Daily Archives: 28. März 2014
Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Coup Commander Presidential Bid
A notorious military commander, a murderer who killed thousands of innocent civilians, a disgraceful liar who betrays every solemn oath he takes, will run for Egypt‘s top post amid brutal repression and unspeakable human rights violations –the wrong man, in the wrong place, at the wrong time, in a climate certainly unsuitable for elections.
America’s Plan B in Egypt: Bring Back the Old Regime
(06.06.2013) It seems Saudi Arabia, which quickly congratulated Adli Al-Mansour, is delighted, which explains why the Saudi-supported Nour Party in Egypt betray the Muslim Brotherhood.
Nour Party: Don‘t Blame Islamists for Brotherhood‘s Mistakes
(14.11.2013) Al-Monitor: What are the most important lessons learned from the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood to power, for both the Al-Nour Party and the political Islam movement in Egypt? Does [the Brotherhood’s] failure imply the failure of the Islamic project and a religious state?
Makhioun: I do not think that the Muslim Brotherhood and these practices represent the Islamic project or the Islamic movement in any way. Their affiliation with the Islamic movement is just a slogan. It is untrue and unfounded. Let’s not blame the Islamic movement for the Brotherhood’s mistakes.
Syrian rebel force to receive Saudi arms has worked with al-Qaeda group
(03.03.) If this is indeed the calculation of Washington and its regional allies, the problem with it is that Zoubi’s Yarmouk Brigade — like elements of the Islamic Front in the north — has been known to collaborate with none other than Jabhat al-Nusra. Jabhat al-Nusra is not merely “al-Qaeda-inspired.” It is the jihadist faction in Syria that is officially recognized as an al-Qaeda affiliate by al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahri. It was designated as a terrorist organization by the US State Department in December 2012.
Obama ready to expand covert aid to Syrian opposition: report
The United States is ready to step up covert aid to Syrian rebels under a plan being discussed with regional allies including Saudi Arabia, according to a Washington Post report.
Obama arrives for talks with Saudi king on U.S. Middle East role
While Saudi Arabia, the world‘s largest oil exporter, supplies less petroleum to the United States than in the past, safeguarding its energy output remains important to Washington, as does its cooperation in combating al Qaeda.
Germany‘s Schaeuble offers Britain support over EU reform
The comments, which come in a joint article with British Chancellor George Osborne in the Financial Times, represent the first time Germany has explicitly said that the interests of euro „outs“ must be protected.
Germany in renewed push for EU treaty change
He repeated his call for a eurozone parliament and a permanent chief of the Eurogroup, the informal gathering of eurozone finance ministers.
Die Amis weiten ihr Dragnet bei den Banken aus. Nein, nein, nicht gegen die Banken, bei den Banken.
Es geht doch hier nicht um echte Kriminelle. Es geht darum, der NSA noch mehr Daten zu verschaffen.
Pharmacies strike: Greeks stand long queues waiting up to 3 hours for a drug
Athenians found a new hobby: to stand in incredible long queues outside pharmacies. Not this is not a joke. As pharmacists went on strike last Wednesday, people in need of life saving medicine have no other choice but to turn to the few pharmacies on day or night duty. Especially in Athens and Piraeus the situation is grotesque as one pharmacy on duty can/could/should serve … several thousands of people.
China‘s premier seeks to reassure markets with pledge of support for economy
„They don‘t want investors and businesses to lose confidence. So obviously they want to make it clear they have the ability to step in if necessary. So I think that‘s probably the main point behind it,“ said Julian Evans-Pritchard, China economist at Capital Economics in Singapore.
Senators Afraid Of ‚Chilling Effects‘ On Those Poor, Poor Lobbyists If Scientists Disclose Which Large Company Funded Research
David Michaels, the head of OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration), also wrote the book Doubt is Their Product: How Industry‘s Assault on Science Threatens Your Health. You can guess what it‘s about based on the subtitle. The title itself comes from a 1969 memo from the tobacco giant Brown and Williamson discussing a plan to try to obscure the scientific evidence that smoking is dangerous with a flood of competing, sponsored „scientific“ research in an effort to sow doubt. The memo announced „doubt is our product, since it is the best means of competing with the ‚body of fact‘ that exists in the mind of the general public.“ Once put in charge of OSHA, he added a basic request (not a requirement) that anyone submitting scientific comments with the agency should also disclose any possible financial conflict of interest. He did not say that such submissions would be ignored, just in the interest of transparency, financial conflicts of interest should be disclosed.
