Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane convened a BRICS Foreign/International Relations Ministers’ meeting on Monday, 24 March 2014 on the margins of the Nuclear Security Summit in The Hague, Netherlands. The meeting was attended by Minister Sergey Lavrov of the Russian Federation, Minister Salman Khurshid of the Republic of India, Minister Wang Yi of the People’s Republic of China and Ambassador Carlos Antonio Paranhos, Under-Secretary General for Political Affairs of the Federative Republic of Brazil. (…)
The Ministers noted with concern, the recent media statement on the forthcoming G20 Summit to be held in Brisbane in November 2014. The custodianship of the G20 belongs to all Member States equally and no one Member State can unilaterally determine its nature and character.
They reflected on challenges to peace and security, notably the significant infringements of privacy and related rights in the wake of the cyber threats experienced, for which there is a need to address these implications in respect of national laws as well as in terms of international law.
They agreed that BRICS countries would continue to act as positive catalysts for inclusive change in the transformation process towards a new and more equitable global order. The BRICS agenda is not centered around any specific country or related issue and shares a common vision which drives it to also increasingly identify common areas for cooperation to assist with finding global solutions to global challenges.
BRICS countries agreed that the challenges that exist within the regions of the BRICS countries must be addressed within the fold of the United Nations in a calm and level- headed manner. The escalation of hostile language, sanctions and counter-sanctions, and force does not contribute to a sustainable and peaceful solution, according to international law, including the principles and purposes of the United Nations Charter.
With Brazil and China now wealthier than some G7 countries, Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov noted the G7 has lost its monopoly on global governance.
“If our Western partners believe this format [G8] has exhausted itself, let it be. We are not clinging to it. As an experiment, we can wait a year or a year and a half and see how we live without it,” he said.
Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of the Argentine Republic Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner.
In the course of an exchange on the situation around Crimea and Ukraine, both parties noted the proximity of their positions, primarily in the assessment of the inadmissibility of the use by some Western states and associations of double standards, stressing the importance of a complex consideration of the two peoples’ national, historic and cultural traditions.
The two presidents also discussed current issues of cooperation between Russia and Argentina, including prospects for enhancing trade and economic relations.
Laut einer Umfrage des TNS-Forschungsinstituts zeigen 55 Prozent Verständnis für Putins Reaktion auf das Eindringen in die russische Einflusszone. 54 Prozent meinen sogar, Deutschland soll das Ergebnis des Krim-Referendums akzeptieren.
Nicht zuletzt diese Unlust der Deutschen an noch mehr Eskalation, Gewalt oder gar Krieg ist es wohl, die die neoliberalen Meinungsmacher so nervös macht.
25.03.2014 - 18:26 [ The Voice of Italy / Youtube ]
Suor Cristina Scuccia ha 25 anni, è siciliana ma vive a Milano ed è una suora Orsolina della Sacra Famiglia. Sin da piccola sogna di essere una cantante, nel 2008 le suore Orsoline organizzano un music-hall in cui si ritrova per caso. Non credente, ma in ribellione con la Chiesa… trova poi l‘Amore per eccellenza.
Bishop Hill reports a visit from “Secret Santa” and provides these links.
The latest draft of the WGII Summary for Policymakers, currently being discussed in Yokahama
A document floating round the conference that demonstrates through its title – “Hope for our Earth” – the policy-neutral environment in which delegates are operating.
