ew era of space application, India on Monday successfully launched its first dedicated navigation satellite using the Polar satellite Launch Vehicle which blasted off from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre.
Precisely at 11.41pm, India‘s workhorse PSLV C22 lifted off in a perfect text book launch, carrying IRNSS-1A satellite, painting a dense golden flame in the dark canvas of the sky.
The call by Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to Egypt‘s Sedki Sobhi came the same day that Egypt‘s armed forces handed Islamist President Mohamed Morsi a virtual ultimatum to share power.
Nicht unerwartet wurde der NSA-Bespitzelungsskandal über das Wochenende hinweg bis heute grösstenteils beschönigt, wobei die Senatoren Chuck Schumer (Demokraten, New York) und John McCain (Republikaner, Arizona) sich stattdessen darauf konzentrierten, neue diplomatische Krisen hervorzurufen, um die Länder zu ärgern, die am Entkommen Snowdens beteiligt waren.
Portugal‘s Finance Minister Vitor Gaspar, the architect of the country‘s EU/IMF bailout plan who was praised by Lisbon‘s lenders, has resigned and will be replaced by the country‘s treasury secretary, the president‘s office said on Monday.
„It is hypocritical and outrageous that while the Obama Justice Department can criminally charge Edward Snowden for allegedly disclosing classified national security information and wage an international manhunt for his arrest, Biden and Panetta get off scot free for their callous, cynical, opportunistic illegal release of the identity of SEAL Team VI in the Bin Laden killing — allegedly orchestrated to boost President Obama‘s and Vice President Biden‘s reelection prospects in the months leading up to the 2012 November 6 election.
Merck said it received a complete response letter from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration saying that the agency could consider a 10 milligram starting dose of suvorexant for most patients, but that the company would have to have that dosage ready before it could be approved.
Der Chef der Vatikanbank und der Vize-Direktor räumen ihre Posten – und reagieren damit auf die Korruptionsermittlungen in ihrem Haus. Vorerst soll ein Deutscher die Leitung der Amtsgeschäfte übernehmen.
innvolle Regeln zum Schutz der Patienten würden gefährlich aufgeweicht, warnt etwa Otmar Kloiber, Generalsekretär des Weltärztebundes. Kritiker werfen der Kommission vor, Patienten unwissentlich zum Verfügungsobjekt medizinischer Forschung machen zu wollen.
what he reveals is much bigger than a personal kink – it‘s the connections between sadistic economic policy, sadistic reproductive health policy (if you can call it that) and sadistic „justice“ policy.
Can mere ordinary Americans triumph over the evil that is “their” government without the aid of a superhero? If ideas are strong enough and Americans can comprehend them, good can prevail over the evil that is concentrated in Washington. What stands between the American people and their comprehension of evil is their gullibility.
Die Erdgas exportierenden Staaten müssen laut Präsident Wladimir Putin Vorsorge treffen, um sich vor Restriktionen wie dem Dritten Energiepaket der EU zu schützen.
Die Übung „Zusammenwirken auf dem Meer 2013“ beginne am Freitag im Japanischen Meer und werde bis 12. Juli dauern, teilte Fang Fenghu mit. Vom 27. Juli bis 15. August würden die Partner die gemeinsame Anti-Terror-Übung „Friedensmission 2013“ am Übungsgelände Tscherbalkul (Süd-Ural) in Russland stattfinden. Die beiden Manöver seien gegen keine Drittländer gerichtet.
Husband and wife Valerie Plame Wilson and Joe Wilson are well-known for an earlier „leaking“ of „intelligence“ information that resulted in Plame being outed as a covert CIA officer. The two have now written a powerful op-ed for the Guardian pointing out that the „intelligence-industrial complex“ is completely out of control and very ripe for abuse:
The idea was raised in a Friday meeting between Pakistani national security adviser Sartaj Aziz and Afghan ambassador Umer Daudzai, Ahmadi told Reuters. It involved a form of federalism and ceding power in some Afghan provinces to the Taliban.
Former Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti has warned he may withdraw support for the coalition government of Enrico Letta if it cannot resolve disagreements between its main partners and push ahead with economic reforms to tackle a deep recession.
Nokia buys Siemens out of their joint venture for a bargain €1.7 bln. This deal will shore Nokia up while it struggles with smartphones, argues Breakingviews.
More than 1,000 people were killed in violence in Iraq during May, making it the deadliest month since the height of sectarian bloodletting in 2006-07.
What‘s amazing is that I‘ve seen people claiming completely contrary things in looking over these slides: some are insisting it shows that the companies who are „members“ of PRISM don‘t — as was originally reported — open up their servers to the NSA. Others insist that the slides actually support that original reporting and show that the companies are lying.
Demonstrators gathered outside the Hall of Justice in San Diego, California on Sunday to chalk their support for a local man facing up to 13 years in jail for using washable chalk to voice his protests against Bank of America.
A spokesman for German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Monday in Berlin mutual trust must be restored following the allegations that appeared Saturday in the German weekly Der Spiegel.
A billionaire Saudi prince told a London court on Monday that „each dollar counts“ as he was cross-examined over his sale of an opulent private jet to Libya‘s former leader Muammar Gaddafi.
Imposing a blanket ban on construction of houses and commercial establishments along the banks of rivers, Uttarakhand chief minister Vijay Bahuguna on Monday announced setting up of a statutory body to look into planning and development of flood-hit areas of the state.
