Daily Archives: 9. Juli 2013

09.07.2013 - 22:23 [ The Observer ]

Uganda 2nd most corrupt in EA, again

According to the latest Global Corruption Barometer released by TI, among the 95 countries surveyed, Uganda is listed among the 17 most corrupt countries in the World.

09.07.2013 - 22:21 [ The Observer ]

China gives Uganda $8.2 million grant

“…Uganda looks forward to increased cooperation with the Chinese government to implement infrastructure projects in energy, roads, railways…,” Kiwanuka said.

09.07.2013 - 21:47 [ The Express Tribune ]

Benazir assassination case: Court outraged over Musharraf absence

The Anti Terrorism Court (ATC) expressed its outrage at the non-presence of former President Pervez Musharraf at the Benazir Bhutto assassination case hearing on Tuesday, and stated that if Musharraf was not presented at the next hearing, the hearing would take place at Rawalpindi Central Jail, Express News reported.

09.07.2013 - 21:32 [ The Express Tribune ]

Taliban talks likely to continue despite Doha office closure

They were responding to reports that the Taliban had closed their office in Doha, the Qatari capital, after Afghan President Hamid Karzai objected to their raising a flag and giving it a nameplate that suggested they wanted to set up a government-in-exile.

“We have temporarily closed the Qatar office due to broken promises,” a Pakistan-based Taliban official, who declined to be named, told AFP by telephone.

09.07.2013 - 18:07 [ antikrieg.com ]

Weisses Haus: Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika werden die Hilfe für Ägypten nicht kürzen

Das Weisse Haus behauptet steif und fest, es liege „nicht im besten Interesse Amerikas“ zu behaupten, dass in der letzten Woche in Ägypten ein Militärputsch stattgefunden hat, und dass man stattdessen fortfahren werde, Ägyptens Militär und jetzige Junta mit großen Beträgen an Hilfsmitteln zu versorgen.

09.07.2013 - 17:31 [ Süddeutsche ]

„Die NSA darf in Deutschland alles machen“

Josef Foschepoth: ..Wir haben nahezu symbiotische Zustände zwischen den Geheimdiensten. Und alles mit dem Segen und Wissen der Bundesregierungen.

Süddeutsche: Wie kann eine geheime Verwaltungsvereinbarung die deutsche Verfassung ausstechen?

Josef Foschepoth: Die Verwaltungsvereinbarung erläutert ja nur, was in den Hieroglyphen anderer völkerrechtlicher Verträge enthalten ist.

09.07.2013 - 17:25 [ Al Jazeera ]

Egypt: The return of the King?

In Egyptian author Alaa Al Aswany‘s bestselling 2002 novel The Yacoubian Building, an aging aristocrat declares: „It was a different age. Cairo was like Europe. It was clean and smart and the people were well mannered and respectable and everyone knew his place exactly…“

09.07.2013 - 17:00 [ The Raw Story ]

Are telegrams dead?

ON JULY 15th India will become the latest country to shut down its official telegram service. The first message sent by telegraph in India was in 1850, and the direct descendant of that service is now in the hands of BSNL, a state-run telecoms operator, which says it is no longer economically viable given the plunging cost and growing availability of mobile phones

09.07.2013 - 15:24 [ The Asahi Shimbun ]

Mothers pray for nuclear-free Japan on Tanabata Festival day

Following the tradition, participants set up bamboo trees at the site of famous Friday night anti-nuclear demonstrations and hung hundreds of strips of paper containing wishes, called „tanzaku,“ on bamboo branches, praying for eradication of nuclear energy.

09.07.2013 - 15:19 [ The Asahi Shimbun ]

Russia-China joint naval exercise begins in Sea of Japan

The joint exercise comes at a time when Russia wants to heighten its presence in the Asia-Pacific region and China faces the growing possibility of a conflict with Japan and the United States over the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea. Japan administers the islands but China, which calls them the Diaoyu Islands, also claims sovereignty.

09.07.2013 - 14:40 [ Guardian ]

When Yasiin Bey was force-fed Guantánamo Bay-style – eyewitness account

Yasiin Bey, formerly known as Mos Def, had agreed to submit his body and fame to a form of torture. The body bit would involve being chained to a feeding chair while doctors inserted more than a metre of rubber tubing up his nose, down his throat and into his stomach. His fame would hopefully draw attention to that fact that this is happening daily to 45 hunger strikers in Guantánamo Bay.

09.07.2013 - 13:37 [ Huffington Post ]

I Miss The Old Johnny Depp: What Happened To Our Eclectic Wonderboy And His Once-Interesting Movie Choices?

We miss it. Come back to us, Edward Scissorhands, please come back.

09.07.2013 - 13:26 [ Spiegel ]

Staatskrise in Ägypten: Alte Mubarak-Elite verbündet sich mit Salafisten

Die Absetzung von Mohammed Mursi hatten breite Teile der Gesellschaft befürwortet – ein überraschendes Bündnis aus Liberalen, Christen, Mubarak-Anhängern, Salafisten, Al-Azhar-Gelehrten und den autoritären Militärs, geeint wohl nur vom Willen, Mursi zu stürzen. Nun bestimmen hinter den Kulissen weiter die Generäle, wo es langgeht.

09.07.2013 - 13:11 [ Ria Novosti ]

Israel: Weitere US-Militärhilfe für Ägypten notwendig

Wie der Radiosender Kol Israel berichtet, wurde die Situation in Ägypten in den zurückliegenden zwei Monaten mehrmals in Telefongesprächen zwischen dem Premier Benjamin Nitanjahu und US-Außenamtschef John Kerry, zwischen den Verteidigungsministern Mosche Yaalon und Chuck Hagel sowie zwischen den nationalen Sicherheitsrateschefs Yakov Amidror und Susan Rice behandelt.