es ist Zeit für einen prüfenden Blick, inwieweit die US-amerikanischen Geheimdienste eine symbiotische Beziehung zu jenen Kräften entwickelt haben, die sie angeblich bekämpfen – und warum sie gelegentlich eingriffen, um es al-Qaida-Terroristen zu ermöglichen, mit ihren mörderischen Plänen fortzufahren. Auch wenn dies vielfach als reines “Verschwörungstheorie”-Gespinst abgetan wird, ergibt sich letztere Behauptung mitnichten aus einer Theorie heraus, sondern aus Tatsachen über Vorfälle, die wahr sind, wiewohl sie durch die Mainstream-Medien systematisch unterdrückt oder zu wenig berichtet wurden (und werden).
Cool! Just what we needed there… -> ISIL (ISIS) Moving Seized U.S. Tanks, Humvees to Syria
(17. Juni)
West Bank operation turns from farce into tragedy
It is ridiculous to think that one of the most advanced armies in the world is pursuing a ‚war‘ against an army of barefoot peasants.
Israeli drone crashes in the West Bank. Palestinians return it to the IDF.
5:22 P.M. Israeli drone crashes in the West Bank. Palestinians return it to the IDF.
Security Spokesperson: Israel’s Aggression Aims to Provoke Chaos
Ad-Damiri said the leadership is exerting all possible efforts to protect the Palestinian people and stop the Israeli aggression, warning in the meantime of the ‘occupation’ attempts to encourage chaos, instability, to undermine social peace and to drag the Palestinian people‘s attention from following up with the issue of the Palestinian hunger striking prisoners, held in Israeli jails.
WATCH: Elite IDF unit finds weapons during West Bank searches for kidnapped boys
„We found grenades, explosives and underground structures,“ senior army source says, adding that „on the first floor, a family resides, and on the third floor is a weapons production lab.“
US demands legal immunity for Iraq-bound troops
„I can assure you we will have those protections,“ Kirby said, adding that US officials are negotiating with the Iraqi government about the issue.
Baghdad’s refusal to grant immunity to thousands of US troops, who were to remain in the country beyond 2011 under the pretext of training local forces, compelled Washington to pull out all troops from Iraq.
PSYOPs, “Media Warfare” and the “Weaponization of Information” in Iraq
Half way into the operation, my command pulled us aside and said that they had just received an intelligence report that Zarqawi was just a few blocks a way and that he was wounded in the leg. They encouraged us to keep fighting and to stay motivated, because victory was near.
Somewhere between 4,000 to 6,000 civilians were killed and 63 American lives were lost in the course of this operation.
Yet it was the loss of American lives that received the focus in the Western media, and the atrocities that we committed against civilians went unreported. This was not an accident, nor a matter of perspective taking. Reports of civilian deaths were regarded as IO (Information Operation) victories for the “insurgents”.
Palestinian Killed By Army Fire In Ramallah
His body was first located on top of a commercial building, in the Al-Manara Junction in the center of Ramallah, in the opposite direction of the building that was occupied by the soldiers.
Medical sources said at least eleven Palestinians were shot and wounded during ensuing clashes with the soldiers, who invaded, ransacked and searched Palestinian homes and property, in different neighborhoods in Ramallah.
The clashes started after dozens of Israeli military vehicles invaded the city, along with many nearby Palestinian communities, and broke into several shops, stores and commercial buildings.
The security cooperation between Israel and the Palestinian Authority since the Oslo Accords is considered as one of the major contributors to the relative peace and stability in the West Bank after the end of the second Intifada in 2005.
After a deadly raid of the Israeli army in central Ramallah close to the main police station dozens of Palestinians turned their anger against the security forces.
It has to be seen if the PA reacts to the growing frustration with more violence against their people or with a reduction of the security cooperation.
Erneuter „Erfolg“ der IDF (die demokratischte Armee der Welt) im Kampf gegen Terrorismus
Ein Terrorist wurde gestellt.
There is a “tribal revolution” in Iraq: Anbar tribal chief
Suleiman is emir of the Dulaim tribe, which with over 3 million members is one of the largest Arab tribes in Iraq. Its members are predominately located in the western province of Anbar, the scene of fighting between ISIS militants supported by some Sunni tribes and government forces since December last year. He affirmed that a number of Arab Sunni tribes, including his own, are fighting against the Baghdad government.
“The time for political solutions has passed. We will not permit a political solution.“
Abbas: Kein Beweis für die Schuld von Hamas bei der Entführung der drei Siedler
Ob der israelische Geheimdienst an dem Verschwinden der drei israelis beteiligt sei, um so das Vorgehen gegen die Autonomiebehörde zu rechtfertigen? Abbas sagte: Alle Szenarien sind möglich, auch diese Möglichkeit besteht.
