WIE WÜRDEN die US auf eine palästinensische Erklärung reagieren, wenn die Palästinenser keine Verhandlungen mit einer israelischen Regierung führen würden die faschistoide Parteien einschließt?
Mit grosser Wut, natürlich.
WIE WÜRDEN die US auf eine palästinensische Erklärung reagieren, wenn die Palästinenser keine Verhandlungen mit einer israelischen Regierung führen würden die faschistoide Parteien einschließt?
Mit grosser Wut, natürlich.
By Ray McGovern
May 01, 2014 „ICH“ – „CN“ – When specialists with a good sense of history insist that war with Russia is “not unthinkable” precipitated by events in Ukraine, one should take careful note. The “not unthinkable” quote is from pre-eminent American historian of Russia, Stephen F. Cohen, who recently appeared with John J. Mearsheimer, historian of U.S. foreign policy, on RT’s Crosstalk.
That Cohen and Mearsheimer are professors should not be held against them. They
EFF is launching a new extension for Firefox and Chrome called Privacy Badger. Privacy Badger automatically detects and blocks spying ads around the Web, and the invisible trackers that feed information to them. You can try it out today:
Beijing is unhappy at the US State Department‘s 2013 annual country reports on terrorism, published Wednesday, which said China‘s cooperation on fighting terrorism „remained marginal“ and that the Chinese provided scarce evidence to prove terrorist involvement in incidents in Xinjiang.
An elderly political detainee has died of severe mistreatment while in police custody in the northern Egyptian city of Alexandria.
“For Africa to remain relevant, we need to adequately educate our people, as it is through education that we can unlock the potential of our youth to enable Africa to compete globally, and create jobs in the new knowledge economy.”
– Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, President of Nigeria
Email-ID: 1278834
Date: 2011-10-19 07:38:18
From: gary@ocnus.net
To: responses@stratfor.com
There are around 320 additional Special Forces personnel operating in West Africa, including three teams in the Niger Delta. The upsurge of Boko Haram violence in Northern Nigeria has attracted more. Others are working, with the Marines, in training exercises across Africa. There are three ‘Psychops’
groups operating in East Africa, especially in Kenya’s Northeast Frontier.
This is in addition to scores of private military corporations (like Dyncorp or the several companies formed by retired US brass).
Nigeria on Friday urged delegates due for the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Abjua next week „not to let terror win“ by staying away after a second bombing in the capital in less than three weeks.
Yesterday I said that the timing of the arrest of Gerry Adams was politically motivated.
Today’s decision by the PSNI to seek an extension confirms me in my view.
The arrest of Gerry Adams at this time is inextricably linked to the Local Government and EU elections that will take place across this island in three weeks.
Pelù sparked ire by saying, „We don‘t want 80 euros in alms. We want work“ at a traditional May 1 concert in Rome.
Pelù was making reference to Italian Premier Matteo Renzi‘s signature 80-euro-a-month bonus for 10 million low earners, which was part of a tax-cut measure approved earlier this month.
Renzi is the head of the PD.
The race to become the next Finnish prime minister heated up on Friday as Minister for Social Affairs and Health Paula Risikko said she would run to lead the ruling party when Jyrki Katainen steps down next month.
Chief of the Supreme Constitutional Court Adnan Zreiq announced Thursday that the deadline for submitting candidacy applications for presidential elections ended at 3 pm on Thursday afternoon.
Zreiq said in a statement that 24 candidates submitted applications by the end of the deadline, noting that the Court started receiving candidacy applications on April 22.
(08.05.2013) Israel, Saudi-Arabien, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, Jordanien und die Türkei wollen einen Militärpakt gründen. Die U.S.A. befördern die Angelegenheit, so israelische “Offizielle”.
(30.04.) Saudi forces conducted on Tuesday their largest military drills to date, which were carried out in front of foreign officials along the Saudi borders with Iraq and Kuwait.
The drills were described by the Saudi media as the „largest ever“ in the history of the Kingdom.
(01.05.2014) Saudi Arabia concluded a large-scale military exercise with a display of its Chinese- made Dongfeng 3 ballistic missiles this week, showcasing the missiles for the first time in a veiled warning to Iran, a defense expert told The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday.
