Daily Archives: 22. März 2014
Hier kann jeder sehen was die #spd unter Demokratie versteht! Sagt nicht wieder ihr hättet nichts gewusst! …
Anti-austerity protesters march in Spain
Thousands of protesters from across Spain called for an end to austerity measures amid the country‘s economic crisis.
VIDEO: Riot police brutally attack protesters in #Madrid #Spain. #MarchasDignidad22M #22M #acampadaRecoletos #ACAB
22M La policia carga contra la pancarta del No pasarán
Batalla campal en las inmediaciones de Colón tras las cargas de los antidisturbios
21.10-Luís Giménez y Virginia Uzal afirman que los manifestantes han establecido barricadas en Recoletos. Los agentes disparan pelotas de goma indiscriminadamente, mientras cientos de manifestantes les responden con armas piedras y cohetes. En esta misma zona, grupos de encapuchados destrozan paradas de autobús, al grito de „¡Madrid será la tumba del fascismo!“. El SAMUR atiende a varios policías, uno de ellos herido en la cabeza por el impacto de una piedra. Los asistentes insisten en que la virulencia de los enfrentamientos es superior a la registrada en anteriores ocasiones.
La Policía prepara un dispositivo récord de 1.700 antidisturbios para el 22M
La Policía prepara un gran dispositivo policial en Madrid para recibir a las denominadas ‚Marchas por la Dignidad‘. En total serán movilizados alrededor de 1.700 agentes de la Unidad de Intervención Policial (UIP), los antidisturbios, una cifra que incluso supera los enormes despliegues que se activaron para blindar el Congreso de los Diputados el 25 de septiembre de 2012 y en manifestaciones posteriores, informaron a eldiario.es fuentes policiales.
Las marchas de la dignidad entran en Madrid: „La mayoria silenciosa quiere hablar“
La manifestación, que los organizadores prevén „multitudinaria“, irá de Atocha a la Plaza de Colón. La Delegación del Gobierno ha preparado un dispositivo con 1.750 antidisturbios, uno de los mayores que se ha puesto
Las ‘Marchas de la dignidad’ recorren Madrid
Las decenas de personas que acampaban junto a Recoletos se han marchando ante los disturbios policiales. Hace cinco minutos nuestro compañero J. Jiménez Gálvez nos contaba que quedaban menos de 10 personas bajo las tiendas de campaña y las carpas, que aún se mantienen
Neun tote Punkte um als Band, Galerie, Label, Filmemacher und bzw mit Webseite zu scheitern
1. Auf keinen Fall Erfolg haben wollen. Weil, den haben immer nur die Anderen und das war auch schon immer so.
2. Nicht begreifen, was das Internet, was das World Wide Web und wozu eine Webseite da ist und wie diese mit der wirklichen Welt und diesem bösen Erfolg zusammenhängen könnte, den man nicht haben will.
3. Immer erst dann irgendetwas begreifen, wenn
3.1. man das Gefühl hat jetzt müsse man was tun, weil der schicke Kerl, die rasante Braut oder der Sponsor / A & R / Manager / Veranstalter / Produktionsfirma / Filmverleih / Blutsauger mit den Moneten einen sonst für total unmodern halten und aus seiner jeweiligen Sklavengaleere schmeißen könnte.
3.2. einen jemand auf der Straße inmitten von Trümmern, in der Intensivstation, oder vollgesabbert in der Kneipenecke wachrüttelt.
30.000 Menschen demonstrieren für die Energiewende
Damit sie Gabriel die Stirn bieten, sind massenhaft Menschen nach Düsseldorf, Hannover, Kiel, Mainz/Wiesbaden, München und Potsdam gereist, um dort zu demonstrieren. Die Zahlen: Hannover: 8.000, Düsseldorf: 5.000, Kiel 5.000, München und Wiesbaden: 4.000, München: 5.000, Potsdam: 2.000
Russland-Bashing der deutschen Medien: Wir sind das Volk!
