The meandering Remixes negotiate control, monitoring and UFO paranoia. Topics that are in the current age of Edward Snowden as actual as they were in the days of J. Edgar Hoover. There‘s too much paranoia, yesterday and today.
Daily Archives: 18. Mai 2014
Oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi: Washington’s “Man in Ukraine”
Who was behind the May 2nd massacre inside Odessa’s Trade Unions Building?
What was the role of Oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi appointed by President Oleksandr Turchynov as governor of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.
Illegal NSA Surveillance of Americans: Secret Authorizations Granted by Bush and Obama
Arthur Sulzberger, the controlling owner of The New York Times, and his Editor, Bill Keller, blocked their own reporters, James Risen and Eric Lichtblau, from publishing the fact (communicated by the leakers) that that Bush’s statements that everything was hunky-dory legal were lies. Thus, Bush was able to win re-election against John Kerry in 2004. But, then, Risen got a book contract, and so was able to publish the truth after the 2004 election (which was what principally concerned Bush — his re-election); and, so, The New York Times finally allowed the truth to be published also in their pages, after the “election,” and thus too late for the public to absorb the fact that they’d been deceived by Bush about this.
Ukraine Crisis Goes Nuclear
Whether NATO is in fact attempting to intentionally create threats to Ukraine’s nuclear power plants as a pretext to intervene more directly in Ukraine or not is irrelevant. It is directly supporting the regime in Kiev that had organized and continues to perpetuate Right Sector who is currently creating such threats. However, with NATO being behind the chemical attack in Damascus, Syria in August of 2013 – the idea of NATO fabricating a similar pretext in Ukraine is not beyond the realm of possibilities.
George Takei Perfectly Describes How Corporations Are Ruining the Internet
As one redditor eloquently summed up the situation, „First they save money by letting the infrastructure degrade and then they charge extra for the scarcity of bandwidth by blaming it on the customers for their ‚heavy usage.'“
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Michael Hudson: The New Cold War’s Ukraine Gambit
Finance in today’s world has become war by non-military means. Its object is the same as that of military conquest: appropriation of land and basic infrastructure, and the rents that can be extracted as tribute. In today’s world this is taken mainly in the form of debt service and privatization. That is how neoliberalism works, subduing economies by indebting their governments and using unpayably high debts as a lever to pry away the public domain at distress prices. It is what today’s New Cold War is all about. Backed by the IMF and European Central Bank (ECB) as knee-breakers in what has become in effect a financial extension of NATO, the aim is for U.S. and allied investors to appropriate the plums that kleptocrats have taken from the public domain of Russia, Ukraine and other post-Soviet economies in these countries, as well as whatever assets remain.
Ost-Ukraine: Nationalgarde bestreitet Erschießung eigener Soldaten
„Ich weise diese Information kategorisch zurück“, sagte die Sprecherin der Nationalgarde, Viktorija Kuschnir, zu RIA Novosti. Sie bestätigte jedoch, dass zehn Soldaten der Nationalgarde zur selbstproklamierten „Donezker Volksrepublik“ übergelaufen sind. Der Verbleib dieser Menschen sei ihr jedoch nicht bekannt.
Syrians show support to presidential elections
A festival was held by the branch of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party in Ashrafiyet Sahnaya in Damascus Countryside.
The participants stressed that every Syrian should take part in the presidential vote as the participation would reflect belief in the homeland and its unity and the independence of its political decision.
They said that the elections will mark a democratic achievement in defiance of the plots of Syria‘s enemies and their takfiri agents, affirming that they will give their votes to candidate al-Assad, “ who reflects our aspirations for victory and recovery“.
Italy‘s Renzi faces Grillo challenge ahead of EU election
Either way, the uneasy state of equilibrium which has held since he seized power in February to become Italy‘s youngest prime minister is likely to be upset.
