According to the latest Global Corruption Barometer released by TI, among the 95 countries surveyed, Uganda is listed among the 17 most corrupt countries in the World.
Daily Archives: 9. Juli 2013
China gives Uganda $8.2 million grant
“…Uganda looks forward to increased cooperation with the Chinese government to implement infrastructure projects in energy, roads, railways…,” Kiwanuka said.
Benazir assassination case: Court outraged over Musharraf absence
The Anti Terrorism Court (ATC) expressed its outrage at the non-presence of former President Pervez Musharraf at the Benazir Bhutto assassination case hearing on Tuesday, and stated that if Musharraf was not presented at the next hearing, the hearing would take place at Rawalpindi Central Jail, Express News reported.
Taliban talks likely to continue despite Doha office closure
They were responding to reports that the Taliban had closed their office in Doha, the Qatari capital, after Afghan President Hamid Karzai objected to their raising a flag and giving it a nameplate that suggested they wanted to set up a government-in-exile.
“We have temporarily closed the Qatar office due to broken promises,” a Pakistan-based Taliban official, who declined to be named, told AFP by telephone.
Israel warns Arabs against ‚bashing‘ it at U.N. nuclear meeting
Israel‘s ambassador to the IAEA, Ehud Azoulay, told Reuters that Arab states „are taking a counterproductive route by raising this issue … and trying to bash Israel“.
Private paramilitaries guard Wisconsin mining site from protesters
Heavily-armed, masked paramilitary forces descended upon the Gogebic Taconite mining site in Wisconsin over the weekend, much to the chagrin of local residents and elected officials.
Weisses Haus: Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika werden die Hilfe für Ägypten nicht kürzen
Das Weisse Haus behauptet steif und fest, es liege „nicht im besten Interesse Amerikas“ zu behaupten, dass in der letzten Woche in Ägypten ein Militärputsch stattgefunden hat, und dass man stattdessen fortfahren werde, Ägyptens Militär und jetzige Junta mit großen Beträgen an Hilfsmitteln zu versorgen.
„Die NSA darf in Deutschland alles machen“
Josef Foschepoth: ..Wir haben nahezu symbiotische Zustände zwischen den Geheimdiensten. Und alles mit dem Segen und Wissen der Bundesregierungen.
Süddeutsche: Wie kann eine geheime Verwaltungsvereinbarung die deutsche Verfassung ausstechen?
Josef Foschepoth: Die Verwaltungsvereinbarung erläutert ja nur, was in den Hieroglyphen anderer völkerrechtlicher Verträge enthalten ist.
Israel secretly holds ‚Prisoner X2‘ for security breach: lawyer
Israel has secretly jailed a member of its security services for a grave offence, a prominent Israeli lawyer said on Tuesday, describing the case as riveting and sensational.
Nigeria ‚forgives‘ killers of 100 police and security officers
who gave what orders, whether the officers were prepared for the mission and who was responsible for the brutal massacre that took place. The conspiracy of silence is indicative of fundamental malfunctions in the country‘s security structure.
Egypt: The return of the King?
In Egyptian author Alaa Al Aswany‘s bestselling 2002 novel The Yacoubian Building, an aging aristocrat declares: „It was a different age. Cairo was like Europe. It was clean and smart and the people were well mannered and respectable and everyone knew his place exactly…“
Port Said: Egypt‘s secret police return to the streets
In Port Said on the Suez canal there is relief both that Mohamed Morsi has gone and that the old ways have returned
UAE offers Egypt $3 billion support, Saudis $5 billion
The United Arab Emirates will make a $1 billion grant to Egypt and a $2 billion loan, state news agency WAM said on Tuesday. The $2 billion loan would take the form of an interest-free deposit with Egypt‘s central bank, WAM said.
Saudi Arabia gives Egypt $5 billion in aid
Saudi Arabia approved a $5 billion aid package to Egypt on Tuesday comprising a $2 billion central bank deposit, $2 billion in energy products, and $1 billion in cash, the Saudi Finance Minister Ibrahim Alassaf told Reuters.
AI voices concern over inmate on 34th day of hunger strike; Costas Sakkas in 2.5-year detention without trial
Amnesty International’s Greek branch has expressed concern about the continued detainment of 29-year-old student Costas Sakkas, who was on the 34th day of a hunger strike on Monday in protest at his continued detention without trial.
M5S to bring up renting Ponte Vecchio in parliament
The anti-establishment 5-Star Movement on Tuesday said it would question in parliament what it called a „grave“ move on the part of the mayor of Florence to block off the famed Ponte Vecchio bridge in Florence last month for a private party hosted by the Ferrari motor company.
