Daily Archives: 30. Dezember 2013

30.12.2013 - 22:35 [ antikrieg.com ]

Israel wurde in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika seit langem ‘ausgesondert’

Wie weithin berichtet wurde, hat sich die American Studies Association (ASA), die Dachorganisation von Akademikern, die sich mit dem Studium der Literatur der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, Geschichte und Kultur beschäftigen, vor kurzem dafür entschieden, der Bewegung zum Boykott von israelischen akademischen Einrichtungen beizutreten.

30.12.2013 - 21:38 [ Kathimerini ]

Tectonic shifts on the European chessboard

Moscow today is playing hardball.

Its policy on Syria worked because as the West eventually discovered, with the usual delay, the enemies of the regime of Bashar al-Assad are hardly candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize themselves. Russian President Vladimir Putin put the Americans right where he wanted them with his deal over Syria and scored points.

30.12.2013 - 21:10 [ ITAR-TASS ]

Serbian doctors link the growth of cancer diseases in Serbia to the 1999 NATO bombardments

The situation is particularly alarming in southern Serbia which was worst hit by NATO bombs. According to Radomir Kovacevic, the head of the radiological protection department of the Doctor Dragomir Karajovic Institute, people who live in the uranium-polluted areas, run the risk of falling ill with lymph cancer, leukemia, breast and lung cancer.

30.12.2013 - 20:44 [ Independent ]

Exclusive: Private talks between Tony Blair and George Bush on Iraq war to be published

On Sunday, a government source said that “good progress” had been made towards declassifying many of the records. “The intention is to be as open as possible,” they said. “There is an ongoing process of declassification, which is attempting to strike a careful balance to ensure that you are not setting a legal precedent that could oblige you to publish other documents in the future or damage national security.”

30.12.2013 - 20:43 [ Vereinte Nationen ]

Security Council ‘outraged’ as second terrorist attack in 24 hours strikes Russian city

“The members of the Security Council underlined the need to bring perpetrators, organizers, financiers and sponsors of this reprehensible act of terrorism to justice, and urged all States, in accordance with their obligations under international law and relevant Security Council resolutions, to cooperate actively with all relevant authorities in this regard.”

30.12.2013 - 20:39 [ Weißes Haus ]

Statement by NSC Spokesperson Caitlin Hayden on Attacks in Russia

The United States stands in solidarity with the Russian people against terrorism. The U.S. government has offered our full support to the Russian government in security preparations for the Sochi Olympic Games, and we would welcome the opportunity for closer cooperation for the safety of the athletes, spectators, and other participants.

30.12.2013 - 20:38 [ Ria Novosti ]

Moskau: Anschläge in Wolgograd zielen auf Schüren von religiösem Hader ab

Verbrecherische Anschläge in Wolgograd seien genauso wie in den USA, Syrien, im Irak, Libyen, Afghanistan, Nigeria und einigen anderen Ländern nach ein und demselben Muster organisiert worden, sie hätten die gleichen Drahtzieher. In diesem Zusammenhang machte das russische Außenamt auf die verderbliche Position einiger Politiker und „Polittechnologen“ aufmerksam, die Terroristen in „richtige“ und „nicht richtige“ – je nach der zu lösenden geopolitischen Aufgabe – zu teilen.

30.12.2013 - 20:37 [ Ceiberweiber ]

NSA und CIA verfügen über die Bundesheergeheimdienste

Warum Minister Klug zur US-Spionage schweigt – Alles Mauern, Abblocken, kritische Menschen schikanieren hilft nichts: es ist offenkundig, dass US-Geheimdienste über die Dienste des österreichischen Bundesheers verfügen, diese Weisungen der USA ausführen. Zu meinen Recherchen und Erfahrungen wurde jede Auskunft verweigert, obwohl ich sagte, dass ich dann davon ausgehe, dass auf Befehl der USA agiert wird. So geraten die Menschen ins Visier, die sich den Amerikanern nicht beugen, sondern einem souveränen und neutralen Österreich dienen wollen.