Scenario: Early elections end of June 2014 or beginning of July
Journalist Elli Stai told private alpha TV, that according to information Prime Minister Antonis Samaras would seek early parliamentary elections for June 22th or June 20th 2014 should the elections results be equally bad on the EU elections, next Sunday.
Thessaloniki: 98% say NO to water privatization in unoficial rerendum
An unofficial referendum about the water privatization was held in Thessaloniki on Sunday. The ballot boxes were set up outside the polling stations where citizens cast their vote municipality and regional elections.
Egypt court jails more than 160 Brotherhood supporters
An Egyptian court jailed more than 160 Muslim Brotherhood supporters to up to 15 years in prison on Sunday, pressing a crackdown on the Islamist group before a presidential election former army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is expected to win.
Why don’t we all just agree on Global Warming?
First, let it be said that David Victor, in his speech, self-describes himself as follows: ”I consider myself part of the mainstream scientific community on climate change, and I do all the things that the mainstream does. I teach about climate science and policy; I participate actively in the IPCC; I publish in all the normal journals.” He is a dyed-in-the-wool, self-proclaimed, practicing, Global Warming believer. He uses the term “believer” in his speech to describe adherents to the IPCC consensus. In any case, he cannot be mistaken for any kind of a climate change skeptic.
Each of the five following points of agreement is quoted directly from his speech, though not in sequential order, with some with emphasis added, each quote is followed by some comments by myself, in italics like this, to clearly differentiate them from Victor’s quoted words:
The Cause of Labour is the Hope of the World – Jóhann Jóhannsson
From the film The Miners‘ Hymns by Bill Morrison with music by Jóhann Jóhannsson. Recorded in Durham Cathedral September 2010.
National Guard refutes claims of executing 10 servicemen for refusing to participate in counterterrorist effort
„In Kramatorsk National Guards shot dead ten of their colleagues, conscripts who said they did not want to fight against their countrymen any longer but would go home,“ a spokesman for the HQ of the self-defense force told Interfax. He claimed that the execution had taken place in the grounds of an army unit.
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ISEE-3 Reboot
ISEE-3 Reboot Project In The News
„A private team is preparing to make contact with a 36-year-old NASA spacecraft after reaching its $125,000 crowdfunding goal on Wednesday (May 14). The ambitious private project, the first of its type, is attempting to reuse the International Sun-Earth Explorer 3 probe (ISEE-3), which launched in 1978 and ceased science operations in 1997.“
@ISEE3Reboot Somehow I feel Jodie Foster should be involved in all this
Update: ISEE-3 Reboot Project: Aiming for First Contact
Our first official attempt to contact the spacecraft will be at the Arecibo antenna in Puerto Rico the week of the May 19.. The folks down there are working to fit us into their busy schedule of radar observations of Near Earth Objects. That kind of stuff is interesting to me as well so it will be a lot of fun to see a place that I’ve seen on TV and in movies for most of my life. We are working out an arrangement whereby to where the ISEE-3 Reboot Project will donate the power amplifier that we are getting from Germany to Arecibo in consideration for their support of our project.
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Wunderbar. Der BR zerpflückt das unsägliche Gelaber von Gabriel und Merkel zum Freihandelsabkommen #ttip
[ZDF] Gabriel: „Ohne die USA geht es nicht“
Ein einziges Nacktfoto würde ausreichen um die politische Karriere von Gabriel zu beenden! Also, wer von euch hat so ein Bild? #spd
Ein neuer Tiefpunkt für die #SPD: Gabriel genehmigt Rüstungsexporte in Milliardenhöhe. Igitt, Heuchler!
„Gabriel bewilligt Rüstungsexporte in Milliardenhöhe.“ Dieser Tweet wiederholt sich regelmäßig bis zur nächsten Wahl.