Arbeite (Work) – Dirk HuelsTrunk
mp3 (3:54, 2.7 MB)
Sen. Paul: US continuing to send aid to Egypt is a ‚mistake‘
BOLLING: Here with reaction to the crisis in Cairo and more, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul. Senator, thank you for joining us. Senator, let‘s start this out right away. Was this a coup in Cairo, in Egypt?
Taliban close Qatar office in protest at flag removal
“After opening of the Qatar office, the Taliban would have known that neither their honor nor their flag is safe in foreign countries,” Mr Karzai said in his statement.
Are telegrams dead?
ON JULY 15th India will become the latest country to shut down its official telegram service. The first message sent by telegraph in India was in 1850, and the direct descendant of that service is now in the hands of BSNL, a state-run telecoms operator, which says it is no longer economically viable given the plunging cost and growing availability of mobile phones
Qatar makes first new gas find in over 40 years (10.3.2013)
According to the latest BP Statistical review, Qatar‘s proved gas reserves stood at 884.5 tcf, or around 12 percent of global gas reserves, at the end of 2011.
Saudi to expel foreigners disrespecting Ramadan
Saudi Arabia threatened on Tuesday to expel non-Muslim expatriates who eat, drink, or smoke in public during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.
Europe okays design for next-generation rocket
The European Space Agency (ESA) on Tuesday said it had approved the final design for a next-generation rocket, Ariane 6, aimed at maintaining Europe‘s grip on the fast-changing market for satellite launches.
‚United Stasi of America‘ on US embassy
A US embassy spokesperson told AFP: „Very funny. But anyone making such a comparison knows neither the Stasi nor the United States.“
Murchison Widefield Array telescope to take us back in time
It is one of three „precursor“ instruments for the world‘s most sensitive radio telescope, the Square Kilometre Array, which will be based in Australia and southern Africa, and used by scientists worldwide.
Despite Cuts, Fort Knox‘s Iconic Status Endures
The Pentagon announced last week that it was eliminating Knox‘s 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division as part of a major restructuring that will reduce the Army‘s active duty combat brigades to 33 from 45.
Mothers pray for nuclear-free Japan on Tanabata Festival day
Following the tradition, participants set up bamboo trees at the site of famous Friday night anti-nuclear demonstrations and hung hundreds of strips of paper containing wishes, called „tanzaku,“ on bamboo branches, praying for eradication of nuclear energy.
Israel offen für Diskussion zu russischem Friedensangebot für Golan-Höhen
Laut der israelischen Botschafterin in Russland, Dorit Golender, ist ihr Land dazu bereit, die mögliche Stationierung einer russischen Friedenstruppe auf den Golanhöhen, in der Pufferzone zwischen Syrien und Israel, zu erörtern.
Russia-China joint naval exercise begins in Sea of Japan
The joint exercise comes at a time when Russia wants to heighten its presence in the Asia-Pacific region and China faces the growing possibility of a conflict with Japan and the United States over the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea. Japan administers the islands but China, which calls them the Diaoyu Islands, also claims sovereignty.
When Yasiin Bey was force-fed Guantánamo Bay-style – eyewitness account
Yasiin Bey, formerly known as Mos Def, had agreed to submit his body and fame to a form of torture. The body bit would involve being chained to a feeding chair while doctors inserted more than a metre of rubber tubing up his nose, down his throat and into his stomach. His fame would hopefully draw attention to that fact that this is happening daily to 45 hunger strikers in Guantánamo Bay.
I Miss The Old Johnny Depp: What Happened To Our Eclectic Wonderboy And His Once-Interesting Movie Choices?
We miss it. Come back to us, Edward Scissorhands, please come back.
Staatskrise in Ägypten: Alte Mubarak-Elite verbündet sich mit Salafisten
Die Absetzung von Mohammed Mursi hatten breite Teile der Gesellschaft befürwortet – ein überraschendes Bündnis aus Liberalen, Christen, Mubarak-Anhängern, Salafisten, Al-Azhar-Gelehrten und den autoritären Militärs, geeint wohl nur vom Willen, Mursi zu stürzen. Nun bestimmen hinter den Kulissen weiter die Generäle, wo es langgeht.
Egypt‘s Brotherhood rejects decree on new constitution
Senior Brotherhood politician Essam El-Erian said the decree by interim head of state Adli Mansour was „usurping legislative power“ and an act of „someone appointed by the putschists“.
Obama, lawmakers at odds over Egypt aid
„We need to suspend aid to the new government until it does in fact schedule elections and put in place a process that comes up with a new constitution,“ said Sen. Carl Levin, the Michigan Democrat who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Obama Administration Rules Out Suspension of Aid to Egypt in Near Term
President Obama’s spokesman said it would not be in “the best interests” of the United States right now to cut off the $1.5 billion in annual aid given to Egypt. But he made clear that over the long term………..