(…)die provokation der sprache findet im hintergrund statt und das lebendige ist die werkstatt der umgelebten worte. ABER ABER das lebendige ist nicht allein, seine schaltkreise werden herausgefordert mit jedem mickrigen schrittchen, den es tut, das weiß es, nur zu gut weiß es bescheid und die ganze jämmerliche zeit ist genauer klar, das alles hinüber und das letzte sein kann: das lebendige nämlich hat immer damit zu tun, damit, das es in sein nichts vorläuft und so wiederum und weiter provoziert der tod das leben… , … in die hosen macht es sich dabei, blaue lippchen bekommt es, es hat EINFACH NUR EINFACH angst und diese jene angst ist der GOLDIGE GRUNDBESITZ DER ANDEREN / WER SIE HAT DER HAT DICH / HAT DEINE SACHE / DEINE SPRACHE / DER HAT HAT UND DIE ANDEREN HABEN MACHEN SIND DER FEUDALISMUS SINd Die menschenmenschen, die, die es bestechlicher können und so ganz sorgsam das lebendige damit anfesseln, nämlich an sich selber, nämlich an gutes benehmen, den gehüteten kontostand, die vollversicherten leberwerte und immer abscheulich so weiter:(…)
Der kommissarische Innenminister der Ukraine, Arsen Awakow, hat eine Vernehmung führender Repräsentanten der ultranationalistischen Bewegung Rechter Sektor angeordnet.
„Das trifft vor allem auf jene zu, die sich auf dem Maidan befinden“, sagte ein ranghoher Mitarbeiter des Innenministeriums, der anonym bleiben wollte, am Dienstag RIA Novosti in Kiew.
Die zu einer Partei mutierte Organisation radikaler ukrainischer Ultranationalisten Rechter Sektor hat nach der Tötung seines Aktivisten Alexander Musytschko bei einem Polizeieinsatz einen sofortigen Rücktritt von Innenminister Arsen Awakow gefordert.
Cass Sunstein, who recently got some attention for being a member of the task force President Obama asked to review the NSA‘s surveillance practices, is probably more well known as both a former Obama official and the co-author of the highly influential (if somewhat problematic) book Nudge (which has even inspired an entire organization within the UK government).
Sunstein has written a column for Bloomberg, which reads more like a #slatepitch — taking something rather basic, and arguing a contrarian view solely for the sake of being contrarian. In this case, Sunstein is trying to argue that the key First Amendment ruling in New York Times v. Sullivan, which just turned 50 years old, has a „dark side.“
The government said it was informed on Tuesday about a system under which incoming and outgoing telephone calls were taped and recorded at a large number of stations of the Garda, the Irish name for its police service.
The leader of Egypt‘s outlawed Muslim Brotherhood and 682 others went on trial on Tuesday on charges including murder, their lawyer said, a day after more than 500 supporters of deposed Islamist president Mohamed Mursi were sentenced to death.
„I think the world should not forget about the security of the people of Gaza,“ he said. „Their security is worth the same as everybody else‘s security so we appeal to the humanitarian sense of all.“ (..)
Egypt has meanwhile clamped down on smuggling tunnels in the Sinai desert that served as a commercial lifeline for Gaza.
Let Wednesday be a notable day of the second wave of the Revolution. Let all gatherings move towards the squares of the Revolution in all parts of the country, under the banner „Together for Deliverance“. Let the squares of Tahrir, Rabaa Al-Adaweya and Nahda be the goals, without sit-ins. The final decision with regard to specific protest activities on the ground in those three squares is left to you, to suit the situation, while supporting the objectives. Raise the flags of Egypt and Rabaa, and the images of the martyrs and the detainees.
The Anti-Coup Pro-Legitimacy National Alliance
Cairo: March 24, 2014
The Brotherhood strongly condemns the most tragically farcical court sentencing, in which 529 leaders and politicians are ordered dead in two brief court sessions totaling some twenty minutes.
Konzernchef Alexej Miller sprach am Dienstag mit dem kuwaitischen Botschafter in Moskau, Abdulaziz al-Adwani, über eine engere Zusammenarbeit im Energiesektor, wie Gazprom mitteilte. Die Rede war insbesondere von neuen Lieferungen von Flüssigerdgas (LNG).
„Wir brauchen einen Druck auf die Völkergemeinschaft, damit unsere Revolutionäre mit Waffen versorgt werden können“, erklärte Dscharba am Dienstag zum Auftakt des 25. Gipfels der Arabischen Liga in Kuwait.
