Daily Archives: 21. Oktober 2013

21.10.2013 - 22:34 [ Ron Paul Channel ]

Stop the Drones

For the first time, survivors of a U.S. military drone strike have an opportunity to travel to Capitol Hill to give a voice and face to the reality of the CIA’s killer drone program.

Their lawyer, Shahzad Akbar, has represented more than 150 survivors of U.S. drone aggression. He once sued the CIA over drone strikes in Pakistan.

The DC political establishment is very familiar with Shahzad. While his clients’ visas for the trip have been approved, his has not.

Clearly, the hold-up is political. We will not stand for this.

21.10.2013 - 22:28 [ Sustainable Pulse ]

Global Scientists Issue Stunning GMO Safety Warning – Breaking News

There is no scientific consensus on the safety of genetically modified foods and crops, according to a statement released today by an international group of more than 90 scientists, academics and physicians.

The statement comes in response to recent claims from the GM industry and some scientists, journalists, and commentators that there is a “scientific consensus” that GM foods and crops were generally found safe for human and animal health and the environment. The statement calls these claims “misleading”, adding, “This claimed consensus on GMO safety does not exist.”

21.10.2013 - 21:08 [ Zeitschrift Luxemburg ]

Vierzig Jahre Neoliberalismus in Chile

Seit fast vierzig Jahren (seit 1975) ist Chile Schauplatz eines tiefgreifenden wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Experiments. In einem durch den Staatsstreich (September 1973) und die darauf folgende blutige Repression (1973-1978) mit Gewalt befriedeten Land konnten die zivilen Minister der Militärregierung auf brutale Weise jegliches institutionelle Hindernis beiseite schieben und mittels Verordnungen ein der chilenischen Tradition völlig fremdes Wirtschaftsmodell implementieren. Dafür gab es weltweit keinen Präzedenzfall.

Viele der von den neoliberalen Theoretikern in den letzten Jahrzehnten entwickelten Wirtschafts- und Sozialformeln wurden erstmalig in Chile angewandt. Der viel gepriesene „Erfolg“ des chilenischen Modells verschleiert aber vor allen Dingen die soziale Katastrophe, die es für die meisten Chilenen bereit hält und verschweigt, dass es auf Raubbau und Plünderung der chilenischen Ressourcen beruht. Hier sollen zwei Angaben genügen:

21.10.2013 - 21:05 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Kritik an ‚politischer Polizei‘ in Rio de Janeiro

Nach einer Massenverhaftung am Rande einer Demonstration in Rio de Janeiro am Dienstagabend hat der Professor der privaten Hochschule Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), Rafael Alcadipani, scharfe Kritik an den lokalen Sicherheitskräften geäußert. Die Polizei des Staates von Rio de Janeiro habe sich laut Alcadipani zu einer „politischen Polizei“ entwickelt.

21.10.2013 - 21:03 [ Spiegel ]

Brasilien: Fünf Konzerne ersteigern Riesen-Ölfeld vor Rio

Das Konsortium blieb am Montag bei diesem Mindestgebot und bekam – mangels Konkurrenz – bei einer live im Fernsehen übertragenen Veranstaltung den Zuschlag.

Zuvor waren mehr als tausend Polizisten und Soldaten vor dem Hotel in Barra da Tijuca westlich von Rio de Janeiro aufmarschiert, um die Ölfeld-Auktion vor den erwarteten Demonstranten zu schützen. Doch die Situation eskalierte.

21.10.2013 - 20:51 [ The New American ]

JP Morgan Buying Its Way Out of Legal Troubles

But it’s far from being the first that JPM has paid. In a little over 10 years, the bank has paid out (not counting the present agreement which is still being negotiated) more than $5.2 billion in settling claims ranging from fraud involved in underwriting Enron and WorldCom bonds, and engaging in a “pay-to-play” scheme that brought Jefferson County, Alabama, to the brink of bankruptcy, to wrongly overcharging several thousand military families for their mortgages.

21.10.2013 - 19:35 [ Kevin Bermeister / Jerusalem Post ]

Challenging the status quo in Jerusalem

Why were there no facilities for the Arab home only 15 meters away? When I looked into the matter I discovered taxes actually paid by Arab residents of east Jerusalem do not afford them a proportional share of services. (..)

Having asked a lot of questions, I now believe garbage in east Jerusalem is frequently not collected to promote the left-wing pro-Oslo agenda.

21.10.2013 - 19:30 [ Middle East Monitor ]

Israeli right proposes series of undemocratic laws

The Yedioth Ahronoth website reported on Sunday morning that the Israeli right-wing is introducing a series of laws during the Knesset‘s winter session primarily aiming to limit the power and influence of the Israeli Supreme Court, including preventing it from interfering in legislation after its recent decision regarding the illegality of a number of laws proposed by the right-wing, the most controversial being the law limiting the arrest and detainment of illegal African immigrants in Israel.

21.10.2013 - 18:54 [ Greenpeace ]

Konflikt um Arctic Sunrise: Niederlande schalten Seegerichtshof ein

Wie das niederländische Außenministerium am Montag bekannt gab, hat die Regierung in Den Haag den Internationalen Seegerichtshof in Hamburg angerufen, um die Freilassung der dreißigköpfigen Besatzung der Arctic Sunrise zu erwirken. Das unter niederländischer Flagge fahrende Schiff war von russischen Behörden am 19. September beschlagnahmt und die Crew festgesetzt worden, nachdem Besatzungsmitglieder friedlich an einer Gazprom-Bohrinsel protestiert hatten.

