Auftaktaktionswoche vom 22. bis 29. Juni 2013 in vielen Städten bundesweit :: Konzerte, Veranstaltungen, Lesungen zu den Themen Recht auf Stadt, neoliberale Stadtpolitik und Mietenwahnsinn :: Großer bundesweiter Aktionstag: 28. September 2013
Daily Archives: 18. Juni 2013
Public Enemy Number One: The Public
Until then the “New Deal social contract” had worked fairly well (at least for middle class whites): We’ll give you a suburban home, a TV, a new car every five years, and a secure union job with benefits and periodic pay raises. In return, you’ll show up for work in between contract renewal times and let us manage the factories as we see fit without bothering your pretty little heads about it. And you’ll let us manage the world in the interests of GE, GM and United Fruit Company, and look the other way when we install genocidal fascist regimes or fund death squads in Indonesia, Nigeria and Latin America.
U.S. and Russia Sign New Anti-Proliferation Deal
President Barack Obama hailed the deal as an example of „the kind of constructive, cooperative relationship that moves us out of a Cold War mindset“ after a private meeting with President Vladimir Putin at the G8 summit in Northern Ireland late Monday.
Russland liefert $ 1Bln Worth of Military Hardware nach Aserbaidschan
The shipment consisted of 94 T-90S tanks, about 100 BMP-3 armored personnel carriers, 18 self-propelled Msta-S howitzers, 18 multiple launch rocket systems, 18 self-propelled cannons and six flame-throwing systems, the newspaper said, citing a source in the Russian armaments industry.
Millionärs-Report: Die Börse macht die Reichen reicher
Im Fachjargon nennt man diese Millionäre „High Net Worth Individuals“ (HNWI). Bei der Bestimmung ihres Reichtums werden selbst genutzte Immobilien sowie Sammlungen wertvoller Objekte und Verbrauchsgegenstände nicht mitgerechnet. Erstmals stieg die Anzahl der HNWI in Deutschland auf mehr als eine Million Personen
G8 Concerned over terrorism in Syria.. Putin: arming opposition escalates crisis
G8 expressed deep concern over the mounting danger of terrorism and extremism in Syria. “
At their final statement, the G8 leaders echoed support for holding a conference in Geneva to resolve the crisis in Syria as soon as possible,“ AFP stated on Tuesday.
Community Gardening: The Plot Against Hunger
Not only do community gardens draw people to together from various backgrounds regarding their age, race, culture and social class, they also grow more than food – the involvement in social community usually leads to long term relationships among people that might not ordinarily ‘network.’ The seeds of change are planted in the ground, but also through fostering new generations of mindful individuals. Like the guerrilla gardener, Ron Finley of LA says, “if children plant kale, they eat kale.”
Protesters Rally Against Gitmo in Yemen
Hundreds have rallied in front of the US embassy in the Yemeni capital of Saana against American operations at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp amid an ongoing hunger strike and the Obama administration’s failed promises to close the facility.
Apathy: The Ultimate Enemy
The Ultimate Enemy We Must Take On & Out
As the unending back-to-back scandals unfold, from the arrest and prosecution of courageous truth-tellers (aka whistleblowers), to the illegal wiretapping of all Americans, torture, indefinite detentions, the groping and handling of travelers, utilizing the IRS as the government’s hit-men and thugs … I am asked to provide statements, interpretations and/ or explanations as to what it is we are facing as a nation today.
Protest and Resistance against America’s Police State: What’s Your Breaking Point to Take Action?
As whistleblower Sibel Edmonds wrote this week, the inaction and apathy of people is our greatest enemy: “Apathy is a must ingredient for any police state, authoritarian regime, dictatorship, for abuses of power, for corruption, national atrocities, genocide. . . .”
Washington’s Battle Over Syrian Foreign Policy: Will Hawks Or Doves Prevail?
Like Putin’s policy in Russia, Obama’s Syrian policy is being tugged strenuously in Washington, both by hawks and by doves. On June 13, Obama handed two limited but ominous victories to the hawks: a finding of fact that the troops of Syria’s president Bashar al-Assad “have used chemical weapons [i.e. sarin] against rebel forces,” and a consequent decision “to begin supplying the rebels for the first time with small arms and ammunition.”
Wacky Southern Current – Argonautica
To give Wacky Southern Current one genre is to sell the music short. A wide range of influences fill up each release from Marco. Argonautica is no exception. This is a more guitar-centric album with Kraut influences, particularly on the track „We Are Argonauts.“
via FOEM
Ausstellungseröffnung 20.06., 19-22h ‚Katja Schubert – Blendid
Katja Schubert
Holz- und Linolschnitte
20.06. – 11.07.2013
MOE & The Observatory Split Single – June 2013
The idea for the split record was conceived last year while on the road together in freezing cold Norway. The tracks featured on this LP have never before been released, and present an interesting insight into both bands‘ development between albums.
