Im Interview mit der Journalistin Christiane Amanpour vom US-amerikanischen Nachrichtensender CNN führte Präsident Maduro die gewalttätigen Ausschreitungen und tödlichen Angriffe indes auf „Kleingruppen der Opposition“ zurück. Sie missachteten den demokratischen Willen der Bevölkerungsmehrheit und setzten auf Gewalt, um das Land zu destabilisieren und die Unzufriedenheit in der venezolanischen Gesellschaft zu schüren.
Daily Archives: 8. März 2014
Libyen droht, nordkoreanischen Tanker zu versenken
Die Behörden hätten die Festnahme der Besatzung angeordnet, so Seidan. Die Aufständischen teilten zuvor mit, trotz eindeutiger Warnungen der Regierung damit begonnen zu haben, auf eigene Faust Öl zu exportieren. Am Samstagabend teilten Behördenverteter mit, die Rebellen hätten begonnen, das in Saudi-Arabien registrierte und unter nordkoreanischer Flagge fahrende Tankschiff „Morning Glory“ mit Öl zu beladen.
Leiter der ukrainischen Radikalen Jarosch will Präsident werden
Der Leiter der ukrainischen radikalen Bewegung „Rechtssektor“ Dmitri Jarosch hat bestätigt, er wolle bei den vorgezogenen Präsidentschaftswahlen am 25. Mai kandidieren, berichten Medien.
Neo-Nazi threat in new Ukraine: NEWSNIGHT
BBC Newsnight‘s Gabriel Gatehouse investigates the links between the new Ukrainian government and Neo-nazis
According to a report in Kommersant-Ukraine, the finance ministry of Washington’s stooges in Kiev who are pretending to be a government has prepared an economic austerity plan that will cut Ukrainian
Ukrainisches “Great Game”
Wer will was erreichen beim geopolitischen Machtkampf um die Ukraine?
Ukrainian gold reserves loaded on an unidentified transport aircraft in Kiev’s Borispol airport and flown to Uncle Sam’s vault
According to the last night ,Ukrainian gold reserves (40 sealed boxes) were loaded on an unidentified transport aircraft in Kiev’s Borispol airport. The board took off immediately.
Nazi-Organisationen brechen auf europäischer Ebene ein
Von den Mainstream-Medien gekonnt schlecht informiert, wissen die Nordamerikaner und Europäer nichts von der Realität des Putsches von Kiew.
“Erfüllen wir diesem Abschaum jede Versprechung. Danach hängen wir sie auf.”
Genau so wollen die Ideologen und Sponsoren des Majdans mit rebellischen Südöstlichen der Ukraine umgehen.
Eric Margolis – Vlad the Bad stiehlt ein Grenzgebiet im Westen
Die Ukraine könnte sich als das Bosnien-Herzegowina 1914 unserer Zeit herausstellen.
Libya rebels load oil on to North Korea-flagged tanker
Libyan officials confirmed to the BBC the Morning Glory had docked. They said the rebel move was an „act of piracy“.
Analysts have said it is unlikely the ship is owned or controlled by Pyongyang.
Xinhua Insight: Peace-seeking China eyes more active int‘l role
According to the foreign minister, who is also China‘s ex-ambassador to Japan, this was the largest gathering of journalists he had faced since taking office last March.
„I am satisfied with his answers,“ said Andrey Kirillov of Russian news agency Itar-Tass, one of the hundreds of journalists packing the conference room. „He emphasized China‘s interests, but also repeatedly conveyed its idea of win-win situations through peaceful development.“
Ukraine tensions could keep Russia‘s Putin away from Brisbane G20
However, Ms Carroll said there had been no formal indication there could be a high-profile withdrawal from the G20.
“Our planning is going ahead as it would that 26 leaders are coming to town and, at this stage, close to 10 internationally protected persons,” she said.
