Als ich vor Jahren das George W. Bush-Regime als Polizeistaat bezeichnete, wurden auf dem rechten Flügel die Augenbrauen gehoben. Als ich das Obama Regime als den noch schlimmeren Polizeistaat bezeichnete, verdrehten die Liberalen ihre Augen. Ach wie gut! Jetzt bin ich nicht länger umstritten. Jeder sagt das.
Daily Archives: 19. Dezember 2013
Milky Way has four spiral arms: Study
Washington: Researchers have said that a 12-year-old study of massive stars has reaffirmed that Milky Way has four spiral arms.
Shedding light on winter solstice at Newgrange
“At the heart of all religious systems is an understanding and celebration of the seasonal cycle of natural and human life – and that is what Newgrange does.
„Alle reden mit, niemand hat den Hut auf“
: Netzpolitisches Chaos der großen Koalition via @welt #groko
Eyes everywhere: NSA‘s second tier spying partners identified
The „third party partners“ to the Five Eyes nations has now grown to include nine states – Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain.
Ken Braun: Measured by 2009 standards, U.S. unemployment is well over 10 percent
Including these people in the official unemployment rate for this year sends it to well over 10 percent, an annual rate of national joblessness that has not been so bad since before U.S. entry into World War II more than 73 years ago.
Will Obama ein Abkommen mit dem Iran oder nicht?
Was bekommt der Iran als Gegenleistung für diese Geste seines guten Willens? Neue Sanktionen seitens der Administration der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika nach Absprache mit Israel, das gemeinsam mit den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika seit Jahrzehnten geheime und Stellvertreterkriege gegen den Iran geführt hat.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation exposed
ExxonMobil, BP, Chevron, DynCorp, G4S, Walmart and McDonald’s are just a few of the companies that the mega ‘charity’ supports.
DIE WELT: Täter überschuldet: Lebenslänglich für Doppelmord wegen 150 Euro
Facebook Shares Little Changed On Word Zuckerberg Will Sell $2.3 Billion In Shares To Satisfy Tax Bill
Despite the sale, Zuckerberg’s control of Facebook will remain little changed, reduced to just 56.1 percent from 58.8 percent, Reuters reported.
Uninsured Skeptical of Health Care Law in Poll
Americans who lack medical coverage disapprove of President Obama’s health care law at roughly the same rate as the insured, even though most say they struggle to pay for basic care, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.
Cameron gegen Aufstellung vereinter EU-Streitkräfte
„Für (einzelne) Staaten hat es einen Sinn, in militärischem Bereich zu kooperieren, um unsere Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Aber die EU braucht keine eigene Armee, Luftwaffe und Sonstiges“, erklärte Cameron in Brüssel nach Angaben der Nachrichtenagentur AFP. Er hält sich seit Donnerstag in der belgischen Hauptstadt zu einem zweitägigen EU-Gipfel auf.
Radikal-islamische Gruppierung Jabhat al-Nusra: Genf-2 wird nicht anerkannt
„Egal, welche Resultate die Konferenz bringt – wir werden sie nicht akzeptieren“, erklärte Al-Dschawlani am Donnerstag in einem Interview für den TV-Sender Al Dschasira. (..)
Jabhat al-Nusra war von der internationalen Gemeinschaft als ein Terrornetzwerk eingestuft worden.
Open Call for Sounds – Experimental Sound Lab
That’s why we’re absolutely pumped about helping in an endeavour to take free and open music to a whole new level: participate with artists all over the world to create an open sound library, and then proceed to make tracks from those sounds which will then be published and presented at events around the globe. Below you can find the official announcement by Thalamus Lab.
Kraut & Drastik – Michael Rother spielt NEU!
“Wie eine Bewegung, die keine war, Pop für immer veränderte.”
Die besten Alben 2013 – Plätze 10 bis 7
Den Spaß lassen wir uns auch dieses Jahr nicht nehmen, getragen von gegenseitiger Inspiration, hohen Erwartungen und der Gewissheit, nicht genug davon zu bekommen. (ein bisschen wie Weihnachten). Ein letzter Blick also auf die denkwürdigsten Alben des Jahres 2013, übrigens der 10. seiner Art (wir haben klein angefangen). Merry Listmas!
