Auf dem Eich- und Inselplatz plant die Stadt aufs Neue die Errichtung von kalten Einkaufszentren, einem Parkhaus und einem Uni-Campus. Wir wollen Lebensfreude statt Einkaufszentren – Subkultur statt Konsumtempel.
Eine Stadt, die zum Verweilen, zum Dialog, zu Kultur und Politik einlädt und diese nicht aus der Innenstadt verdrängt.
01.10.2013 - 23:33 [ BI Die Königsbrücker muss leben! ]
So wird es nach den Ausbauplänen von CDU/FDP/OB Orosz auf der Königsbrücker Straße bald sein. Fußgänger, Kinder auf ihren Rädern, Kinderwagen, Rollstühle, Anlieferer … alles drängt sich auf extrem schmalen Fußwegen um Auslagen, Café-Stühle, DVB-Masten, Wartehäuschen. Die Zahl Autoparkplätze wird mehr als halbiert. Fahrradparkplätze: keine vorgesehen! Und dabei guckt man dann auf einen bis zu 23 Meter beiten Straßenzug.
Heute trafen sich der israelische Premierminister Benjamin Netanyahu und Präsident Obama, und im Interesse der Aufrechterhaltung seines guten Verhältnisses zu Israel liess Präsident Obama dem Treffen eine Erklärung folgen, in der er mit einer militärischen Aktion gegen den Iran drohte.
Disclosure of secrets has been in the air these last few months. We‘ve witnessed a remarkable stream of revelations about the National Security Agency‘s vast and invasive surveillance apparatus, followed by government disclosures concerning hidden intelligence programs and the secret court opinions that authorized them.
Did the troll build the bridge?
Naw, he‘s just a bully
He set up shop there
When he saw opportunity
The system was set up
So that he could use his brute
Force to make you do
What he wanted you to do
The two countries severed diplomatic relations in 1980, shortly after Iranians took US Embassy officials hostage following the Islamic Revolution. There have been no direct flights since the fallout, but US census statistics reveal that there are nearly 500,000 Iranian expats living in the country.
While the White House has at times expressed support for the “dialogue” ongoing with respect to the NSA’s abuse of privacy, they likewise seem outraged by every new leak, saying that informing the public of just how violated they are is itself a major crime.
„Today everyone’s telling me that there aren’t the right number of people to change the Porcellum electoral law and thus it’s only possible to make some slight corrections (associated with the possible intervention of the Constitutional Court) and thus risk making the current electoral law even worse. I don’t know whether that’s true, but certainly this line of reasoning is OK for today. On 28 May, the conditions for doing this were all there and if it wasn’t done it’s because Letta, Franceschini, Finocchiaro and the PD’s top brass didn’t want to. Consequently, and I fear I’m not wrong, we’ll be going into new elections with this law or with one even worse, without having managed to achieve something that all Italians would expect: that they can chose the people to represent them. And we are the main ones responsible for this situation. This has to be said.”
Roberto Giachetti, PD, Vice President of the Lower House
(22.04) In the wiretaps, former interior minister Nicola Mancino appears to have discussed with a senior official the possibility of getting Italy‘s chief anti-mafia prosecutor to intervene in his case according to extracts from a transcript of a phone-call he made to Napolitano that was leaked to Italian media last July.
Palermo prosecutors refused to destroy the wiretaps, prompting Italy‘s Attorney General to lodge a case with the Constitutional Court on 30 July 2012 claiming they had „harmed the prerogatives of the head of state“ by authorising the phonetaps and refusing to destroy them.
„How can people who don‘t ensure (my) political survival be trusted“,“ said Berlusconi in the letter, which was however written before rifts in his party brought it to the verge of meltdown Tuesday.
“Blackmail, protection for night entertainment establishments, illegal carrying of weapons, even women trafficking for the purpose of prostitution”: a thick file containing information about the illegal activities of detained Golden Dawn MP Giorgos Lagos has been allegedly compiled by Greek National Intelligence Service (EYP) and thus before the ‘lawmaker’ was elected in the Greek Parliament on June 2012 elections at the Piraeus II constituency..
