Regierungsmitglied und Chef der Luftfahrtbehörde der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate hebt kurzerhand die Sperrung wieder auf.
Daily Archives: 9. Oktober 2013
Wem Gehört Berlin? – Jedenfalls nicht WALL und Co!
Wir sind die offizielle Berliner Störstelle gegen Kommerzialisierung und Ausverkauf des öffentlichen Raums.
Der Versammlungsleiter bat darum, dass ein Amtsvertreter an dieser Stelle zu Euch spricht – das Amt kommt diesen Wunsch gerne nach und sieht dies auch geboten.
Weil auf diesem Weg hierher habt ihr unbewusst bereits mehrere 100 Werbebotschaften aufgenommen. Bis heute Abend werden es etwa 3000 sein. Stellt euch das mal vor:
3000 Botschaften, die ohne, dass ihr es merkt, in eurem Kopf arbeiten.
Obama drückt sich vor Antwort auf die Frage nach der Rechtmässigkeit des Überfalls in Libyen
Der Überfall am Samstag in Libyen, bei dem Soldaten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika ohne Genehmigung der libyschen Regierung in die Hauptstadt Tripoli marschierten und einen libyschen Bürger mit vorgehaltener Schusswaffe entführten, hat beträchtliche Kontroversen ausgelöst, sowie Fragen, ob diese Aktion gegen Internationales Recht verstossen hat.
Amt für Werbefreiheit und Gutes Leben
Wunderbar, dass es solche Initiativen gibt – in Berlin hat sich vor einer Weile das sog. „Amt für Werbefreiheit und Gutes Leben“ gegründet, das mit dem Ziel antritt, den öffentlichen Raum vom Übermaß an marktschreierischer Reklame zu befreien. Damit rennt man bei mir natürlich offene Türen ein!
L e i t s ä t z e zum Beschluss des Zweiten Senats vom 17. September 2013 – 2 BvR 2436/10 – – 2 BvE 6/08 –
Die im Jahr 1990 mit dem Gesetz über die Zusammenarbeit des Bundes und der Länder in Angelegenheiten des Verfassungsschutzes und über das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (Bundesverfassungsschutzgesetz – BVerfSchG) (BGBl I S. 2954 ) geschaffenen § 8 Abs. 1 Satz 1 und § 3 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 in Verbindung mit § 4 Abs. 1 Satz 1 Buchstabe c BVerfSchG stellen eine dem Vorbehalt des Gesetzes genügende Rechtsgrundlage für die Beobachtung von Mitgliedern des Deutschen Bundestages dar, auch wenn darin nicht ausdrücklich auf die Rechte der Abgeordneten aus Art. 38 Abs. 1 Satz 2 GG Bezug genommen wird.
IMF on Greece: new austerity measures €6.7 billion, new “haircut”
International Monetary Fund wants new austerity measures worth 6.7 billion euro from Greece and thus until 2016.
IMF says Italy must offset tax losses
The agency favours continuing to tax an individual‘s primary house.
Gambia: No Return to the Commonwealth – President Jammeh
A Press Release from the Gambia‘s State House in Banjul, the capital, on October 7th, informs the general public that its withdrawal from the Commonwealth of nations is not reversible and not negotiable.The release described the Commonwealth as a neo-colonial institution at best and at worse an animal farm, an idea to which it said the Gambia will never subscribe to.
The Gambia accuses UK and US of ‚relentless efforts‘ to arrange a coup
Allegations of persistent attempts to destabilise president come a week after government withdrew from the Commonwealth
Eden regained: World‘s oldest public cinema re-opens after restoration
When the Lumière brothers screened one of their first moving pictures – The Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat Station – at the Eden theatre at the close of the 19th century, it was said that some of those present were so shocked by the life-like images that they leapt from their seats in terror to flee the oncoming steam locomotive.
Taliban leader invites Pakistan government to ‚serious talks‘
Hakimullah Mehsud of the TTP signalled the group‘s willingness to open negotiations in an interview with a BBC journalist
Lavabit founder offered to log users‘ metadata if FBI paid him $3,500
Lavabit’s founder offered to work with the American authorities if they would pay him $3,500 for his time, according to documents unsealed by the US courts.
