Daily Archives: 13. Mai 2013

13.05.2013 - 23:12 [ Informationsdienst Wissenschaft ]

Quantencomputer: Wenn Photonen rechnen lernen

Mit Licht(geschwindigkeit) rechnen

Photonen, eine bestimmte Art von Bosonen, bewegen sich mit Lichtgeschwindigkeit über weite Strecken, ohne dabei ihre Information zu verlieren. Diesen einzigartigen Vorteil der Photonen nutzten Wissenschaftler von der Universität Wien in Zusammenarbeit mit Forschern der Universität Jena (Deutschland) aus, um den Prototyp eines Bosonen Sampling Computers zu bauen. Hierbei werden Photonen in ein kompliziertes optisches Netzwerk geschickt, in welchem es viele verschiedene Möglichkeiten gibt, zu einem bestimmten Ausgang zu gelangen. Philip Walther von der Fakultät für Physik erklärt: „Da die Photonen den Gesetzen der Quantenphysik gehorchen, scheinen sie alle möglichen Wege gleichzeitig zu nehmen. Das nennt man Superposition.

13.05.2013 - 21:26 [ CommonDreams ]

Cornel West: Obama ‚Is a War Criminal‘

You can‘t meet every Tuesday with a killer list and continually have drones drop bombs. You can do that once or twice and say: ‚I shouldn‘t have done that, I‘ve got to stop.‘ But when you do it month in, month out, year in, year out – that‘s a pattern of behavior.“

13.05.2013 - 21:00 [ ANSAmed ]

Spain: ‚indignados‘ party eyes 5-Star movement

Two years after the creation of the ‚indignados‘ movement in Spain, the idea to set up a political front like Italy‘s anti-establishment Five-Star Movement is growing. A Spanish delegation on Wednesday, May 15, will be in Ancona to meet Beppe Grillo, the comedian who leads the movement, according to the Cronica weekly of the El Mundo newspaper.

13.05.2013 - 19:19 [ techdirt ]

Former DHS Head On Google Glass: Intrusive Surveillance Is Bad — If It‘s A Corporation Doing It

Chertoff analyzes some of the privacy implications raised by Google Glass but, considering his former position in the DHS and his current role as the head of The Chertoff Group, a „global security advisory firm,“ this editorial comes off as one-sided and tone deaf. Why would someone who seemingly has no concern about government intrusion into people‘s privacy care about a corporation‘s move onto the same turf? Bruce Schneier addresses this dissonance briefly in his post linking to Chertoff‘s editorial.

13.05.2013 - 18:47 [ createdigitalmotion ]

Responsive Kinect Dancing Goes Hip-Hop

Body mapping and dance/visual fusions are still explored only in fits and starts, compared to the extent of live music and visual performance in other media. So, it’s encouraging to see this latest experiment from dancer Christian Mio Loclair. Working with Microsoft’s Kinect, the slowly-undulating tendrils of visuals behind him create visual counterpoint for headstands and hip-hop dance techniques.

13.05.2013 - 17:43 [ Radio Utopie ]

Texas: Drohne stürzt auf SWAT-Team

Mit dem intensiven Einsatz der Drohnentechnologie wächst die Gefahr für die Bevölkerung von ausser Kontrolle geratenen Flugkörpern verletzt oder erschlagen zu werden. Störende Funkfrequenzen und Jamming sowie andere Einflüsse auf die Elektronik nehmen mit der Weiterentwicklung der Kommunikationsbranche eher zu als ab.

13.05.2013 - 17:39 [ Störsender.tv / you tube ]

stoersender.tv, Episode 3: Die Herren der Welt

Es gibt zwei Rechtssysteme in unseren Demokratien: Das Eine gilt für das Arbeitsheer der Angestellten, Mittelständler und Lohnsklaven, das Andere gilt für die Elite der Transnationalen Konzerne. Letzteres definieren sie selbst. Sie können zudem in Diktaturen und besonders schwachen Demokratien Menschen und Natur blindwütig ausbeuten und müssen auf die Gewinne, die sie dabei machen, kaum Steuern zahlen.

Und es führt dazu, dass die Konzerne Menschen und Natur blindwütig ausbeuten dürfen, überall dort, wo die Demokratie noch schwächer ist als bei uns oder überhaupt nicht vorhanden ist.

