We have known for quite some time now that the flow of information is tightly controlled within the mainstream media system, but one graphic really highlights just how tightly controlled the information we are delivered truly is — and how a total of only 6 corporations run the show.
Daily Archives: 22. August 2013
Lawrence Lessig Strikes Back Against Bogus Copyright Takedown
A co-founder of the nonprofit Creative Commons and author of numerous books on law and technology, Lessig has played a pivotal role in shaping the debate about copyright in the digital age.
Kosten der Auslandseinsätze
Nicht enthalten sind in der Aufstellung des Verteidigungsministeriums die Kosten rein humanitärer Einsätze. Diese werden entweder aus anderen Titeln des Verteidigungsministeriums oder aus anderen Einzelplänen des Bundeshaushaltes finanziert
Russische Interkontinentalrakete bringt südkoreanischen Satelliten sicher ins All
Eine russische Dnjepr-Trägerrakete hat am Donnerstag einen südkoreanischen Erdbeobachtungssatelliten ins All gebracht. Bei der Rakete handelt es sich um eine abgerüstete Atomrakete RS-20.
How Drug-Courier Profiles Begot Terrorist Watch Lists
Friends of freedom have been chagrined over the past decade to learn that federal terrorist watch lists incorporate criteria — such as openly praising the Constitution or the Second Amendment — that put them in the crosshairs. More than a million names are now included on the catch-all terrorist watch list maintained by U.S. government agencies. The feds’ definition of terrorist threats is so broad that the Homeland Security Department warned local law-enforcement agencies to keep an eye on anyone who “expressed dislike of attitudes and decisions of the U.S. government.”
The Great Transformation: From the Welfare State to the Imperial Police State
The events of 9/11//01 served as the detonator for the biggest global military launch since WWII, and the most pervasive expansion of police state powers in the history of the United States. The bloody terror of 9/11/2001 was manipulated to institute a pre-planned agenda – transforming the US into a police state while launching a decade- long series of wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Somalia, Yemen and, now, Syria as well as covert proxy wars against Iran and Lebanon.
The Obama Regime’s Fabricated ‚Terror Conspiracy‘ in Defense of the Police State
The entire terror conspiracy propaganda blitz, launched by the Obama regime and propagated by the mass media, is based on the flimsiest sources imaginable, the most laughable pretext. According to White House sources, the National Security Agency, the CIA and other spy agencies claimed to have monitored and intercepted unspecified Al-Qaeda threats, conversations by two Al Qaeda figures including Ayman al Zawahir
Daniel Ellsberg: US on Verge of Becoming Police State Under Obama
Like Snowden and Manning, Ellsberg was charged under the Espionage Act for leaking the papers. But the 12 felony counts against were dismissed in 1973 on grounds of gross governmental misconduct in the case.
According to Slate.com, whistleblowers like Ellsberg are being punished more than ever under the Obama administration. While running as a candidate in 2008, Barack Obama said whistleblowers perform „acts of courage and patriotism.“ But according to Slate, his administration has gone on to charge eight people under the Espionage Act, more than double all previous presidents combined.
Vermont Completely Nullifies Federal Hemp Ban
Mike Maharrey, national communications director for the Tenth Amendment Center, tells us:
“I like hemp. The Vermont bill is more aggressive than the other bills we’ve seen pass. I’ve been heavily involved in Kentucky with the passing of their hemp bill, but they are waiting for the feds to actually lift the ban. This means that farmers still will not be able to cultivate. Vermont’s bill allows farmers to go straight ahead regardless of the federal law. This is a straight nullification bill. It gives them the green light as soon as they receive the licence from the state. I think this development is extremely important for the states because you will see markets develop and flourish…“
Israel sucht verzweifelt die Hilfe der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika für Ägypten mit Friedensgesprächen zu verknüpfen
Der beste Sager im Zuge dieser ziemlich gequälten Bemühung kam von einem namentlich nicht genannten israelischen Regierungsvertreter, der die Junta und deren Unterstützer als „Achse der Vernunft“ bezeichnete, die um jeden Preis unterstützt werden muss.
EU stellt einige Waffenexporte nach Ägypten ein, zahlt aber weiter
Der Krisengipfel der Europäischen Union über Ägypten kam und ging heute mit einer relativ lauwarmen Reaktion, wobei beteuert wurde, dass bestimmte Waffenexporte vorübergehend eingestellt würden, das grundlegende Hilfsprogramm jedoch unverändert fortgesetzt werde.