Undercover NYPD detective charged with riot after biker road rage violence
The detective’s previous undercover work reportedly included infiltrating Occupy Wall Street, demonstrating and attending meetings.
Erklärung der Bundesregierung zu Stay-Behind/Gladio liegt nun vollständig vor
Im letzten Artikel verwies ich auf die Antwort der Bundesregierung bzgl. einer “Kleinen Anfrage” zum ehemaligen BND-Mitarbeiter Johannes Kramer und dem BND und deren Beziehung zum Stay-Behind-Netzwerk, auch Gladio geannt. Die im erwähnten Artikel nur in Teilen veröffentlichte Antwort liegt nun vollständig mit Linkverweis vor.
DAS WANDERNDE AUGE: Shootout an der APEC-Freihandelszonen-Wagenburg
Beim Gipfel der Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation in Indonesien gab es ein “Happy Birthday“ für Wladimir Putin mit einigem Symbolwert. Zwar musste Barack Obama der Party fern bleiben, aber die Schüsse, die in Richtung des größten Schuldners der Welt aus dem fernen Bali abgefeuert wurden, werden wohl stecken bleiben. Außerdem machte China klar, dass es auf ein umfassendes APEC-Handelsabkommen aus ist, um die gesamte Asien-Pazifik-Region zu dominieren.
Jens Blecker hat heute Geburtstag
Am heutigen Tage wird er sich sicherlich sagen: Wieder mal eine Sonnenumkreisung geschafft. Und das auch noch durchaus erfolgreich. Wenn er ausnahmsweise mal wieder einen freien (und dazu guten) Tag hat, dann macht er solche Filme wie EUPOLY oder lässt seinen ganzen Charme an mobilen Televisoren aus. Wahrscheinlich aber wird er, wie alle aus Überzeugung naiven Freunde der Menschheit, schnell wieder vom Stepptanz der ihn umzingelnden Vollbegabten der Republik eingeholt werden, die sich dafür immer ausgerechnet die Leute mit einem guten Riecher für die Story auszusuchen pflegen. Möge der Rausch des Geburtstages also noch eine Weile anhalten.
MI5 chief‘s defence of GCHQ surveillance: extracts and analysis
On Tuesday the head of MI5 Andrew Parker gave a speech in which he mounted a robust defence of GCHQ and its surveillance methods. Though he didn‘t name Edward Snowden or the Guardian by name, he explicitly criticised recent leaks from the whistleblower. Here are the key extracts from the speech – along with the Guardian‘s analysis and context:
MI5 chief hits wrong target
• Guardian under fire but Andrew Parker avoids real issues
• System of credible independent scrutiny vital to keep GCHQ and MI5 in check
Saudi Arabia warns foreign workers: get the right visa or get out
Saudi Arabia has told foreign workers – about a third of its 27 million population – to make sure their visas are in order before a planned crackdown next month or face possible deportation, local media reported on Wednesday.
Gambia accuses U.S., Britain of plotting to overthrow government
Gambia has accused the United States and Britain of fomenting multiple coup attempts in the tiny West African country and supporting the opposition as part of a plot to destabilize President Yahya Jammeh‘s rule.
Azerbaijan‘s ruling party claims reelection victory for president
Azerbaijan‘s ruling party claimed President Ilham Aliyev won re-election in the former Soviet republic on Wednesday, citing exit polls that gave him more than 80 percent of the vote.
Mursi faces trial as U.S. reviews aid to Egypt
Egypt‘s ousted President Mohamed Mursi will face trial on November 4 on charges of inciting killings at protests, a prospect sure to raise concern in Washington, already considering cutting aid to Cairo to press for democracy.
Janet Yellen: Obama‘s second choice hands him a first-rate political win
Senate Democrats have already written a love letter to Yellen and sworn their fealty to her tenure. Over 300 of her fellow economists support her. Some Republican may oppose her, but not enough will bother.
The only thing standing in the way of Yellen‘s confirmation is the shutdown.
Afghanistan risks becoming ‚narco-state‘: U.N. official
Afghanistan risks becoming a „full-fledged narco-state“ without international support to help create alternative jobs for its people, a senior United Nations official said on Wednesday.
Americans blame Republicans for shutdown – but no one comes out well
Overall, 62% mainly blamed Republicans for the shutdown. About half said Obama or the Democrats in Congress bear much responsibility.
