“I would not be silent. You know they say that silence equals death. I would take this, gather up a consortium of nations, go to the Security Council, go to the General Assembly and begin to introduce fairness doctrine regulations on these satellite companies,” Webre further said.
Daily Archives: 29. Juni 2013
Brzezinski: Saudi Arabia, Qatar, their western allies orchestrated Syria crisis
„I think these things need to be clarified so that one can have a more insightful understanding of what exactly US policy was aiming at,” Brzezinski added.
Beaver blamed for Internet, cellphone outage in Taos
Most Internet users in Taos County lost their connections during the outage.
S21: Keine Zugeständnisse beim Grundwassermanagement, Herr Untersteller!
Stuttgart: Am kommenden Montag zieht die Montagsdemo einmal mehr zum Umweltministerium am Kernerplatz, um Minister Untersteller an seine Zusage zum Grundwassermanagement (GWM) zu erinnern: Die Entscheidung über die verdoppelte Grundwassermenge darf nicht gefällt werden, solange die Risiken für die Häuser im Kernerviertel nicht zweifelsfrei geklärt sind.
Robert C. Koehler – Das nackte Imperium
In der Tat haben Snowden, Manning und andere Whistleblowers mit ihren Handlungen die Zerbrechlichkeit von Regierungsgewalt demonstriert. Daher die reflexartige Reaktion der Regierung: Sie sind Verräter! Sie haben nicht gehorcht und müssen bestraft werden, weil jedes inoffizielle Durchsickern von Regierungspolitik an sich schon schlecht ist für die Sicherheit.
Letta and the elephant under water
One summer I was at the seaside when I felt some heavy implacable hands on my shoulders. Someone pushed me under the water. For one or two whole minutes I tried to get free without succeeding. After loads of useless efforts, full of anguish, I was about to resign myself to my destiny when just as in an enchantment, whoever wanted me dead, let go of me. I came up to the surface and saw him. I didn’t recognise him. He was laughing but when he looked at me he changed his expression. He said „Sorry – it was a joke. I thought you were my friend Alberto“. Captain Findus Letta is like that.
They‘ve signed our death warrant, says Drumm in latest Anglo Tape
For the first time, Anglo‘s own executives speak about how the Brian Cowen-led government ignored the advice of international bankers Merrill Lynch to shut down Anglo, in recordings exclusively revealed today in the Irish Independent.
Cyprus to Swap 1 Billion Euros of Bonds to Meet Aid Conditions
The Nicosia-based Finance Ministry didn’t provide any more details about the bonds that will be exchanged.
Eurozone sends billion euros for Cyprus bailout
The eurozone on Wednesday sent a billion euros ($1.3 billion) to Cyprus as scheduled from its bailout fund, completing disbursement of the first tranche of a financial aid deal that could total up to 9.0 billion euros over three years.
S&P knocks Cyprus down to ‚selective default‘
Standard & Poor`s Ratings Services lowered on Friday its long and short-term sovereign credit ratings on the Republic of Cyprus to `SD` (selective default) from `CCC/C`.
Fitch downgrades Cyprus to “Restricted Default”
Fitch Ratings has downgraded Cyprus’ long-term local currency Issuer Default Rating (IDR) to “Restricted Default” from “CCC”
Cyprus President to seek with ECB solutions to the countrys banking problems
(28.06.) Problems in Cyprus’ banking sector will be discussed in Frankfurt, on July 3, during a meeting of the Cyprus government, the Cyprus Central Bank and ECB leadership, President Anastasiades revealed today..)
Cyprus President meets Chancellor Merkel
(27.06.) Cyprus economy and youth unemployment were on the agenda of a meeting President Nicos Anastasiades had Thursday with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Brussels, prior to the EU Summit that began in the afternoon.
Switzerland charges man with selling bank‘s client data to Germany
An accomplice, identified only as a retired German tax inspector, was under investigation,
Czech FM discusses situation in Syria with national coordination committee
Czech Foreign Affairs Minister Karel Schwarzenberg met with a delegation from the national coordination committee of the democratic change forces in Syria, discussing with them the situation in Syria and means to support efforts for reaching a peaceful solution for the crisis in it.
Eavesdropping on the Planet
Under a system codenamed ECHELON, launched in the 1970s, the NSA and its junior partners in Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada operate a network of massive, highly automated interception stations, covering the globe amongst them. Any of the partners can ask any of the others to intercept its own domestic communications. It can then truthfully say it does not spy on its own citizens.
Hollywood and Hitler: did the studio bosses bow to Nazi wishes?
The author of a controversial book causing a stir in Hollywood for exposing collaboration between the major studios and Nazi Germany in the runup to the second world war has defended his claims to the Observer.
Kurdish mourners blast Turkish government after shootings
Hundreds of Kurds chanted anti-government slogans at the funeral on Saturday of a demonstrator killed by security forces in southeast Turkey, raising fears of violence at weekend protest marches planned around the country.
