Daily Archives: 2. August 2013

02.08.2013 - 21:37 [ BBC ]

Mining firm desecrated Australia Aboriginal site

Mining firm OM Manganese was found guilty on Friday – the first time a company has been successfully prosecuted in Australia for desecration of a sacred site.

The site is known as Two Women Sitting Down and is at Bootu Creek, north of Tennant Creek.

02.08.2013 - 19:07 [ Russia Today ]

Pentagon considers cancelling F-35 program, leaked documents suggest

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel spoke to reporters on Wednesday and indicated that the Pentagon might have to decide between a „much smaller force“ and a decade-long „holiday“ from modernizing weapons systems and technology. …. After news broke of the Pentagon’s prospect to cancel the program, officials tried to control the damage of such an alarming statement that runs counter to the claims they publicly make.

02.08.2013 - 18:30 [ antikrieg.com ]

Paul Craig Roberts – Amerika in Misskredit

Während Washington seinen Einfluss auf die Welt verliert, nachdem ihm Venezuela, Bolivien, Ecuador und jetzt Russland Paroli geboten haben, verlegt sich die Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika auf öffentliche Wutanfälle. Die ständige Demonstration von Infantilität durch das Weisse Haus und den Kongress bringt jeden Amerikaner in Verlegenheit.

02.08.2013 - 16:27 [ Daily Journal ]

Obama chooses 3 lawyers from same California firm for vacant seats on 9th Circuit court

The court said in a statement Thursday that Obama selected former federal prosecutor John B. Owens and antitrust litigator Michelle T. Friedland for the San Francisco-based court that hears appeals from nine western states.

Owens, a native of Washington, D.C., works in the Los Angeles office of Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP. Friedland, a Berkeley native, works in the same firm‘s San Francisco office. Both are 41 years old.

02.08.2013 - 16:22 [ Muslimbruderschaft ]

List of Live Streaming Links of Current Anti-Coup Protests

Media city, 6 October


Mansoura (Dakahleya)

Al-Hamd Mosque, 5th settlement

Al-Rahman Al-Raheem Mosque, Cairo

Al-Salam Mosque, Nasr City

Al-Azeez Billah Mosque, Alzeitoun

Al-Fath Mosque, Ramses Square

Al-Nur Mosque, Abbasiya

Amr Ibn Al-Ass Mosque, Cairo

02.08.2013 - 16:19 [ Lars Schall ]

“Debt Equals War and Equity Equals Peace”

On behalf of Matterhorn Asset Management, independent German financial journalist Lars Schall talked with U.S. financial investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts. Inter alia, they discussed: the shift in the global economy; various facets of gold and currency politics; the difference between official reality and reality; some background regarding NSA & Co.; and last but not least the use of the term “conspiracy theorist”. She says: “When I hear people be derogatory about conspiracies basically that to me in my world that I grew up in is simply a symptom that they have agreed to be powerless and wear it like a badge of honor.”

02.08.2013 - 14:46 [ Neues Deutschland ]

Abhör-Rundum-Service: Internet-Firmen halfen Geheimdienst

Die Firmen gehören zu den wichtigsten Betreibern der weltweiten Internet-Infrastruktur: Sie vermieten Glasfaserkabel, stellen Rechenzentren und Zugänge für große Firmen und bilden so – für den Endnutzer verborgen – das Fundament des Internets. Gemeinsam spannen die sieben Firmen ein engmaschiges Netz über Europa und weite Teile der Welt«, heißt es beim NDR.

02.08.2013 - 13:47 [ Legal Tribune ]

Gefängnis-Upgrade – Ein bisschen Luxus für 155 Dollar die Nacht

Auch in Deutschland versuchten Gefängnisverwaltungen aber, Einnahmen zu generieren, erklärt Feest „Zum Beispiel beim Strom. Elektrizität ist nicht mehr in jedem Gefängnis inklusive. Mittlerweile gibt es zwar in jeder Zelle eine Steckdose, die Häftlinge müssen aber pauschal pro Gerät dafür zahlen.“ Individuelle Stromrechnungen gebe es nicht.

02.08.2013 - 12:28 [ Muslimbruderschaft ]

Anti-Coup Pro-Democracy Alliance Calls for Nationwide Protests Friday

And so the Anti-Coup Prodemocracy Alliance calls on all free people in all countries of the world to demonstrate peacefully in the million-man march under the banner of „Egypt Against the Coup“ this coming Friday August 2nd, Ramadan 24, in solidarity with the Egyptian people whom are urged to gather in all Egyptian streets and squares, in all provinces, cities and villages.

02.08.2013 - 12:28 [ Muslimbruderschaft ]

Statement by the Coalition of Rabaa Al-Adawiyya Residents In Response to Threats by the Coup Cabinet

The Coalition affirms its respect for opinions differing from its own, and acknowledges their owners‘ right to express them in a peaceful and civilized manner. But it completely rejects anyone speaking on behalf of all the residents, or anyone threatening protestors with violence in the name of all the residents.

02.08.2013 - 12:27 [ Muslimbruderschaft ]

Statement by the Shura Council Regarding Authorization of the Minister of Interior to Clear the Peaceful Protests

We urge all free people on the inside or outside to be a voice for truth, a shield for legitimacy, a support for rights, and a protector of freedoms that have been taken from Egyptians via the military coup. And all parliaments worldwide are urged to publicize their stances towards the threats of killing peaceful protestors.

We call on the Egyptian people to remain steadfast and present in all Egyptian Squares, and invite them to participate with all strength in tomorrow, Friday‘s, million-person marches „Egypt Against the Coup“.