Germany‘s Greens turn frosty towards any alliance with Merkel
The Greens, who will hold exploratory talks with the conservatives on Thursday evening, were already skeptical about helping Merkel form a government for her third term because of differences on energy, tax and social issues.
Patient left legless after mistaken amputation in Brazilian hospital
Marilda Santos is the spokesperson for Rio de Janeiro‘s Pedro Ernesto University Hospital. She said that on Friday doctors were supposed to amputate the right leg of Antonio Cesar Victorio but instead they removed his left leg.
„When the patient‘s daughter told doctors they had removed the wrong leg, they amputated the other leg as well,“ Santos said.
Centre-right PdL Senator resigns from anti-mafia commission
Calabrian Senator accused of links with ‚Ndrangheta mafia
Bertelsmannstiftung macht Stimmung für EU-USA-Freihandelsabkommen
Stefan Beck, Donna McGuire und Christoph Scherrer von der Universität Kassel bezweifeln die positiven Einschätzungen der Beschäftigungs- und Lohneffekte. Sie sehen vielmehr die Gefahr von Wohlfahrtsverlusten, da Verbraucherschutzregeln und Sozial- bzw. Umweltstandards abgebaut werden könnten. Auch der Niedriglohnsektor könnte sich laut der drei Autoren ausweiten.
US military delegation visits Egypt’s Sinai, where tensions run high
(6.11.2012) The deputy commander of the US Central Command paid a visit Monday to American troops stationed in Egypt’s troubled Sinai Peninsula, which has been plagued by lawlessness and a series of militant attacks on local troops and cross-border strikes into Israel.
A US official said the trip by Vice Adm. Robert Harward to US troops who are stationed in Sinai as part of the 12-nation Multinational Force and Observers mission was a “routine” visit to an area crucial to security in the region. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to brief the media.
Multinational Force and Observers
The Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) is an international peacekeeping force overseeing the terms of the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel.
North Base Camp El Gorah, Egypt
The Multinational Force and Observers [MFO] has two camps, North Camp and South Camp. The MFO‘s Sinai headquarters at North Camp is located at el Gorah in northern Sinai, approximately 25 kilometers from the Egyptian-Israeli border. The smaller South Camp, near Sharm el Sheikh, on the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula, is positioned on a bluff overlooking the Red Sea. Soldiers are stationed at observation points to ensure both parties abide the treaty. The force and observers, totaling 1,900, are under the command of a Norwegian military officer. The military personnel are on loan from 11 nations.
Pope Francis urges prayer for peace in Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon and the Holy Land
Francis also recalled, during his greetings to Arabic-speaking faithful, that a year ago, on 10 October 2012, following his trip to Lebanon and his apostolic exhortation “Ecclesia in Medio Oriente: Communion and witness”, his predecessor Benedict XVI included Arabic among the languages of the general audience. The Synod Fathers had asked for this “to show to all Christians in the Middle East the closeness of the Catholic Church to its eastern sons”. “And today, talking about this expression, ‚I believe in the Catholic Church‘”, he added, “I ask you to pray for peace in the Middle East: in Syria, in Iraq, in Egypt, in Lebanon and in the Holy Land, where the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, was born. Pray that the light of Christ reaches all hearts and all places, unto the ends of the earth”.
Freedom and Justice Party Rejects All Putschist Regime Financial, Economic Agreements
The FJP urges all international, regional and local institutions from falling into the trap of economic dealings with this government.
In this regard, the FJP points that the Finance Ministry of the coup government issuing bonds and treasury bills today (October 8th, 2013) for the total amount of LE10 Bn – according to the ministry‘s official web site – is void, and is by an illegitimate and unelected government that does not represent the Egyptian people.
Egyptian court sets November 4 trial date for deposed President Mursi
An Egyptian court on Wednesday set November 4 as the date for the trial of deposed Islamist President Mohamed Mursi and other senior figures in the Muslim Brotherhood on charges of inciting violence.