(29.04.2014) Saudi Arabia became the first Middle East nation to publicly exhibit its nuclear-capable missiles. The long-range, liquid propellant DF-3 ballistic missile (NATO designated CSS-2), purchased from China 27 years ago, was displayed for the first time at a Saudi military parade Tuesday,
The Kingdom unveils missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads purchased from China; but while Israel used to be Saudi‘s main target, Riyadh and Jerusalem now have a common enemy – Iran.
(10.11.2013) Das in jeder Hinsicht skrupellose und archaische Regime von Saudi-Arabien hat in den letzten Tagen die Finanzierung von weiteren Invasionstrupppen zwecks Entsendung in den Syrien-Krieg angekündigt, samt deren Umetikettierung von “Jihadisten” zu “Salafisten”, ein Abgrund des Schwachsinns. Dazu in Deutschland, natürlich: allgemeines Schweigen. Auch zur dreisten Forderung der Saudis nach einem ständigen Sitz im Sicherheitsrat der U.N.O.: allgemeines Schweigen.
Ich gehe davon aus, dass die Saudis tatsächlich die Atombombe wollen. Dieses würde nicht zuletzt den Druck von den Israelis nehmen, als bislang einziger Atommacht Vorderasiens.
The European utopia is turning into a system for delivering punishment. As Europe’s regime gets tougher, there is a growing sense that interchangeable elites are taking advantage of each crisis to tighten their austerity policies and impose their federal fantasy (1). This twin objective has the support of boardrooms and newsrooms. But even if you boost their ranks with German rentiers, a few Luxembourgers specialising in tax evasion and most of France’s Socialist leaders, popular backing for the present “European project” isn’t much greater.
Stellen Sie sich doch bitte einmal vor, wie groß hierzulande die Aufregung wäre, wenn in Russland ein Regierungskritiker – in der hiesigen Sprachregelung „Regimekritiker“ – zum Tode verurteilt worden wäre. Andere Länder, andere Maßstäbe – in Ägypten wurden zum Wochenbeginn ganze 683 Regierungskritiker – in der hiesigen Sprachregelung „Terroristen“ – zum Tode verurteilt.
Forderungen am 1. Mai – Die Sozialistische Jugend macht bei der traditionellen Maikundgebung der SPÖ am Wiener Rathausplatz stets mit Transparenten auf ihre Anliegen aufmerksam. Auch heute schwebte ein von Luftballons gehaltenes großes Spruchband über den Menschen, die sich versammelten, um Bundeskanzler, Bürgermeister, ÖGB-Chef und anderen zu lauschen.
Gegenwärtig ist die Opposition in Venezuela tief gespalten. Führende Köpfe des radikaleren Teils sind Leopoldo López und María Corina Machado. López, Chef der rechten Partei „Voluntad Popular“, stellte sich nach den ersten Tagen der aktuellen Auseinandersetzungen den Behörden, die ihn wegen seiner Verwicklungen in diese per Haftbefehl gesucht hatten.
Beide fordern unverhüllt den Sturz der Regierung. Mit ihren radikalen Losungen versuchen sie nicht zuletzt, sich innerhalb des Bündnisses MUD als künftige Kandidaten bei Wahlen zu etablieren und damit die Vormachtstellung des ehemaligen Präsidentschaftskandidaten Henrique Capriles anzugreifen. Diese geriet bereits durch das schlechte Wahlergebnis des Bündnisses bei den Kommunalwahlen im Dezember ins Wanken, als die Opposition fast zehn Prozent weniger als die Unterstützer der Bolivarischen Revolution auf sich vereinigen konnte.
Das “Trade in Services Agreement” (TISA) ist ein von den USA, der EU und 21 kleineren Ländern verhandelter Vertrag mit dem Ziel, sogenannte “Handelshemmnisse” im öffentlichen Dienstleistungssektor zu beseitigen und dadurch neue Marktchancen (für Konzerne) zu öffnen. Die Gespräche wurden, wie man jetzt erfuhr, bereits vor einem Jahr aufgenommen, begleitet von der bereits von ACTA und TTIP bekannten und allseits heftig kritisierten “Geheimhaltung” (man könnte hier auch von einer Verschwörung sprechen).