Antwort auf Linke Anfrage: Sigmar Gabriel bewilligt Rüstungsexporte in Milliardenhöhe u.a. nach Saudi-Arabien
Sigmar Gabriel droht Putin: „Wir kommen an einen gefährlichen Punkt“
“Scheitert die Präsidentschaftswahl, kommen wir an einen gefährlichen Punkt. Europa wird nicht einfach zuschauen, wenn die Abstimmung von außen gestört wird”, sagte der Vizekanzler der “Bild am Sonntag” und fügte hinzu: “Dann würden wir auch über weitere Sanktionen reden müssen.”
So, zum Tagesabschluss noch ein Witz vom „gesamteuropäisches TV-Ereignis“
Neuer Anlauf gegen die Kriegsvollmacht vom 14. September 2001 im U.S.-Kongress
Der plötzlich ausgerufene “Totale Krieg” in und um Nigeria, der aus den Schatten gesprungene Krieg in der Ukraine, die so bizarr salonfähig gewordene Gefahr eines Weltkriegs zwischen Westblock und Russland und andere rational scheinbar unerklärliche Konflikte und Spannungsfälle haben einen in Deutschland bis dato immer noch nicht verstandenen Hintergrund: Den drei Tage nach den Attentaten des 11. September durch den Kongress erteilten “Blankoscheck für perpetuierten Krieg”.
West Africa Leaders Vow to Wage ‚Total War‘ on Boko Haram
British Foreign Minister William Hague, speaking before the start of a meeting, said the Nigerian military was not organized in a way to deal effectively with the group, and offered military advisers to help structure them.
„There is determination to tackle this situation head on … to launch a war, a total war on Boko Haram,“ Chad‘s President Idriss Deby said.
Nigeria accepts Israeli assistance in search for missing girls
(12.05.) No details available on what form the assistance might take.
Israel and US hold large-scale joint missile defense drill
Some 1,000 US troops arrive in Israel to participate in exercise held every two years, said designed to test joint response to missile attacks.
The Latest Document From the Snowden Trove Highlights Israeli Spying
Perhaps Feinstein had that in mind Tuesday after meeting with Yuval Steinitz, Israel’s Strategic and Intelligence Affairs minister, who had come to Washington vowing to “take up” allegations, detailed by several intelligence sources in two Newsweek stories, of wide-ranging espionage—not just electronic spying—against American targets.
China evacuates thousands of citizens from Vietnam after deadly attacks
China has evacuated more than 3,000 of its citizens from Vietnam and is sending ships to retrieve more of them after deadly anti-Chinese violence erupted last week over a territorial dispute between the two countries.
Russian journalists ‘detained’ near Kramatorsk in E. Ukraine
Russian journalists from LifeNews channel were stopped by Kiev’s armed forces on Sunday and contact has been lost with them, the channel said in a statement. Last week, the same crew came under fire from Kiev’s army, as well as RT‘s video agency crew.
University Numbers Drop By 30,000 As Students Deterred By Tuition Fee Hike, Estimates Les Ebdon
(12.07.2012) Professor Les Ebdon, director of the Office for Fair Access (OFFA), said fear of higher fees „appears to be an obstacle“ for some – particularly for mature students.
He acknowledged that university applications are still be watched „anxiously“ to see if the move to triple fees to a maximum of £9,000 will continue to be felt.
‘Better than ever’: UK’s richest own one third of country’s wealth
Briton’s wealthiest people own a third of the country’s GDP, with a combined fortune of 874 billion dollars, which is an increase of 15.4 percent on last year’s total, according to an annual survey.
The secret to becoming a millionaire: Go to university and get a degree, according to official figures which show one in five graduates are worth £1m or more
Official figures from the Office for National Statistics show that 20 per cent of all adults who complete higher education – equivalent to more than two million people – have a wealth of £1million or more.
Studenten-Proteste in London: “NEIN” zur Finanzmonarchie Großbritannien
(10.12.2010) London: Das Kapital erwürgt den Staat. Die Studiengebühren klettern auf umgerechnet rund 900 Euro im Monat. Die Studentenproteste halten an.