Liberal leader urges Egyptian army chief not to run for president
„He is doing the country the best favor he can do from his position as a military chief,“ Masry said in an interview. „Sisi‘s nomination will give the wrong image to the world that what happened was a coup.“
Egypt: Jihadists Used US-Made Missile to Attack Sinai Base
How Group Got US Missiles Unknown
Egypt‘s army denies presence of U.S. base in Sinai
(09.02.2013) Egypt‘s armed forces denied Saturday the presence of any U.S. military bases in Sinai as one of the articles of a cease-fire deal between Israel and the Palestinian Gaza Strip brokered by Egypt and the United States in late December 2012.
U.S. to cut some military aid to Egypt after coup, turmoil
However, some military aid could continue, including funds to uphold Egypt‘s obligations under its peace treaty with Israel, and money for counterterrorism and security in Sinai, where extremists have been able to set up base, according to a senior U.S. official.
The DHS Has Been Using A Fake Mexican Constitution Article To Deport US Citizens For 35 Years
We‘re used to our government‘s security and intelligence agencies telling lies in order to justify their actions. The Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, has achieved a sort of infamy for his „least untruthful answer“ in response to questioning. (Not that this infamy has cost him his job…) Others have performed linguistic aerobics („not under this program,“ „relevant to…“) to stretch the truth just enough to give their activities a thin veneer of legitimacy.
The DHS does it, too. However, when it lies, it goes big, and it plays a long, long con.
MI5 chief‘s condemnation of Snowden GCHQ leaks backed by David Cameron
PM endorses spy chief but Guardian editor-in-chief Alan Rusbridger warns that MI5 ‚cannot be only voice in this debate‘
Dear President Putin, I offer myself for the Arctic 30
In an open letter to Vladimir Putin, the executive director of Greenpeace International makes a plea to the Russian president
French air traffic controllers‘ strike threatens flight chaos
EasyJet warns travellers of possible flight disruption on Thursday as result of planned industrial action
Attempt to deprive terror suspect of British nationality is ruled illegal
Supreme court‘s decision means Hilal Abdul-Razzaq Ali al-Jedda will be able to return to UK
Fischer erteilt Faymann Auftrag zur Regierungsbildung
SPÖ-Chef: „Keine Experimente mit unzuverlässigen Parteien“ – Wann konkrete Verhandlungen starten, ist offen – Darabos bekräftigt, dass SPÖ-Vorstand über Regierungsbeteiligung entscheidet
Telecom Italia stock rises despite rating downgrade to junk
TI also highlighted its strong cashflow, with a liquidity margin of 12.8 billion euros and a profitability that is “among the highest in the sector“.
Letta, Barroso heckled in Lampedusa
‚Shame,‘ shout protesters at premier, Commission president
Green light for ISON
„ISON‘s green color comes from the gases surrounding its icy nucleus,“
Ecuador looks to Hague court to resolve Assange stand-off
Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino announced Tuesday that his government is considering suing the British government in the International Criminal Court in The Hague for denying Wikileaks founder Julian Assange safe passage to Ecuador.
Veterans Arrested at Their Own Memorial on 12th Anniversary of Afghanistan War
Nineteen military veterans and their allies were arrested Oct. 7 at New York City’s Vietnam Veterans Memorial Plaza for refusing to leave the park at the 10 pm closing time. The date marks 12 years of invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, and the arrestees were reading the names of the dead from the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Vietnam, as well as from the drone wars in Pakistan and other countries.
From Global Network board member Sung-Hee Choi in South Korea:
Keep Space for Peace Week is not forgotten in Jeju Island. The Korean words in the banner read: „No Naval Base on Jeju“ and „People‘s welfare and peace.“ The signs held by Paco Booyah and me read „No Syria Attack, End the Occupation in Afghanistan“ and „No ROK-US-Japan“ war exercise. Oct 7 was the 12th remembrance year of the US invasion to Afghanistan
Oliver Stone protests U.S. naval base in South Korea
(5.10.2013) Pamphlets protesting the plans were handed out at the Busan International Film Festival in South Korean. The pamphlets feature Stone carrying a sign that said „peace“ during a demonstration in Gangjeong village on Jeju Island.
‚We Used Chemical Weapons in Vietnam‘ An Interview With Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick
People behind George W. Bush again rewrote the history of Vietnam. Conservative obfuscation has been deliberate and systematic. Even in the naming. We refer to it in America as “the war in Vietnam.” We talk about “the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan,” but we do not talk about the “American ‘invasion’ of Vietnam.”