Stellungnahme der ACLU zum Urteil gegen Bradley Manning
Wenn ein Soldat, der Informationen an die Medien und an die Öffentlichkeit weitergegeben hat, viel schwerer bestraft wird als andere, die Häftlinge gefoltert und Zivilisten getötet haben, dann läuft etwas gravierend falsch in unserem Justizsystem.
EU approves Italy measures to lock down birdflu-ridden area
The European Union Commission has approved Italy‘s decision to create zones of protection and surveillance around the chicken farm in Ostellato, the Northern Italian province of Ferrara, where a strain of H7N7 bird flu has been identified.
As a Democrat, I am disgusted with President Obama
What are you thinking, Mr President?
Is this really the legacy you want for yourself: the chief executive who trampled rights, destroyed privacy, heightened secrecy, ruined trust, and worst of all, did not defend but instead detoured around so many of the fundamental principles on which this country is founded?
Neuseeland: GCSB Gesetzesänderung verabschiedet
Wir hatten schon Anfang der Woche berichtet, dass die Gesetzesänderung den neuseeländischen Geheimdienst GCSB (Government Communications Security Bureau) bevollmächtigt jegliche Telekommunikation von Neuseeländern zu überwachen – natürlich mit der obligatorischen Maßgabe, dass es sich um ‘Terrorverdächtige’ handelt.
Grillo likens govt crisis to gangster fight, says end nigh
Beppe Grillo, leader of Italy‘s anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S), on Thursday likened wrangling between right and left heavyweights over Silvio Berlusconi‘s political future to scenes in a Quentin Tarantino gangster movie, heralding the end of an era.
Der Fallout zu der Guardian-Festplatten-Nummer ist lustig.
Erstens: Die britische Regierung ist sich keiner Schuld bewusst, die ganzen alten Männer mit ihren Filzstiften glauben immer noch, völlig richtig gehandelt zu haben. Aber das absolute Highlight ist das Statement des Regierungssprechers:
Greek PM meets billionaire Saudi prince to discuss investments
Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras met Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal on Thursday to discuss investment opportunities
Then And Now: What The NSA Said About PRISM vs. What Latest Declassified Document Says
If you don‘t follow this closely, it can be a bit difficult to parse out. The „upstream“ collection is the stuff we were just talking about concerning snarfing up data directly from telcos. This „non upstream“ data that is „obtained from Internet service providers“ is PRISM (as noted in a footnote), and is the program that the NSA and the White House kept insisting above are narrow and targeted. Yet, here, they‘re admitting that via PRISM, they‘re getting 91% of the internet communications they‘re collecting — which is 228 million records. Collected from tech companies via PRISM.
Britain is a more modest military power, new defense chief says
„We‘ve got to get back into an ‘expeditionary mindset‘ where we will not have perfect capability for every scenario.“
Full Spectrum Dominance: Code Name for US Continual Wars
Full Spectrum Dominance is a Pentagon concept for the control of “all elements of a battle area:”1 air, sea, land, space and cyber. The idea is to leave little room for the opposition to function effectively.
United States of Paranoia: How the FBI Spied and Lied So Conspiracy Theorists Would Sound Crazy
Under COINTELPRO, FBI agents infiltrated political groups and spread rumors that loyal members were the real infiltrators. They tried to get targets fired from their jobs, and they tried to break up the targets’ marriages. They published deliberately inflammatory literature in the names of the organizations they wanted to discredit, and they drove wedges between groups that might otherwise be allied. In Baltimore, the FBI’s operatives in the Black Panther Party were instructed to denounce Students for a Democratic Society as “a cowardly, honky group” who wanted to exploit the Panthers by giving them all the violent, dangerous “dirty work.” The operation was apparently successful: In August 1969, just five months after the initial instructions went out, the Baltimore FBI reported that the local Panther branch had ordered its members not to associate with SDS members or attend any SDS events.
10 Shocking Examples of Police Killing Innocent People in the ‚War on Drugs‘
Many innocent victims have become collateral damage in our pointless, destructive drug war.
Wahrhaftiger Journalismus ist Terrorismus
Man muss sich mal die Verhältnissmässigkeit vorstellen. Präsident Nixon musste Zurücktreten, weil er EINE EINZIGE illegale Abhöraktion gegen die Parteizentrale der Demokraten angeordnet hatte. Das war der Watergate-Skandal. Fünf Einbrecher (exCIA-Agenten) wurden in der Nacht zum 17. Juni 1972 verhaftet, die versucht hatten, Abhörwanzen zu installieren und Dokumente zu fotografieren. Auf der anderen Seite, Präsident Obama lässt illegal die GANZE WELT abhören, das ganze Internet und alle Telefongespräche, und es passiert ihm NICHTS!!! Warum wird er nicht des Amtes enthoben???