#Lavrov: We have suggested the @OSCE should hold an impartial investigation.We will keep pressing for justice as we’ve heard too many lies
#Lavrov: It is vital that an investigation is conducted. The latest facts in the so-called snipers’ case will be impossible to cover up
Lavrov, Kerry discuss Ukraine crisis, agree to further cooperation – Moscow
Russian Foreign Ministry Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary State John Kerry have discussed the situation in Ukraine in a telephone conversation. During the call, initiated by Kerry, the two men agreed „to continue intensive contact with the aim of settling the political crisis in Ukraine,“ the Ministry said in a brief statement.
China Sides With Russia On Sanctions; Ambassador Warns „Western Nations Would Be Hurting Themselves“
The comments from China‘s Foreign Ministry reflect the country‘s close ties with Russia and confirm what Russia‘s ambassador to Canada noted, we „can always turn to China if the West follows through on threats of tougher sanctions,“ adding that „Western countries would largely be hurting themselves if they impose tougher sanctions.“
Army gains control of al-Zarah in Homs, 30 gunmen surrender
The army seized full control over al-Zarah town in the countryside of Talkalakh in Homs province on Saturday, a military source told SANA.
Ukraine: Obama‘s invasions, 9-11 and mass media control
The coup d‘état in Ukraine and its aftermath as well all of the events leading up to it are proving even to the casual thinking observer that the western corporate controlled media has lost any semblance of even a pretense at being fair, balanced and reasonable. (..)
Sadly there is almost no alternative in the English speaking world to the state/corporate controlled media or its surrogates.
The Truth Behind The Crisis in Ukraine. US “Covert Manipulation” and the Resurging Cold War
n recent months five billion dollars at taxpayers expense were invested and poured into Ukraine to topple the government to in effect, install and buy the current puppet regime. The systematically aggressive deployment of a widespread and pervasive strategy to turn every former outer Soviet nation-state against Moscow has been underway ever since the breakup of the Soviet Empire in 1991. One by one all the nations that comprised the former Iron Curtain are now solidly aligned with NATO, the European Union and the US-Western alliance complete with its ongoing schedule of anti-missile defense deployments providing the missile shield directly aimed at Russia along its border. Of course this has Russia reacting with its own missile shield deployment in what has once again ushered in a renewed arms race.
Ukraine: Menschen skandieren in Charkiw „Russland, hilf uns!“
Über 5.000 Menschen haben sich am Samstag neben der Regionalverwaltung von Charkiw versammelt. Sie schwingen russische Fahnen in der Luft, skandieren „Russland, hilf uns!“ und fordern ein Referendum zur Autonomie.
Oh na das ist ja schade. Der neue Premierminister von der Ukraine betreibt eine Stiftung namens „OpenUkraine – Arseniy Yatsenyuk Foundation“.
Deren Webseite ist Die Partnerliste davon ist so großartig, dass ich das erst für üble Nachrede oder Satire hielt. Die war so großartig, dass wenn mir jemand Geld gegeben hätte, um eine möglichst rufschädigende Sponsorenliste für die Stiftung des neuen Premierministers der Ukraine zu machen, so toll hätte ich das nicht hingekriegt.
Lebanese march against domestic violence in rare non-partisan protest
The demonstration, called to coincide with International Women‘s Day, appeared to number at least 3,000 – large for a politically independent event in Beirut.
Lebanon, known for its nightclubs, stylish boutiques and liberal social norms, offers women freedoms denied to many in the Arab world, but campaigners say one woman a month is killed by domestic violence in the country of 4 million.
NOAA: US Cold records outnumber warm records 66 to 1 in the last 7 days
The summaries below list the number of records broken for several recent periods is summarized in this table and updated daily. Due to late-arriving data, the number of recent records is likely underrepresented in all categories, but the ratio of records (warm to cold, for example) should be a fairly strong estimate of a final outcome. There are many more precipitation stations than temperature stations, so the raw number of precipitation records will likely exceed the number of temperature records in most climatic situations.