„Wer wohl eher von Politikern und Medien gezwungen wird, durch Morast zu waten, ist der Bürger und Konsument von fast gleichgeschalteten Medien. Diese längst schon inzestuöse Beziehung zwischen Politik und der 4. Gewalt, wird immer dreister. Daher ist der mündige Bürger gezwungen, sich anderswo objektivere Infos zu suchen. Auch dem SPON ist inzwischen aufgefallen, dass Deutsche ihren Medien nicht länger glauben und vertrauen, wie dort seit einigen Stunden zu lesen ist. Kommentatoren fast aller großen, überregionalen Zeitungen schreiben gegen die politische Wahrnehmung ihrer Leser oder anders gesagt, gegen den gesunden Menschenverstand(…)“
Obama meets with U.S. tech executives on privacy, surveillance
Executives of several large U.S. Internet companies, including Facebook Inc and Google Inc, met with President Barack Obama on Friday to discuss their concerns over government surveillance programs.
Cypriot defense minister dies of brain hemorrhage
Mitsopoulos was found unconscious in his ministry office by his secretary on Friday morning, between etiquette meetings he had with foreign ambassadors.
He had moved to the defense ministry from the Ministry of Communications in a limited government reshuffle on March 14.
Belgian FM insists on necessity of partnership with Russia
„We both know that Russia is and must remain a partner whose added value on the diplomatic scene has proven, more than once, very useful,“ Reynders said.
Rumo Entropico by Rumo Entropico
Rumo Entropico‘s first release. It includes 6 tracks recorded during 2012 and 2013, with some compositions dating back to 6 years ago. This release tries to demonstrate the full range of the project‘s creativity and various thematics.
Jan Myrdal – Der Konflikt in der Ukraine muss in seinem Zusammenhang gesehen werden
„Wenn es Russland jetzt nicht glücken sollte, die EU und die USA abzuschrecken und sich zurückzuziehen, wie wir mit der damals existierenden internationalen Linken (und der bitteren Erkenntnis der USA, dass Moskau auch die Atombome hatte) es schafften, die Kriegsgefahr 1952 abzuwehren, dann sind unsere individuellen Chancen zu überleben in den nächsten Jahren sehr gering.“
Georgian prosecutors summon ex-president Saakashvili for questioning
The Georgian prosecutor‘s office has summoned former president Mikheil Saakashvili for questioning about the poisoning death of a former prime minister and other cases amid a wave of charges and verdicts against former officials.
Neunzig Prozent der ukrainischen Militärs auf der Krim wollen bleiben
Weniger als 2 000 von insgesamt 18 000 ukrainischen Militärangehörigen, die ihren Dienst auf der Krim verrichten, haben den Wunsch geäußert, in die Ukraine abgezogen zu werden, teilte das russische Verteidigungsministerium am Samstag mit.
UN expert calls for assessing legal status of prolonged Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands
“Special steps must be taken to ensure that the human rights of the Palestinian people are protected and the rule of law established in an occupation which has lasted now for more than 45 years,” said Richard Falk, UN Special Rapporteur on occupied Palestine, in a press release ahead of the presentation of his final report to the UN Human Rights Council on Monday.
Asking that the Court – the UN’s highest legal body – weigh allegations that the occupation has legally unacceptable characteristics of “colonialism, apartheid and ethnic cleansing,” the expert also called on the Council to examine the legal implications of the occupation, and urged the international community to act decisively to uphold Palestinian human rights.
‚Colonialism, apartheid and ethnic cleansing‘: UN rapporteur on Palestine blasts Israel
The UN Special Rapporteur on occupied Palestine accused Israeli authorities of conducting colonialist policies that constitute forms of apartheid and ethnic cleansing in the occupied territories in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Ukraine’s far-right group Right Sector transformed into political party
Members of Ukraine’s far-right group Right Sector set up a political party on Saturday, March 22, giving it the same name.