Die Spionage-Affäre um Edward Snowden und die vermeintliche Empörung über Spionage “der Amerikaner”, sowie eine vom durch Jugendarbeitslosigkeit bedrohten F.D.P.-Wirtschaftsminister Philipp Rösler vorgetragene Offerte “Südländern” / “Südeuropäern” Arbeitsplätze bzw Ausbildungsplätze in der Republik Deutschland anzubieten, haben einen einfachen Zusammenhang. Die feudale Euro-Gilde wechselt zwecks Erhalt und Ausbau ihres Plünderungssystems von dem sich lebt schlicht die Taktik.
In Teil IV der Schriftreihe DIE ELEMENTE DES MENSCHEN habe ich die verschiedenen Taktiken einer winzigen feudalen Schicht, die die restliche Gesellschaft ausbeutet und darin von dieser mehrheitlich auch noch gestützt wird, dargelegt. Die von mir bereits prognostizierte und nun unter exzessivem Geheuchel (nur 1, 2, 3, 4 Beispiele) aufgelegte “Europa”-Platte bezüglich der Spionage-Affäre um Edward Snowden fällt unter Methode 2. Das “herzensgute” Angebot von F.D.P.-Wirtschaftsminister Philipp Rösler für Ausbildungsplätze für die eben noch “Südländer” genannten “Südeuropäer” unter Methode 3.
Sie selbst bezeichnen The Division als „Online-offene-Welt-Action-Rollenspiel“, in dem Spieler jederzeit vom klassischen Solo-Gameplay zu Koop wechseln können sollen, um eine besondere Herausforderung mit ihrem Clan zu bewältigen
The US government is not waging a „war on coal“ but rather expects it to still play a significant role, energy secretary Ernest Moniz said on Sunday, rejecting criticism of President Barack Obama‘s climate change plan.
Operator Anadarko Petroleum Corp., is looking to sell 10% of the venture while last year Thailand‘s PTT Exploration & Production PCL outbid Royal Dutch Shell PLC in buying an 8.5% share owned by Cove Energy.
„We‘re in a global race for jobs and investment. This is one of the most rapidly emerging countries in the world,“ the prime minister told the BBC in Atyrau on Monday.
British Prime Minister David Cameron helped inaugurate the world‘s costliest oil project in Kazakhstan on Sunday on a trip aimed at sealing business deals but quickly beset by questions over the Central Asian nation‘s poor human rights record.
At a time when the country‘s oil sector is beginning to shrug off the effects of years of war and sanctions, a bitter dispute between the central government in Baghdad and the Kurdish Regional Government in Erbil still represents a conundrum for the international oil companies hoping to exploit the country‘s vast resources.
The study said that the tsunami-generating quake of magnitude 9.0, which occurred in 2011 along northeastern Japan, led to subsidence of around 15 centimetres in a volcano run on the Honshu Island. The same was realized up to 200 kilometres from the epicenter.
„This drill will be held in a vast area of the country‘s southeast and tactics as well as methods of asymmetric warfare will be tested,“ Pourdastan was quoted as saying by Press TV.
Negotiations on joint military exercises between the naval forces of Iran and Russia are being held and in the case of getting approval, the exercises will be carried out in the near future, the commander of the Iranian Navy, Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari told today at a press conference, the tasnimnews news website reported.
„oday the Council of Yukon First Nations passed the following resolution:
„Be it resolved that the Council of First Nations calls on the Yukon Govt. to prohibit fracking in the Yukon and declares our traditional territories to be frack-free.“
Die Industrieinitiative war 2009 unter dem Namen Desertec Industrial Initiative (DII) von der seit 2003 bestehenden Desertec-Stiftung gemeinsam mit mehreren deutschen Konzernen gegründet worden, unter ihnen die Deutsche Bank Chart zeigen, Siemens Chart zeigen und die Münchner Rück Chart zeigen.
Die EU-Kommission könnte Bulgarien deswegen sanktionieren, da laut dem Dritten EU-Liberalisierungspaket, der Staat verpflichtet war, das Stromübertragungssystem von der Stromgesellschaft zu trennen, heute ist auch die Frist dafür abgelaufen.
Since the beginning of the year, according to four American and Middle Eastern officials with knowledge of intelligence reports on the weapons, Qatar has used a shadowy arms network to move at least two shipments of shoulder-fired missiles, one of them a batch of Chinese-made FN-6s, to Syrian rebels who have used them against Mr. Assad’s air force.
A high-ranking prelate, a secret service office and a finance broker have been arrested in the course of investigations into IOR by the Rome prosecution service.
Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said he does not feel threatened by the possibility that his former party treasurer, Luis Bárcenas, might make compromising revelations now that he has been remanded without bail over financial scandals involving tens of millions of euros.
The former prime minister’s words come at a time when there is a leadership debate brewing inside the party. In an interview with EL PAÍS, Andalusia regional premier José Antonio Griñán said that Rubalcaba should call a primary soon if he doesn’t intend to run in the next general elections in two years.
An Israeli is under arrest for the vandalism of a Christian monastery in the occupied West Bank last year, carried out in solidarity with hardline Jewish settlers, police said on Monday.
Asiens kommunikationstechnische Emanzipation von den westlichen Ländern: Indien setzt nach China (China auf dem Weg in die zivile und militärische Kommunikationsunabhängigkeit) auf eigene regionale satellitengestützte Navigationstechnologie.