Daily Archives: 10. September 2013

10.09.2013 - 22:23 [ Süddeutsche Zeitung ]

USA und Russland ringen um Syrien-Resolution

In einem vom sozialen Netzwerk Google+ organisierten Onlineforum sagte der US-Außenminister, dass Lawrow „einige interessante Beobachtungen“ über die mögliche „Sicherung“ der syrischen Chemiewaffen gemacht habe. „Er wird sie uns zusenden. Sie werden im Laufe des Tages eintreffen. Wir werden die Möglichkeit haben, sie zu prüfen“, sagte Kerry.

10.09.2013 - 22:16 [ The Christian Science Monitor ]

Surprise microbes found in an Antarctic lake

In the journal Diversity, Pearce and his colleagues reported that they grew 20 cultures of microbes found in the uppermost layer of the sediment core, proving that there are viable extremophiles, or life that thrives in extreme environments, currently living in Lake Hodgson. They also found fossilized fragments of DNA from many different types of microbes that seem to have adapted to Antarctica‘s extremes over the eons.

10.09.2013 - 18:50 [ antikrieg.com ]

Paul Craig Roberts – Zu viele Jahre voller Lügen – von Mossadegh bis 9/11

Die Kriege, die Amerikas guten Ruf ruiniert haben, sind die Konsequenz von 9/11. Die Neokonservativen, die Amerikas Vorherrschaft über die Welt befürworten, riefen nach „einem neuen Pearl Harbor,“ das ihnen die Möglichkeit gab, Eroberungskriege zu führen. Ihr Plan für die Eroberung des Mittleren Ostens als Anfangsziel wurde dargelegt in dem neokonservativen „Projekt für das Neue Amerikanische Jahrhundert.“

10.09.2013 - 18:46 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

Five More Organizations Join EFF Lawsuit Against NSA Surveillance

National Lawyers Guild, Patient Privacy Rights and The Shalom Center Among 22 Groups Asserting Right to Free Association

San Francisco – Five new groups—including civil-rights lawyers, medical-privacy advocates and Jewish social-justice activists—have joined a lawsuit filed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) against the National Security Agency (NSA) over the unconstitutional collection of bulk telephone call records. With today‘s amended complaint, EFF now represents 22 entities in alleging that government surveillance under Section 215 of the Patriot Act violates Americans‘ First Amendment right to freedom of association.

10.09.2013 - 17:55 [ The Times of Central Asia ]

SCO member states establishes a Bank and Development Fund

„The possibilities of creating the SCO‘s Bank and the Development Fund will be one of the main topics of discussions at the forthcoming Bishkek summit. Money to be stored in these structures is meant for implementation of the projects in SCO member states,“ Beshimov said at the press conference on Monday.

Beshimov added that the regional security issues in connection with the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan in 2014, as well as Syria crisis will be also discussed at the summit.

The SCO summit will take place in Bishkek on September, 12-13. The presidents of Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, China, Afghanistan, Mongolia, Iran are expected to participate in the summit.

10.09.2013 - 17:52 [ regensburg-digital ]

NPD-Blockade Thema im Landtag

Die gewaltsame Auflösung der NPD-Blockade zieht weiter Kreise. Nach der Veröffentlichung des Videos einer brutalen Festnahme auf Regensburg Digital fordern die Landtags-Grünen Aufklärung.

10.09.2013 - 17:36 [ Russia Today ]

Putin: Syria chem arms handover will work only if US calls off strike

„Certainly, this is all reasonable, it will function and will work out, only if the US and those who support it on this issue pledge to renounce the use of force, because it is difficult to make any country – Syria or any other country in the world – to unilaterally disarm if there is military action against it under consideration,“ President Putin said on Tuesday.

Putin said the disarmament of Syria’s chemical weapons had been extensively discussed by experts and politicians.

10.09.2013 - 17:03 [ Radio Utopie ]

Belgische und italienische Ex-Geisel: Rebellen für Gas-Angriff am 21. August verantwortlich

Seit ihrer Ankunft in Rom fanden mehrere Gespräche mit europäischen Nahrichtenagenturen statt.

So sagte Piccinin in einem Interview mit RTL Radio Belgien, dass es seine moralische Pflicht ist, darauf hinzuweisen, dass nicht die Regierung von Bashar al-Assad Sarin oder andere Arten von Gas in den Aussenbezirken von Damaskus eingesetzt hat.