Prag: Wirtschaftssanktionen gegen Russland bringen Zehntausende Tschechen um ihren Job
20 000 Mitarbeitern tschechischer Firmen drohe nach Einschätzung des Unternehmerverbandes Arbeitslosigkeit, wenn harte Wirtschaftssanktionen beschlossen werden sollten.
Anti-austerity strike, protests hit Greece again
Signaling a week of anti-austerity protests in Greece, civil servants have begun a nationwide 48-hour strike in the capital Athens.
Madrid March: Thousands of anti-austerity protesters converge on Spanish capital
In Spain, discontent is literally on the march. Thousands of protesters on foot are converging on the capital Madrid. They‘re demanding an end to mass unemployment which is undermining the crisis-hit nation. 6 million people don‘t have a job and the anti-austerity sentiment is as strong as ever. The ‚March for Dignity‘ is drawing people from all regions of Spain. Protests have been flaring up in various regions already – in the central part of the country, in the East and in the most populous southern Andalusia region.
‘March for dignity’: Thousands arrive in Madrid to protest govt austerity
Thousands of people have trekked across Spain to protest austerity they claim is destroying their country. Under the banner of „no more cuts!“ the protesters are calling for an end to the Spanish government’s „empty promises.“
Six “columns” of trains, cars and buses, as well as bands of pedestrians have travelled from Extremadura, Andalusia, Valencia, Murcia, Asturias, Galicia and Aragon, among other Spanish regions, to converge on Madrid in mass protest this Saturday. The demonstration itself has been dubbed 22-M, Marches for dignity.
About 2,000 people rally in Donetsk demanding referendum
About 2,000 people rallied in the centre of the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk on Saturday, March 22, demanding a referendum on the future of the region.
Some of the demonstartors were also demanding the return of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich to the country. People were waving Russian flags and many were wearing St. George ribbons.
Wie die Medien sich erledigen
„In Kiew erschossen sich Menschen auf offener Straße“, schrieb kürzlich das bürgerliche Renommier-Magazin „Zeit“ (-online). Donnerwetter, das ist ja auch eine Meldung: Nicht nur dass die da Bürgerkrieg haben, sie scheinen auch massenhaft öffentlichen Selbstmord zu begehen.
Country Profiles / Ukraine / Nuclear
Ukraine converted its research reactor at the Institute for Nuclear Research in Kiev to LEU-based fuel in 2008 under the auspices of the U.S. Global Threat Reduction Initiative (GTRI). [28] President Yanukovych announced at the Washington Nuclear Security Summit in April 2010 that Ukraine give up all of this material by the time of the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit. In September 2011, Ukraine signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the United States which built upon commitments made at the 2010 Nuclear Security Summit. According to the MOU, in exchange for Ukraine‘s agreement to repatriate the HEU, the United States will build a state-of-the-art neutron source in Kharkiv for the production of medical isotopes which runs on LEU. [29] In March 2012, Ukraine announced that it had fulfilled this commitment with the removal of the last batch of highly enriched uranium to Russia.
Plane inappropriate? Kate Bush‘s ‚unfortunate‘ comeback poster of herself being rescued from the sea as search continues for missing Malaysian jet
Pop icon Kate Bush has been criticised for a comeback poster of herself being rescued from the sea as the search continues for missing flight MH370.
Monetarism is the living dead of economic theory – let‘s kill it off
The second component, however, is alive and well. That is the idea that the central bank should use unemployment to control inflation. Although the central banks of the world rarely say it in public, since the monetarist era they have used interest rate hikes to generate recessions and increase unemployment any time they fear an uptick in inflation.
Leonizer Records MARCO BAROTTI – Transition EP
Marco Barotti is a modern performing artist in the widest meaning of the word. He studied at the ‘Siena Jazz’ academy of jazz. After a successful career as a drummer, he dedicated himself to a new dimension of sound applied to architecture, design and visual arts.
Economics Of The Police State – Tom Woods
In the video below Tom Woods discusses the economics of the police state and by that we are talking about the politics behind the transformation we have been observing throughout the US, of our regular police force into the para-military outfit is has become.