There Is No Oversight: The NSA Withheld Documents From Intelligence Committee Heads
here has never been effective oversight of the NSA‘s bulk collections programs, or indeed, intelligence agencies in general. There‘s been a lot of noise made about this vaunted oversight in defense of programs revealed by leaked documents, but this is nothing more than a talking point.
The NSA (along with the CIA) has no interest in real oversight or accountability, not even to the final arbiter of its domestic surveillance, the FISA court. Judge Walton threatened to end the Section 215 collection back in 2008 after uncovering widespread abuse of the collections and the NSA‘s constant misrepresentation of how it was handling the data it collected.
U.N. rights forum calls for use of armed drones to comply with law
The United Nations called on all states on Friday to ensure that the use of armed drones complies with international law, backing a proposal from Pakistan seen as taking aim at the United States.
Was hat Schongau, was das Kommerz-Contralinken-Kaderkaff Berlin nicht hat?
In diesen Zeiten lieber schon mal die Antworten auf die Frage, bevor es ins Detail geht: eine Alternative (Liste Schongau), eine Chance, eine echte Partei. Und den entsprechenden Bürgermeister-Kandidaten: Tobias Kalbitzer, alias Karl-Heinz Rumgedisse (oder einfach Kalle). Diesen Sonntag (30.) ist Wahl. Den C.S.U.-Heini hat er schon mal plattgemacht. Jetzt ist in der Stichwahl die Prothese von der Verräterpartei dran. Und Gott sei Dank gibt´s dort keine Filiale der Gysi-Contras von der “Die Linke.” GmbH, die sich weinend in den Weg wirft und kreischt “NICHT OHNE MEINE S.P.D. ..!”
Ausplünderung und Ausverkauf bei Massenverarmung – Ukraine darf dem Beispiel Griechenlands folgen
Osama Morsi: Coup Commanders, Collaborators Share Power-Grab
Osama Morsi, the son of elected Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, said: „Now, it turns out the coup against Egypt‘s legitimate President Morsi had nothing to do with the country‘s stability or preventing a rupture in society (both crises are much worse now than ever before). The treasonous coup was obviously executed to satisfy the greed of a traitor – who betrayed his solemn oath to the President and the nation – and his comrades and their lust for power, over the dead bodies of many innocent Egyptians and through the arbitrary arrest of thousands of innocent citizens and suppression, even grizzly murder, of women, girls and young people.
Latin American Revolution: Chile‘s New Government Wants To Open Up TPP
Last year, the US government was adamant that TPP would be finished by the end of 2013. And yet here we are, well into 2014, with no sign that things are anywhere near completion. That slippage is more than just embarrassing: it could have major implications for the treaty. TPP has dragged on for so long there‘s a new President in Chile, Michelle Bachelet, and she‘s more doubtful than her predecessor about the value of TPP to her country and its people.
Offener Brief an Wladimir Putin
Sehr geehrter Herr Präsident!
In Ihrer »Rede vor der Staatsduma baten Sie um Verständnis bei den Deutschen.
Wir sind deutsche Staatsbürger, die die Nachkriegszeit mehrheitlich in der Westhälfte Deutschlands erlebt haben. Als der Kalte Krieg 1990 beendet und unser Land vereinigt wurde, ging ein Aufatmen durch die Welt, weil die stets drohende Gefahr einer nuklearen militärischen Auseinandersetzung gebannt schien, die den gesamten Globus in Mitleidenschaft gezogen hätte.
Deutschland wäre ausgelöscht worden.
Den entscheidenden Beitrag zur Befreiung Europas vom Nationalsozialismus hat, unter unvergleichlichen Opfern, die Sowjetunion geleistet. Gleichwohl war sie 1990 bereit, die deutsche Wiedervereinigung zu unterstützen, 1991 die Warschauer Vertragsgemeinschaft aufzulösen und die NATO-Mitgliedschaft Gesamtdeutschlands zu akzeptieren. Dies wurde vom Westen nicht honoriert.
