Daily Archives: 30. April 2014

30.04.2014 - 22:42 [ RT ]

UK Home Secretary urges ‘illegal’ stop and search practice overhaul

Her opposition counterpart, Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper asked her: “Why aren‘t you banning the use of targets given to police officers to stop and search a certain number of people?” Cooper also questioned why the guidance on race discrimination didn’t have a statutory basis and why there was no insistence that all forces abide by case law instead of just “some.”

30.04.2014 - 22:33 [ RT ]

World Cup war: Blackwater providing training to Brazil security forces

It remains unclear how many of the 170,000 plus security personnel tasked with policing the World Cup have received training from Academi, or the exact dollar amount of the contract, though parallels between anti-insurgency operations in Iraq can already be seen in the pacification of the favelas or slums of Brazil. One April-23 report in the Spanish International news agency EFE notes that a group of 22 military officers and agents from Brazil‘s Federal Police „recently received training from US security firm Academi.“

30.04.2014 - 22:29 [ Rettet den Regenwald e.V. ]

Der Luchs will keinen Staudamm im Nationalpark!

Einer der ältesten Nationalparks Europas ist in Gefahr. Mit Geld der Weltbank und der Europäischen Entwicklungsbank will Mazedonien im Mavrovo Nationalpark Wasserkraftwerke bauen. Das Gebiet ist Lebensraum der letzten Balkanluchse. Fordern Sie die Banken und den Premierminister auf, die Projekte zu stoppen!

30.04.2014 - 21:41 [ Think Progress ]

Under Pressure Of Lawsuit, Google Says It Will Stop Reading Students’ Emails

Google was scanning the email accounts of over 30 million underage student users worldwide who used its Google Apps for Education service, a free online toolkit for college and K–12 educators and students, The Wall Street Journal reported. The plaintiffs asserted that Google not only scanned emails but used the students’ email content to build secret profiles of each individual that could be used for advertising.

30.04.2014 - 21:33 [ RT ]

Congo president: Africa needs Russia

“We plan to develop co-operation in all areas: hydrocarbons, agriculture, minerals, logging and education and training,” he said to RIA Novosti.

30.04.2014 - 21:29 [ RT ]

EU states strike lucrative military contracts with China overriding embargo – report

French designed helicopters bolstering China’s air force, British jet engines driving fighter bombers and anti-ship strike aircraft, German and French engines providing the rudder to the Chinese navy – the role European exports play in China’s military is undeniable.

“Without European technology, the Chinese navy would not be able to move,“ Andrei Chang, editor of the Hong Kong-based Kanwa Asian Defense Review, told AFP.

30.04.2014 - 21:25 [ RT ]

​Saudi Arabia slams Norway’s human rights record

“It is a paradox that countries which do not support fundamental human rights have influence on the council, but that is the United Nations,” Brende stated, hinting at the absence of a spotless human rights record in the countries doing the finger pointing.

30.04.2014 - 21:16 [ Beyond Pesticides ]

Industrial Campaign and Congressional Hearing Misslead on Bee Decline

A new report, released this week by author Michele Simon and Friends of the Earth documents the tactics used by Bayer and other pesticide companies to delay regulatory action on neonicotinoid pesticides –a key contributor to bee declines. The report identifies public relations tactics reminiscent of those used by the tobacco industry, is now being used by Bayer, Syngenta, and Monsanto. Meanwhile, a Congressional hearing on pollinator health, with a panel dominated by industry, ignored the risks pesticides pose to pollinators, and failed to address sustainable solutions to bee decline.

30.04.2014 - 21:03 [ Food Watch ]

Separatorenfleisch gesucht!