US Pivots into Asia-Pacific: Westward MARCH of Chinese Dragon in Eurasia
As the US militarily pivots into the Asia-Pacific, the Chinese steadily march westward simply through trade-oriented construction and economic projects.
World’s Richest 85 People Now Worth Same Amount as Poorest 3.5 Billion
Global capitalism, we have a problem.
We’ve long known that life isn’t fair and that the world’s wealth is unevenly distributed. But the latest factoid from Oxfam on global poverty and inequality is breathtaking.
Water apartheid in Palestine – a crime against humanity?
Today is UN World Water Day – a day to remember the billion people who are unable to meet their needs for safe, clean water due to drought, poverty and official neglect.
547 Brotherhood supporters face trial in Upper Egypt Saturday
The session, held at Upper Egypt‘s Minya governorate, was brief with the court refusing to listen to the defence‘s arguments.
How astronauts survive diplomatic tensions in space
While the United States and Russia traded sanctions this week in a burgeoning crisis over Crimea, astronauts from both nations rose above the discord in their sanctuary hundreds of miles from Earth.
Experts say mounting political and economic tensions between the old Cold War foes are unlikely to upset cooperation in space at the moment—something which would be damaging to both sides.
Der Fall Sebastian Edathy – Ziercke muss erneut vor den Innenausschuss
Wie sieht´s denn mit Demokratieopfern aus? #Ziercke #Edathy #BKA
BKA-Chef Ziercke gegen Mehrfachvernehmung von Sexualopfern
„Man sollte frühzeitig Videotechniken einsetzen“, schlug er zum heutigen „Tag der Kriminalitätsopfer“ vor. Im Strafprozess müsste das Opfer stärker im Mittelpunkt stehen.
Die zivilisatorische Wahl wurde getroffen
Am 13. März haben 38 Kämpfer der „Selbstverteidigung des Maidan“, mit Pistolen und Kalaschnikows bewaffnet, eine Bank in Kiew überfallen und verwüstet. Da es dort zur Zeit keine reguläre Polizei gibt, wurden schließlich Personenschutzkräfte der Sondereinheit „Titan“ dorthin beordert. Sie konnten die Täter festnehmen. Diese wurden jedoch später wieder aus der Haft entlassen, weil sie sich „Verdienste“ um den Maidan erworben haben und zudem der neuen Nationalgarde beitreten wollen. Andernorts werden im Namen der Revolution Tankstellen ausgeraubt.
Doch es geht auch organisierter: Sowohl die Selbstverteidigung des Maidan als auch der Rechte Sektor bieten mittlerweile Bewachungsleistungen für Unternehmen an. Kosten: zwischen 10.000 und 25.000 US-Dollar. Andernorts nennt man so etwas Schutzgelderpressung.
US Interventionen von 1945 bis zur Gegenwart, ein kleiner Ausschnitt
Die Triebfeder amerikanischer Außenpolitik war noch nie von irgendeiner Art von Moral bestimmt, stattdessen wurde sie von der Notwendigkeit bestimmt anderen Imperativen zu dienen, die folgendermaßen zusammengefasst werden können:
Die Welt für amerikanische Unternehmen sicher zu machen;
Die Bilanz von Waffenunternehmen in Amerika zu verbessern, die den Mitgliedern des Kongresses großzügig Geld gespendet haben;
Jede Art von Gesellschaft zu verhindern, die als erfolgreiches Beispiel für eine Alternative zum kapitalistischen Modell dienen könnte;
Die politische und wirtschaftliche Hegemonie so weit wie möglich über ein möglichst großes Gebiet zu erweitern, so wie es sich für eine „Großmacht“ gehört;
Not Demanding Prosecution Facilitates Further US-NATO Genocide
The leaders in nations whose citizens are currently under US attack in one way or another, namely Syria, Venezuela, Somalia, Yemen, Iran, Libya, Iraq, Pakistan, Korea, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Nicaragua, having witnessed nation after nation knocked off one after the other with ‚civil wars‘ planned on Wall Street and executed by CIA and bought US government officials, will soon awaken to the wisdom of the oft quoted, „We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall [continue to] hang separately.“ [Benjamin Franklin]
(This same Benjamin Franklin also predicted, as he signed the US Constitution with reservations, eventual despotism in America.) [11]
The following is a glossary-outline of USA crimes against humanity from its inception, a mere but bloody-for-mankind 238 years ago. The reader might surmise without going to the trouble of further research that every one of these crimes against humanity must have been most certainly planned and accomplished for the capital gains of the speculative investment-banking industry of USA‘s power-wielding wealthy.