Erdoğan Sacks Police, Not Corrupt Ministers
Turkish commentators are evaluating the operation as an attack on the AKP by Gülenists, a semi-secret religious congregation widely believed to have infiltrated Turkey’s police and judiciary. The AKP and Gülenists had cooperated previously in cases such as Ergenekon, show trials which resulted in a purge of Kemalist military officers from the armed forces and the imprisonment of intellectuals with anti-government views.
Lee Rigby wurde mitten in London abgeschlachtet – Soldaten-Mörder schuldig gesprochen! – News Ausland –
Could MI5 have prevented murder of Lee Rigby?
MI5 was still in contact with Islamist fanatic Michael Adebolajo just months before he murdered soldier Lee Rigby, it has been claimed.
AKP’s 47 Ton Weapons Shipment to Syria
The figure was originally quoted by the United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database. The Turkish government initially denied the figure, however later admitted that this amount of weapons had flowed from Turkey to Syrian jihadists, and even that the data that the UN report was based on came from the Turkish Statistics Society.
Surprise: White House‘s Intelligence Review Task Force Suggestions Much More Than Just Cosmetic
Given the earlier reports suggesting that the „independent“ task force set up to review the NSA‘s activities had come back with a list of suggestions for changes that were mostly cosmetic, rather than substantive, it was a bit of a surprise to see the White House come out today to say that those earlier reports were incorrect and that they were releasing the report in full today (way ahead of schedule). And, now the report is out. After giving it a single read (300+ pages), it is a lot more substantial than many of us expected
Former Top NSA Official: “We Are Now In A Police State”
32-year NSA Veteran Who Created Mass Surveillance System Says Government Use of Data Gathered Through Spying “Is a Totalitarian Process”
Vladimir Putin: I envy Edward Snowden – video
ladimir Putin says he has never met or worked with NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, but says he envies the former contractor. In his annual news conference on Thursday, the Russian president says Russia has made no attempt to extract information from Snowden, who is living in his country after seeking asylum there
All Three Branches of Government Are Now Demanding NSA Reform
One of the National Security Agency‘s primary defenses against criticism has been that it is subject to robust oversight from all three branches of the federal government. In the past week, however, all three branches have called for reform.
NSA oversight was never as robust as the „three branches“ claim, which the agency has made repeatedly. (One quick example, from an August presentation: „all three branches of our government exercise oversight over NSA‘s use of [FISA] authority.“ Or just do a Google search.)
Janukowitsch für Beobachterstatus bei Zollunion und gleichzeitige EU-Assoziierung Kiews
Die Ukraine könnte laut Präsident Viktor Janukowitsch Beobachter bei der Eurasischen Union und der Zollunion und gleichzeitig assoziiertes Mitglied der Europäischen Union sein.
„Dies würde heute keinen internationalen Dokumenten widersprechen“, so der ukrainische Präsident Viktor Janukowitsch am Donnerstag in einem Interview für ukrainische Massenmedien.
Costa Rica Seeks Nicaragua Contra in River Dispute
Costa Rican authorities say Nicaraguan Contra leader Eden Pastora has become an international suspect on charges he violated environmental laws when he led a dredging project in a river between the two Central American nations.
Deputy FM: Those sending killers to Syria responsible directly for bloodshed
Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Faysal Mikdad, said that the massacre committed by armed terrorist groups against citizens in Adraa al-Omalia (workers) city in Damascus suburbs will terrify the world when its full reality is exposed.
Russia signals to Syria‘s Assad to stay silent on re-election
A Russian diplomat signaled on Thursday that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad should refrain from statements suggesting he might seek re-election because it could fuel tension before planned peace talks.
MI5/MI6 torture collusion report published: Politics live blog
An official inquiry has found that British agents may have been „inappropriately involved“ in the rendition and ill-treatment of terrorist suspects. In a statement to the Commons, Kenneth Clarke, the minister without portfolio, said that the 27 questions raised by the inquiry by Sir Peter Gibson, which never got the chance to finish its work because criminal proceedings are underway, would be investigated by parliament‘s intelligence and security committee.