30.12.2013 - 19:57 [ The Center for Investigative Reporting ]

In Philippines, workers toil among hazards in compressor mining

Compressor mining was banned in the Philippines under a 2012 executive order. The crews also operate outside the law by employing children and using highly toxic mercury. At Mambulao Bay, miners say they stay in business by paying police agencies the equivalent of $11 a month for each worker. Local officials say the miners are issued permits.

30.12.2013 - 19:32 [ Consortium News ]

NYT Backs Off Its Syria-Sarin Analysis

The New York Times has, kind of, admitted that it messed up its big front-page story that used a “vector analysis” to pin the blame for the Aug. 21 Sarin attack on the Syrian government, an assertion that was treated by Official Washington as the slam-dunk proof that President Bashar al-Assad gassed his own people.

30.12.2013 - 19:28 [ Truthout ]

Ikea Isn‘t Only Furnishing Your Bedroom, It‘s Watching You There

It’s not just that Ikea has a record of what color of couch or size bookshelves that you prefer. Ikea has been able to access personal records including bank account information, driving records, vehicle registrations and property records. It has used these in vetting job applicants and in building cases against employees accused of wrongdoing.

30.12.2013 - 17:49 [ Gegen Hartz ]

Hartz IV-Behörde lässt Beistände rausschmeißen

Zu einem Eklat kam es im Berliner Jobcenter Kreuzberg-Friedrichshain. Weil eine Hartz IV Leistungsberechtigte sanktioniert wurde, nahm sie zum Gesprächstermin zehn Beistände mit. Doch die Behörde reagierte mit Rauswurf.

„Auf meinen Wunsch sind die Beistände mitgekommen“, berichtet Christel T. Kurz zuvor hatte die Betroffene erfahren, dass die Regelleistungen ab Januar 2014 zu 100 Prozent gestrichen werden. Und das für drei Monate.

30.12.2013 - 16:38 [ CNN ]

CNN Poll: Afghanistan war arguably most unpopular in U.S. history

Support for the war in Afghanistan has dipped below 20%, according to a new national poll, making the country‘s longest military conflict arguably its most unpopular one as well.

The CNN/ORC International survey released Monday also indicates that a majority of Americans would like to see U.S. troops pull out of Afghanistan before the December 2014 deadline.

30.12.2013 - 15:54 [ Radio Utopie ]

204. Stuttgarter Montagsdemo: “Erwartbares Stadtbahnchaos durch Stuttgart 21″

Die Rede von Kirchenmusik-Direktor Jürgen Schwab auf der heutigen 204. Montagsdemo der Bürgerbewegung gegen das urbane und verkehrsindustrielle Umbauprogramm “Stuttgart 21″ (S21). Die Rede befasst sich mit der 14. Planänderung (Nesenbach-Düker) des Programms, der damit einhergehenden Stilllegung und Umleitung der wichtigsten Stadtbahn-Linien in der Landeshauptstadt und enthält eine Fülle relevanter Details, die so der Öffentlichkeit bislang nicht bekannt sind.

30.12.2013 - 15:51 [ Naharnet ]

Salam Hails Saudi $3 Billion Grant, Says Cabinet Must be Formed Soon

Since his appointment in April, Salam has failed to form a new government due to the conditions and counter-conditions being placed by the rival March 8 and 14 camps. (…)

He also revealed in his speech that another 1.6 billion dollars might be offered during an international meeting in Italy in 2014.

In December, Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta announced that his country is organizing an international conference in Rome to back the capabilities of the LAF in coordination with the United Nations and Lebanese authorities.

30.12.2013 - 15:49 [ Arab News ]

Hollande: Assad must go

Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah and visiting French President Francois Hollande discussed at length key regional issues, including Syria, Iran and Lebanon, at Khuraim Gardens on Sunday.

