Daily Archives: 1. Juli 2013

01.07.2013 - 22:46 [ The Times of India ]

India launches its first navigation satellite

ew era of space application, India on Monday successfully launched its first dedicated navigation satellite using the Polar satellite Launch Vehicle which blasted off from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre.

Precisely at 11.41pm, India‘s workhorse PSLV C22 lifted off in a perfect text book launch, carrying IRNSS-1A satellite, painting a dense golden flame in the dark canvas of the sky.

01.07.2013 - 22:43 [ The Times of India ]

Top US military officer calls Egyptian counterpart

The call by Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to Egypt‘s Sedki Sobhi came the same day that Egypt‘s armed forces handed Islamist President Mohamed Morsi a virtual ultimatum to share power.

01.07.2013 - 22:18 [ antikrieg.com ]

Senatoren: Ecuador und Russland sollen wegen Snowden bestraft werden

Nicht unerwartet wurde der NSA-Bespitzelungsskandal über das Wochenende hinweg bis heute grösstenteils beschönigt, wobei die Senatoren Chuck Schumer (Demokraten, New York) und John McCain (Republikaner, Arizona) sich stattdessen darauf konzentrierten, neue diplomatische Krisen hervorzurufen, um die Länder zu ärgern, die am Entkommen Snowdens beteiligt waren.

01.07.2013 - 21:19 [ The Wall Street Journal ]

Biden and Panetta Sued by Navy Seal Team VI and Special Ops Families

„It is hypocritical and outrageous that while the Obama Justice Department can criminally charge Edward Snowden for allegedly disclosing classified national security information and wage an international manhunt for his arrest, Biden and Panetta get off scot free for their callous, cynical, opportunistic illegal release of the identity of SEAL Team VI in the Bin Laden killing — allegedly orchestrated to boost President Obama‘s and Vice President Biden‘s reelection prospects in the months leading up to the 2012 November 6 election.

01.07.2013 - 19:26 [ Counterpunch ]

Why Washington Elites Hate Rafael Correa

Can mere ordinary Americans triumph over the evil that is “their” government without the aid of a superhero? If ideas are strong enough and Americans can comprehend them, good can prevail over the evil that is concentrated in Washington. What stands between the American people and their comprehension of evil is their gullibility.

01.07.2013 - 18:47 [ RIA Novosti ]

Russland und China halten im Sommer zwei gemeinsame Militärübungen ab

Die Übung „Zusammenwirken auf dem Meer 2013“ beginne am Freitag im Japanischen Meer und werde bis 12. Juli dauern, teilte Fang Fenghu mit. Vom 27. Juli bis 15. August würden die Partner die gemeinsame Anti-Terror-Übung „Friedensmission 2013“ am Übungsgelände Tscherbalkul (Süd-Ural) in Russland stattfinden. Die beiden Manöver seien gegen keine Drittländer gerichtet.

01.07.2013 - 15:55 [ Tech Dirt ]

Valerie Plame & Joe Wilson: This Has Nothing To Do With Snowden, The Intelligence-Industrial Complex Is Out Of Control

Husband and wife Valerie Plame Wilson and Joe Wilson are well-known for an earlier „leaking“ of „intelligence“ information that resulted in Plame being outed as a covert CIA officer. The two have now written a powerful op-ed for the Guardian pointing out that the „intelligence-industrial complex“ is completely out of control and very ripe for abuse:

01.07.2013 - 15:42 [ Guardian ]

The Hillary Clinton 2016 fantasy

She hasn‘t even declared she‘s running, yet people are putting her on a pedestal no leader can live up to and writing off Obama

01.07.2013 - 15:39 [ techdirt ]

Newly Leaked NSA Slides On PRISM Add To Confusion, Rather Than Clear It Up

What‘s amazing is that I‘ve seen people claiming completely contrary things in looking over these slides: some are insisting it shows that the companies who are „members“ of PRISM don‘t — as was originally reported — open up their servers to the NSA. Others insist that the slides actually support that original reporting and show that the companies are lying.