Now even Australia’s ABC is asking questions about the new IPCC report and why Dr. Richard Tol asked his name to be removed from it
We are witnessing the crumbling of the consensus mindset. Stern looked like a deer in headlights.
Die Türkei macht auch Youtube dicht und hat damit den Boden des Vertretbaren verlassen. Jetzt sind sie sogar noch tiefer als die Briten gesunken.
Das Video, um das es geht, ist in diesem Fall auch besonders aromatisch. Es handelt sich um einen Mitschnitt eines geheimen Gespräches des Außenministers mit dem Geheimdienstchef, bei dem sie beraten haben, wie man denn einen Krieg gegen Syrien vom Zaum brechen könne. Ich bin irritiert, dass dieser Aspekt nur am Rande Erwähnung findet, und alle die Youtube-Sperrung für wichtiger halten als das Detail, dass die Türkei einen Krieg mit Syrien lostreten will. Die Türkei ist Nato-Mitglied.
Dieser offene Brief an Putin erweckt bei mir den Eindruck, dass sich doch viele Deutsche nicht einfach auf die Darstellung der staatstragenden Medien verlassen
Mich hat das ja neulich bei dem Jauch besonders geärgert, weil der da zur Simulation der journalistischen Integrität den Deutschlandchef von Ria Novosti da hatte, einen bulligen Russen, und den fragte er dann z.B. wie man Russland am besten für die Annexion der Krim bestrafen könne.
South Korea proposes aid for North if it halts nuclear arms program
It was not immediately clear how the North would respond to the proposal, made in a speech in Dresden, Germany…
China angrily denounces Japan for Russia-Crimea analogy
Japan‘s Kyodo news agency said Abe raised the issue at a G7 meeting in The Hague this month, warning that China was trying to change the status quo through coercion, and said something similar to Russia‘s seizing of Crimea could happen in Asia.
Recordings, Posted Online, Rattle Officials in Turkey
If any meeting was meant to be private, it was this one: the top spy chief, the foreign minister and his deputy, and a top military official discussing secret plans for possible military action in Syria.
„Das ist eine Kriegserklärung an die türkische Republik“
Es geht offenbar um einen Mitschnitt, in dem mehrere Männer – mutmaßlich der türkische Außenminister Ahmet Davutoğlu und Vertreter von Geheimdienst und Militär – über einen Militäreinsatz in Syrien beraten. Außerdem sollen die Männer darüber sprechen, ob notfalls ein Rechtfertigungsgrund dafür geschaffen werden könnte.
Turkey‘s Erdogan cancels election rallies to rest voice, his office says
Erdogan had difficulty speaking at rallies in southeast Turkey on Thursday ahead of Sunday‘s local elections.
Achtet mal heute darauf, wer diesen Echo-Bullshit auf der Titelseite hat, und damit tatsächliche Nachrichten verdrängt hat.
Nachrichten wie dass die Türkei gerne einen Krieg gegen Syrien lostreten will.
Obama Still Asking FISA Court To Renew Bulk Phone Collection
After President Obama announced his willingness to really end the bulk collection of phone records under Section 215 of the Patriot Act, Senator Patrick Leahy pointed out that the easiest way to do that was to simply not ask the FISA Court to renew that authority this Friday when it expired. The NY Times editorial board picked up that ball and ran with it, publishing an editorial saying that if the President wants us to believe he‘s serious about ending bulk phone surveillance he should end the program on Friday.
No such luck.
New NSA Bill From House Intelligence Committee Aims To Head Off Future Challenges To Legality Of National Security Letters
When House Intelligence Committee ranking member Dutch Ruppersberger suggested replacing the NSA‘s bulk collections with something a bit more targeted, it was a little surprising. After all, this is the same man who has worked hand-in-hand with Mike Rogers to subject the NSA to as little oversight as possible over the last several years.
What he proposed sounded suspiciously like an old fashioned Pen Register, the sort of targeted call tracking that can easily be performed by any law enforcement/security agent. Julian Sanchez wondered why a new law was needed when one already on the books would suffice, provided it was scaled back from FISC judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly‘s expansive interpretation.