Andreas T. will am Wochenende von dem Mord in einer Zeitung gelesen haben; die Tat wurde am Donnerstag verübt, also nur wenige Tage davor. Andreas T. will geglaubt haben, er sei schon am Mittwoch in dem Laden gewesen.
Deputies in Buchanan County can use a remote control to send a shock straight into an offender‘s extremities, at a range of 100 yards.
„It‘ll be used for court appearances, special court appearances, transport from other states if we have to fly with the inmates,“ Capt. Hovey said. „You can put them on them so you don‘t have to have them cuffed and shackled on an airplane.“
Stun-Cuffs can send 80,000 volts straight into an arm or a leg; and all inmates who require them will be told just how powerful they are before they‘re strapped on.
(01.September 2009) Frank Steinmeier ist aber kein mutiger Verlierer. Er kriegt es anscheinend nicht mal mehr mit, was er da redet, geschweige denn was er da tut. Als Kollege Franz Münteferings, Vorsitzender eines politischen Ein-Mann-Bestattungsunternehmens mit immerhin noch 500.000 Kunden, macht er im Augenblick so ein bisschen auf Saalsprecher; es wird verkündet die versprochene Vorstellung fange erst am nächsten Tag an, aber man solle doch einfach an die leere Leinwand gucken und sich was einbilden. Es hat tatsächlich den Anschein, als hätte die SPD von Helmut Schmidt gelernt. Heute könnte man sagen: “Wer Visionen hat, soll zum Arzt gehen und sich dagegen dann die SPD verschreiben lassen.”
Auf den billigen Plätzen gilt es wieder einmal Sitz zu machen und die Schauze zu halten. Ab und zu dringt ein leises Wimmern durch die Reihen, was schnell unterdrückt wird.
(16.05.2009) Oskar Lafontaine „und seine Sache“ haben den Höhepunkt überschritten, sagte Müntefering der „Berliner Zeitung“. Indirekt warb er um weitere Überläufer, unterschied aber zwischen Linkspartei-Mitgliedern aus West- und Ostdeutschland. „Ich nehme doch nicht freiwillig diese WASG-Leute. Das sind Parteienfrikassierer.“
We — the members of the Coalition Tag Meir (Bright Tag) comprising non-profit organizations from all sections of Israeli society working to counter Jewish terrorism and violence against Palestinians, Israelis working for human rights and even IDF officers — turn to you concerning the Price Tag attacks that have, to our distress, been continuing for over two years.
Al-Wasat was granted official recognition on 19 February 2011 after a court in Cairo approved its establishment. The court‘s ruling was handed down in the wake of the Egyptian Revolution of 2011, and made al-Wasat the first new party to gain official status after the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak.[8] Its newly acquired official status allowed al-Wasat to compete in the next parliamentary election, and made it the first legal party in Egypt with an Islamic background
The party added that arresting individuals loosely affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and who declared their support for deposed President Mohamed Morsy „marks a return to an age we thought would never come back,“ it said in a statement on Monday.
The Wasat Party also said random arrests have no legal basis.
An Egyptian court will hear an appeal on October 22 against its decision to ban deposed president Mohamed Mursi‘s Muslim Brotherhood group and seize its funds, court sources said.
1892 geb. in Kaukehmen/ Ostpreußen; Zeichner, Maler, Literat; eigentl. Friedrich Schröder; Autodidakt; Stalljunge im Zirkus, landwirtschaftlicher Hilfsarbeiter, Hilfsbriefträger; 1915 kurze Teilnahme am Ersten Weltkrieg;
Francis announced the papal advisory board of cardinals, revolutionary for a Church steeped in hierarchical tradition, a mere month after his election as the first non-European pope in 1,300 years and the first from Latin America.
“Let me remind you that the Church is feminine,“ the pope said, playing on the gender of the word “church“ – la chiesa – in Italian. “We will also speak (together) of the role of women in the Church,“ the pope added.
