Daily Archives: 3. September 2013

03.09.2013 - 22:58 [ Know Drones ]


Wed, Sep 11, 2013 March Against Drones around the White House, Washington, DC, at noon followed by a die-in at 3 pm

03.09.2013 - 22:55 [ Russia Today ]

Detailing origin of the universe: Russian astrophysicists grab $500k Gruber Cosmology Prize

The Gruber Foundation at Yale University says that the physicists provided answers to two major questions in cosmology, “why is the structure of the universe so uniform on the largest scales? Where did the departures from that uniformity—such as galaxies, planets, and people—come from?“

03.09.2013 - 22:40 [ The Star ]

Seacom and France-IX announce partnership

Seacom launched in 2009 and has 17,000 km’s of fibre optic cables that provide internet access to Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Mozambique. In Kenya, the bulk of its customers derive from Safaricom and the Kenya Data Networks.

The additional access to hubs from France-IX will connect Kenyans to a 10Gbps network.

03.09.2013 - 22:12 [ Reuters ]

Strike starts in South Africa‘s gold mines

„It has officially started. There are people who have not gone underground,“ Charmane Russell, a spokeswoman for gold producers grouped in the Chamber of Mines, told Reuters.

03.09.2013 - 21:50 [ Politico ]

N.Y. Times scraps AIPAC from Syria story

A reference to the pro-Israel lobbying group AIPAC was mysteriously cut from a New York Times article published online Monday and in print Tuesday. The first version, published online Monday, quotes an anonymous administration official calling AIPAC the „800-pound gorilla in the room.“ The original article, which is still available on The Boston Globe‘s site, had two paragraphs worth of quotes from officials about the powerful lobbying group‘s position in the Syria debate:

03.09.2013 - 21:49 [ Azbarez ]

EU Says Armenia Blocked Free-Trade Deal

Armenia has blocked its chances of signing a free trade deal with the European Union by choosing to join the Russia-led customs union, EU president Lithuania said Tuesday.

03.09.2013 - 21:11 [ news10 ]

Lodi officer‘s gun discharges after child pulls trigge

Lodi police were showing off SWAT equipment during the second annual „Little Buckaroos Reading Round-up“ on Aug. 24. During a demonstration to a group of children inside a SWAT vehicle, a 6- to 8-year-old boy walked up behind the officer and pulled the trigger on his Glock .4 caliber handgun, which was secured in a holster.

03.09.2013 - 20:45 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

Freedom Not Fear Berlin

September 7, 2013 – 1:00pm
Alexanderplatz, Berlin, Germany

The annual „Freedom Not Fear“ demonstration – „Freiheit Statt Angst“ in German – carries a special significance this year, coming just months after the revelations of expansive NSA spying programs. EFF activist Parker Higgins will speak at the protest, to be held in Alexanderplatz.

Freiheit Statt Angst Calendar

03.09.2013 - 19:36 [ Muslimbruderschaft ]

Anti-Coup, Pro-Legitimacy National Alliance: Brutal Coup Epitome of Terrorism

As the fascist putschists’ desperate media campaign criticizes coup opponents as terrorists, the real traitors and ruthless terrorists are killing and wounding thousands of people, arresting thousands more, chasing, terrorizing and lynching to death people in streets all over Egypt, simply because they look like practicing Muslims.

03.09.2013 - 19:33 [ Huffington Post ]

Reporters Without Borders Decries Deaths, Attacks On Journalists In Egypt

„Since 3 July, a total of five journalists have been killed, 80 journalists have been arbitrarily detained (with seven still held) and at least 40 news providers have been physically attacked by the police or by pro-Morsi or pro-army demonstrators,“ RWB wrote. It called the killings „without precedent in the country‘s contemporary history.“

03.09.2013 - 16:57 [ antikrieg.com ]

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika bleiben bei ihrer fadenscheinigen Geschichte

Die Geschichte, mit der die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika ihren geplanten Überfall auf Syrien rechtfertigen, hängt an einer Reihe von Indizien. Im Grossen und Ganzen behaupten sie, dass nachdem Syrien chemische Waffen besitzt und Menschen irgendwelchen Chemikalien ausgesetzt worden sind, es sich um einen Angriff mit chemischen Waffen gehandelt haben muss.