Hier weiterlesen: Alles Schall und Rauch: Wahrhaftiger Journalismus ist Terrorismus http://alles-schallundrauch.blogspot.com/2013/08/wahrhaftiger-journalismus-ist.html#ixzz2ciEsEhSR
Glimmerglass Intercepts Undersea Cable Traffic for Spy Agencies
Glimmerglass, a northern California company that sells optical fiber technology, offers government agencies a software product called “CyberSweep” to intercept signals on undersea cables. The company says their technology can analyze Gmail and Yahoo! Mail as well as social media like Facebook and Twitter to discover “actionable intelligence.”
Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists
Die Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF; deutsch Genehmigung zum Einsatz militärischer Gewalt) ist ein Gesetz der Vereinigten Staaten, welches dem Präsidenten die Erlaubnis erteilt, im Kampf gegen den Terrorismus die Streitkräfte einzusetzen. Das Gesetz wurde vom Kongress am 14. September 2001 als Antwort auf die Anschläge vom 11. September 2001 im Kongress mit nur einer Gegenstimme verabschiedet (Senat: 98:0, Repräsentantenhaus: 420:1). Es beinhaltet eine breite Vollmacht für den Präsidenten, alle „notwendige und angemessene Gewalt“ gegen jeden einzusetzen, der nach seinem Ermessen die Angriffe am 11. September 2001 „geplant, autorisiert, durchgeführt oder unterstützt“ oder solchen Personen oder Gruppen geholfen hat.
The Perpetual Drone War in Yemen
Obama went on to promise to repeal some of his own war powers, saying that he intends to “engage Congress about the existing Authorization to Use Military Force, or AUMF, to determine how we can continue to fight terrorism without keeping America on a perpetual wartime footing.”
U.S. Shut Embassies Because?
At a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on May 16, a week before the President‘s speech, the committee chairman, Sen. Carl Levin, a Democrat from Michigan, questioned Michael Sheehan, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict, about designating enemies with no more Congressional authority than the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) passed by Congress three days after the 9/11 attacks and giving the President effectively unlimited discretion to wage the war on terrorism, wherever he might imagine it to be.
Syria: The predictable and false ‚chemical‘ attack
Quite apart from all this, why were the „videos“ providing „evidence“ of this alleged chemical weapons attack posted on August 20, when the attack was supposed to be made in the early hours of August 21? They were certainly not uploaded from Syria.
Huffington Post ends commenter anonymity because ‘trolls are getting more aggressive’
The Huffington Post is to end anonymity for commenters by requiring them to use their real identities. The change was announced by the site’s founder, Arianna Huffington, after speaking at a conference yesterday (21 August) in Boston.
She said: “Trolls are just getting more and more aggressive and uglier and I just came from London where there are rape and death threats.”
Outsider Manning v American exceptionalism
by pepe Escobar
The message conveyed by the US government is clear: if any of you – however free and brave – believe you’re exceptional enough to share confidential information about national security with the media and American and global public opinion, you will be punished without mercy.
Bradley Manning’s Profoundly Moving Statement on ‘Paying the Price to Live in a Free Society’
Manning’s remarks to Coombs are but another indication of the resolve and strong character Manning has as a human being.
The statement by Pfc. Bradley Manning appears below:
Hosni Mubarak released, flown to military hospital in Cairo
BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: State television says Hosni Mubarak was released Thursday from prison and transported by helicopter to a military hospital in Cairo. This story will be updated shortly.
What WikiLeaks revealed
PFC Bradley Manning is a US Army intelligence specialist who released classified information to WikiLeaks, an organization that he understood would release portions of the information to news organizations and ultimately to the public.
Hexenjagd a´la ‚Mollath‘ auf Hartz IV Bezieher
Die eingeleiteten Eilrechtsschutzverfahren gegen bisher drei der genannten neuen Einladungen beim Jobcenter hat der Sozialrichter „ausgesessen“, also nicht entschieden. Schließlich sind sich ja alle beteiligten öffentlichen Stellen einig, dass mein Mandant endlich zwangsweise psychiatrisch untergebracht werden soll – und das möglichst bald.
Anti-Coup National Alliance Urges Egyptians to Mass for Martyrs’ Friday Non-Violent Events
In light of the growing popular protests to condemn the blatant lies and brutal crimes of the coup, to overthrow the coup, and to triumph for the blood of the martyrs, the Anti-Coup National Alliance deeply appreciates and values:
– The role of the great people of Egypt in their insistence on breaking the curfew in various ways, by peaceful means.
– The popular response to boycott campaigns which kicked off civil disobedience campaigns throughout the nation.