EU‘s Ashton visits Iran for first time; nuclear issue on agenda
European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton arrived in Tehran on Saturday to discuss issues including Iran‘s disputed nuclear program, before another round of talks between Iran and world powers, Iranian media reported.
Police seize land, cut down toddy trees
The land has been designated as a building ground for the 28th Police Battalion, and villagers say no compensation has been disbursed.
ASEAN military chiefs plan Malacca Strait exercise
The initiative would be a first for the bloc, and the announcement comes at a sensitive time as a territorial dispute between China and five member states – Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei – absorbed much of the ASEAN Defence Forces Informal Meeting on 5 March in Naypyidaw.
Syrian troops recapture key town
The army wrested back control over the town of Zara at the western edge of Homs. The town is strategically important for its location near the borders with Lebanon, making it one of the main smuggling routes for the rebels.
Die Restauration der Oligarchen
Immer deutlicher zeichnet sich damit die Restauration derjenigen Machtzirkel ab, gegen die sich die Majdan-Rebellion in den ersten Tagen richtete, bevor sie von Deutschland und anderen westlichen Staaten instrumentalisiert wurde, um eine prowestliche Regierung in Kiew an die Macht zu bringen – zwecks Einbindung der Ukraine in die eigenen Bündnissysteme.
BBC, NATO Breach Human Rights, Commit War Crimes
On 3 March, BBC published an article, claiming Russian troops has surrounded and seized a Ukrainian air base in Crimea, that Russian troops had been deployed to the Ukraine. With Europe, regressing into the most severe and dangerous crisis for decades, it is time to recall that propaganda is a serious crime and for very good reasons.
Throughout core NATO member states, all mainstream media disseminate false reports while largely omitting that fact that top-EU officials and NATO member governments have covered up premeditated mass murder committed by members of the Western-backed and installed, new, regime in Kiev.
Auch die Klassik gehört zum Weltkulturerbe – Der Abbau von geistigen Werten muss gestoppt werden
Die Frage ist, wie lange der sich zuspitzende Markt das noch trägt, was er verheißt: Kunst. Oder andersherum: wie lange die Kunst ihn noch tragen kann.
Euros for non-bloc Ukraine enrages EU taxpayers
The International Monetary Fund says it‘s ready to support Ukraine‘s new government with a loan. The country‘s political crisis cost it economically, but the IMF‘s European head believes the country is on the path to stability. EU taxpayers are not so convinced – and some are not happy about taking on another struggling economy, which isn‘t even part of the bloc.
Venezuela crisis in Unasur spotlight
South American foreign ministers are to discuss the unrest in Venezuela at a meeting next week. Paul Chapman reports
‚Power in Kiev has nothing to do with democracy‘ – Churkin to RT
Russia‘s UN envoy has slammed the US mainstream media for ignoring the staggering leak – which revealed it was Ukraine‘s former opposition who allegedly ordered the shooting on Maidan. For more, RT talks to Russia‘s ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin.
Tausende prorussische Demonstranten vor Regionalregierung in Charkow +++
Alle Infos zur #Krim-Krise.
FM: Obama’s sanctions over Ukraine should mean restrictions for Euro Maidan
“The executive order on Ukraine is largely unprecedented. In the past the U.S. did not impose sanctions against individuals who had been peacefully defending their right to self-determination, which is enshrined in Article 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966 and Article 1 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. These documents allow people to freely determine their political status and ensure their development,” the official said.
“Once again, these are double standards. In July 2009, the U.S. provided the International Court with comments in connection with the situation in Kosovo. At that time, Washington said that the principle of territorial integrity does not prevent state entities from peacefully declaring their independence.” The Hague Court came to the same conclusion and upheld the unilateral declaration of Kosovo’s independence against Belgrade’s will. “This decision seems to be specifying the effective rules of international law,” the ministry said.
Einen wunderbaren internationalen Frauentag! Bleibt so mutig und kämpferisch, frech, wild, schön, stark (…) wie ihr es jetzt schon alle seid!