10.09.2013 - 17:03 [ IK News ]

Das laute Schweigen über die getöteten UN-Mitarbeiter in Syrien

Die Nothilfekoordinatorin der Vereinten Nationen (UN), Valerie Amos, hat auf einer weitgehend unbemerkten Pressekonferenz am 6. September erklärt, dass elf UN-Mitarbeiter in Syrien getötet und weitere entführt worden seien. Die Tötung von Mitarbeitern der UN, die für gewöhnlich medienwirksam verurteilt wird, fand in diesem Fall kein öffentliches Gehör. Der Grund für dieses merkwürdige Verhalten der UN könnten die mutmaßlichen Täter sein.

10.09.2013 - 16:45 [ Demand Progress ]

It’s now been almost a year since journalist and activist Barrett Brown was arrested—-basically for doing his job.

Brown did what all journalists do on a daily basis—shared a hyperlink to a set of documents readily available online. This case could criminalize completely normal and necessary journalistic practices and severely endanger the First Amendment.

Barrett Brown‘s intrepid journalism helped shed light on a shadowy underworld of corporate espionage, and a meticulously engineered smear campaign against anti-corporate activists, defenders of WikiLeaks, and liberal journalists like Glenn Greenwald.

10.09.2013 - 16:31 [ Strat Risks ]

Swedish spies ‘breaking surveillance laws’

“A new organization has joined the “Five Eyes” and is seen as the largest cooperating partner to [the UK‘s] GCHQ outside the English-speaking countries – and that is Sweden,” Campbell told the European Parliament committee, referring to the colloquial term used to refer to the US, UK, New Zealand, Australia, and Canada.

10.09.2013 - 16:26 [ Strat Risks ]

Intercepts caught Assad rejecting requests to use chemical weapons, German paper says

The German intelligence briefing to lawmakers described by Bild am Sonntag fits neither narrative precisely. The newspaper’s article said that on numerous occasions in recent months, the German intelligence ship named Oker, which is off the Syrian coast, has intercepted communications indicating that field officers have contacted the Syrian presidential palace seeking permission to use chemical weapons and have been turned down.

10.09.2013 - 16:11 [ The Jerusalem Post ]

Report: CIA believes Israel acquired chemical weapons decades ago

The author of the report also claims to have identified a possible site for the storage of chemical weapons in the Negev. After intensive research on Google Maps, the writer surmised that „imagery search found what I believe is the location of the Israeli nerve agent production facility and its associated chemical weapons storage area in a desolate and virtually uninhabited area of the Negev Desert just east of the village of al-Kilab, which is only 10 miles west of the outskirts of the city of Dimona.“

The report comes as the United States government is currently seeking domestic and international consensus for truncated military action against the Syrian regime over its alleged recent use of chemical weapons on its own population.

10.09.2013 - 10:51 [ Denkland ]

Kein Pax Americana: Die Welt pocht auf die Alte Ordnung

Die USA wollten sich im Sinne der „Pax Americana“ wiederholt über das Völkerrecht hinwegsetzen und als führende Weltmacht unter eigenen Regeln Syrien angreifen. Dieser Plan scheiterte jedoch an Russlands Festhalten an die „alte Weltordnung“, an Europas Festhalten einer gemeinsamen Stimme und an dem Einlenken des syrischen Regimes nach einem klugen Vorschlag des polnischen Außenministers.

10.09.2013 - 01:07 [ Westend Verlag ]

0,1 % Das Imperium der Milliardäre

Dieses Buch handelt vom obersten 0,1 Prozent der Westeuropäer, von den Superreichen. Alles Geld dieser Welt wird zu ihnen hin gezogen, wie in ein schwarzes Loch. Und Geld bedeutet Macht. Ultimative Geldmacht verändert ganz normale Ansichten, Lebensentwürfe und Verhaltensweisen zutiefst, denn Geldmacht ist eine imperiale Struktur. So werden Milliardäre, ob wir oder sie es wollen oder nicht, eine globale Klasse für sich.