U.S.-Texte über “Vereinigte Staaten von Europa” aus dem 18. und 19. Jahrhundert
Morgen, am 19. Mai des Jahres 2013, besucht der Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, Barack Obama, die Hauptstadt der Berliner Republik. In vielen Staaten auf den Kontinenten Europa, Afrika, Asien oder Amerika, ob Griechenland, Türkei, Brasilien oder Syrien, sind Krisen oder gar Krieg ausgebrochen. In den Staaten des “Alten Europa”, wie der damalige Verteidigungsminister der U.S.A. Donald Rumsfeld in 2003 Deutschland und Frankreich angesichts ihrer Weigerung sich an der zweiten Invasion in Asien zu beteiligen bezeichnete, werden seit wenigen Jahren urplötzlich Demokratie, Souveränität und Verfassung seitens Regierungen, etablierten Parteien und Bankern gemeinsam, koordiniert, offen und so dreist in Frage gestellt, als ob ein kollektiver Staatsstreich gegen Dutzende von Demokratien das Selbstverständlichste der Welt sei und dieses Vorhaben außerdem schon seit langem bekannt.
Nun, zumindest Letzterem kann nicht in Gänze widersprochen werden.
The electrification of Los Angeles: a photographic history
Edison electrical company has created an extraordinary online photographic archive of more than a century of work in the Los Angeles area. Its 70,000 images create a fascinating portrait of place and people
Steve Wozniak Speaks Out Against NSA Spying: This Is Not My America
The latest to speak out against NSA surveillance is „every geek‘s uncle,“ Steve Wozniak, who explained that „this is not my America.“ The video is worth watching:
Schulz compares Grillo to Robespierre of French Revolution
The outspoken head of the European Parliament compared maverick Italian political leader Beppe Grillo to the French revolutionary Maximilien de Robespierre on Tuesday.
Grillo loyalists demonstrate before House
„Beppe is the megaphone, we‘re the voice of the movement,“ read a banner.
Der US Supreme Court hat entschieden, dass die Miranda-Rechte erst gelten, nachdem sie dem Befragten vorgetragen wurden.
Da hat jemand Fragen der Polizei nicht beantwortet und sie hatten keine Beweise gegen ihn, also haben sie das Detail, dass er nicht antworten wollte, als Schuldeingeständnis gewertet
Die österreichischen Nachrichten interviewen zu Prism und co den ehemaligen Chef des österreichischen Verfassungsschutzes.
Am Anfang macht er ein bisschen Propaganda für seinen Ex-Arbeitgeber, das könnt ihr ja überspringen.
repost: ERT solidarity letter from Portugal, signed by 78 personalities – incl ex president
KTG re-posts the “ERT solidarity letter signed by 78 personalities from Portugal” – incl a former president of the country -, after several people complained they could not open to read the post and got error message “Page not Found”. LTG hopes it will work now.
Pirate Bay co-founder can be extradited to Denmark over new hacking charges
On Monday, a Swedish district court approved a possible extradition (Google Translate) to Denmark for Gottfrid “anakata” Svartholm Warg, a Pirate Bay co-founder.
Barbra Streisand criticises Israeli treatment of women – video
Singer, actor and director Barbra Streisand addresses an audience at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Amtliche Wechselkurse der Bulgarischen Zentralbank BNB für den 19. Juni
1 Euro = 1,955 Lewa
Erneut Proteste in Bulgarien
Trotz des Rücktritts von Deljan Peewski als Chef der Staatlichen Agentur für nationale Sicherheit dauern die Proteste im ganzen Land an.
Bulgaria proposes electoral changes to soothe public anger
Bulgaria‘s Socialists, in power for only three weeks at the head of a fragile government, promised on Tuesday to reform the electoral law in a bid to defuse the street protests that have resumed with new momentum despite last month‘s election.
Russia starts delivering $1 billion arms package to Azerbaijan
Russia has begun delivering tanks, artillery cannons and rocket launchers worth $1 billion to Azerbaijan, a Moscow-based defense group said on Tuesday, as the former Soviet republic strengthens its military readiness in the volatile South Caucasus.