Magnetizing: ESA sats grab Earth’s ever-changing magnetic field (VIDEO)
This animation shows changes in Earth’s magnetic field from January to June 2014 as measured by the ESA’s Swarm trio of satellites. The satellites, launched in November, are equipped with several instruments, including cutting edge magnetometers that measure field strength and direction.
..even by use of deadly force, if necessary. This attack on Palestine has to be stopped.
OK…Is #Palestine a sovereign state or not? If so, it´s authorized, according to international law., to defend itself..
Israeli Soldiers Open fire at Lorry near Hebron
Israeli soldiers Sunday opened fire at a Palestinian owned lorry near the village of Beit Ummar, to the north of Hebron, according to security sources.
The Algorithm: Japan tour video report
Nick Tsiavos – Axion Estin (2010)
The Bombay Royale – Henna Henna
Mental Abscess by The Bellerophon Project
– Founded summer 2013
– Constists of two members: 8string (Andreas Schaberer) + drums (Manu Lotter [Ex-Farewell To Arms]).
via got-djent
WASG, PDS: Warum “die Linke” keine Zukunft hat..
(26. März 2007) Zur aktuellen Entwicklung des weltweiten Krieges hat die Linke nie auch nur ein ernstzunehmendes Wort verloren. Zum 11.September: Schweigen. Zu Polizeigesetzen und Zersetzung des Grundgesetzes: Passivität oder Zustimmung.
Wenn die Linkspartei (bisher) überhaupt mal Kriegseinsätze von deutschen Soldaten der Bundeswehr abgelehnt hat, dann nur, weil sie von uns Dresche bezogen hat. Ohne die Bratpfanne läuft bei dieser Partei gar nichts. Auch darin gleicht sie allen anderen.
Sie reagiert nur auf Druck – und den wird sie bekommen.
How Egypt’s Rebel Movement Helped Pave The Way For A Sisi Presidency
(15. April 2014) For the first time, one of the five founders of the Tamarod, the movement that led the protests that ousted the Muslim Brotherhood last year, admits his movement was taking orders from the army. “We were naive, we were not responsible.”
Tamarod announces support for Al-Sisi if he runs for presidency
(23. Dezember 2013) “The Tamarod movement cannot disagree with the people’s aspirations; therefore, it announces that if Al-Sisi runs for presidency, the movement will support him,” Tamarod said in a statement issued on Monday.
Ägypten: Solidarität mit der Bewegung „Tamarrud“
(27. Juni 2013) Am 30. Juni 2013 jährt sich der Amtsantritt Mohammed Mursis als ägyptischer Präsident. Er wurde 2012 mit großen Hoffnungen gewählt, denn er versprach einen radikalen Bruch mit der Vergangenheit. Nicht zuletzt die Armen und auch viele Arbeiterinnen und Arbeiter gaben ihm die Stimme. Doch er hat sie auf allen Feldern enttäuscht.
Vor diesem Hintergrund startete im Mai die Unterschriftenkampagne unter dem Logo „Tamarrud“, was so viel wie „Rebellion“ heißt. Darin wird dem Präsidenten Mursi das Misstrauen ausgesprochen und sein Rücktritt gefordert. Diese Kampagne wurde von den unabhängigen Gewerkschaften und revolutionären Organisationen aufgegriffen und verbreitete sich rasend schnell. 15 Millionen sollen unterschrieben haben, viele Analphabeten gaben ihren Fingerabdruck als Zeichen der Unterstützung.
Ägyptens Militärregierung betreibt gewaltiges Geheimgefängnis
Nach einem Bericht werden in einem ägyptischen Militärgefängnis Hunderte Häftlinge systematisch gefoltert. Präsident al-Sissi könnte in direkter Verbindung dazu stehen.
Ukraine Protests: ‚Sniper‘ fires from Ukraine media hotel – BBC News
(21. Februar) Snipers were reported to have fired on protesters, and some armed demonstrators were also reported to be firing towards security forces. Reporting for Newsnight, Gabriel Gatehouse said he saw what looked like a protester shooting out of a window at the BBC´s Kiev base, the Ukraine Hotel.
Brutal video: Fierce clashes in Kiev as new wave of unrest grips Ukraine
(18. Februar) Rioters and police in central Kiev are exchanging smoke and stun grenades, as a fresh wave of violence is gripping the Ukrainian capital. While the rioters have no clear demands, the opposition keeps pushing for the president‘s resignation.
Petro Poroshenko held a meeting with activists of Maidan
“It is extremely important for me to have mutual trust with you, to know that we will not betray one another, have an opportunity to provide support to one another, exchange opinions and be sure that there are values and ideals that were tempered on Maidan. Today, they unite us,” the President said.
“We must demonstrate that people decide everything in our country after Maidan. We will not let anyone ignore the opinion of Maidan,” Petro Poroshenko emphasized.
