Daily Archives: 12. Oktober 2013
Echoes of China Opening in Iran Detente: It‘s the Interests, Stupid!
For years the expectations among many American foreign policy pundits has been that tensions over Israeli policy towards the Palestinians, including the continuing buildup of Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank, would ignite an explosive crisis in the relationship between the two governments that could force Washington to distance itself from Jerusalem.
The Shutdown of the U.S. Government and “Debt Default”: A Dress Rehearsal for the Privatization of the Federal State System?
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Of significance, there were several other unreported shadowy multibillion bailouts which do not appear in government accounts, not to mention the Pentagon’s black budgets which are not included in the official expenditure accounts of the Department of Defense.
According to Aviation Week in a 2009 report:
“the Pentagon’s ‘black’ operations, including the intelligence budgets nested inside it, are roughly equal in magnitude to the entire defense budgets of the UK, France or Japan, and 10 per cent of the total.” (see Big Increases for Intelligence and Pentagon “Black” Programs in 2010 By Tom Burghardt, May 13, 2009
Afghan Talks Come Close to Deal for Troops to Stay
After more than a week of hard-line posturing by Afghan and American officials, Secretary of State John Kerry and President Hamid Karzai defied expectations and agreed on key elements of a deal that, if completed, would keep American troops in Afghanistan beyond next year.
Edward Snowden receives Sam Adams award in Moscow
These videos were filmed on the October 9 and are released for the first time today.
Sirens of the lambs
This video is about BNY10.02
[45E022-2013] Grove Of Whispers – The Garden
„The greatest gift that God in His bounty made in creation, and the most conformable to His goodness, and that which He prizes the most, was the freedom of will, with which the creatures with intelligence, they all and they alone, were and are endowed.“
Sonische Schlieren aus dem Unterbewussten
Und schliesslich verortet Andrew Jones in seinem Buch Plunderphonics, ‘Pataphysics and Pop Mechanics (SAF, 1995) die musikalische ‘Pataphysik in «TV, Pop-Tunes, Film Noir, Free Jazz, moderner Kunst, kulturellen Ikonen, Folk Songs, das klassische Repertoire und die Sprache der Strasse werden zu einem neuen, surrealistischen Ganzen zusammengefügt, es ist Musik über Musik, eine Metamusik.»
Koalitionspoker – Göring-Eckardt gibt Rot-Rot-Grün Chance
Grünen-Fraktionschefin @GoeringEckardt glaubt nicht an #Schwarz-Grün.
(11.10.) Streitpunkt sei etwa die #Klimapolitik:
Paul McCartney‘s Surprise Times Square Concert!
Veröffentlicht am 10.10.2013
Paul McCartney performed in a truck in the middle of Times Square in New York City today to promote his album, „New.“
Letters detail punitive tactics used on Guantánamo hunger strikers
Newly declassified papers say hunger strike at Guantánamo Bay was ‚broken‘ by a deliberate campaign to crush detainees‘ spirits
Libya‘s prime minister has failed, says Muslim Brotherhood leader
Zidan has described the kidnapping as an attempted coup and warned that some of Libya‘s many armed militias want to turn the country into „another Afghanistan or Somalia“.
„One hundred vehicles came with heavy and medium weapons,“ he said in a speech. „This is a coup against legitimacy.“
Wie stellt sich Mark Zuckerberg das eigentlich in unserer Realität vor, dass man sich Privatsphäre beschafft? Ganz einfach. Mark Zuckerberg kauft vier Häuser um sein Wohnhaus herum.
Das ist doch ein Modell, das auch für den Rest von uns funktionieren könnte!1!!
Brazil‘s Rousseff seen beating likely 2014 challengers: poll
Rousseff, a pragmatic leftist expected to seek a second term next October, won 42 percent support in a hypothetical matchup against Senator Aecio Neves of the traditional opposition party PSDB and Pernambuco Governor Eduardo Campos, whose center-left PSB party recently bolted the governing coalition.
Congo rebels fire on United Nations helicopter
The mission, known as MONUSCO, did not say whether the aircraft had been hit and no injuries were reported.
M23 rebels say attacks threaten peace talks
(29.09.) A second round of meetings were concluded on Tuesday. At the beginning of this week the M23 lauded the progress being made at the talks, but are now bemoaning the attack on their positions, which they accuse the Congolese government army FARDC of spearheading.
English nurse and wartime heroine, Edith Cavell – a picture from the past
Edith Cavell was a British nurse celebrated for saving the lives of soldiers during the First World War. In 1907, she was appointed matron of the Berkendael Medical Institute in Brussels.
‚March Against Monsanto‘: Live Updates
The second planned march against agricultural giant Monsanto takes place around the world this weekend. The protesters are rallying against the company’s use of genetically modified organisms and trying to raise awareness about its corporate practices.