Hannings Terror vor der Bundestagswahl
(19.04.2009) Der wegen Journalisten-Bespitzelung 2005 aus dem Amt des Auslandsgeheimdienstchefs zum stellvertretenden Innenminister beförderten Hanning führte bei seiner heutigen Schreckensnachricht erneut diejenige “IJU” aus Usbekistan, Sauerland und der Türkei als potentielle Attentäter in Deutschland auf, welche vom CIA-Informanten “Mevlüt K.” militärische Sprengzünder geliefert bekam (
Oh. Yeah. And we have Bimbes Intelligence.
45-Fieber: Nach übersetzten Schriften muss “Das Trojanische Pferd” neu erzählt werden
Der Sage vom Trojanischen Pferd muss ein entscheidender Teil hinzugefügt werden. Kürzlich gefundende Schriften liefern eine mögliche Antwort auf die Frage, die Experten seit jeher beschäftigt: Wieso wurde das geschenkte Pferd der Griechen von den Trojanern nicht genau untersucht? Nach den neuen Schriften scheint die Antwort gefunden: Ablenkung.
Solidarität mit den hungerstreikenden Flüchtlingen in München
„Die bayerische Staatsregierung muss endlich ihrer Verantwortung für die hunger- und trinkstreikenden Flüchtlinge nachkommen, statt sie mit falschen Verdächtigungen und Verleumdung zu überziehen“, erklären Ulla Jelpke, innenpolitische Sprecherin der Fraktion DIE LINKE im Bundestag, und Nicole Gohlke, Sprecherin der bayerischen Landesgruppe, zur aktuellen Debatte um den Hungerstreik von 60 Flüchtlingen in München, 55 sind seit gestern nun auch in einen Trinkstreik getreten. 15 mussten mittlerweile medizinisch versorgt werden.
„Wenn sich etwas geändert hat, dann nur durch massiven Druck von unten“
Nicht nur in der Türkei versucht die Regierung des Ministerpräsidenten Tayyip Erdogan die Massenproteste, die Ende Mai nach der polizeilichen Niederschlagung einer Basisbewegung gegen ein Bauvorhaben am Istanbuler Gezi-Park begannen, mit Gewalt und Verhaftungen zu schwächen. Offenbar sekundieren nun auch die deutschen Behörden.
Alles unter Kontrolle?
„Mastering the Internet – Global Telecoms Exploitation“ sind die dreisten Leitbegriffe, mit denen die Geheimdienstler ihren Job betreiben. Wer dagegen Grundrechte durchsetzen will, hat einen andauernden Konflikt vor sich, epochal kann man ihn nennen.
Gefahr bei NFC und RFID Technologie – so schützen Sie Ihre sensiblen Daten
Die RFID (Radio-Frequency Identifikation) und NFC (Near Field Communication)Technologie sind sicherlich eine bequeme Möglichkeit, wenn es darum geht auf kurze Distanzen Daten zu übertragen
12 Gründe, wie Putin findet, sich zu entspannen und das Wochenende zu genießen
Keine Sorge, Schatz, errätst Du, wer die Matrix entworfen hat?
After Leaks, Obama Leads Damage Control Effort
“We could have just retrenched,” said Benjamin J. Rhodes, a deputy national security adviser to the president. “Instead, we worked with the interagency process to make more information available and open a window into the president’s thinking.“
Britain‘s Cameron in Afghanistan to push for peace talks
British Prime Minister David Cameron flew into Afghanistan on Saturday to try to reinvigorate stalled peace talks with the Taliban and reassure Afghans that foreign troops will not cut and run next year.
Chinese vice premier meets ROK president
Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong on Saturday met with visiting Republic of Korea (ROK) President Park Geun-hye, with the two countries looking to increase people-to-people exchanges.
Rundschau: William Shatner schlägt zurück
George R. R. Martin: „Planetenwanderer“
Broschiert, 512 Seiten
Innenausschuss: BND spioniert Kommunikation der afghanischen Regierung aus
Der Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) spioniert die Kommunikation der gesamten afghanischen Regierung aus. Das berichtet die Mitteldeutsche Zeitung unter Berufung auf Aussagen von Teilnehmern einer geheimen Sitzung des Innenausschusses des Bundestags.
Peace Talks Jordan: Four-sided peace summit possibly to be announced
Jordanian media reports Israel to freeze settlements, release prisoners, define borders ahead of peace talks, according to unconfirmed Palestinian sources
Iran Elects Moderate President Hassan Rouhani — Will U.S. Respond by Easing Crippling Sanctions?
This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.
AMY GOODMAN: In what’s being hailed as a victory for reform and moderation, the cleric Hassan Rouhani has won Iran’s presidential election. Some 72 percent of the country’s 50 million eligible voters cast ballots to determine who would replace conservative hardliner Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Rouhani secured just over 50 percent of the vote. His nearest rival was conservative Tehran Mayor Mohammad Qalibaf, a long way behind with less than 16 percent.