30.12.2013 - 14:20 [ Transnational Institute Bookstore ]

How To Win The Class War – The Lugano Report II – ePub

Switzerland, January 2012: a group of experts has gathered in a luxurious villa on the shores of Lake Lugano. Powerful corporate elites have commissioned them to design a strategy to save capitalism at a time of financial, social and ecological crisis. “How to win the Class War” is the product of the expert group’s work.

If you have ever wondered what it‘s like to be in the shoes – and the minds – of the guardians of the capitalist system, Susan George can give you the key. “How to win the Class War” is a ‘Factual Fiction‘: the facts are based on solid research, but the fictional setting and the story told from the expert‘s point of view make you feel as though you‘re reading a political thriller. George’s first “Lugano Report” was published in 1999 and translated into 15 languages. “How to win the Class War”, is its sequel and brings the story up to date.

30.12.2013 - 14:16 [ Institute of Physics (London) ]

Clouds blown by the solar wind

In this letter we investigate possible relationships between the cloud cover (CC) and the interplanetary electric field (IEF), which is modulated by the solar wind speed and the interplanetary magnetic field. We show that CC at mid–high latitudes systematically correlates with positive IEF, which has a clear energetic input into the atmosphere, but not with negative IEF, in general agreement with predictions of the global electric circuit (GEC)-related mechanism. Thus, our results suggest that mid–high latitude clouds might be affected by the solar wind via the GEC. Since IEF responds differently to solar activity than, for instance, cosmic ray flux or solar irradiance, we also show that such a study allows distinguishing one solar-driven mechanism of cloud evolution, via the GEC, from others.

30.12.2013 - 14:13 [ Watts Up With That? ]

Saving the Antarctic scientists, er media, er, activists, er tourists trapped by sea ice

UPDATE2: get a load of the hilarious announcement from the expedition, where they claim sea ice is disappearing, see update 2 below.

UPDATE3: A film (now a video) has been found from 1912 showing Mawson landing in ice free Commonwealth Bay in 1912. see update 3 below.

UPDATE4: Bad weather has forced the Aurora Australis to back off from its rescue attempt. See below.

30.12.2013 - 14:12 [ Techdirt ]

Glenn Greenwald Says NSA, GCHQ Dismayed They Don‘t Have Access To In-Flight Internet Communication

According to Greenwald, an upcoming story at his new venture will focus on one area the surveillance mesh has failed to cover — one that‘s driving the NSA and GCHQ crazy.

„He said he was working on a new story indicating that the NSA was “obsessed” by the idea that people could still use some Internet devices and mobile phones on airplanes without being recorded.“

30.12.2013 - 14:10 [ Techdirt ]

NSA‘s Personal Propagandist For CBS Officially Takes Counterterrorism Job Everyone Knew He Was Getting

When 60 Minutes did its hack PR job for the NSA a few weeks ago, lots of people called out the fact that the reporter who handled the segment, John Miller, wasn‘t just a former intelligence official working for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (which oversees the NSA), but that he was widely rumored to have worked out a deal for a new job for the NYPD, heading up „counterterrorism.“ Even though there were multiple reports at the time, including one that claimed it was a „99.44% done deal,“ when asked about it, Miller lied. He told a reporter, „you know as much about this as I do.“

That was clearly Miller lying — something that Miller has had an issue with in the past — as the „rumor“ is now confirmed and Miller has accepted his job doing „counterterrorism“ for the NYPD.

30.12.2013 - 14:08 [ Ria Novosti ]

Nach Islamisten-Überfall: Syrische Armee rettet 5000 Menschen aus besetztem Adra

Bewaffnete Islamisten aus den Terrorgruppen „Jabhat al-Nusra“ und „Dschaisch al-Islam“ hatten am 11. Dezember Adra besetzt und kurz danach massenhaft Zivilisten hingerichtet. In Adra, das rund 20 Kilometer nordöstlich von Damaskus liegt, leben rund 100.000 Menschen, darunter Sunniten, Alawiten, Drusen und Christen. Laut Medieninformationen richteten die Islamisten ein Massaker an Alawiten und Drusen an. Die syrische Armee startete eine Offensive zur Befreiung der Stadt.