UK Tuition Fees: How Much Does it Cost to Study in the UK?
(29.10.2013) According to a recent HSBC report, the average cost per year of study in the UK for international students is £18,759 (US$30,325), which breaks down to £11,933 (US$19,291) for fees and £6,825 (US$11,034) for cost of living.
Congresswoman Barbara Lee to Speak at United Nations General Assembly
Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA), congressional representative to the United Nations, will speak at the UN General Assembly on Monday, May 19th. The UN General Assembly is expected to adopt a consensus resolution recognizing the importance of a clear role for parliaments at the global decision-making level. The resolution – Interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) – builds on a report by the UN Secretary General on the issue for the 68th General Assembly which documents intense interaction between the UN, IPU and the world of parliaments as a whole in the past two years.
Congress Eyes End To Endless War, Repeal Of 9/11 Authorization To Use Military Force
Some lawmakers tried last year to repeal or update the law, but failed, even as President Barack Obama pushed Congress to make revisions.
Next week, exactly one year after Obama made his pitch, lawmakers in both chambers intend to try again.
Harry Reid Backs Reexamination Of Post-9/11 Military Authorization Law
(15.05.) “It’s easy to be a Monday morning quarterback, but 9/11 was a very difficult time in the history of this country,” said Reid, who voted for the law in 2001. “[But] I definitely think its something we should definitely take a look at. I think 9/11 is a long time ago, and it’s something that needs to be looked at again. I have no problem with that,” Reid added.
Will Congress end the war on terror?
(15.05.) The Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), approved by Congress three days after the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, was just 60 words long and has since been used to justify everything from indefinite detention at Guantanamo Bay to drone strikes in Yemen against terrorist groups that didn’t exist when the twin towers fell.
Putting The War On Terror Back On Track
(06.05.) The last one month has shown what happens when the military and security services take their eyes off the ball in the war against terror.
Was the Nigerian Military Complicit in the Chibok Abductions?
Experts on Boko Haram suggest that the kidnap of over 200 schoolgirls in northern Nigeria could not have been carried out without some degree of police or military cooperation.
Nigerian Authorities Failed to Act on Warnings About Boko Haram Raid on School
(09.05.) Damning testimonies gathered by Amnesty International reveal that Nigerian security forces failed to act on advance warnings about Boko Haram‘s armed raid on the state-run boarding school in Chibok which led to the abduction of more than 240 schoolgirls on April 14-15.
West Africa leaders vow to wage ‚total war‘ on Boko Haram
„The world is aware of these young school girls who were abducted, but quite frankly Boko Haram has been creating havoc for sometime,“ U.S. Under Secretary for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman told Reuters. „We are all coordinated, we are all focused, this doesn‘t stop at borders, terrorism does not know borders and so we‘re going to work in a collective manner to get the job done.“
Nigeria‘s president says Boko Haram is ‚clearly‘ an al Qaeda operative
„Boko Haram is acting clearly as an al Qaeda operation,“ said Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan, who had only reluctantly accepted outside help after years of insisting the group was a local problem.
Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel CDU Hamburg, Fischmarkt – Prism – TTIP – 17.05.2014
Bundeskanzler Angela Merkel CDU, David McAllister und Roland Heintze – Europa Wahl – Protest – Transatlantisches Freihandelsabkommen TTIP – Prism
Libysche Regierung wirft Ex-General Putschversuch vor
Haftar und seine Unterstützer agierten „abseits staatlicher Legitimation“ und versuchten einen „Staatsstreich“, hieß es in einer Erklärung von Regierung, Parlament und Armee gestern.
Soma Holding’s Shocking Confession
Members of the Soma Holding company conduct a meeting with the press about the very recent disaster in which at least 284 people have been discovered dead. When asked about the life rooms, constructed for emergency situations, the company said, “The life room was closed, a new one was being prepared.”