Angela Merkel’s appalling hypocrisy on Turkey
That’s funny. I was in Frankfurt in May last year for the Blockupy actions. I very clearly remember being detained along with three friends and fellow PhD researchers as we walked through the city center to pick up another friend from the station. Our passports were taken away, and our freedom to demonstrate and our freedom of speech temporarily suspended as police threatened us with arrest and imprisonment if we were spotted within the city again. Not for throwing stones or fire-bombing riot police; not even for desecrating shop windows or threatening to decapitate the director of the ECB — no, simply for existing at the wrong place at the wrong time. You read that right.
Political transition may delay Iran-Pakistan gas project
The project was delayed because important approvals for beginning construction of the pipeline could not be obtained from the caretaker government, Petroleum Secretary Abid Saeed said.
SunGard takes space at CoreSite‘s Boston data center
SunGard deployed 10,000 sq ft of capacity as a turnkey data center solution for its customers. Its customers stand to benefit from direct connections to multiple networks, including connections to sub-sea cable assets.
Infrastructure, Not Mobile Number Portability
I still recall my excitement about five years ago, when my organisation just started consulting for a firm that was in the process of laying massive under-sea fiber-optic cables from Europe to the shores of Lagos. The company was striving to facilitate and enrich communication between Nigeria and the rest of the world by means of broadband internet. Alongside my colleagues, we dreamed of the future which this phenomenal development portended for Nigeria.
Undersea cable plan stirs again
A joint plan by Telecom, Vodafone and Australia‘s Telstra to lay a new fibre-optic sub-sea cable between New Zealand and Australia has taken a step forward.
Rwandatel Sold
Moreover, Liquid Telecom‘s large fibre connection that runs through the region to South Africa will also rescue regional countries of lack of connection due to problems with the sea cable that goes through Egypt.
Afghanistan to begin peace talks with Taliban in Qatar
Afghan peace negotiators are to travel to Qatar and open talks with the Taliban, according to President Hamid Karzai, as he announced the final transfer of security from Nato forces to local troops.
Hadschi Mohammed Mohaqiq
Ende 2011 gründete Mohaqiq zusammen mit Ahmad Zia Massoud und Raschid Dostum die Nationale Allianz, die gegen eine Rückkehr der Taliban an die Macht kämpft. Die Allianz plant mit einem eigenen Kandidaten bei der Präsidentschaftswahl in Afghanistan 2014 anzutreten.
Kabul bomb leaves three civilians dead as Afghan forces take over security from Nato
It is believed that Mohaqiq was targeted in his role as leader of the People‘s Islamic Unity Party of Afghanistan and member of the National Front, which represents the former Northern Alliance that fought the Taliban before the US invasion in 2001.
US senator blocks Afghan aid, citing secret CIA payments to Karzai
These officials say in a bid to maintain influence over President Karzai’s inner circle and “stabilize” the Afghan government, the CIA has for more than a decade financed a “slush fund used to pay off warlords, politicians, lawmakers and other powerful Afghans” upon whom Karzai depends for support, the report adds.
US-led airstrike kills 3 civilians in eastern Afghanistan
Washington claims that its airstrikes target militants, but local sources say civilians have been the main victims of the attacks.
Assad foes cannot set conditions for Syria talks: Russia
Despite pressure on President Vladimir Putin at a G8 summit to tone down Russian support for Bashar al-Assad, Lavrov signaled there was no change in Moscow‘s view that the Syrian leader‘s exit cannot be a precondition for the peace talks.
ERT – the day after Court decision: Lost in interpretations and proposals
More than 12 hours after the Council of State ruled that the Greek government has to restart the transmission of public broadcaster ERT, nothing has changed.
La Stampa is disgusting
The following members of the Senate: Lorenzo Battista, Alessandra Bencini, Rosetta Blundo, Elisa Bulgarelli, Francesco Campanella, Monica Casaletto, Cristina De Pietro, Paola De Pin, Serenella Fucksia, Mario Giarrusso, Barbara Lezzi, Michela Montevecchi, and Ivana Simeoni personally deny that they are „parliamentarians who have decided to go …“. It’s obvious that the media campaign aiming to undermine the foundations of the MoVement for whom there is only space for arid polemics rather than for providing information regarding the great work they are doing in Parliament.
5-Star MPs vote to oust Senator, but online poll to decide
In a late meeting Monday, M5S parliamentarians voted 79 in favor and 42 against kicking Senator Adele Gambaro out of the party for questioning Grillo‘s leadership by calling him „a problem for the party“ after its poor showing in recent local elections.
