U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon granted a preliminary injunction against the collecting of the phone records of two men who had challenged the program and said any such records for the men should be destroyed. But he put enforcement of that decision on hold pending a near-certain government appeal, which may well end up at the Supreme Court.
Daily Archives: 16. Dezember 2013
France pushing EU to fund military interventions
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who will meet Hollande in Paris on Wednesday, said last week that the subject was still up for discussion.
Ratingagentur S&P straft Venezuela wegen ‚Radikalisierung‘ ab
Die US-amerikanische Ratingagentur Standard & Poor’s (S&P) hat den Status Venezuelas wegen der „Radikalisierung“ seiner Wirtschaftspolitik unter der amtierenden sozialistischen Regierung von Präsident Nicolás Maduro erneut herabgestuft. Nach Ansicht der Wirtschaftsprüfer ist das Land vom Ramschniveau B auf B- abgefallen.
Michelle Bachelet ist neue Präsidentin von Chile
Kandidatin des Bündnisses Nueva Mayoria siegt mit 62 Prozent. Bildung, soziale Gerechtigkeit und neue Verfassung Hauptziele. Geringe Wahlbeteiigung
Aus Irak-Krieg desertierte U.S.-Soldatin Kimberly Rivera: Freilassung aus U.S.-Militärgefängnis
Rivera wurde am 29.April 2013 von einem Kriegsgericht in Fort Carson wegen Fahnenflucht aus dem Irak-Krieg zu zehn Monaten Haft verurteilt. Während eines Heimaturlaubes im Jahr 2007 flüchte die Mutter aus Gewissensgründen nach Kanada um dort Asyl zu beantragen.
Kremlin Preparing Substantial Welcome for Yanukovych on Tuesday
The Kremlin on Monday announced that it was offering a raft of substantial deals, including a loan, for Ukraine, whose President Viktor Yanukovych was on his way to Moscow for talks.
Opposition: if Yanukovych signs agreement with Moscow he’d better not return to Ukraine
If Pres Yanukovych sign an agreement on joining the customs union with Moscow he would better not return to Ukraine, Arseny Yatseniuk warned.
Army foils terrorists‘ infiltration attempt from Lebanon, kills others in several provinces
In al-Nabek, the authorities seized large amounts of weapons and ammo including RPG launchers, an Israeli LAW rocket, homemade rockets, explosive devices of various sizes, dynamite, and 15 bags of materials used for manufacturing explosive.
Libyen: „Die Islamisten sind schlimmer als Assad“
Israelische Minister befürworten Verordnung zur brutalen Maßregelung von NGOs
Ungeachtet einer Litanei von Warnungen von Seiten Israels Generalstaatsanwalt Yeshuda Weinstein, von Rechtsexperten und Staatsanwälten peitschte das Ministerkomitee des Landes eine neue Verordnung durch, welche Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NGOs) mit Managern, die politische Vorgänge befürwortet haben, die in Konflikt stehen mit der Agenda der derzeitigen Regierung, eine harte Strafsteuer auferlegen wird.
Syrian militants execute 90 hostages in Adra, nine children die from cold and hunger
Syrian troops are being involved in street fighting in Adra, located 20 kilometres north east of Damascus, which is occupied by the armed extremists. According to media reports, the military command has decided not to use the artillery there, taking into account the fact that militants are using peaceful civilians as human shields. Army units, which are storming the houses in Adra, have managed to save dozens of the Alawite, Duz and Christian families, which were seized by the militants, the Al Ahad television reported. And still, the terrorists have executed more than 90 captives, including women and children, the Al Ahad television said.
Doctor: Napalm-like attack on Syrian schoolkids was ‚apocalyptic‘
(30.August) Children in the Syrian province of Aleppo earlier this week suffered napalm-like burns after an incendiary agent was dropped on their school by what rebels say was a government jet.
Syria: Agony of victims of ‚napalm-like‘ school bombing
(30.September) We had travelled to Syria to film two British doctors from the UK charity Hand in Hand for Syria providing care to parts of the country where the medical system is barely functioning. (..)
Within an hour of being there we received the first sign of what was to come.
Lawrow: Außenminister der EU und Russlands auf Achtung der Souveränität Kiews einig
Die Völker seien dazu berechtigt, über den Entwicklungsweg ihrer Staaten selber zu entscheiden, sagte Lawrow am Montag in Brüssel nach Abschluss eines Treffens mit seinen EU-Amtskollegen.
Mutter ertappt Teenager, als er sich gerade selbst googelt
Erna W. ist besonders darüber entsetzt, dass sich ihr Sohn sogar mit Anführungszeichen googelte. Sie ist überzeugt: „Der hat das ganz offensichtlich nicht zum ersten Mal gemacht. Ich hoffe, er wäscht sich danach wenigstens die Griffel.“
Doch wie sollen Eltern, die selbst oft erst im Erwachsenenalter damit begonnen haben, sich selbst zu googeln, mit so einer Situation umgehen?
Syrien: Sprengstoff-Fässer auf Schule
Auf einmal fielen Fässer vom Himmel.