01.07.2013 - 15:38 [ The Raw Story ]

Protesters rally in support of anti-bank chalk activist

Demonstrators gathered outside the Hall of Justice in San Diego, California on Sunday to chalk their support for a local man facing up to 13 years in jail for using washable chalk to voice his protests against Bank of America.

01.07.2013 - 15:11 [ The Times of India ]

After devastation, Uttarakhand bans all construction along river banks

Imposing a blanket ban on construction of houses and commercial establishments along the banks of rivers, Uttarakhand chief minister Vijay Bahuguna on Monday announced setting up of a statutory body to look into planning and development of flood-hit areas of the state.

01.07.2013 - 11:59 [ Radio Utopie ]

Euro-Gilde schaltet um: Von “Pro-Amerikaner” auf “Anti-Amerikaner”, von Anti-”Südeuropäer” zu Pro-”Südeuropäer”

Die Spionage-Affäre um Edward Snowden und die vermeintliche Empörung über Spionage “der Amerikaner”, sowie eine vom durch Jugendarbeitslosigkeit bedrohten F.D.P.-Wirtschaftsminister Philipp Rösler vorgetragene Offerte “Südländern” / “Südeuropäern” Arbeitsplätze bzw Ausbildungsplätze in der Republik Deutschland anzubieten, haben einen einfachen Zusammenhang. Die feudale Euro-Gilde wechselt zwecks Erhalt und Ausbau ihres Plünderungssystems von dem sich lebt schlicht die Taktik.

In Teil IV der Schriftreihe DIE ELEMENTE DES MENSCHEN habe ich die verschiedenen Taktiken einer winzigen feudalen Schicht, die die restliche Gesellschaft ausbeutet und darin von dieser mehrheitlich auch noch gestützt wird, dargelegt. Die von mir bereits prognostizierte und nun unter exzessivem Geheuchel (nur 1, 2, 3, 4 Beispiele) aufgelegte “Europa”-Platte bezüglich der Spionage-Affäre um Edward Snowden fällt unter Methode 2. Das “herzensgute” Angebot von F.D.P.-Wirtschaftsminister Philipp Rösler für Ausbildungsplätze für die eben noch “Südländer” genannten “Südeuropäer” unter Methode 3.

01.07.2013 - 11:55 [ Golem ]

The Division: Gemeinsam New York ins Chaos stürzen

Sie selbst bezeichnen The Division als „Online-offene-Welt-Action-Rollenspiel“, in dem Spieler jederzeit vom klassischen Solo-Gameplay zu Koop wechseln können sollen, um eine besondere Herausforderung mit ihrem Clan zu bewältigen

01.07.2013 - 11:43 [ The National ]

No end in sight for Iraq oil row

At a time when the country‘s oil sector is beginning to shrug off the effects of years of war and sanctions, a bitter dispute between the central government in Baghdad and the Kurdish Regional Government in Erbil still represents a conundrum for the international oil companies hoping to exploit the country‘s vast resources.

01.07.2013 - 11:08 [ Trend ]

Iran, Russia plan joint military exercises

Negotiations on joint military exercises between the naval forces of Iran and Russia are being held and in the case of getting approval, the exercises will be carried out in the near future, the commander of the Iranian Navy, Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari told today at a press conference, the tasnimnews news website reported.

01.07.2013 - 08:11 [ New York Times ]

Taking Outsize Role in Syria, Qatar Funnels Arms to Rebels

Since the beginning of the year, according to four American and Middle Eastern officials with knowledge of intelligence reports on the weapons, Qatar has used a shadowy arms network to move at least two shipments of shoulder-fired missiles, one of them a batch of Chinese-made FN-6s, to Syrian rebels who have used them against Mr. Assad’s air force.

01.07.2013 - 01:02 [ Radio Utopie ]

Navigationssystem IRNSS: Raketenstart für unabhängiges indisches ‚GPS‘

Asiens kommunikationstechnische Emanzipation von den westlichen Ländern: Indien setzt nach China (China auf dem Weg in die zivile und militärische Kommunikationsunabhängigkeit) auf eigene regionale satellitengestützte Navigationstechnologie.