The President introduced new Prosecutor General Vitaliy Yarema and noted that his main task is to complete the investigation of the case on shooting of people on Maidan in February. “Ukrainian government shall never ever shoot the people of Ukraine. We must create the first precedent. Nothing will stop us. We overcame Yanukovych. We will overcome bandits. We will build a new state for which the people went to Maidan,” the Head of State emphasized.
Aaron Swartz documentary „The Internet‘s Own Boy“ is available for CC-licensed preorder today
Starting today, „The Internet‘s Own Boy,“ Brian Knappenberger‘s award-winning, acclaimed documentary about Aaron Swartz, is available to pre-order as a Creative Commons-licensed (CC-BY-NC-SA) video download.
‘Assange has no regrets about the revelations of WikiLeaks’
The consequences of Julian Assange‘s actions forced him to live inside the Ecuadorian embassy for two years, but his spirit is high and he is dedicated to work, investigative journalist and spokesperson for WikiLeaks Kristinn Hrafnsson told RT.
Response to a journalist’s question about the peace plan in Ukraine
QUESTION: How do you view the first day since the declaration [Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s declaration of a ceasefire]?
VLADIMIR PUTIN: First, let us remember that we are talking about this matter on June 22, the day the Great Patriotic War began. I think that what is happening in Ukraine is an immense tragedy. People are being killed there, dying every day. So many years after the start of the Great Patriotic War, blood is being spilt on the former Soviet Union’s soil and this is a terrible thing. The fact that President Poroshenko has declared a ceasefire is without question an important step towards reaching a final settlement, and perhaps is one of the most important conditions for this to happen. Russia will certainly support these plans.
But ultimately, it is the political process that is most important. It is important that this ceasefire open the way to a dialogue between all of the parties to the combat, so as to find solutions that will be acceptable to all sides, in order to ensure that people in southeast Ukraine have no doubt that they are an integral part of the country, have the same rights as all other citizens, and know that these rights are guaranteed, including by Ukraine’s constitution. This requires a substantial and detailed dialogue. This is the key to success.
Abhöraffäre bedroht Polens Außenminister
„Wir haben Konflikte mit den Deutschen, mit Russland, und wir tun so, als sei alles super, weil wir den Amerikanern einen Gefallen tun. Totale Verlierer.“
Polish foreign minister called ties to U.S. ‚worthless‘: report
Sikorski told Rostowski: „You know that the Polish-U.S. alliance isn‘t worth anything.“
„It is downright harmful, because it creates a false sense of security … Complete bullshit. We‘ll get in conflict with the Germans, Russians and we‘ll think that everything is super, because we gave the Americans a blow job. Losers. Complete losers.“
After reconciliation agreement, Hamas and Fatah united in press crackdown
Sipping a cup of coffee and lighting a cigarette in his office in the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah, independent journalist Mohamed Jaradat described the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority’s treatment of dissenting Palestinian journalists as increasingly oppressive and violent.
Jaradat, who has spent the last nine years doing production work for international media, has been detained and beaten by Palestinian security forces on several occasions.
“It is shameful that they call this the ‘State of Palestine,’” he told The Electronic Intifada. Referring to the Palestinian Authority and Fatah party leader, he said, “This is the police state of Mahmoud Abbas.”
Union Condemns Israeli Army Raids on Palestinian Universities
Palestinian Federation of Unions of University Professors and Employees condemned, in a statement Sunday, the Israeli army raids on Palestinian universities during the past three days.
Such attacks, in which army forces seized PCs and stole other equipment, are a grave violation of all international conventions banning the entrance of military into universities worldwide, it said, adding that these attacks are an attempt to harm the potential of the Palestinian people and the youth.
The federation called upon all international academic and human rights organizations throughout the world to prevent similar incidents in the future, and to pressure Israel to honor all international laws and to stop such “barbarous acts.”
Meanwhile, Ahmad Tamimi, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Polytechnic University of Palestine, condemned the Israeli raid on the university, on Sunday dawn hours, in which army seized PCs and other academic contents.
Israeli Army Sprays Waste Water on Mosque and homes near Bethlehem
Israeli army Sunday broke through the Aida refugee camp near Bethlehem and sprayed waste water into a mosque as well on residents‘ homes, provoking clashes, according to local sources and witnesses.
Israeli Forces Arrest 38 Palestinians in West Bank
Army forces stormed the city of Hebron and arrested 16 Palestinians, including an ex-detainee. Forces also stormed the nearby village of Idhna, where they raided a home and handed its residents summons to appear for investigation before Israeli intelligence.
In the meantime, army raided local stores and commercial structures, and seized surveillance cameras, in the nearby village of Beit Jabrin, where they also searched the village’s cemetery. Army forces further broke into the village of Halhul, conducting large-scale searches, and the village of Tarqumia, where they raided houses belonging to local residents.
Lebanese official accuses Mossad of assassination attempt
Suicide bombing targeting Abbas Ibrahim kills 1 and wounds 37; Ibrahim: ‚Terror has many faces, Israel is one of them‘.