03.09.2013 - 16:16 [ WIRED ]

California Abruptly Drops Plan to Implant RFID Chips in Driver’s Licenses

Following complaints from privacy groups, California lawmakers on Friday suspended legislation to embed radio-frequency identification chips, or RFIDs, in its driver’s licenses and state identification cards.

The legislation, S.B. 397, was put on hold by the state Assembly Appropriations Committee, despite it having been approved by the California Senate, where it likely will be re-introduced in the coming months. Had the measure passed, it would have transformed the Sunshine State’s standard form of ID into one of the most sophisticated identification documents in the country, mirroring the four other states that have embraced the spy-friendly technology.

03.09.2013 - 15:48 [ Guardian ]

How Cameron lost the battle with his party – and the country

At least one member of the shadow cabinet made it known that he would resign if Miliband, who had not ruled out supporting military strikes, backed Cameron.

Sarah Wollaston, the rebel Tory MP for Totnes, said her office was unable to keep up with emails from constituents who feared, like her, a repeat of Iraq and Afghanistan, and a wider war in the Middle East.

03.09.2013 - 15:41 [ Aletho News ]

US evokes ghost of Hitler as PR campaign against Assad goes crazy

Ron Paul was branded a “conspiracy theorist” by Salon for suggesting that the Syrian chemical attack was a false flag operation designed to get America into another Middle East war.

Paul pointed to the false intelligence that led to the Iraq War to back up his statement.

“[Syrian President Bashar] Assad, I don’t think is an idiot. I don’t think he would do this on purpose,” Paul told Fox News host Neil Cavuto on the allegation that Assad used chemical weapons on civilians.

03.09.2013 - 15:13 [ Healthnews ]

VRE: Resistente Keime an Düsseldorfer Klinik bestätigt

Wie das nordrhein-westfälische Landeszentrum für Gesundheit bestätigte, sind an einem Düsseldorfer Krankenhaus Vancomycin-resistente Enterokokken (VRE) ausgebrochen. Diese Keime sollen für alte, schwache Menschen sowie Krebspatienten lebensgefährlich sein, wenn sie in das Blut der Patienten gelangen.

03.09.2013 - 14:18 [ Informationsdienst Wissenschaft ]

Fraunhofer IIS stellt Referenzentwurf für künftigen MPEG-3D-Audio-Standard

Der kommende MPEG-Standard wird die effiziente und flexible Übertragung und Wiedergabe von 3D-Audiosignalen ermöglichen. Davon sollen alle denkbaren künftigen Wiedergabesysteme profitieren: 3D-Heimkinosysteme mit Lautsprechern für 22.2-Kanal-Ton, 3D Audiosysteme im Auto und sogar Tablet-Computer und Smartphones, mit denen über Kopfhörer 3D-Sound wiedergegeben werden kann.

03.09.2013 - 12:34 [ Süddeutsche Zeitung ]

Polizei kesselt Flüchtlinge ein

Plötzlich griff die Polizei zu: Der Protestmarsch der Asylsuchenden, die am Wochenende unbehelligt durch den Landkreis Dachau zogen, ist am Montag aufgelöst worden. Gleich nach Karlsfeld, an der Grenze zur Landeshauptstadt, warteten schon 150 Münchner Polizisten. Auf der Brücke über die A 99, An der Schredderwiese, kesselten USK-Beamte die Demonstranten um 17 Uhr ein. Die Vermittlungsversuche des Dachauer Pfarrers Björn Mensing, der sich dem Protestzug nach München angeschlossen hatte, scheiterten.