Der rechtsradikale Politiker habe mit seinen jüngsten Ausschreitungen die neue Regierung in Kiew kompromittiert und man habe beschlossen, ihn von der politischen Szene verschwinden zu lassen. „Es ist kein Geheimnis, dass (der SBU-Chef) Naliwajtschenko der Hauptpartner der US-Geheimdienste ist und bei ihnen großes Vertrauen genießt“, so der Sprecher weiter. Er schloss nicht aus, dass weitere solche Einsätze möglich seien. „So hat niemand in Kiew (den Chef des Rechten Sektors Dmitri) Jarosch mehr nötig.“
After scoffing at a decision by the United States and its allies to boycott a planned Group of Eight summit in Sochi and hold a G7 summit instead without Russia, the Kremlin said it was keen to maintain contact with G8 partners.
In fiscal 2013, the last year for which there are complete records, the government spent almost $1.3 million on alcohol, more than quadruple the $315,000 spent in 2005. The spending on liquor has increased over the years toward the $1 million mark, with 2013’s tab growing more than $400,000 over 2012.
Der Sänger und Frontmann von GWAR, Oderus Urungus (bürgerlich: David Brockie) ist am Wochenende im Alter von nur 50 Jahren gestorben :( Rest in Pieces.
Listen to them discuss: Baby Poop, Chef Liar, Pomegranate Batteries, Bangingbig with the Big Bang (yeah I went there), Solar Moon Energy…man, Growing vegetables in space …maaaaaan, Noah: Action hero. and Courtney Love: Plane finder.
Ende Februar teilte die ukrainische Generalstaatsanwaltschaft mit, dass gegen ihn wegen Ausschreitungen in der Staatsanwaltschaft des Gebiets Rowno ermittelt werde. Nach Angaben der Behörde hatte Musytschko zusammen mit einer von ihm geleiteten Gruppe einen Mitarbeiter der Staatsanwaltschaft angedroht und physische Gewalt gegen ihn angewandt. Das Video wurde von einem User auf Youtube hochgeladen.
Danach gefragt, ob die jüngste Festigung des Rubels das Finanzministerium dazu bewegt, die Devisenankäufe wiederaufzunehmen, antwortete der Minister: „Wir werden die Tendenz verfolgen. Es kann sein, sie geht in Richtung einer weiteren Stärkung des Rubels.“
Nicht bloß, dass Russland in diesen Tagen über 20 Mrd. Dollar verdient hat, es hat auch die Aktien seiner Unternehmen nach Hause zurückgeholt. Jetzt wird das Einkommen aus Erdöl und Gas nicht ins Ausland abfließen, sondern in Russland bleiben, der Rubel erhebt sich von sich aus und für seine Unterstützung muss man keine Goldwährungsreserven Russlands verbrauchen, und die “Finanzhaie” Europas blieben „Neese“ und wurden um den Finger gewickelt. Ihre Aktien, die Milliarden Dollar bringen, wurden innerhalb von wenigen Minuten für ein paar Cent aufgekauft und haben sie ohne Einkünfte aus dem Erdöl und Gas gelassen. Eine solche glänzende Operation hat die Börsengeschichte noch nicht gesehen.
At least 4.1 million Italians relied on some form of food assistance in 2013, a 10% increase over the previous year and a 47% increase over 2010, a report from Coldiretti farmers‘ association says.
Residents of the coastal town of Fiumicino, near Rome, will get a 50% discount on their trash collection tax if they adopt a dog or a cat from the local pound, local authorities have announced.
Labour Minister Giuliano Poletti on Tuesday said that Italian employees will not receive a bonus on their paychecks as part of a package of labor reforms, but they should expect fewer taxes.
Police in the northern Italian city of Turin arrested 10 managers and employees of the local housing authority (ATC) on Tuesday for allegedly trading public maintenance contracts for favors.
The US Supreme Court has yet to take a case that directly challenges the NSA‘s domestic surveillance programs, having turned down EPIC‘s turnstile-jumping attempt to bring the bulk collection to the court‘s attention back in November. More recently, it also declined to grant standing to a case pursued by the Center for Constitutional Rights challenging the legality of Bush-era surveillance programs.
Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, the Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, is heading the UAE’s delegation to the Nuclear Security Summit that opened in The Hague on Monday. Mr Obama will then travel to Riyadh to meet Saudi King Abdullah on Friday.
Barack Obama opens a six-day trip to Europe and Saudi Arabia on Monday seeking to reassure US allies amid the worst East-West crisis in years and to defend his nuclear diplomacy with Iran.
Reuters reported on March 7, 2014 that Saudi Arabia had formally designated the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) as a terrorist organization. Apparently the Saudis view the MB with a great deal of suspicion and mistrust, seeing the organization as too “republican” and anti-monarchist.
Saudi Crown Prince Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, whose country supports rebels trying to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, called for „changing the balance of forces“ on the ground there. He said the crisis in Syria had reached catastrophic proportions.
Anordnungen von Hausdurchsuchungen, Spitzeleinsätzen, Telekommunikationsüberwachung, Trojanern und zur Aufhebung des Bankgeheimnisses sind nun unter allen EU-Mitgliedstaaten möglich
25.03.2014 - 09:13 [ Außenministerium der Russischen Föderation ]
Am 23. März versuchte eine Personengruppe, die sich als „11. Hundertschaft des Maidan“ ausgab, in das von der Russischen Föderation für die Aktivitäten des Russischen Wissenschafts- und Kulturzentrums in der Hauptstadt der Ukraine angemietete Gebäude einzudringen.
Diese Leute äußersten den Wunsch, die Räumlichkeiten und das darin befindliche Mobiliar sowie die technische Ausstattung, welche Eigentum der Russischen Föderation sind, für die Unterbringung ihres Stabs zu nutzen. Sie bedrohten auch die sich darin befindlichen Staatsbürger der Ukraine und warnten diese vor der Unzulässigkeit jeglicher Zusammenarbeit mit Russland.
Coordinator of Ukrainian far-right movement Right Sector Oleksandr Muzychko was lethally wounded in a detention raid by the country’s law enforcement agencies in western Ukraine, Ukrainian First Deputy Interior Minister Vladimir Yevdokimov told a media briefing in the Ukrainian capital on Tuesday.
In his words, Muzychko put up armed resistance to law enforcers in the detention raid.
Libyan rebels who control three oil ports will not enter any talks with the government about ending their blockade unless Tripoli returns a tanker that loaded oil at one of its terminals but was recaptured by U.S. forces, they said on Monday.
A pro-military court passes a mass execution sentence against anti-coup politicians in two fast sessions, so fast there was no time to even read the list of defendants being convicted.
25.03.2014 - 08:56 [ Organisation der Vereinten Nationen ]
The United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process on Saturday voiced grave concern at the Israeli Government‘s reported plans to advance over 2,300 settlement units, many of them deep inside the West Bank.
“This development is particularly unhelpful against the backdrop of a volatile situation on the ground and as US-led peace negotiations have reached a critical stage,” Robert Serry said in a statement issued in Jerusalem.
He reiterated that settlements are illegal under international law and cannot be reconciled with Israel‘s stated intention to pursue a two-State solution.
Human Rights High Commissioner Navi Pillay also expressed concern at a recent surge in violence in and around the Gaza Strip by both local groups and Israeli forces.
(24.02.) “Omar Barghouti now may be a more important leader than [Palestinian Authority] President Mahmoud Abbas,” said Falk, referring to the cofounder of the Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel.
“No matter what setbacks, the spirit of the people is unshakeable as they carry on the struggle no matter how long it takes for freedom and dignity,” he said.
Falk, an American law professor who is Jewish, has come to the end of a six-year term in the independent post and the Human Rights Council in Geneva is expected to name a successor soon. (..)
During his tenure, Falk was criticized by Power‘s predecessor Susan Rice, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and UN Watch, an activist group that Falk has branded a „pro-Israel lobbying organization“.
The app, which is available for Android and Apple smartphones as well as on the web, was developed by summit sponsor ImgZine and boasts live schedule updates, pictures of The Hague, and a GPS-linked map to guide visitors through the ultra-secure maze of buildings where the summit was being held.