10.09.2013 - 01:05 [ Xinhuanet ]

UNIFIL not to leave Lebanon: Spokesman

Tenenti remarked that the „UNIFIL aims at helping the Lebanese state and its people, and overseeing the cessation of hostilities between Lebanon and Israel.“

Commenting on reports that the Italian government will send a ship to evacuate UNIFIL‘s Italian mission, Tenenti said „The Italian Embassy in Lebanon alone has an answer to this move.“

10.09.2013 - 00:54 [ CommonDreams ]

Dear Mr. President: Declare Victory in Syria

There are a lot of things that this country desperately needs, and if you’re going to use your political capital, many of us would really like to see you do it on these issues, rather than on bombing a country most Americans can’t even find on the map.

10.09.2013 - 00:51 [ The New Yorker ]

Will Kerry’s Loose Lips Save Obama?

Now it seems that the White House, increasingly desperate for a way out of this mess, is considering reopening discussions with the Russians—an option that Kerry and Samantha Power, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, had dismissed as pointless. “We’re going to take a hard look at this,” Tony Blinken, a member of the National Security Council, told reporters. “We’ll talk to the Russians about it.”

10.09.2013 - 00:43 [ CommonDreams ]

Five Acts of Terror Since 9/11. By the People We Chose to Protect Us.

Every clear-thinking American knows that education and jobs are needed more than armed guards in poor neighborhoods. But average Americans are led to believe in a terrorist threat that may or may not exist, and that in any case is greatly exaggerated, while the corporate/military/political complex creates new forms of terror to safeguard the assets of the rich.

10.09.2013 - 00:38 [ Russia Today ]

Russia, US argue over Moscow’s request for IAEA to analyze risk of Syria nuclear disaster

However, there is no unity in the 35-Member State Board on whether the International Atomic Agency should comply with Russia’s request, Amano said.

The US ambassador to the IAEA, Joseph Macmanus, insisted that carrying out an analysis as Russia requests was not the UN agency‘s job and it would exceed the IAEA’s mandate.

„It is our view that requests for comprehensive risk analyses of hypothetical scenarios are beyond the IAEA‘s statutory authority,“ said Macmanus.

10.09.2013 - 00:32 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

Crucial Unanswered Questions about the NSA‘s BULLRUN Program

As we work hard to promote encryption on the web through tools like our browser extension HTTPS Everywhere, we also pay close attention to attacks that undermine the security of that encryption. That‘s why we were dismayed by last Thursday‘s revelations about the National Security Agency‘s aggressive efforts to undermine the ability of citizens to communicate securely. It‘s not surprising that the NSA would try to break cryptographic systems in whatever way they can, but the deeply pernicious nature of this campaign—undermining national standards and sabotaging hardware and software—as well as the amount of overt private sector cooperation are both shocking.

10.09.2013 - 00:30 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

Tell the U.S. Government What You Really Think About NSA Surveillance

We have a new opportunity to make our voices heard in the fight against mass surveillance—and less than a month in which to do it.

On Friday, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) published a blog post on its Tumblr requesting public comments on surveillance. Specifically, the newly created Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies is seeking public comment on

10.09.2013 - 00:21 [ BBC ]

London surgeons help ‚children of Agent Orange‘

The Vietnam War ended nearly 40 years ago, but the casualties continue as birth defects plague the country.

There are claims that thousands of children continue to be born with horrific facial deformities due to the 20 million gallons of Agent Orange chemical sprayed by the United States.

10.09.2013 - 00:18 [ Zero Hedge ]

Putin To Meet Iran President Rouhani In The Coming Days

While the US president is spinning his Nobel Peace Prize-backed case on the national media to garner support for yet another „defensive“ war of moral and ideological US aggression against Syria, his Russian counterpart is already planning the next steps in the middle east, and solidifying his anti-western alliance, whose key oil-producing member is Iran.

10.09.2013 - 00:10 [ The Raw Story ]

Saudi Arabia bans ‘terrorist’ propaganda on Internet

Most members of the six-nation GCC — Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates — have tightened their laws against cybercrime in recent years.

10.09.2013 - 00:08 [ antikrieg.com ]

Syrien begrüsst Forderung nach Zerstörung der chemischen Waffen

Als Aussenminister John Kerry den Vorschlag machte, dass Syrien einen Angriff dadurch vermeiden könne, dass es bis Ende der Woche die volle Kontrolle seiner chemischen Waffen übergibt, war das eine jener Erklärungen, von denen die Administration meinte, dass sie eigentlich nicht so gemeint waren und abgelehnt werden müssten.