Discovering Names Of Secret NSA Surveillance Programs Via LinkedIn
12 O‘Clock Boys: the documentary for those suffering The Wire withdrawal
For viewers of The Wire, this is a familiar world: stoops silhouetted in the glare of orange sunsets, ominous-looking rowhouses whose boarded-up windows loom over shattered streets and scrubland like blinded eyes, the people beneath them speaking in thick accents and enjoyably inventive slang. Danger is ever-present: we hear of two deaths and the injury of a six-year-old child during the two-year period the film covers, while the police pursue the bikers by helicopter for fear of causing disastrous collisions.
North Korea says surveillance leaks prove U.S. is „kingpin“ of rights abuse
North Korea rushed to the defense of American civil liberties on Tuesday…
Der Miami Herald hat die Liste der Guantanamo-Insassen freigeklagt.
Die Liste gibt es hier.
Yahoo reveals US surveillance requests
Company follows Facebook, Microsoft and Apple in publishing details of data requests from law enforcement agencies
Datenschutz im Internet: Justizministerin warnt vor „Überwachungs-Albtraum“
Die Ministerin bezichtigt die Konzerne, sich hinter angeblichen Geheimhaltungspflichten zu verstecken; sie fordert Google & Co. auf, ihren eigenen Aufklärungspflichten nachzukommen und, beispielsweise, festzustellen, ob und wo die Daten vom US-Spähprogramm „Prism“ abgegriffen werden.
Betreff: „Strategische Fernmeldeaufklärung“ durch Geheimdienste des Bundes BT-Drucksache 17/9305 – Hier: Antwortteil zur Veröffentlichung als Bundestags-Drucksache
(11.5.2012) 16. An welchem Ort stehen die vom BND genutzten Informationssysteme bzw. die zur „strategischen Fernmeldeaufklärung“ genutzte Hardware?
a) Inwieweit greifen Bundesbehörden zur Überwachung von Telekommunikation auf den Verkehr über den Frankfurter Netzknoten DE-CIX zu?
b) Inwieweit arbeiten Bundesbehörden zur „strategischen Fernmeldeaufklärung“ auch mit den kommerziellen Telekommunikationsprovidern zusammen?
(Antwort der Bundesregierung) Zu 16.
Einzelheiten zu den technischen Fähigkeiten des BND können in diesem Zusammenhang nicht öffentlich dargestellt werden. Es wird wiederum auf Fähigkeiten, Methoden und Verfahren der strategischen Fernmeldeaufklärung eingegangen. Gleichzeitig werden operative Details beschrieben, deren Offenlegung negative Folgen für den BND haben könnte. Im Ergebnis würde dadurch die Funktionsfähigkeit der Sicherheitsbehörde und mithin die Sicherheit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland beeinträchtigt. Gleichwohl wird die Bundesregierung nach gründlicher Abwägung dem Informationsrecht des Parlaments unter Wahrung berechtigter Geheimhaltungsinteressen nachkommen.
Die Informationen werden als „Geheim“ eingestuft und dem Deutschen Bundestag zur Einsichtnahme übermittelt.
Is Encryption Effective Against Snooping? German Government Says No, Snowden Says Yes
Here‘s one view, from Germany. Politicians from the Die Linke party posed a number of questions to their government on the subject of the latter‘s use of surveillance techniques (original PDF in German.) Most of the answers were the kind of thing you might expect — „we can‘t possibly go into details“ etc. etc. — but one was surprising.
How Dozens of Companies Know You‘re Reading About Those NSA Leaks
As news websites around the globe are publishing story after story about dragnet surveillance, these news sites all have one thing in common: when you visit these websites, your personal information is broadcast to dozens of companies, many of which have the ability to track your surfing habits, and many of which are subject to government data requests.
How Does This Happen?
Obama kommt nach Moskau
n Berlin laufen die Vorbereitungen auf den Obama-Besuch auf Hochtouren – in Moskau ist es im September so weit.
Joint Statement by the Presidents of the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Enhanced Bilateral Engagement
To strengthen the constructive nature of our relations, we intend to maintain regular contacts at the highest level, and to hold a U.S.-Russia summit in Moscow on September 3-4, 2013, to discuss in greater detail the full range of bilateral and international issues.
Joint Statement by the Presidents of the United States of America and the Russian Federation on a New Field of Cooperation in Confidence Building
We, the Presidents of the United States of America and the Russian Federation, recognize the unprecedented progress in the use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs), the new capacity they create for the economies and societies of our countries, and the increasing interdependence of the modern world.
We recognize that threats to or in the use of ICTs include political-military and criminal threats, as well as threats of a terrorist nature, and are some of the most serious national and international security challenges we face in the 21st Century.