Daily Archives: 5. Juli 2013

05.07.2013 - 17:46 [ Beppe Grillo ]

The Oracle of the Constitutional Court and the eternal provinces

Lets look closely at this Olympus.
The Consulta is made up of 15 judges of whom:
a third are appointed by the President of the Republic,
a third are appointed by both Houses of Parliament in a joint session,
and a third are appointed by the ordinary and administrative supreme courts.
Who are the members? Below are the names and the year of birth:
– Franco Gallo, 1937
– Luigi Mazzella, 1932
– Gaetano Silvestri, 1944
– Sabino Cassese, 1935
– Giuseppe Tesauro, 1942
– Paolo Maria Napolitano, 1944
– Giuseppe Frigo, 1935
– Alessandro Criscuolo, 1937
– Paolo Grossi, 1933
– Giorgio Lattanzi, 1933
– Aldo Carosi, 1951
– Marta Cartabia, 1963
– Sergio Mattarella, 1941
– Mario Rosario Morelli, 1941
– Giancarlo Coraggio, 1940

05.07.2013 - 17:46 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Troika-Greek gov’t agree to civil servants lay-offs; Public sector declares strike, Jul 8/2013

Greece’s public sector unions umbrella ADEDY will launch a half-day strike on Monday, July 8th 2013 to protest the upcoming mass lay-offs in the public sector. The strike will stat at 12 o’ clock noon. There will be a gathering at 12:30 at Karaiskaki Square in downtown Athens and a march to Ministry of Administrative Reform.

05.07.2013 - 16:38 [ Afrikanische Union ]


Accordingly, and as mandated by the relevant AU instruments, Council
decides to suspend the participation of Egypt in the AU’s activities until the restoration of
constitutional order;

05.07.2013 - 16:22 [ Guardian ]

Egypt‘s opposition risks a dangerous hypocrisy

Speaking to the New York Times, the prominent opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei gave some caveats and guarantees, but broadly deferred to the military: „They are taking some precautionary measures to avoid violence; well, this is something that I guess they have to do as a security measure,“ he said.

05.07.2013 - 16:19 [ Al Jazeera ]

Egypt army opens fire on pro-Morsi protesters

Al Jazeera‘s Matthew Cassel, reporting from near the military barracks, said several dozen people were also injured by shotgun pellets fired by the army.

„One protester broke away from the rally to stick a pro-Morsi poster on the barbed-wire around the barracks. He was shot in the head with birdshot,“ he said.

05.07.2013 - 15:19 [ Radio Utopie ]

Erfolgreiche “ARD”-Umfrage: Für Terror mit Stasi 3.0

In einer für den Staatssender “ARD”, sowie die “Welt” vom Konzern Infratest Dimap im Rahmen des sogenannten “Deutschlandtrends” durchgeführten Umfrage stimmen, bezüglich der bekannt geworden totalen Spionage von Geheimdiensten mehrerer Staaten im “Krieg gegen den Terror” auch gegen jede Telekommunikation von 82 Millionen Menschen in der Republik, 55 Prozent der Aussage zu: “Wer will, dass Terrorakte verhindert werden, muss damit leben”.

05.07.2013 - 14:14 [ Guardian ]

NSA leaks: UK blocks crucial espionage talks between US and Europe

The talks, due to begin in Washington on Monday, will now be restricted to issues of data privacy and the NSA‘s Prism programme following a tense 24 hours of negotiations in Brussels between national EU ambassadors. Britain, supported only by Sweden, vetoed plans to launch two „working groups“ on the espionage debacle with the Americans.

05.07.2013 - 14:14 [ Muslimbruderschaft ]

Ahmed Aref: Muslim Brotherhood Committed to Peaceful Protest, Self-Restraint

Aref further condemned the brutal police state which has resumed repressive practices, arresting leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood, shutting down Islamist TV channels, and storming the offices of TV satellite channel ‚Al-Jazeera Live Egypt‘ – practices which drag Egypt back to the era of tyranny, dictatorship and corruption, which Egyptians suffered for decades in the era of ousted president Hosni Mubarak.

05.07.2013 - 14:02 [ Reuters ]

African Union suspends Egypt

„As mandated by the relevant AU instruments, the African Union Peace and Security Council decides to suspend the participation of Egypt in AU activities until the restoration of constitutional order,“ said Admore Kambudzi, secretary of the council.