“Best. Pope. Ever.” raved MSNBC last week. “World’s Greatest Father,” echoed Jon Stewart. It’s almost as if liberal talk-show hosts knew that the world’s major Jesuit publications, led by America magazine and Italy’s La Civiltà Cattolica, were about to stun the world.
As an observer of religion in public life, I am genuinely fascinated by the various analyses of the pope and where he is trying to take the Catholic Church. I appreciate you readers sending new pieces to me to consider. Here’s a sampling of what’s come in just in the last day:
September‘s toll brought the number of people killed so far this year to 5,740, exceeding the toll for all of 2012, when the first yearly increase in civilian deaths was recorded since 2009 following the withdrawal of U.S. troops in December 2011.
The American Physical Society applauds yesterday’s vote by the U.S. Senate to approve the Helium Stewardship Act, which, along with a recent unanimous vote in the House of Representatives, ensures that scientists have access to a steady supply of this crucial gas for research projects. The bill will now be sent to President Obama for his signature.
“If you’re serving in harm’s way, we’re going to make sure you have what you need to succeed in your missions,” Obama said in the video. “Congress has passed, and I am signing into law, legislation to make sure you get your paychecks on time. And we’ll continue working to address any impact this shutdown has on you and your families.”
NBC News reported that the video was shown on the Armed Forces Network at midnight Monday night, and also included a message for civilian DOD employees.
How can we protect the Internet and our right to free speech, when government strings are being pulled by corporate lobbyists with large legal teams and entertainment budgets?
01.10.2013 - 12:26 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]
It‘s no secret that the copyright lobby exerts an undue influence in shaping Internet policy. But the mechanisms by which that happens—which can include not just the legislative bodies of dozens of countries, but also backroom, off the record dealings—can be confusing and opaque, even to people following it closely.
In a new book out this month, A Copyright Masquerade, veteran journalist Dr. Monica Horten goes deep into those details to detail how the entertainment industries gain political sway, and how policymakers respond to the industry‘s advances.
„A culture of secrecy has denied our societies the opportunity to determine the appropriate balance between the human right of privacy and governmental interest in investigation.
These are not decisions that should be made for the people but only by the people after full informed and fearless debate. Yet public debate is not possible without public knowledge and in my country the cost for one in my position of returning public knowledge to public hands has been persecution and exile.“
Es lässt sich rekonstruieren, dass die Kooperation von Polizeien, Militärs und Geheimdiensten auf EU-Ebene auf den früheren deutschen Innenminister Wolfgang Schäuble zurückgeht. Für die Vorbereitung des “Stockholmer Programms”, dem Fünfjahresplan der EU für die Bereiche Inneres und Justiz, hatte Schäuble 2007 eine informelle “Future Group” auf den Weg gebracht. In deren Abschlussbericht (mehr war von der Gruppe nicht öffentlich zu erfahren) wurde die fragwürdige Zusammenarbeit der Geheimdienstnetzwerke mehrfach betont
Forty-five percent of those polled by Gallup said they supported the protests, while 44 percent said they did not. Asked if they thought the government should resign, 40 percent said it should, and 41 percent said it should not.
it took a year for Tajikistan to win better terms for 1 million of its migrant workers in Russia and ensure duty-free imports of 1 million tonnes a year of Russian oil products in exchange for keeping the base on its soil, sources close to the deal said.
Your Holiness, is there is a single vision of the Good? And who decides what it is?
„Each of us has a vision of good and of evil. We have to encourage people to move towards what they think is Good.“
Your Holiness you wrote that in your letter to me. The conscience is autonomous, you said, and everyone must obey his conscience. I think that‘s one of the most courageous steps taken by a Pope.
„And I repeat it here. Everyone has his own idea of good and evil and must choose to follow the good and fight evil as he conceives them. That would be enough to make the world a better place.“
(SVILUPPO: After this report was published, La Repubblica produced a full English translation of the interview, rendering its headline „How the church will change.“)