– Participation by groups and movements from outside the Alliance in rallies and protest events to break and end the coup.
– The revolt by free peoples all over the world in solidarity with Egyptians peacefully fighting to restore the democratic process.
Protests all over #Egypt breaking curfew &defying the illegitimate #MilitaryRule.No power is stronger than the power of the people.
Krise in Ägypten: Mubarak-Freilassung gefährdet Allianz zwischen Volk und Armee
Wegen des Ausnahmezustands kann sich die Armeeführung über alle Gerichtsbeschlüsse hinwegsetzen, sie hat also auch im Fall Mubarak freie Hand.
Inselparadies Pagan steht vor Zerstörung durch U.S.-Bomben
Michael G. Hadfield, Professor für Biologie an der University of Hawaii at Manoa veröffentlichte am 19.August 2013 den ausführlichen Bericht “U.S. Marines Plan to Destroy Another Island” über die vorangeschrittenen Pläne des U.S.-Verteidigungsministeriums im Einklang mit der lokalen Regierung, das ganze Gebiet der fruchtbaren Insel mit seiner einzigartigen Fauna und Flora zum militärischen Sperrgebiet für die U.S.-Armee als Bomben-Übungsplatz zu erklären.
Tunisian Islamists accept union plan to resolve crisis
Both the Islamists and the opposition agree on the need for new voting once work on a long-delayed new constitution is completed, which could happen in the next few months.
Huffington Post ends commenter anonymity
The Huffington Post is to end anonymity for commenters by requiring them to use their real identities. The change was announced by the site‘s founder, Arianna Huffington, after speaking at a conference yesterday (21 August) in Boston.
She said: „Trolls are just getting more and more aggressive and uglier and I just came from London where there are rape and death threats.“
Merkel: Nächstes Rettungspaket für Griechenland erst 2014
Die Euro-Rettung gerät außer Kontrolle.
ROCK OF CONTENTION: Spain blocks exports of sand from crossing Gibraltar border
The Interior Ministry on Wednesday ordered the Civil Guard on the frontier with Gibraltar to prevent trucks laden with Spanish sand from entering the British outpost.
Russian military hovercraft ploughs into crowded beach – video
Sunbathers in Kaliningrad run for safety as a Russian military vessel makes an unannounced beach landing.
Mitarbeiter des Kreationisten-Museums in Kentucky ist auf Arbeit vom Blitz getroffen worden.
David Miranda lawyers seek high court injunction – live tweets
Follow Robert Booth‘s live tweets as lawyers acting for partner of Glenn Greenwald, who was held for nine hours under anti-terror laws, take his case to the High Court
Israel forced to apologise to Japan over offensive Hiroshima comments
Seaman, a former director of the government press office who has a reputation for being abrasive, recently took up a new post to promote positive images of Israel on social media networks.
Could Israeli propaganda chief be promoted despite insulting Japan?
As The Electronic Intifada reported last week, Israeli official Daniel Seaman, tapped to head a “covert” social media program employing Israeli students to spread pro-Israel messages online, was officially suspended from his duties amid outrage over remarks posted to his personal Facebook page which sparked a diplomatic row with Japan.
Top Israeli official “sick” of commemorating Hiroshima, Nagasaki A-bomb victims
(16.August) Seaman, a key Israeli online public relations official, also wrote on the social networking site: “(The bombings of) Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the consequence of Japanese aggression. You reap what you sow.“
Letta meets Napolitano as crisis looms: Govt set to crack over Berlusconi ban
Berlusconi‘s People of Freedom (PdL) party says it will sink the government led by Democratic Left (PD) Premier Letta unless the PD backtracks on voting the three-time premier out of office next month.
Czech president to dissolve parliament on August 28 to trigger snap election
Czech President Milos Zeman will formally dissolve the lower house of parliament on August 28, his spokeswoman said on Thursday, setting the stage for an early election that could hand power to a leftist, pro-European government.
Schaeuble, Dijsselbloem, Samaras & the other kids prepare a 3rd bailout for Greece
It’s a fact: Greece will get as third bailout and Greeks will have to deal with a new loan agreement imposing additional austerity to their already cut down lives. German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said that directly, EU Monetary Commissioner Olli Rehn said that indirectly, Eurogroup head Jeroen Dijsselbloem said that blinking his eyes.
Berlusconi‘s no. 2 pleads to not unseat ex-premier
The Senate is set to vote September 9
Berlusconi says won‘t cede PdL leadership
Ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi repeated Thursday he would not step down as leader of the center-right People of Freedom (PdL) party despite a pending ban from office over a definitive criminal conviction for tax fraud.