Die (orwellische) Sprache in den bisher geleakten Dokumenten ähnelt der bisheriger “Freihandelsabkommen” verdächtig, nur die unmittelbare Zielrichtung unterscheidet sich. Standen bislang die Verhinderung von Handel mit gefälschten Produkten oder der allgemeine Abbau von Handelshindernissen im Vordergrund, so zielt TISA zunächst auf den öffentlichen Sektor. Also die in Europa sehr kontrovers diskutierte Privatisierung von Wasserversorgung, Nahverkehr, Gesundheitseinrichtungen, Bildungsstätten und anderen Angeboten, die auf dem alten Kontinent traditionell von Betrieben in öffentlichem Besitz bereitgestellt werden.
Die Troika verpflichtet die Regierung in Griechenland, umgehend zu Massenpfändungen bei Schuldnern des Fiskus und der Versicherungskassen zu schreiten.
Das revidierte Memorandum legt den Grabstein für welche auch immer gehegten Erwartungen tausender Schuldner der Finanzämter und Versicherungskassen in Griechenland auf eine günstigere Regelung, die ihnen ihre Schulden loszuwerden gestatten würde.
18 civilians, including 11 children, were killed and more than 50 others were injured by twin terrorist explosions of two car bomb in the towns of Jidreen and al-Hmairi in Hama countryside.
A source in the province told SANA reporter that a suicide bomber blew up a booby-trapped car in Jidreen town, southwestern countryside of Hama, killing 17 civilians, including 11 children and injuring more than 50 others.
The terrorist bombing caused a huge damage to a number of the town‘s houses.
The police minister of Australia‘s most populous state resigned on Friday after being linked to a plot to illegally funnel political donations from a property development group owned by embattled Australian tycoon Nathan Tinkler.
In the past, we‘ve noted that Twitter, alone among major tech companies, had made it a corporate policy to not just roll over when law enforcement came asking for user data, even alerting users that law enforcement was seeking their data, and giving them the chance to try to block the requests. Apparently, now a bunch of other big tech companies have started doing the same thing:
Up to five Philippine military bases will be made available for U.S. forces to rotate aircraft, ships, equipment and troops, Manila‘s chief negotiator of a new security pact said on Friday, as the Philippines looks to counter China‘s rising power in the region.
The finance ministry said the money will target „energy, economy, (fighting) extremism and education“, with $1 billion being transferred to Pakistan in the next week.
Under immense pressure from Obama White House and at the behest of its Director of National Intelligence, the United States Senate removed the provision in its ‚Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014‘ that would have legally required the president to disclose information about civilian deaths due to CIA-operated drone strikes in Afghanistan-Pakistan-Yemen-Sudan regions.
Statoil is operator for production licence PL532 with an ownership share of 50%. The licence partners are Eni Norge AS (30%) and Petoro AS (20%).
Fuels giant ENI said Friday it had made a new offshore oil and gas discovery in the Barents Sea off Norway.
The Techdirt comments section is to thank for this one. After we just talked about Chase Bank appearing to close the personal bank accounts of a bunch of employees in the adult performing business, a few of you pointed us to reports that this may just be Chase Bank dancing to a federal piper. That report has expanded upon Teagan Presley, a former porn star, and her comments upon finding out she was suddenly no longer a Chase customer.
It‘s become fairly clear that the TPP agreement is in trouble these days (for a variety of reasons). And it appears that President Obama is losing his cool concerning the agreement and its critics. In a press conference with Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, President Obama lashed out at TPP critics, calling them „conspiracy theorists“ whose criticism „reflects lack of knowledge of what is going on in the negotiations.“ Oh really?
„The gunmen entered the house and shot them dead on the spot,“ a senior police officer in the state capital with knowledge of the investigation told Reuters.
In the second incident, seven people were killed by a group of guerrillas, he said.
The fact that no outfit has claimed responsibility for the blasts is intriguing, said an official.