CIA Still Trying To Block Release Of Senate‘s $40 Million ‚Devastating‘ Report About CIA‘s Torture Program
Back in October, we wrote about how the Senate Intelligence committee was sitting on an apparently devastating report about the CIA‘s torture program. The report apparently cost an astounding $40 million to put together (I still have trouble understanding how this is even possible…), but the CIA was fighting against ever having it released, arguing that it was inaccurate and painted them in an unfairly bad light. The report is so devastating that even Senator Dianne Feinstein, long seen as the intelligence community‘s leading apologist, has been at the forefront of arguing for its release.
The Joy Of Watching Comment Spammers Scramble To Try To Delete Links After Google Demoted Them
Starting a few months back, we started noticing a weird trend here at Techdirt. Every two or three days, we‘d get an email from someone asking us, politely, to please remove a comment they had posted. Every single time, it was someone who had somehow gotten comment spam through our (pretty good) multi-layer comment spam filter (which catches more than 1,000 spam comments per day). Each one reads something like the following:
China renews press cards for Bloomberg, several New York Times reporters
Foreign journalists from the two media organizations had feared they may have to leave China after the government gave no indication it would grant them their accreditations, a move criticized by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden on a visit to Beijing earlier this month.
Bloomberg News Pays Reporters More If They Move Markets
It‘s become quite common to pay online writers more if their stories cause surges in traffic for the site. It has recently emerged that Bloomberg News has taken this idea much further, as reported by Business Insider:
DailyDirt: Dysfunctional Capitalism
As we get closer to the most commercial holiday of the year, let‘s spend some time reflecting on capitalism and what it has become. Here are some capitalism-related links to get you started.
Regionen droht Verödung: Armut in Deutschland erreicht dramatisches Rekordhoch
Over one million Italians lost jobs during crisis
The national unemployment rate recently reached a record level of more than 12%, and youth under 25 have been especially hard hit with a jobless rate of over 40%.
Confindustria says Italian GDP -1.8% in 2013
Italy‘s recession in 2013 was more severe than expected, the country‘s powerful industrial employers‘ confederation Confindustria said Thursday.
Confindustria says Italy‘s recession is over
Italy‘s deep recession is over, the country‘s powerful industrial employers‘ confederation Confindustria said Thursday.
Weißt Du, Truman – irgendwo sind wir alle Stars. *klopf auf die Schulter*
Liftoff for ESA´s Billion Star Surveyor
Repeatedly scanning the sky, Gaia will observe each of the billion stars an average of 70 times each over the five years. It will measure the position and key physical properties of each star, including its brightness, temperature and chemical composition.
Tex Ritter – High Noon „Do Not Forsake Me“..
High Noon is an American 1952 western film directed by Fred Zinnemann and starring Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly.
Italiens Regierungschef : Letta wettert gegen „verfluchten“ Euro-Kurs
eGK und medizinische Daten: Freie Fahrt für die NSA und Bertelsmann?
Es gibt Bereiche in Infrastrukturen, die sollten unbedingt geschützt werden. Ganz sicher gehört dazu alles was in den Bereich von medizinischen oder Patientendaten fällt. Beim Test- und Erprobungsverfahren ORS 1 (Online Rollout Stufe 1) sind Unternehmen beteiligt, die sehr zweifelhafte Hintergründe haben. Werden hier der NSA und Bertelsmann die sensibelsten Bereiche auf dem Silbertablett serviert? Wir haben nachgeschaut.
“Als ob es zwei Arten von Gesetzen gäbe”
Gestern veröffentlichte das Weiße Haus den von U.S.-Präsident Barack Obama, im Zuge der durch Veröffentlichungen von “Genie unter Genies” Edward Snowdens Dokumenten begonnenen Aufarbeitung der Zustände im durch 12 Jahre weltweiten Krieg “on terror” verselbstständigten Spionage-Apparat, selbst in Auftrag gegebenen Bericht einer fünfköpfigen Kommission. Der Bericht, der keineswegs ausschließlich die Aktivitäten der National Security Agency N.S.A. thematisierte, war dem Präsidenten bereits am Freitag dem 13. übergeben worden.