Lavrov warns US against rash steps that might tell negatively on US
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who had a telephone conversation with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Friday, warned Washington against rash steps that might ultimately tell negatively on the United States, the Russian Foreign Ministry reported.
Lawrow: Neue Regierung in Kiew lässt sich von Nationalisten gängeln
„Die so genannte Übergangsregierung (in der Ukraine – Red.) ist nicht selbständig, sondern sie hängt leider von den radikalen Nationalisten ab, die die Macht mit Waffengewalt ergriffen haben“, sagte Lawrow am Samstag in Moskau. Er verwies darauf, dass die neuen Minister erst nach Zustimmung des „Rechten Sektor“ ernannt worden seien. Diese paramilitärische Nationalistenorganisation, die die Kiewer Straßen kontrolliere, sei kurz davor, einen offiziellen Status zu bekommen.
Wer stand hinter Maidan-Todesschützen? Russland fordert von OSZE Ermittlung
„Die jüngsten Angaben zu der so genannten Scharfschützen-Affäre können nicht mehr unter den Teppich gekehrt werden“, sagte Lawrow am Samstag in Moskau. „Wir haben vorgeschlagen, dass die OSZE eine objektive Ermittlung übernimmt. Wir wollen Gerechtigkeit erreichen.“
Egyptian Women Condemn Deportation of Activists From Cairo Airport Friday
Dozens of female activists heading for besieged Gaza Strip are stopped and then deported by repressive coup authorities.
Libya port rebels say have started exporting oil
Armed protesters who have seized oil ports in eastern Libya said on Saturday they had started exporting oil, bypassing the Tripoli government, with their first shipment going to a North Korean-flagged tanker.
The Putin perspective
NYU Russian Studies Professor Stephen Cohen says Putin invaded Ukraine because he saw „NATO coming at him.“
Wow, sogar CNN ist ihre Berichterstattung peinlich und sie lassen mal jemanden als Experten sprechen, der sich tatsächlich die Lage angeschaut hat.
Ukraine: Dutzende Flugabwehrraketen aus Militärdepots gestohlen?
Das Verschwinden der Fla-Raketen sei unter anderem aus dem 80. Luftlanderegiment und der 27. mobilen Brigade gemeldet worden, hieß es. Die beiden Einheiten sind im Raum Lwow (Lemberg) stationiert. Der Quelle zufolge versucht die neue Leitung des Verteidigungsministeriums, den Vorfall zu verschleiern, indem sie die betroffenen Munitionslager mit veralteten Waffen auffülle.
Kreml: Kein russisches Militär auf der Krim außer Schwarzmeerflotte
Auf der ukrainischen Halbinsel Krim, die eine Wiedervereinigung mit Russland anstrebt, gibt es laut dem Kreml-Sprecher Dmitri Peskow keine russischen Truppen außer der Schwarzmeerflotte und den zu ihr gehörenden Sicherheitskräften.
“Gleichheit der Wahl ein relativ vager Begriff”: Ex-Verfassungsrichter will Verfassung zwecks Beibehaltung der 5-Prozent-Sperre ändern lassen
Also jetzt schnell, schnell, bevor nach 65 Jahren das Pack die Verfassung liest und merkt, wie es zeitlebens betrogen wurde.
Bei der Wahl des ersten Bundesparlamentes Westdeutschlands im Jahre 1949 gab es keine Erst- oder Zweitstimme. Es gab nur die Stimme eines Wählers. Auch gab es nur eine jeweils bundeslandbezogene Fünf-Prozent-Hürde, also zog eine Partei bereits dann entsprechend ihrer errungenen Stimmenzahl auf Bundesebene in den Bundestag ein, wenn sie in einem einzigen Bundesland mehr als fünf Prozent der gültigen Stimmen erhalten hatte. Auch wurde selbst diese bundesländliche Fünf-Prozent-Hürde ausser Kraft gesetzt, wenn man stärkste Partei in einem einzigen Wahlkreis geworden war und diesen gewonnen hatte. Dementsprechend demokratisch und repräsentativ setzte sich das westdeutsche Bundesparlament damals auch zusammen.