13.05.2013 - 15:50 [ AlterNet ]

Large Corporations Seek U.S.–European ‚Free Trade Agreement‘ to Further Global Dominance

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is the latest corporate-driven agenda in what is commonly called a “free trade agreement,” but which really amounts to ‘cosmopolitical corporate consolidation’: large corporations dictating and directing the policies of states – both nationally and internationally – into constructing structures which facilitate regional and global consolidation of financial, economic, and political power into the hands of relatively few large corporations.

13.05.2013 - 15:45 [ Rolling Stone ]

Outrageous HSBC Settlement Proves the Drug War is a Joke

The banks‘ laundering transactions were so brazen that the NSA probably could have spotted them from space. Breuer admitted that drug dealers would sometimes come to HSBC‘s Mexican branches and „deposit hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash, in a single day, into a single account, using boxes designed to fit the precise dimensions of the teller windows.“

13.05.2013 - 15:30 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

How expats experience “three years Greece in the crisis” (Part X)

How does it feel to see the crisis hitting you and your family and you see your life turn upside down in just a couple of years? How does it feel to see your children without job or struggling for what I often call “bag of peanuts”? How does it feel to find yourself in a no way out situation? How does it feel to see no future for your children here in this country? It doesn’t feel good….

Below another expat story submitted by Lesley:

13.05.2013 - 14:51 [ Junge Gemeinde Jena Stadtmitte ]

3. Prozesstag (13.5.13) gegen Lothar König

14:30 Dem ersten Zeugen werden nun Videosequenzen vorgespielt, um diese einem Vergleich mit den zuvor gemachten Aussagen zu unterziehen. Danach zieht dieser Teile seiner Aussage zurück bzw. kann sich nicht mehr erinnern.

14:26 Noch ein Nachtrag zu den gezeigten Videoaufnahmen: Klar hörbar sind deeskalierende Durchsagen aus dem Lauti, während die Polizisten auf Durchsagen und Aufforderungen verzichten und so ohne Vorwarnung mit Gewalt gegen Demonstranten vorgehen. Die Verteidigung merkt an, dass die Videoaufnahmen den Aussagen des ersten Zeugen des heutigen Tages widersprechen

13.05.2013 - 13:17 [ techdirt ]

Bloomberg Reporters Had Full Access To Customer Usage Logs, Including Help Transcript Logs

This one is fairly incredible. Bloomberg LP‘s main business is selling ridiculously expensive terminals to Wall Street/financial folks for tracking market information. While I understood why they were able to succeed early on, I‘ve been shocked that the internet hasn‘t seriously disrupted their business over the past decade or so.

13.05.2013 - 12:17 [ Dailymail ]

Church of Scientology accused of photo shopping the crowd at recent event in Portland to make it seem like more people attended

The Church of Scientology has been accused of photoshopping publicity pictures of a recent event to make it look like there were thousands of people in attendance when in fact there were hundreds.

13.05.2013 - 12:12 [ CNBC ]

ECB‘s Visco: Deposit Rates Could Go Below Zero

„We all agreed in the council that we have to look with care and in that case we may reduce the [deposit] rate. We think that – and I personally think that, this is effective – the economy now is capable of taking it on board. Technically, we are equipped and ready to intervene. There may be unintended consequences – we know we may have to work on that – and we know how to work on that,“ Visco told CNBC on the sidelines of the Group of Seven (G7) meeting in London this weekend.

13.05.2013 - 12:01 [ El Pais ]

Socialist youth leader claims “right could be behind” 15-M protest movement

„The movement started on May 15 [2011], encouraging people not to vote and the end result was that the critical sector, which is usually the most leftist, did not go to vote and the electoral result was an absolute majority for the right.“ Talegón went on to say that movements like 15-M attempt to undermine traditional political parties. „They are destabilizing democracy,“ she added

13.05.2013 - 10:10 [ Playboy ]


In 2008 Barack Obama campaigned to end Bush-era policies that, he said, created a false choice between our safety and our ideals. Now that the war in Iraq is over and the war in Afghanistan is winding down, there is no indication the liberal constitutional-law professor will become a peacenik president—or even pull back on some of his more aggressive counterterrorism measures.