Trotz intensiver Recherchen fand foodwatch kaum konkrete Hinweise, in welchen Produkten diese Massen an Separatorenfleisch Verwendung finden: Die zuständigen Ministerien geben sich weitgehend ahnungslos, die Fleischindustrie hüllt sich in Schweigen und auch die Systemgastronomie, die bei der Verwendung von Separatorenfleisch in loser Ware keiner Kennzeichnungspflicht unterliegt, beteuert, dieses nicht zu verarbeiten. Doch 70.000 Tonnen können sich nicht einfach in Luft auflösen.

30.04.2014 - 18:14 [ Telegraph ]

US Navy attempting to recruit cryptologists through Facebook game

The US Navy has created an online code-breaking game in an attempt to recruit the next generation of cryptologists.
The role-playing game is called Project Architeuthis and will be released on Facebook over the coming days.(…)
British intelligence agencies are turning to new imaginative ways to find recruits. MI5 has placed advertisements on the side of buses while the GCHQ has put virtual billboards into espionage based computer games.

30.04.2014 - 18:01 [ Techdirt ]

White House Says It Can Withhold Vulnerabilities If It Will Help Them Catch ‚Intellectual Property Thieves‘

We‘ve been among those critical of the White House for the administration‘s dangerous policy of not revealing security vulnerabilities it discovers, as it seeks to exploit them. In trying to respond to some of the criticism about this policy, the White House has put out a blog post by White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Michael Daniel, in which he explains how the intelligence community determines whether to withhold a vulnerability… or hoard it for its own use. He lists out three potential reasons for not disclosing:

30.04.2014 - 17:57 [ Techdirt ]

Government Presents Its Arguments For Warrantless Cellphone Searches, Thinks Officer Discretion Will Prevent Abuse

The other Supreme Court case dealing with warrantless cell phone searches heard oral arguments this week, with some intermingling from a lawyer presenting the US government‘s side in a related case (US v. Wurie). We recently covered the government‘s arguments for warrantless searches in US v. Wurie, a case dealing with outdated technology — a flip phone. This case (Riley v. California) is from 2013 and deals with a smartphone, one that received a much deeper search by police officers.

30.04.2014 - 16:04 [ WSWS ]

Der Spiegel agitiert gegen die ‚Kriegsangst‘ der Deutschen

Mit ihrem provokativen Vorgehen versuchen Deutschland, die EU und die USA nicht nur die Rohstoffe, fruchtbaren Agrarflächen und billigen Arbeitskräfte der Ukraine unter ihre Kontrolle bringen, sie wollen vor allem Russland zurückdrängen und schwächen, dass sie als Hindernis für ihre Vorherrschaft über die eurasische Landmasse und im Nahen Osten betrachten.
Die Bundesregierung spitzt den Konflikt mit Russland auch deshalb zu, weil sie durch eine Art Kriegsschock den Widerstand gegen den Militarismus brechen will.(…)
Die Forderung, die Deutschen müssten endlich ihren „Pazifismus“ überwinden und wieder Krieg führen, findet sich auch in zahlreichen anderen Leitartikeln und Kommentaren deutscher Medien.

30.04.2014 - 15:57 [ P-Magazin ]

So geht dezentrale Spionageabwehr: Telekommunikation unter dem Radar der Schnüffler

Die Geheim- und andere Dienste können nicht am Schnüffeln gehindert werden. Sie stecken überall ihren überlangen unsichtbaren Rüssel hinein. Als sei die Schnüffelei unausweichlich mit einem modernen und sicheren Staat verbunden. Kann man da nichts machen? – Doch!
Sind es nicht einfach die abgeschnüffelten Daten, welche ihre Macht ausmacht?

30.04.2014 - 13:52 [ Außenministerium der Volksrepublik China ]

Li Keqiang Meets with Former Treasury Secretary Timothy Franz Geithner of the US

In the afternoon of April 29, 2014, Premier Li Keqiang met with the former Treasury Secretary Timothy Franz Geithner of the United States (US) in Ziguangge, Zhongnanhai.

Li Keqiang expressed that the two heads of state recently held a successful meeting in The Hague.