Wanted bomb maker killed by Lebanese army in shootout
Sami Al-Atrash was suspected by authorities of preparing car bombs to plant in Shi‘ite areas and coordinating rocket attacks on Shi‘ite towns in retaliation for Lebanese militant Shi‘ite group Hezbollah‘s role in Syria.
DOJ Pushes to Expand Hacking Abilities Against Cyber-Criminals
The U.S. Department of Justice is pushing to make it easier for law enforcement to get warrants to hack into the computers of criminal suspects across the country.
Libyan protesters block oil pipeline to Mellitah port as strikes widen
But Libya‘s al-Aseema television station said the protesters, made up of oil security guards, were also threatening to stop gas exports from the Mellitah complex, operated by NOC and Italy‘s ENI, to Italy.
Four Tet – Live in Tokyo
Recorded at 3:35pm on the 1st December 2013 at the Hostess Club Weekender at the Yebisu Garden Hall in Tokyo, Japan.
Comment: The human cost of austerity: Poor people paying for a crisis they did not cause
The report The European Crisis and its Human Cost – A Call for Fair Alternatives and Solutions is the second annual edition in a series of in-depth examination of the human impact that austerity policies are having on people in the EU. It also documents the growing number of people struggling with poverty and social exclusion.
Erst das Essen, dann die Miete! – Mietstreiks in Berlin in der späten Weimarer Republik
Ende Juni 1932 wurden in Dutzenden von Hausversammlungen Mieterräte bestimmt, die zunächst für den 1. Juli, dann, nach Anlaufschwierigkeiten, für den 1. August zu einem berlinweiten Mietstreik aufriefen. Ähnliche Aktionen gab es auch in Hamburg, Breslau und München. Politisches Hauptziel des von der KPD gegründeten „Zentralen Mieterausschusses von Groß-Berlin“ war die Abschaffung der Hauszinssteuer, die von den Hausbesitzer/innen meist direkt auf die Miete umgelegt wurde, ohne dass die Einnahmen in nennenswertem Umfang in den sozialen Wohnungsbau flossen.
Offener Brief an Wladimir Putin – In Solidarität
Veröffentlicht am 27.03.2014
Simulierte Sicherheit
Im August des letzten Jahres begann die Berliner Polizei die Kameraanlagen der BVG auf den Bahnhöfen Zoologischer Garten, Kottbusser Tor und Alexanderplatz mitzunutzen. Laut Aussage von Innensenator Henkel hätten sich diese Bahnhöfe nach dem polizeilichen Lagebild als sogenannte Kriminalitätsschwerpunkte erwiesen. (…)
Der Verein Digitalcourage, der sich mit Datenschutz und Überwachung beschäftigt, kritisiert, dass eine Videoüberwachung des öffentlichen Raums lediglich zwei Gruppen nutze. Zum einen den privaten Unternehmen, die durch Verkauf und Installation der Überwachungstechnik sowie deren anschließende Wartung verdienen. Zum anderen seien es populistische Politiker, die wider besseren Wissens den Nutzen von Videoüberwachung propagierten und sich damit „zu Steigbügelhaltern der (Überwachungs-)Industrie degradieren“ ließen.
Climate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation
(28.11.2009) Professor Philip Jones, the CRU‘s director, is in charge of the two key sets of data used by the IPCC to draw up its reports. Through its link to the Hadley Centre, part of the UK Met Office, which selects most of the IPCC‘s key scientific contributors, his global temperature record is the most important of the four sets of temperature data on which the IPCC and governments rely – not least for their predictions that the world will warm to catastrophic levels unless trillions of dollars are spent to avert it.
Dr Jones is also a key part of the closely knit group of American and British scientists responsible for promoting that picture of world temperatures conveyed by Michael Mann‘s „hockey stick“ graph which 10 years ago turned climate history on its head by showing that, after 1,000 years of decline, global temperatures have recently shot up to their highest level in recorded history.