Russia urges Egypt to hold fair elections
„We support any efforts aimed at ending any manifestations of violence and confrontation, that are aimed at stabilizing the situation,“ Lavrov said when asked about Egypt at a news conference.
Israel: Weitere US-Militärhilfe für Ägypten notwendig
Wie der Radiosender Kol Israel berichtet, wurde die Situation in Ägypten in den zurückliegenden zwei Monaten mehrmals in Telefongesprächen zwischen dem Premier Benjamin Nitanjahu und US-Außenamtschef John Kerry, zwischen den Verteidigungsministern Mosche Yaalon und Chuck Hagel sowie zwischen den nationalen Sicherheitsrateschefs Yakov Amidror und Susan Rice behandelt.
Egypt Nour Party says would accept ex-finance min as interim PM
The military-backed transitional administration is keen to win Nour‘s support for a new government to show it is acceptable to Islamists after the army toppled the Brotherhood‘s Mohamed Mursi last week.
„We asked for a technocrat economist … a neutral guy,“ Bakkar told Reuters by phone.
UAE foreign minister to arrive in Cairo Tuesday morning
The delegation is coming to „show full support to the people of Egypt – political support, economic support,“ Egypt‘s foreign ministry spokesman Badr Abdelatty told Reuters by telephone.
Ex Cypriot defense minister found guilty for 2011 munitions blast
A Cypriot court found a former defense minister guilty of manslaughter and negligence on Tuesday for the deaths of 13 people in a massive munitions blast in 2011 which knocked out the island‘s largest power station and had a crippling effect on the economy.
Italy does not need EU bailout, says Letta
„Reforms introduced will bring good results. I am sure that growth will arrive,“ Letta said in an interview with BBC‘s Radio 4.
Italian political system ‚risks credibility,‘ says Letta
One of Italy‘s main stumbling blocks is that there are „too many politicians and that they benefit from too many privileges,“ Letta said in an interview with BBC‘s Radio 4.
Italian gas prices hit three-month high
The Staffetta Quotidiana attributed the rises to the “Eygpt“ effect, given new social and political turmoil in the influential Arab country.
Italian freeway traffic falls 7.2% in 2012 over 2011
Strongest contraction since start of national recession
Clean-up underway for Eni refinery spill
A power shutdown due to bad weather caused the slick, which spread overnight 30-40 square meters across the bay where the refinery operates.
Mother of teen jailed for Facebook post speaks to WSWS
Justin River Carter was arrested on February 14 of this year in Austin, Texas and charged as a “terrorist” for a post he made on Facebook. He faces up to ten years in prison. „Rechtssprechung“ auf dem Niveau der Inquisition!
Massachusetts high school student charged as terrorist for Facebook post
As the World Socialist Web Site has warned from the beginning, the so-called “war on terror” has nothing to do with protecting the American population from terrorism. Rather, it is a smokescreen for unbridled militarism abroad and the preparation of dictatorial forms of rule at home.
Edward Snowden: ‚The US government will say I aided our enemies‘ – video interview
This interview was recorded in Hong Kong on 6 June 2013
Justice Dept. defends secret rulings in new spy court filing
In a new court filing, the Obama Administration says the secret FISA court has no obligation to publish its decisions — not even those that explain why new forms of spying are constitutional.
Anyone Brushing Off NSA Surveillance Because It‘s ‚Just Metadata‘ Doesn‘t Know What Metadata Is
Here are a few examples of why.
UNICEF Italy praises pope‘s visit to Lampedusa as important
UNICEF has sounded an alarm on the waves of people forced by war and economic hardship to flee their homes, and the pope has repeated that message forcefully, Iacomini added in a statement.
„The message of the holy father has pierced the veil of hypocrisy“.
Italian refugee group praises pope‘s Lampedusa visit
The Italian Council for Refugees (CIR) on Monday embraced the pope‘s memorial to migrants who have died in the Mediterranean while seeking passage by boat to Italy or Europe and endorsed the pontiff‘s „very stern warning to policymakers and public opinion, condemning indifference“.
Union of Islamic communities pleased with pope‘s words
„To the dear, Muslim immigrants who today, this evening, are beginning the fast of Ramadan, with wishes for abundant spiritual fruit,“ Francis said. „The Church is close to you in the search for a more dignified life for you and your families“.
Arab leader praises pope‘s visit to Lampedusa
The pope‘s gesture will also echo „among immigrants and Muslims…making them feel they are human beings“ in a foreign land, he added.
Umarmung für die Aussätzigen der Gegenwart
Der Papst unternimmt seine erste Dienstreise an die Außengrenzen des Wohlstands und verändert damit die Wirklichkeit.