30.04.2014 - 13:45 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Mid-term plan: Greeks to pay additional €4.1billion in indirect taxes

Greek government may celebrate the primary surplus, but the financial gap remains. Greek companies and households will be called to pay 4.1 billion euro within the next four years 2015-2018. But as the government insists that they will be no new wages and pensions cuts, the revenues will come from indirect taxes and Value Added Tax.

30.04.2014 - 13:37 [ Watts Up With That? ]

Smithsonian Magazine Claim: ‘ up to 1 billion climate refugees by 2050′

Back in 2009, it was 200 million climate refugees according to this article in the NYT:

„There could be 200 million of these climate refugees by 2050, according to a new policy paper by the International Organization for Migration, depending on the degree of climate disturbances.“

Now the claim is up to 5 times that by 2050 in the space of five years, at this rate of increase, the entire world population will be ‘climate refugees’ by 2050.

30.04.2014 - 13:35 [ Forbes ]

The Next Japan: How Deflation Threatens The European Union

As it did in Japan in the 1990s, inflation in the EU has declined to a five-year low of 0.5%, well below the ECB’s target of 2%. Even with the revival of some European economies, upward pressure on European wages will not occur soon. Under such precarious conditions, what prevents the ECB from further opening its monetary taps?

30.04.2014 - 13:27 [ Sydney Morning Herald ]

ECB to blame for eurozone deflation

Prices have been falling at a pace of 6.5 per cent in Greece, 5.6 per cent in Italy, 4.7 per cent in Spain, 4 per cent in Portugal, 3 per cent in Slovenia and nearly 2 per cent in Holland since September, based on my rough calculations (annualised) of Eurostat monthly data.

30.04.2014 - 12:56 [ Techdirt ]

Meet TISA: Another Major Treaty Negotiated In Secret Alongside TPP And TTIP

This Wednesday evening there is to be a „Public Information Session and Discussion“ (pdf) about TISA: the Trade in Services Agreement. If, like me, you‘ve never heard of this, you might think it‘s a new initiative. But it turns out that it‘s been under way for more than a year: the previous USTR, Ron Kirk, informed Congress about it back in January 2013 (pdf). Aside from the occasional laconic press release from the USTR, a page put together by the Australian government, and a rather poorly-publicized consultation by the European Commission last year, there has been almost no public information about this agreement. A cynic might even think they were trying to keep it quiet.

30.04.2014 - 12:53 [ Tor ]


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30.04.2014 - 12:24 [ Watts Up With That? ]

Watching the U.S. Tornado Outbreak from Space

NASA has just released an animation of visible and infrared satellite data from NOAA’s GOES-East satellite that shows the development and movement of the weather system that spawned tornadoes affecting seven central and southern U.S. states on April 27-28, 2014. NASA’s Aqua satellite captured infrared data on the system that revealed powerful storms, high into the troposphere.

30.04.2014 - 12:00 [ Ynet ]

Galant slams ‚evil conspiracy‘ against him

(08.08.2010) In his letter to Gabi Ashkenazi, Galant calls the claims „a vicious lie“, and says there is an „evil conspiracy“ against him.
Galant has so far kept mum on the document, made public by Channel 2 news Friday, which supposedly suggests he can improve his chances at becoming IDF chief of staff by „presenting a negative image“ of Gantz.

30.04.2014 - 11:53 [ New York Times ]

Israeli Report Cites a Thwarted 2010 Move on Iran

(04.11.2012) Ms. Dayan said on the channel’s evening newscast on Sunday that Mr. Netanyahu, in a meeting with a small circle of top ministers, turned to Gabi Ashkenazi, the head of the Israeli Defense Forces at the time, and told him to “set the systems for P-plus,” a term meaning that an operation would start soon. (…)

Mr. Ashkenazi was quoted saying of the P-plus order: “This is not something you do unless you are certain you want to execute at the end. This accordion will make music if you keep playing it.”