Terrorists‘ mortar shell claims life of child, injures three others
A source at Aleppo Police Command said that the terrorists on Monday fired a mortar shell at al-Kuhruba al-Mohdatheh School for the basic education stage in New Aleppo, claiming the life of a schoolgirl and injuring three others.
SPD-Fraktion begeistert von Merkels „cooler Rede“ – DIE WELT
Neulich ging ein Vorschlag herum, eine feministische Programmiersprache zu erfinden.
1. The language is to be strictly interpreted using feminist theory. Under no circumstances should the language be compiled, as compilation and the use of a compiler imposes an oppressive and toxic relationship between the high-level descriptive language and the low-level machine code that does all the labo(u)r. Instead, **C+=** is interpreted, which fosters communication, itself a strong female trait.
2. No constants or persistence. Rigidity is masculine; the feminine is fluid. I.e., fluid mechanics is hard for men ‚because it deals with „feminine“ fluids in contrast to „masculine“ rigid mechanics‘.
3. No state. The State is The Man. ‚Nuff said. Hence, the language should be purely functional.
The games industry has weird taboos…
I tried to advertise with a BIG game-advertising agency through their self-service system to place this ad on a major US games site:
Die Brüder der neuen Integrationsbeauftragten der Bundesregierung werden übrigens vom Verfassungsschutz beobachtet.
Die FAZ berichtet ausführlich über die PR-Offensive der NSA.
Die haben nämlich „60 Minutes“ von CBS „Zugang“ gewährt. Zugang in Anführungszeichen, weil der „investigative Reporter“, den CBS schicken durfte, selbst ein Karrierebürokrat ist und jahrelang in der PR-Abteilung (!) des FBI (!!) gearbeitet hat.
Der neue Landwirtschaftsminister heißt Hans-Peter Friedrich (ehemaliger Innenminister)
Greek politicians’ assets declaration: damned poverty with real estate, bank deposits…
Income raising Champion:
Dimitris Tsoukalas, MP from left-wing SYRIZA MP and former president of the federation of bank employee unions (OTOE). He declared he received 1 million euro in retirement lump-sum in the year 2011 – the second year of IMF-austerity.
EUobserver: bailout advisers to Troika – the multi-million unholy business with austerity
EUobserver reveals a scandal worth at least 80 million euro, a scandal that has been exposed on the occasion of the Cyprus bailout.
Israel Found Guilty of Genocide against Palestinians
Israel ruled guilty of genocide; the nuclear elephant in that region; and the ‘armies’ recruited to doctor Wikipedia.
EU soll Mission in Zentralafrika mitfinanzieren
600 Tote, 160.000 Flüchtlinge – diese dramatische Bilanz zieht Frankreichs Verteidigungsminister Jean-Yves Le Drian nach einem Blitzbesuch in der Zentralafrikanischen Republik.
France criticises CAR leader Djotodia after government reshuffle
Michel Djotodia, in charge of the former French colony since seizing power in March, dismissed three members of his government this weekend following a wave of Muslim-Christian clashes which have left hundreds dead.
Djotodia has lost control of his former fighters, whose abuses have sparked the creation of Christian militia forces.
South Sudan imposes curfew after „attempted coup“
South Sudan‘s President Salva Kiir declared a curfew in the capital Juba on Monday after overnight clashes between rival factions of soldiers followed months of tension between Kiir and his sacked deputy.
Heavy gunfire rings out in Congo Republic capital
Gunfire rang out in Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of Congo, on Monday as the army raided the residence of the country‘s former deputy intelligence chief, according to a security source and French radio RFI.
Turkish court rejects requests to free Kurdish lawmakers
The decision by the court in Diyarbakir, the regional centre of Turkey‘s mainly Kurdish southeast, came despite the country‘s top court ruling this month that the long-term detention of another MP pending trial was unconstitutional.
Russia Confirms Tactical Missile Deployment on NATO Borders
With its reported effective range of 400 kilometers (250 miles), the Iskander does not fall into the category of intermediate-range nuclear missiles banned by the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty between Russia and the United States.
The missiles deployed in Kaliningrad could hit NATO targets located in Poland, Lithuania and even in Germany, however.
The Bankruptcy of the West’s Syrian Policy
The US, Britain and France do not have many options left except to try to control the jihadi Frankenstein’s monster that they helped create in Syria and which is already helping destabilise Iraq and Lebanon.
U.S. officials ‚might‘ meet Syria‘s Islamist fighters
„State Department officials might be meeting with representatives of the Islamic Front this week,“ State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said on Monday. She said that did not signify a change in U.S. support for the Syrian National Coalition, the moderate political opposition.
Einen besonders klaren Fall von Selbstmord gibt es bei ruthe.de zu bestaunen
Suicide bomber attacks German troops near airport in Afghan capital
(11.Dezember) „The attacker was killed and there were no ISAF casualties to report.“
The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack in a text message sent by spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid
8 killed in roadside bombings in eastern Afghanistan; suicide bomber attacks office
He said that in an earlier incident, a suicide bomber attacked an intelligence service office near the border with Pakistan, shooting and wounding a guard before detonating his explosives. He added that two intelligence service officials were wounded and the building was damaged by the blast.