The NSA‘s metastasised intelligence-industrial complex is ripe for abuse
The roots of this trend go back at least as far as the Reagan era, when the political right became obsessed with limiting government and denigrating those who worked for the public sector. It began a wave of privatization – because everything was held to be more „cost-efficient“ when done by the private sector – and that only deepened with the political polarization following the election of 2000. As it turns out, the promises of cheaper, more efficient services were hollow, but inertia carried the day.
..we have left intelligence.. (silence)..we have intelligence left, we have military intelligence, important intelligence, financial intel..
..right intelligence, we have wrong intelligence, we have rich intelligence, we have poor intelligence.. (silence).., we have..
Ok, this is like „Doorman from Dusk Till Dawn meets Bubba Gump“. We have dirty intelligence, we have even more dirty intelligence, we have..
Valerie Plame & Joe Wilson: This Has Nothing To Do With Snowden, The Intelligence-Industrial Complex Is Out Of Control
Husband and wife Valerie Plame Wilson and Joe Wilson are well-known for an earlier „leaking“ of „intelligence“ information that resulted in Plame being outed as a covert CIA officer. The two have now written a powerful op-ed for the Guardian pointing out that the „intelligence-industrial complex“ is completely out of control and very ripe for abuse
Edward Snowden has not weakened president, says Susan Rice
New US national security adviser says diplomatic consequences of NSA leaks are not that significant
‚We should have talked to Taliban‘ says top British officer in Afghanistan
Exclusive: General Nick Carter says west could have struck a deal with Taliban leaders after they were toppled a decade ago
North Korea to discuss nuclear talks in Moscow – report
North Korea‘s chief nuclear negotiator will meet senior Russian officials in Moscow next week, state media reported, amid signs of a new push to get Pyongyang to re-join protracted talks over ending its atomic program.
Angela Merkel‘s wrecking of EU car emissions deal risks her reputation
The German chancellor‘s unholy alliance with the car industry does not sit well with her international stance on climate change
Die offizielle Facebook-App für Android überträgt ungefragt die Telefonnummer an Facebook.
Also DAMIT konnte ja wohl NIEMAND rechnen!1!!
Guardian editors discuss NSA surveillance with Charlie Rose – video
The editor-in-chief of the Guardian, Alan Rusbridger, and the editor-in-chief of Guardian US, Janine Gibson, appeared on Charlie Rose on PBS to discuss the NSA leaks on Thursday 28 June 2013.
Growing Number Of Senators Demand Answers About NSA Surveillance
with all of the leaks about the NSA‘s actual programs, more in the Senate appear to be waking up to the issue. A bipartisan group of 26 Senators, led by Wyden, have sent a very strongly worded letter to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper concerning the programs and his claims to Congress.
F.B.I. sucht Gentechnik-Saboteure
Die “Vandalen” werden nun verzweifelt gesucht, der Schaden ist so immens gross, dass 10000 Dollar Belohnung für die Ergreifung der Täter von einem Verein ausgelobt wurden. Sogar das F.B.I. wurde eingeschaltet, das die Öffentlichkeit zur Mithilfe aufruft.
US Park Police admit losing track of gun stocks
The US Park Police lost track of hundreds of handguns, rifles, machine guns and shotguns, some of which were being stored in officers’ homes, a new Inspector General’s report found.
Today in history: Archduke Ferdinand is assassinated, which sparks WWI
Ninety-nine years ago today, on 28 June 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie, were assassinated, sparking a chain of events that led to World War I in early August of the same year.
Appell an die EU: „Keine Bewaffnung der Rebellen“
„Zu glauben, dass die Übergabe von Waffen an die Opposition einen Ausgleich zwischen den Kräften herbeiführen könnte, ist nur eine Illusion“, sagte der Jesuitenpater Ziad Hilal.
Memories of Stasi color Germans’ view of U.S. surveillance programs
Wolfgang Schmidt was seated in Berlin’s 1,200-foot-high TV tower, one of the few remaining landmarks left from the former East Germany. Peering out over the city that lived in fear when the communist party ruled it, he pondered the magnitude of domestic spying in the United States under the Obama administration. A smile spread across his face.
Former priest arrested in Rome for fake paedophile claims
according to a statement by police. The man‘s actions were driven by “resentment tied to personal reasons“.
Ich so zu einem Kollegen: Hast du schon mitgekriegt, dass der Vatikan…
Da unterbricht er mich und meint „dass der Vatikan einen Kinderschänder-Ring hatte“? Ja, voll krass!
Dozens of Italian public employees caught in nepotism sting
Investigators say provincial officials ignored employment regulations and prerequisites to hire dozens of relatives of provincial councillors, managers and aldermen.
Labour may back early vote on UK‘s EU membership
The Labour amendment would propose a pre-2015 date for the referendum, which would place some Tory MPs in a dilemma over whether or not to stick with the Conservative leadership‘s position that no referendum should be held until the outcome of negotiations with EU partners on the terms of UK membership some time in 2017.