02.08.2013 - 12:25 [ Muslimbruderschaft ]

Anti-Coup Alliance Response to Secretary John Kerry‘s Statements Supporting Military Coup in Egypt

Is it the job of the army to restore democracy? Does Secretary Kerry accept Defense Secretary Hagel to step in and remove Obama if large protests take place in the US? Will the US army freeze the constitution & dismantle congress & senate? Can they appoint a president that they solely choose?

02.08.2013 - 12:23 [ Guardian ]

Berlusconi courtroom entertained by dancing policeman before verdict – video

Just minutes before the entrance of the five judges who handed the former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi his conviction for tax fraud, a carabiniere in court unleashes some dance moves that keep the waiting press corps entertained – and have now made him a star on YouTube

02.08.2013 - 12:10 [ Hispanic Americans ]

Canada, Mexico become part of U.S. ‘homeland’ during NSA Senate briefing

American reporters appropriately had a ‚wait, what? moment‘ on Wednesday during a Senate Judiciary committee meeting.

Senator Diane Feinstein, the chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, was defending the National Security Agency‘s top secret spying when she brought out a prop identifying North America — the United States, Canada and Mexico — as the „Homeland“.

02.08.2013 - 11:55 [ Radio Utopie ]

Google-Suche nach Schnellkochtopf und Rucksack: hier platzt die Linsen-Bombe!

Eine Frau sucht (angeblich) zum Kaufen im Internet nach einem geeigneten Gefäss um Linsen effektiv weich zu kochen, der Mann informiert sich für seinen persönlichen Hobbybedarf über einen passenden Rucksack und der Sohn interessiert sich für Boston – warum auch nicht, wurde doch dieses Thema genügend breitgewalzt auf den Tellern der Informationsindustrie.

02.08.2013 - 11:53 [ Robin Wood ]

Protestaktion gegen Atomtransporte bei der Spedition Kieserling in Bremen

Kieserling – Der Atomtod fährt mit! – Protestaktion in der Zufahrt der Spedition Kieserling in Bremen, 2.8.2013 (Fotos: ROBIN WOOD)

Kieserling – Mit Vollgas für den Super-GAU!

LKW in der Zufahrt zum Unternehmen in der Bremer Neustadt

Einer der Uranhexfluorid-Sattelzüge von Kieserling bei der Ausfahrt am Burchardkai im Hamburger-Hafen am 23.01.12

AktivistInnen der Umweltschutzorganisation ROBIN WOOD protestieren heute seit etwa 11:00 Uhr in Bremen-Neustadt vor den Toren der Spedition Kieserling gegen Atomtransporte. Einige AktivistInnen kletterten auf das Dach eines LKWs, der zur Zeit die Zufahrt zum Speditionsgelände versperrt, und entrollten Transparente mit den Slogans „Kieserling: Der Atomtod fährt mit!“ und „Kieserling: Mit Vollgas für den Super-GAU!“.

02.08.2013 - 09:56 [ Radio Utopie ]

U.S.-Regierung verweigert Veröffentlichung zu dem “Massaker in Afghanistan – Der Konvoi des Todes”

Eines der grausamsten Kriegsverbrechen im Norden Afghanistans wird weiterhin unter Verschluss gehalten. Mindestens achttausend Männer starben im Dezember 2001 unter unvorstellbaren faschistischen Bedingungen unter dem Kommando des Warlord-Verbündeten der Nordallianz, General Abdul Rashid Dostum bei Kunduz

02.08.2013 - 07:25 [ Demand Progress ]

By prohibiting customers from running servers on their home broadband connections, Google is violating the very Open Internet protections it used to champion.

As Wired.com points out, Google‘s „legally binding Terms of Service outlaw Google Fiber customers from running their own mail server, using a remotely accessible media server, SSHing into a home computer from work to retrieve files, running a Minecraft server for friends to share, using a Nest thermometer, using a nanny camera to watch over a childcare provider or using a Raspberry Pi to host a WordPress blog.“

02.08.2013 - 07:10 [ Techdirt ]

Rep. Mike Rogers‘ Staff Insists They Never Said I Defamed Him… And Then Reveal The Reporter They Apparently Never Said It To

It‘s important to note that, throughout this process, I never once named Behnan or his publication. I didn‘t even mention to my own colleagues who the reporter was. So… Rogers staff did not claim that my comments were defamatory to Behnan… but they magically know that Behnan is the reporter they didn‘t make the claim to? How does that work?

02.08.2013 - 07:10 [ Sascha Lobo / Spiegel ]

Die Heuchelei der SPD

Abseits der staatlichen Souveränität Deutschlands und den Lügen um Mitwisserschaften gibt es zum Spähskandal eine einzelne, entscheidende Frage der politischen Grundhaltung. Die eine Frage, die das Ausmaß und die Schwere jeder Internetüberwachung anzeigt, unabhängig von welcher verfreundeten Behörde:

Verdachtslose Überwachung – ja oder nein?

02.08.2013 - 07:09 [ Techdirt ]

Now That The Intelligence Community Got Away With Lying, How Can You Trust Anything They Say?

If the administration really wants to convince us that the surveillance programs are above board, it seems that keeping on an admitted liar to both Congress and the American public as the „face“ of such programs isn‘t a particularly intelligent idea. It just makes people that much less likely to believe anything that Clapper, Alexander or others say about the program in their attempts to defend it.

02.08.2013 - 07:07 [ Guardian ]

GCHQ: inside the top secret world of Britain‘s biggest spy agency

When it was built in 2002 the „doughnut“ was the biggest construction project in Europe. It is now home to a parallel world – one that mirrors the society around it while being set apart by high walls of secrecy and the vastly superior technology concealed within.

Today this intensely private organisation is under a spotlight it has never had to face before,