Wir vestehen: Zaunpfähle gibt es nicht. Denn das wäre ja Politik.
Totalüberwachung und Revolution von Oben: Der Versuch, einen neuen Glauben und eine neue Gesellschaft zu etablieren
In der sogenannten „Ausspäh-Affäre“ geht es um viel mehr als die Gefahr der Totalüberwachung. Die dahinterstehende Idee ist die Annahme, mit nur genügend an Informationen das Verhalten von Individuen, Gruppen und Gesellschaften nicht nur bestimmen, sondern auch vorhersagen und entsprechend manipulieren zu können. Hinter diesem technischen Turmbau zu Babel liegt ein Glaube, der unser ganzes Wertesystem auf den Kopf stellen kann.
NSU-Prozess: Vater von Uwe Mundlos beleidigt Richter als „Klugscheißer“:
Unglaublich: Der BND hört alle Netzkommunikation ab, weil Internet international sei und damit Auslandskommunikation
Michael Thumann
Thumann leitet die ZEIT-Redaktion für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten in Istanbul und schreibt über die arabische Welt, die Türkei und Griechenland. Bis Ende 2007 koordinierte er die außenpolitische Berichterstattung der ZEIT. Von 1996 bis 2001 war er der ZEIT-Korrespondent in Moskau und berichtete über Russland und die islamischen Völker des Kaukasus und Zentralasiens. Zuvor schrieb er als politischer Redakteur der ZEIT über Südosteuropa.
@Zeit_RSS Unser Grundgesetz gilt auch, wenn wir das Internet benutzen. Sogar wenn Ihr lügt, am Telefon. Oder in der Presse. Klar, Kollegen?
Überwachung: Ein Grundgesetz für das Internet ist überfällig:
Gutachten und Urteile mahnen Obama zum NSA-Umba…
Mitglieder des Hauptausschusses
Anzahl Mitglieder: 47
Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert, CDU/CSU
Stellv. Vorsitzende
Edelgard Bulmahn, SPD
Peter Hintze, CDU/CSU
Petra Pau, Die Linke
Claudia Roth (Augsburg), Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
Heftige Kämpfe: Bundeswehr evakuiert deutsche Staatsbürger aus Südsudan
Am Vormittag sollen ausgewählte Abgeordnete des Bundestags informiert werden.
Bericht von Experten: Kommission fordert Obama zu weitreichender NSA-Reform auf
Das fünfköpfige Gremium hatte dem Präsidenten seinen Bericht mit insgesamt 46 nicht bindenden Empfehlungen vor einer Woche vorgelegt. Die eigentlich für Januar geplante Veröffentlichung zog das Weiße Haus nun wegen „unvollständiger und unzutreffender“ Medienberichte über den Inhalt vor.
President Obama’s Meeting with the Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies
Today, President Obama met with his Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies — Richard Clarke, Michael Morell, Geoffrey Stone, Cass Sunstein and Peter Swire — to discuss the report they submitted to the President on December 13.
This meeting offered President Obama an opportunity to hear directly from the group’s members and discuss the thinking behind the 46 recommendations in their report.
LIBERTY AND SECURITY IN A CHANGING WORLD: Report and Recommendations of The President’s Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies
D. Privacy Protections for Non-United States Persons
Recommendation 13
We recommend that, in implementing section 702, and any other authority that authorizes the surveillance of non-United States persons who are outside the United States, in addition to the safeguards and oversight mechanisms already in place, the US Government should reaffirm that such surveillance:
(1) must be authorized by duly enacted laws or properly authorized executive orders;
(2) must be directed exclusively at the national security of the United States or our allies;
(3) must not be directed at illicit or illegitimate ends, such as the theft of trade secrets or obtaining commercial gain for domestic industries; and
(4) must not disseminate information about non-United States persons if the information is not relevant to protecting the national security of the United States or our allies.
In addition, the US Government should make clear that such surveillance:
(1) must not target any non-United States person located outside of the United States based solely on that person’s political views or religious convictions;