IPCC author brands upcoming climate report ‚alarmist‘
Professor Richard Tol withdraws from writing team for UN climate science panel‘s report on impacts of global warming
UK professor refuses to put his name to ‚apocalyptic‘ UN climate change survey that he claims is exaggerating the effects
– Prof Richard Tol said UN academics were exaggerating climate change
– Comes as a blow to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
– Panel to publish its first update in seven years on the impacts of climate change
Ninth International Conference on Climate Change
Is the theory of man-made global warming still credible? Why do surveys show a majority of Americans and scientists do not believe global warming is man-made and a major problem?
Hundreds of the world’s most prominent “skeptics” of the claim that human activity is causing a climate crisis will converge in Las Vegas on July 7–9 to review the latest research and celebrate what they see as recent events that vindicate their opposition to what some claim is a “scientific consensus.”
Here Is The YouTube „Start A False Flag War With Syria“ Leaked Recording That Erdogan Wanted Banned
As we noted here, Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan had blocked Twitter access to his nation ahead of what was rumored to be a „spectacular“ leak before this weekend‘s elections. Then this morning, amid a mad scramble, he reportedly (despite the nation‘s court ruling the bans illegal) blocked YouTube access. However, by the magic of the interwebs, we have the ‚leaked‘ clip and it is clear why he wanted it blocked/banned. As the rough translation explains, it purports to be a conversation between key Turkish military and political leaders discussing what appears to be a false flag attack to launch war with Syria.
Sanktionen für die Galerie: Dreht Russland den Gashahn zu, sind wir aufgeschmissen
Wenn Russland westeuropäische Wirtschaftssanktionen mit einer Drosselung oder einem Stopp der Gaslieferungen beantwortet, hat Deutschland gleich eine Versorgungslücke von 50 Prozent. Und auch in Frankreich oder Italien, beides überaus wichtige Handelspartner der Schweiz, würde ein Viertel des notwendigen Gases fehlen.
DeutschlandTrend: Mehrheit unzufrieden mit Großer Koalition ..#DeutschlandTrend
Most Germans unhappy with Merkel‘s new government: poll
Most Germans are unhappy with Chancellor Angela Merkel‘s right-left coalition, a poll showed on Friday, even as support for the parties that make up her government has hardly changed since September‘s election.
Ukraine: Behörden erwägen Verbot der Nationalistenpartei Rechter Sektor
Ein endgültiger Beschluss sei nicht getroffen worden, so der Batkiwschtschina-Verstreter. „Es wurde vorgeschlagen, die Diskussion am Freitag in einem größeren Kreis fortzusetzen“.
Ukraine Reaches „Kamikaze“ Deal With IMF
Ukraine and the IMF have agreed to an aid package that will no doubt prove to be as beneficial to Ukraine as the Troika bailout (plunder) of Greece.
Ukraine parliament passes austerity bill required by IMF
The Ukrainian parliament has adopted an anti-crisis bill proposed by the IMF to secure an international financial aid package. Ordinary Ukrainians will have to tighten their belts to help the coup-installed government keep the collapsing economy afloat.
It took two readings of the bill for 246 MPs out of 321 registered to approve the austerity measures outlined in the legislation dubbed “On prevention of financial catastrophe and creation of prerequisites for economic growth.”
Ukraine parliament fails in first bid to support law for IMF deal
(27.01.) The draft law proposed by the government of Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk failed to muster enough votes, but deputies continued discussions to try to find a compromise.
Boston Bombing Suspect Avoided CIA, FBI Because His Last Name Was Misspelled In DHS Database
Everyone makes mistakes. There‘s hardly anyone out there who can claim a misspelling-free existence. And government employees — even highly-trained analysts and agents charged with protecting national security — are no different. Mistakes will be made. Let he who is without sin be the pedantic ass casting stones in the comments below, etc.
Swede Patrols Ukraine’s Streets with Right-wing Paramilitaries
When Fria Tider asked Skillt about rumors that the Ukrainian opposition itself may have been behind the shootings of protestors on the Maidan, he says that he is aware of them, but puts no stock in them. However, he said he has spoken to two people who sniped at the police on the Maidan Square during the riots. “They used Saiga semi-automatic rifles equipped with telescopic sights, and were positioned on the third floor of the Trade Unions Building on Maidan Square,” Skillt said