Beijing is unhappy at the U.S. State Department‘s 2013 country reports on terrorism, published last month, which said China‘s cooperation on fighting terrorism „remained marginal“ and that the Chinese provided scarce evidence to prove terrorist involvement in incidents in Xinjiang.
Cuba labeled as absurd and manipulative an annual U.S. State Department report that once again designated Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism, a setback for advocates hoping for a change in Washington‘s Cuba policy this year.
The Allensbach Institute, a German public opinion polling organization, finds that seven of 10 Germans now regard Russia as a world power, up from four in 10 six years ago.
Some of Mr. Obama’s lost shine and luster has been transferred to Edward Snowden, who is a hero to many Germans for exposing the American snooping on friend and foe.
The German and U.S. leaders are finding common ground in confronting President Vladimir Putin over Russian interference in Ukraine, drawing them together after years of trans-Atlantic discord over the euro-area crisis and U.S. spying on its allies.
(30.04.) The crisis in Ukraine will dominate talks between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Barack Obama in Washington this week, with both leaders keen to show the West is united in its resolve to take even tougher measures against Russia if necessary.
The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) today completed the third review of Tunisia’s economic performance under a 24-month program supported by a Stand-By Arrangement (SBA). The completion of the review enables an immediate disbursement of SDR 145.08 million (about US$225 million), bringing total disbursements to SDR 573 million (about US$888.4 million).
Tunisia‘s national assembly on Thursday approved a new electoral law, to take one of the last steps in the country‘s move to full democracy after the 2011 uprising that inspired the „Arab Spring“ revolts.
Nein, Journalist. “Google Glass” macht nicht Überwachung sichtbar. “Google Glass” macht Arschlöcher sichtbar, denen alles andere egal ist, wenn sie nur ihr Gadget haben — und in dieser Sichtbarkeit macht es auch den Charakter dieser Arschlöcher sichtbar.
Zwei Beispiele: Der Mietzins, gemeinhin “Miete” genannt ist ein Zins wie jeder andere. Jemand hat eine Immobilie übrig und vermietet diese. Das ist nichts anderes als ein Zins auf den Wert der Immobilie. Kauft sich jemand von seinen Mieteinnahmen weitere Immobilien und vermietet diese, ist das Zinseszins. Es sind zwar andere Mieter, die den Zinseszins zahlen, das ist aber auch schon der ganze Unterschied auf dieser Ebene.
Löhne funktionieren genauso. Da Lohnarbeit keine Beteiligung am Gewinn ist, sondern nur ein geringer Teil des Gewinns, kann das Unternehmen expandieren, weitere Lohnarbeit einrichten usf..
„Für mich sind das ab heute untragbare Verhältnisse. Und ich werde Ihr das ab heute jeden Tag sagen. Ich hab keine Angst vor Ihr.“
A photojournalist who covered last year’s deadly collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh draws connections to New York from clothing labels he found in the rubble.
Thousands of people took to the streets in Lisbon, the national capital of Portugal, Thursday in commemoration of the annual International Workers‘ day, calling for better conditions and rights one day after the right-wing government announced further tax on salaries.
Dieses Dokument ziele auf die Einhaltung von Menschenrechten ab, erläuterte Putin.
It doesn’t get any more Orwellian than this: Wall Street mega banks crash the U.S. financial system in 2008. Hundreds of thousands of financial industry workers lose their jobs. Then, beginning late last year, a rash of suspicious deaths start to occur among current and former bank employees
Alaska state officials confirmed Wednesday that an oily mist sprung from a compromised oil pipeline and sprayed into the wind without stopping for at least two hours, covering 33 acres of the frozen snow field in the oil well‘s vicinity.
The FBI‘s announcement was absent specific details about the latest charges, but those were made public on Wednesday afternoon when the newest indictment was uploaded to the PACER court records site.
With the opening of a new wind farm next month, El Hierro, population just over 10,000, will become the first island in the world to be fully energy self-sufficient through combined wind and water power. The five wind turbines will provide 11.5 megawatts of power, enough to meet the demand of the population and the desalination plants on this small crop of land off the coast of Africa in the Atlantic Ocean.