Second ‚March Against Monsanto‘ Expected Saturday
Don‘t let the world ‚be compromised by the destructive practices of multinational corporations like Monsanto,‘ warn organizers
Google Is Going to Include Your Face in Its New Ads
Google (GOOG) is tinkering with the ever-delicate balance between selling advertisements and creeping its users out. On Friday the company said it would begin including recommendations that Google+ users make in advertisements. The new policy kicks in on Nov. 11.
If Syria Can Destroy its Chemical Weapons, Shouldn’t the U.S. do the Same?
Panama’s latest attempt at resolving the standoff came in May, when the government contacted the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, the international body whose inspectors now are overseeing the destruction of Syria’s arsenal, to convince the U.S. to own the mess and fix it.
$4.2 Billion in Military Hardware Donations Fuels Militarization of U.S. Police Forces
From major metropolises to small towns, America’s police forces increasingly resemble military units, thanks in part to billions of dollars in free equipment from the Pentagon.
The giveaways to date are valued at $4.2 billion, which the Department of Defense began distributing after Congress adopted legislation in 1997 authorizing the little-known 1033 Program. It appeared in fine print buried inside the National Defense Authorization Act (pdf).
New California Law Gives Journalists 5-Day Warning of Records Seizure by State
An exception was included in the bill whereby the government could skip the five-day notice if doing so would pose a danger to someone‘s life or harm an ongoing criminal investigation.
For America, Life Was Cheap in Vietnam
America’s defeat was probably ordained, just as much, by the Vietnamese casualties we caused, not just in military cross-fire, but as a direct result of our policy and tactics. (Kommentar von Nick Turse)
Video: Edward Snowden wins Sam Adams award
This week Edward Snowden received the Integrity Award from the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence. These videos from the award ceremony are the first of Mr Snowden after being granted asylum in Russia.
Das muss sofort angepackt werden
So anspruchsvoll ist die Aufgabe nicht, die Strompreise – trotz Energiewende – auf ein normales und bezahlbares Niveau zurückzuführen. Einzige Bedingung dafür: Die Politiker handeln dem gesunden Menschenverstand nach – unbeeinflusst von Lobbyisten. Dann klappt es auch mit der Energiewende zu billigen, bezahlbaren Strompreisen!
Share with friends and NSA, only me and the NSA, only the NSA?
Koalitionspoker: Mindestlohn gegen Euro-Bonds
Überraschend trafen sich die Spitzenvertreter Angela Merkel (CDU), Horst Seehofer (CSU) und Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) am Freitagmittag zu einem unangekündigten Treffen im Kanzleramt in Berlin.
Troika rejects decrease in heating oil tax; Greeks to freeze another winter
Greece’s lenders, the Troika rejected two of Greek government plans: the tax reduction in heating oil and the broadening of income criteria for those entitled to heating oil allowance. The government had proposed to decrease at 15% the Special Consumption Tax for heating oil and avoid the freezing of Greek households and the incredible air pollution of last winter.
Protecting yourself online ins‘t as easy as it used to be, but it can be done
Research shows keeping your software current has a big impact on cyber security, assuming the vendors are up-to-date as well
U.N.O.-Sicherheitsrat installiert “Sonderkoordinator” in Syrien
Erfüllt Ake Sellström in Syrien nun die Funktion, die sein alter Vorgesetzter Hans Blix in Irak vor dessen Eroberung in 2003 innehatte?
From Mossad agent to spy novelist: undercover life inspires hit thriller
For 12 years, he took part in secret operations in Europe and the Middle East as an agent for Israel‘s intelligence agency, the Mossad. He played a key role in a high-profile assassination fiasco in the 1990s. He was required to manipulate and deceive. He experienced the acute loneliness of an undercover operative in situations where only he knew his true identity.
African Union calls for more African troops in Somalia
The union‘s Peace and Security Council said 6,235 soldiers and police should be added to the AMISOM peacekeeping force to take its total strength to 23,966 uniformed personnel for a limited period of 18 to 24 months.
It ‘rains’ lawsuits against ministers, ex PM Papandreou included
Several Greek citizens filed lawsuits against current and former ministers, ex prime minister George Papandreou included. The citizens want the lifting of the parliamentary immunity of the ministers involved and a probe for requests that have to do with the economic crisis.
Greek Privatization Agency rejects reports “22 regional airports to shut down”
Greek Privatization Agency (TAIPED) categorically rejects media reports that 22 regional airports were to shut down after demands by the Troika and recommendations by German airliner Lufthansa.
Britain‘s Osborne to sign nuclear plant deal with China: FT
British finance minister George Osborne will sign a deal in China next week allowing a Chinese state-run nuclear power company to help build a new plant in Britain, the Financial Times reported on Saturday.
Security Council approves joint OPCW-UN mission to oversee destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons
n a letter to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, the Council today endorsed the UN chief’s plan to deploy up to 100 United Nations and Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) experts in a multi-phase operation to carry out last month’s Council resolution on eliminating Syria’s chemical weapons material and equipment, scheduled for completion by 30 June, 2014.