Libyan army in heavy fighting with oil port rebels
Anti-aircraft gunfire and explosions were heard late at night and again after dawn on Saturday in Ajdabiya, the hometown of rebel leader Ibrahim Jathran, near the main eastern city of Benghazi.
Israel kills four Palestinian militants in West Bank raid
The three other Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces as they confronted protesters throwing petrol bombs and rocks at them during the raid to capture Alhija, 24, a suspect in past attacks against Israelis, the military said.
Fall Edathy – Schwere Vorwürfe gegen BKA-Chef Jörg Ziercke .. via @welt
Britain is treating journalists as terrorists – believe me, I know
If the government can get away with spying on us – not just in collusion with, but at the behest of, the US – then what checks and balances are left for us to fall back on? Few of our representatives are doing anything to act against this abusive restriction on our press freedoms. Green MP Caroline Lucas tabled an early day motion on 29 January but only 18 MPs have signed it so far.
From my refuge in Berlin, this reeks of adopting Germany‘s past, rather than its future.
Pope urges mafia to repent, turn from path to hell: Francis tells mobsters, ‚your power is bloody‘
„Please, change your lives,“ urged the pope, addressing his comments to men and women in the mafia. „Repent, stop doing evil“. The Friday vigil comes before a national memorial day commemorating mafia victims.
U.N. rights investigator accuses Israel of ‚ethnic cleansing‘
Richard Falk, United Nations special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories, told a news conference that Israeli policies bore „unacceptable characteristics of colonialism, apartheid and ethnic cleansing“.
U.S. Senate leader orders probe of alleged CIA computer hacking
The leader of the U.S. Senate strongly backed the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday in a dispute with the Central Intelligence Agency, ordering an investigation into what he called an „indefensible“ breach of the panel‘s computers by the CIA.
Dianne Feinstein Still A Believer In Collecting All Phone Records; Pretends That Such Collection Has Stopped Terrorists
And, again, her focus on how it‘s not content, but just metadata, is fairly ridiculous given that she herself is freaking out about the CIA looking at access logs (no content, just metadata) of her staffers. Double standards, of course. Either way, if anyone thought that Feinstein‘s fight with the CIA would soften her position on screwing over the privacy of the American public… the answer appears to be that it will have no impact whatsoever.
Feinstein Statement on Future of NSA Call Records Program
I continue to believe the phone records program authorized by Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act plays an important role in detecting and preventing terrorist attacks against the United States. Again, this program collects only phone numbers and the duration and times that calls are made—it does not collect the content, names or locational information of calls.
I also believe the call records program has been carried out consistent with the Constitution and the law and under strong oversight by all three branches of government. Like the president, I therefore support its continuation.
NSA Official Uses LiveJournal-Like Board To Brag About ‚Hunting SysAdmins‘
Separately, I‘m sure some folks will note that the slides appear to have a stamp on them that say „Copyright! Do not reuse this image!“ Apparently that was in the original image (not added by The Intercept). The Intercept does note that this guy had been a contractor before joining the NSA. If he was a contractor when he wrote this, even thought it was written for the government, then he could claim a copyright over it. However, if he was an employee of the NSA, then as a work of the federal government, he could not. Of course, either way it doesn‘t matter. If he actually did have the copyright on it, he‘d have to reveal himself as the copyright holder (the Intercept keeps him anonymous) and do something about it (issue a takedown, sue, etc.).