21.10.2013 - 18:48 [ New Yorker ]

Top C.I.A. Lawyer Sides with Senate Torture Report

Last night, along with the bill reopening the government, the Senate confirmed Stephen W. Preston, the top lawyer at the C.I.A., to move to the Pentagon to serve in the same role there. The vote slipped by unnoticed by most, but on close inspection, it revealed previously unreleased documents that lift the lid on an unusual standoff between Congress and the Obama Administration’s C.I.A. At its core is a bitter disagreement over an apparently devastating, and still secret, report by the Senate Intelligence Committee documenting in detail how the C.I.A.’s brutalization of terror suspects during the Bush years was unnecessary, ineffective, and deceptively sold to Congress, the White House, the Justice Department, and the public.

21.10.2013 - 18:47 [ Techdirt ]

The Senate Is Sitting On A Devastating Report About How The CIA Avoided Oversight Of Unnecessary Torture Program

So much attention concerning the intelligence community lately has been focused on the NSA. There has been a bit of looking at the FBI as well, but for the most part the CIA has been left untouched — even though when the Washington Post released details of the US‘s black budget (thanks to Ed Snowden), it surprised many people to discover that the CIA still has a significantly larger budget than the NSA.

21.10.2013 - 18:45 [ Muslimbruderschaft ]

Press Release: Muslim Brotherhood deplores horrific church attack

We are saddened to see that, far from fulfilling their duty of care, the military backed authorities continue to turn a blind eye to deliberate acts of arson, vandalism and murder. This is a duty of care that every Egyptian has a right to expect regardless of creed or class.

It is painful to note that Beshay Lotfi, priest of Al-Warrak Church where the attack took place, confirms a total lack of police protection since the 30th of June.

21.10.2013 - 18:30 [ Reuters ]

Bangladesh heads for ‚total deadlock‘ ahead of scheduled polls

The ruling Awami League in 2011 scrapped a „caretaker government“ system – whereby neutral leaders take over three months before elections and oversee polls – and is now refusing to step down by October 24, as should have happened ahead of elections due to be held by January.

21.10.2013 - 12:54 [ Sueddeutsche.de ]

Vom Verschwinden der Bürgerrechte

Zu konstatieren ist das Verschwinden der Rechtspolitik, zu konstatieren ist das Verschwinden einer gestaltenden Innenpolitik. Der Rechtspolitik ergeht es wie der Donau im Oberlauf; die versickert zwischen Immendingen und Möhringen im wasserdurchlässigen Karstgestein. Das geschieht an durchschnittlich 150 Tagen im Jahr.

21.10.2013 - 12:33 [ New York Times ]

Clustering Near the Seat of Power

More than 5,700 corporations, lobbying firms, law firms and nonprofit groups have joined a registry of institutions that lobby the European Union government, of which about 2,000 have offices in Brussels, shown below. But many law firms, like Covington & Burling and Hogan Lovells, have not joined the registry.

21.10.2013 - 12:20 [ ifp ]

Fakten gegen Vorurteile

Asylbewerber sind zu teuer. Es kommen immer mehr. Und alle wollen zu uns! Solche Vorurteile sind in den deutschen Köpfen verankert. Das zeigen Studien, einseitige Presseartikel und Auftritte des Bundesinnenministers. Schluss damit: Jetzt kommen die Fakten.

21.10.2013 - 11:42 [ Spiegel ]

ARBEITSMARKT: Wie ein Stück Fleisch

Ein Tag, 50 Euro, bar auf die Hand, sagt der Fahrer im blauen Golf: „Nur für echte Kerle“, fügt er hinzu. 50 Euro sind viel Geld. Torsten Berne, 47, hebt die Hand und nickt. Und die sechs anderen Männer neben ihm auch. Einer ruft in gebrochenem Deutsch noch dazwischen „50 Euro für zwei Mann“. Aber der Golf-Fahrer entscheidet sich für Berne. Vielleicht, weil sich so starke Oberarme unter dem löchrigen Blaumann abzeichnen. Vielleicht, weil er Deutsch spricht.

21.10.2013 - 11:35 [ Standard ]

Arbeiterstrich: Moderne Tagelöhner

(22.03.2010) Der 45-Jährige erzählt in Wiener Dialekt von „besseren Tagen“, als es nicht notwendig war, sich hier neben vielen anderen anzustellen. „Früher war alles besser. Ungefähr vor fünf Jahren hat sich hier aber alles verändert“, erklärt er.

21.10.2013 - 11:29 [ Southland Times ]

Bangladesh poised to hike garment wages amid strikes

Factory bosses have formally offered 3,600 taka. Several, however, told Reuters they anticipated that Bangladesh‘s official wage board would set rates in the 4,500 to 5,500 taka range, and they intended to seek between 5 and 15 percent in price hikes from retailers.

21.10.2013 - 11:14 [ Techdirt ]

Governments Have A Long History Of Calling Journalists ‚Traitors‘ When They Publish Embarassing Materials

It‘s been somewhat incredible to watch government officials try to claim that reporters covering the NSA revelations from Ed Snowden‘s leaked documents are somehow „traitors.“ Last week, in the UK, the head of MI5, Andrew Parker, made a fool of himself going around telling other newspapers that The Guardian had somehow helped terrorists.

21.10.2013 - 08:49 [ Courthouse News Service ]

EU Court Stands Firm on Electronic Sheep Tags

A German sheep herder must comply with EU tagging requirements aimed at protecting the world from foot and mouth disease, Europe‘s highest court ruled.
Up until a major outbreak of the disease in 2001, the EU required sheep and goat herders to mark their animals only with an ear tag or tattoo.