Weltsicherheitsrat und OPCW beschließen gemeinsame Mission für syrische Chemiewaffen
Der 60 Mann starke Vortrupp der Mission ist bereits in Syrien im Einsatz. Laut Bans Vorschlag wird das Personal demnächst auf 100 Experten erweitert. Die Mission wird ihren Stützpunkt auf Zypern haben.
In budget and debt fight, White House finds unlikely alliance with business groups
President Obama, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew and senior adviser Valerie Jarrett spoke to nearly 150 business executives on a conference call Friday with an update on their efforts to avoid a default, according to a White House summary of the call.
Pakistan Taliban commander ‚seized in US operation‘
Latif Mehsud was reportedly returning from a meeting with Afghan intelligence officers to discuss swapping prisoners. (..)
Mr Faizi said Latif Mehsud had only agreed to meet Afghan operatives after months of negotiations.
C.I.A. Disputes Early Suspicions on Snowden
In his statement, Mr. Ebitz did not dispute the existence of the supervisor’s derogatory report or its mention of a disturbing shift in Mr. Snowden’s behavior as he was preparing to leave the agency he had joined in 2006 for a new job as a contractor for the National Security Agency.
Jordanian economic delegation visits Turke
Professor Kamel Mahadin, Chief Commissioner of the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA), met Thursday with members from the Turkish businessmen‘s association and the Turkish industry association as part of the official high-level delegation that visited Turkey.
FISA Court Rubber Stamps Continued Collection Of Metadata On Every Single Phone Call
This won‘t come as a huge surprise, I would imagine, but the telephony metadata dragnet collection that has to be renewed every few months „expired“ today and was promptly reapproved by the FISA court, because „fuck you, that‘s why.“ That‘s not quite what they said, but consider it the bureaucratic-speak equivalent, coming from the Director of National Intelligence:
The Registrars Who Shut Down Websites After Demands From City Of London Police Likely Violated ICANN Policy
We recently wrote about the City of London Police ordering various registrars to shut down a list of websites based on the City of London Police themselves deciding they must be illegal. That is, without a court order or any judicial oversight, the police just decided the sites were illegal and needed to be taken offline. On top of that, the police force‘s new „IP Crime Unit“ threatened registrars that if they didn‘t obey, then they might lose their accreditation from ICANN. This was based on a total misreading of both copyright law and ICANN‘s rules.
Lawyers say NSA eavesdropping on U.S. citizen may have led to strike
Questions about whether the data may have been collected illegally could fuel fresh controversy over NSA spying on U.S. citizens and residents and the way data it collects is used. Defense lawyers assert there may be legal grounds for a new trial for four men convicted in the case.
Blutige Militärkampagne: Auf dem Sinai wächst die Wut auf Ägyptens Armee
Ägyptens Militär geht auf dem Sinai gegen Terroristen vor, heißt es offiziell. Doch die Bewohner der Halbinsel berichten von wahllosen Angriffen. Die Armee walzt ganze Straßenzüge nieder und entfacht so den Zorn der Einheimischen.
Embassy warns Americans in Egypt that weekend protests could turn violent
The alert said that the protesters could block bridges and major roads, and encouraged Americans to avoid the transit system, Tahrir Square and any other place where large crowds may gather.
Canadians detained in Egypt return to Toronto
Two Canadians held in Egypt for more than six weeks without charge arrived in Toronto on Friday to cheers, hugs and celebration, ending a high-profile campaign by friends and family to return the doctor and filmmaker.
EFF Quits Global Network Initiative To Protest Tech Firms‘ Inability To Be Transparent On Surveillance Issues
EFF has been a civil society member of the multi-stakeholder human rights group since GNI was founded in 2008 to advance freedom of expression and privacy in the global information and communication technologies sector. While much has been accomplished in these five years, EFF can no longer sign its name on joint statements knowing now that GNI‘s corporate members have been blocked from sharing crucial information about how the US government has meddled with these companies‘ security practices through programs such as PRISM and BULLRUN.
About Resonance 104.4 fm
Mission Statement
Imagine a radio station like no other. A radio station that makes public those artworks that have no place in traditional broadcasting. A radio station that is an archive of the new, the undiscovered, the forgotten, the impossible. That is an invisible gallery, a virtual arts centre whose location is at once local, global and timeless. And that is itself a work of art. Imagine a radio station that responds rapidly to new initiatives, has time to draw breath and reflect. A laboratory for experimentation, that by virtue of its uniqueness brings into being a new audience of listeners and creators.
NUMBERS.FM is a new (media) online radio station for experimental musics, snd, audio arts && other uncategorizable sonic events.
Der Nobelpreis für die Organisation für das Verbot von Chemiewaffen (OPCW): eine Untersuchung beider Organisationen
Wenn Sie der Ansicht sind, dass 500 Bürokraten den Friedensnobelpreis dafür verdienen, dass sie ihre Arbeit ordentlich verrichten, dann liegen Sie auf der selben Linie wie das norwegische Friedenspreiskomitee und sein Vorsitzender Torbjorn Jagland.