Doch die Regierung Konrad Adenauer, aus C.D.U., C.S.U., F.D.P. und D.P. räumte nach 1949 schnell auf mit der Demokratie. Ohne Verfassungsänderung, durch einfache Gesetzgebung, verstümmelten die bürgerlichen Rechtskonservativen die Legislative der westdeutschen Republik, welche die Berliner Republik bis heute übernommen hat.
Opening Ceremony | Sochi 2014 Paralympic Winter Games
The Sochi 2014 Paralympic Winter Games began with a stunning Opening Ceremony on Friday evening (7 March) at Fisht Stadium with a volunteer cast of more than 2,500 people from the Krasnodar region of Russia taking centre stage, and two-time Paralympic champion swimmer Olesya Vladykina and six-time Paralympic champion cross-country skier Sergey Shilov lighting the Paralympic cauldron.
Meeting with International Paralympic Committee members
We all understand very well that the Paralympians’ athletic competitions are not just an unbelievably captivating, amazing display. They are, first and foremost, clear evidence of the heights that individuals can achieve, even when they find themselves in difficult life circumstances. It is an affirmation that real strength lies in a person’s character, dedication and positive attitude.
I want to once again thank everyone who participated in preparations for these competitions, for your active assistance and support. I hope that your visit to Russia will leave you with very happy, warm memories and feelings, and that the upcoming Games will provide us with many thrilling, memorable, exciting events.
Statement by the President on Bloody Sunday
Forty-nine years ago, a determined group of Americans marched into history, facing down grave danger in the name of justice and equality—walking to protest the continued discrimination and violence against African Americans. On a day that became known as “Bloody Sunday”, these brave men and women met billy-clubs and tear gas with courage and resolution. Their actions helped set an example for a generation to stand up for the fundamental freedoms due to all people. We recognize those who marched that day—and the millions more who have done their part throughout our nation’s history to bend the arc of the moral universe toward justice.
Alabama Police Use Gas and Clubs to Rout Negroes: 57 Are Injured at Selma as Troopers Break up Rights Walk in Montgomery
At least 17 Negroes were hospitalized with injuries and about 40 more were given emergency treatment for minor injuries and tear gas effects.
The Negroes reportedly fought back with bricks and bottles at one point as they were pushed back into the Negro community, far away from most of a squad of reporters and photographers who had been restrained by the officers.
A witness said that Sheriff James G. Clark and a handful of volunteer possemen were pushed back by flying debris when they tried to herd the angry Negroes into the church where the march had begun.
Phase Three Of Water Rationing To Begin Monday – SPAN
He said the phase would involve 290,865 households in 577 areas in Gombak, Kuala Lumpur Petaling, Klang/ Shah Alam, Kuala Selangor and Hulu Selangor.
„With the inclusion of Phase Three, the number of households that will come under water rationing will rise to 722,032 or an estimated 3.6 million people,“ he told a press conference at this office here today.
Teo said Phase Three overrode the earlier phases which commenced on Feb 28.
Hinrichtung von Demonstranten durch U.S.-Militär vor U.N.O.-Menschenrechtsrat: vollständiger Text der Anklage
Eine kleine Organisation, das vor vier Jahren gegründete Kent State Truth Tribunal, bringt die Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika wegen Verbrechen mit Todesfolge gegenüber unbewaffneten Bürgern während einer viele Jahre zurückliegenden Demonstration stellvertretend für alle anderen vergangenen, aktuellen und zu erwartenden Vorfälle vor das Human Rights Committee und fordert Offenlegung der Involvierung der Geheimdienste zur Verhinderung zukünftiger Repressalien zum Recht auf freie Rede und Versammlungfreiheit.