David Cameron: British troops‘ mission accomplished in Afghanistan – video
David Cameron says British troops have made vast improvements to Afghanistan since they arrived in 2001.
US navy copter crashes in Japan
The accident came at a sensitive time, with the Japanese public wary over the long-planned but stalled relocation of a US base in southern Okinawa.
Around half of the 47,000 US service personnel in Japan are based on the strategic island chain, which is nearer to China’s Taiwan than it is to Tokyo.
Traffic snarled by transport strikes in major Italian cities
Traffic was snarled across Italy Monday as trade unions called a day of strikes in numerous cities including Rome, Milan, Turin and Naples.
Documents show Turkey sent guns to Syrian rebels
In November, authorities seized nearly 1,000 rocket heads after searching a truck in the southern province of Adana. The local governor said 10 people had been detained in the raid, during which 935 rocket heads and 10 launching pads were seized. At the time, Adana Governor Huseyin Avni Cos claimed that the operation proved Turkey was not supporting radical groups in Syria.
Almost 30% in Italy risk poverty or social exclusion
Istat says level up 1.7% on 2011
The Brothers Nylon by The Brothers Nylon
A collab project with the amazing „lee“ awesome & gifted Shawn Lee! Music from NY to LON. Across the Pond. A Tiger and three lions set out to make musical adventures. Cinematic type tuneage with the freedom to overdub whatever you want.
Fritsche wird erster Staatssekretär für Belange der Geheimdienste
Staatssekretär im Bundeskanzleramt für die Belange der Geheimdienste wird laut Informationen der Süddeutschen Zeitung Klaus-Dieter Fritsche. Das Amt wird wegen der Erfahrungen mit der NSA-Affäre neu geschaffen.
Dean The Door is Still Open to My Heart
Ashton: Befürchtungen der Ukraine um EU-Assoziierungsabkommen lassen sich beseitigen
„In den Verhandlungen mit dem ukrainischen Präsidenten Viktor Janukowitsch habe ich besprochen, welche kurzfristigen Befürchtungen ihn daran gehindert hatten, das Abkommen zu unterzeichnen. Ich glaube, dass wir an der Beseitigung dieser Befürchtungen arbeiten können.“
Israeli, Lebanese, U.N. officers to discuss cross-border killing
„The (Lebanese) soldier was found this morning by the Lebanese army in the area where the shooting took place,“ the source said, without giving further details. Contact with the soldier had been lost after the incident.
Foreign Affairs Council meeting Brussels, 16 December 2013: Council conclusions on Lebanon
The Council adopted the following conclusions:
„1. The EU reaffirms its commitment to the unity, stability, independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Lebanon.
2. The EU condemns the repeated violence and security incidents, including the latest terrorist attack targeting the Iranian Embassy and the recurrent clashes in Tripoli. The EU welcomes the efforts of the Lebanese security forces, including the Lebanese Armed Forces, to protect Lebanon‘s borders and ensure security for all people living on Lebanese territory, with due respect for the rule of law and human rights.“
EU Ministers of Foreign Affairs meet in Brussels on 16 December 2013. – Arrival and doorstep EU HR Ashton – Part 1
Arrival and doorstep by Catherine ASHTON, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, before the Foreign Affairs Council, taking place on 16 December 2013 in Brussels.
EU says door remains open to Ukraine as unity cracks
Divisions emerged in the European Union‘s policy towards Ukraine on Monday as the Dutch foreign minister slapped down a senior EU official for announcing on Twitter that he had suspended work on a trade agreement with Kiev.
John McCain addresses Ukrainian protesters in Kiev – video
The former presidential candidate told protesters that Ukraine‘s destiny lies in Europe and that the US supports their cause
Egypt prosecutor targets father of boy arrested over „pro-Mursi“ ruler: lawyer
A prosecutor has ordered the arrest of an Egyptian man whose 15-year-old son was detained last month for owning a ruler bearing a symbol associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, the family‘s lawyer said on Sunday.
U.S. offers help to South East Asia, most to Vietnam, to patrol seas
On his first visit to Vietnam as secretary of state, John Kerry denied that the assistance had anything to do with China.
Eine Bankenunion für Europa: Welcher Bauplan ist der richtige?
(17.01.2013) Manchmal werden jedoch trotz globaler Ansteckungswege – ungerechtfertigt – nationale Belange höher gewichtet als europäische Interessen. Genau diese Verbundenheit mit den nationalen Banksystemen kann dazu führen, dass Aufseher in der Tradition ihrer eigenen Verwaltungspraxis gefangen sind und heimische Banken aus nationalen Erwägungen schonen. (..)
Leider wird in der aktuellen Diskussion häufig vergessen, dass Sinn und Zweck einer Bankenaufsicht nicht allein darin besteht, den genannten Teufelskreis zu durchbrechen. Dies kann der europäische Gesetzgeber auch durch eine adäquate Regulierung erreichen, unter anderem durch eine risikoangemessene Eigenmittelunterlegung von Staatsanleihen und Obergrenzen für die Kreditvergabe an Staaten.
Asmussen-Nachfolge: Schäuble bringt Lautenschläger für EZB in Stellung