05.07.2013 - 11:14 [ Spiegel ]

Kurswechsel wegen NSA-Affäre: Seehofer schwingt sich zum Chef-Datenschützer auf

Kein Terroranschlag, Fall von Cybermobbing oder Kinderpornografie vergeht, ohne dass sich Minuten später die Innen- und Sicherheitspolitiker zu Wort melden – und konservierte private Internetdaten als unverzichtbar im Kampf gegen schwere Straftaten preisen.
Doch unter dem Eindruck der amerikanischen Internetspionage erwägt die CSU jetzt offenbar eine bemerkenswerte Kehrtwende.

05.07.2013 - 11:10 [ Radio Utopie ]

EURO-KAPITALISMUS: Die “Offshore Leaks” und die “notleidenden Banken”

(12.Mai) Vor unseren Augen spielt sich eine vom paneuropäischen Parteien-Kartell des Bundestages mit- und vorgetragene abscheuliche Farce ab. Alldiweil, mit dem Applaus des Publikums, da hapert es irgendwie. Denn das soll bezahlen. Und nicht zu knapp.

Beleuchten wir also wieder einmal eine sowohl ausgesucht plumpe wie abscheuliche Schmierenkomödie von Staatsschauspielern, die schließlich auch von irgendwas leben müssen.

05.07.2013 - 11:02 [ Repeal FATCA ]

RepealFatca.com is a website dedicated to getting rid of the worst law most Americans have never heard of

– violating Americans’ constitutional protections;
– overstepping the limits of Executive power at the expense of Congressional authority, especially the Senate’s advice and consent to the ratification of treaties;
– disregarding the mutual respect of sovereignty among nations;
– setting up a global financial fishbowl, with personal financial information “shared” among governments worldwide;

05.07.2013 - 10:55 [ Repeal FATCA ]

It’s Official: There Will Be No American FATCA ‘Reciprocity’

Treasury is making promises to foreign governments it can’t keep. (..)
“I have shared my concerns with my fellow members of the House Financial Services Committee,” writes Congressman Posey. “Given the evidence above, it is difficult to conceive of any circumstance that would justify imposing such an expensive and counterproductive domestic mandate.”

05.07.2013 - 10:50 [ BDO: Wirtschaftsprüfung, Steuerberatung und Advisory Service in Hamburg, Berlin ]

Gemeinsame Erklärung über eine zwischenstaatliche Vorgehensweise zur Verbesserung der Steuerehrlichkeit im grenzüberschreitenden Bereich und zur Umsetzung des Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)

Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, Spanien, das Vereinigte Königreich
und die Vereinigten Staaten verpflichten sich, (..)

b) mit anderen FATCA-Partnern, der OECD und gegebenenfalls der
EU zusammenzuarbeiten, um FATCA mittelfristig zu einem allgemeinen
Modell für den automatischen Informationsaustausch zu machen,
einschließlich der Ausarbeitung standardisierter Melde- und

05.07.2013 - 10:38 [ Portugal News ]

The End Of Financial Privacy

In April, the UK, France, Germany, Spain and Italy announced that they would develop and pilot a new, multilateral tax information exchange agreement, to remove the hiding places for those seeking to evade taxes. Many other EU countries have since indicated they will sign up.
The G5 pilot will be based on the model intergovernmental agreements they signed with the US under its Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA).

05.07.2013 - 10:35 [ Tax-News ]

German Bundestag Backs US FATCA IGA

The German Bundestag, or lower house of parliament, has adopted the draft intergovernmental agreement (IGA) between Germany and the US, aimed at improving the automatic exchange of information between the tax authorities of both partner states.

The bill provides the legal basis for transposition of the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) provisions into German law.

05.07.2013 - 10:34 [ The Philippine Star ]

FATCA Registration and the Responsible Officer’s Big Responsibility under FATCA

Since the passage of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) in 2010, rumors have been swirling around financial institutions regarding its implementation. There was talk about the US requiring all foreign financial institutions (FFIs) to disclose the names of its US account holders to the IRS; about how a FFI’s non-participation in the FATCA program would turn it into a pariah in the financial community because no financial institution in the world will want to do business with a non-FATCA compliant FFI.

05.07.2013 - 10:32 [ Fefe ]

Die GEMA findet, ein Crowdfunding für ein Radiostudio sei abgabepflichtig. Können wir diesen Laden bitte endlich mal zumachen?

Oder von mir aus auf die NSA oder GCHQ ansetzen.

05.07.2013 - 10:20 [ Portugal News ]

Portuguese Ambassador summoned to Bolivia’s political hub following presidential plane snub

The Ambassadors of France and Portugal to Bolivia have been summoned to La Paz, the seat of Bolivia’s government, after those European countries refused to let an aircraft carrying Bolivian President Evo Morales pass through them, based on “unfounded suspicions” that wanted US whistleblower Edward Snowdon was on board.