“When the explosion happened it felt like an earthquake,” said the source, who was present near the attack site on the outskirts of Damascus on Sunday morning.
“Then a giant golden mushroom of fire appeared. This tells us that Israel used depleted uranium shells.”
Despite tensions in north, rare visit to China takes place as planned. On agenda: Promotion of trade relations, support for harsher sanctions on Iran
Wu made the remarks after holding separate meetings in Jerusalem with Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Zeev Elkin and Justice Minister Tzipi Livni who is in charge of negotiations with the Palestinians.
(22.04.) • Hagel arrived in Israel Sunday for talks with Israeli officials on issues including Iran and Syria.
• Hagel is expected to announce a major arms deal with Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
• Hagel‘s visit serves the double-purpose: to show US support for Israel, and to send a message to Iran.
Die Rakete, die keinen Sprengkopf hatte, war vor der französischen Atlantikküste im Deparment Finistere getestet worden. Laut dem Sprecher der Seepräfektur der Atlantikregion, Lionel Delort, kam es kurz nach dem Start vom Atom-U-Boot Le Vigilant zu einer Selbstsprengung der Rakete.
A four-year investigation by scientists has ruled out every other cause for the UK’s largest stranding of common dolphins in shallows off the coast of Cornwall in 2008.
At the time, the area was hosting a week of ‘live fire’ war games involving 20 Royal Navy ships, helicopters and submarines – including the nuclear-powered sub HMS Torbay – as well as 11 foreign vessels.
Für die Samstag-Ausgabe der türkischen Zeitung “soL“ interviewte mich der türkische Journalist Osman Cutsay über Recherchen, die ich zum Granaten-Angriff an der syrisch-türkischen Grenze durchführte, der im Oktober 2012 stattfand und u. a. zur Stationierung von Patriot-Raketenabwehrsystemen in der Türkei führte.
„Syrien wird dies nicht mehr zulassen, wir sind berechtigt, unser Volk und unsere Interessen mit allen nur möglichen Mitteln zu verteidigen“, sagte der Vizaußenminister in dem von den Hizbollah-Milizen kontrollierten libanesischen Fernsehsender Al Manar.
Darüber hinaus sei Syrien bereit, die Widerstandskräfte – so wird die Hisbollah im Libanon genannt – mit solchen Waffen auszurüsten, über die sie nie verfügt hätten.
Deployment of intervention brigade is not peacekeeping but peace enforcement. If successful it will set a precedent
Tod nach Zwangsräumung: Die Kosten der Unterkunft waren seitens des Jobcenters zu niedrig bemessen
Erneut ist ein Mensch nach einer Zwangsräumung verstorben. Immer mehr Menschen erleiden das Schicksal aus der Wohnung per Zwangsräumung geschmissen zu werden
In other words, had it not been for the PSI which was a political decision taken by the EU Leaders including our own (then) President, the Bank of Cyprus would have a surplus of €1.2 Billion and would not need any State support.
The title of the report by the channel, which is often viewed as little more than a mouthpiece for the conservative Popular Party-led Madrid regional government, was „The imposition and the perversion of language.“ The program compared the totalitarianism of the Nazis and of Stalin with Basque and Catalan nationalist parties, for having allegedly forced the use of their languages on residents of the two regions.
Portugal‘s president, Cavaco Silva, has sent his best wishes to the newly crowned king of the Netherlands, describing Willem-Alexander‘s accession to the throne as „a significant moment of generational renewal“ and inviting him to visit Portugal.
Lisbon plans to increase the retirement age and make public sector employees work an extra hour daily as part of a package of new spending cuts needed to avoid bankruptcy and remain in the euro.
The government is raising taxes and cutting spending to meet the terms of its 78 billion-euro ($102 billion) rescue by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund. As part of the plan, Portugal injected 5.6 billion euros into banks that aren’t state-owned
Two lawmakers say Syria’s air defense system isn’t as strong as once thought and add that Israel’s recent strikes there show the regime is vulnerable. Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona and Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont said Sunday that Syrian President Bashar Assad’s air defense systems were not impenetrable.
A handful of Democratic and Republican senators are considering a rewrite of 60 of the most consequential words to ever pass through Congress. The Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), passed after the attacks of 11 September 2001, and provides the legal cornerstone for the so-called US „war on terror“. Only one brave Congress member opposed it. It allows the US government to wage war at anytime, any place and on anyone deemed a threat to national security – with remarkably little evidence needed.
In two identical letters addressed to the UN Security Council President and the UN Secretary General, the Foreign Ministry added that this coordination between Israel and the terrorist groups aims to provide a direct military support to these groups after they have recently failed in their attempts to gain any ground.
The Ministry clarified that at 1:40 am on Sunday May 5th, 2013, Israeli warplanes carried out an air missile attack from the occupied territories and southern Lebanon on three sites of the Armed Forces in Syria, namely in the northeast of Jamraya, in Maysaloun and at a paragliding airport in al-Dimas area in Damascus and its countryside.
US-Außenminister John Kerry kommt am 7. Mai nach Moskau, um mit seinem russischen Amtskollegen Sergej Lawrow sowie mit Präsident Putin zusammenzutreffen. Auf der Agenda steht die Vorbereitung auf das Treffen der Staatschefs am Rande des G8-Gipfels in Nordirland am 17. und 18. Juni. Ein zweites Treffen soll entweder vor oder nach dem Gipfel Anfang September in St. Petersburg, stattfinden.
Laut dem Sprecher der Seepräfektur der Atlantikregion, Lionel Delort, kam es kurz nach dem Start vom Atom-U-Boot Le Vigilant zu einer Selbstsprengung der Rakete. Laut Delort ist die Explosionsursache noch nicht bekannt.
The missile „self-destructed during its first propulsion phase… for an unknown reason,“ Lieutenant Commander Lionel Delort, a spokesman for the Atlantic Naval Prefecture, was quoted by AFP as saying.
In an interview with CNN, Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal al Mekdad said the attack represented an alliance between Islamic terrorists and Israel.
He added that Syria would retaliate against Israel in its own time and way.
U.S.A. drohen wieder einmal mit Bunkerbrecherbomben, Indien baut Hafen im Iran: hoher Besuch mit klarer Ansage aus Neu-Delhi
(14.08.2010) Die Stuttgarter Staatsanwaltschaft geht nach Informationen des SPIEGEL…
Die Staatsanwaltschaft Stuttgart ermittelt schon länger:
“Junior Shooters” covers the recreational use of firearms by young people, publishing about two or three issues a year since 2007. Available for download online, the magazine features articles written by adults as well as shooters as young as 10, alongside ads from firearms makers including Glock and Heckler & Koch.
Amid growing calls from Tory MPs for David Cameron to respond to the Ukip threat by bringing forward legislation on an EU referendum, Farage warned that his party would not go away even if No 10 „starts singing the same song“.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel‘s conservatives plunged to their lowest rating in seven months in a leading opinion poll on Sunday as a tax evasion scandal embroiled an ally and their Bavarian sister party faced questions about nepotism.
The prime minister did not address the alleged strikes in Syria.
Two Iron Dome batteries were deployed in Safed and Haifa
Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin und Premier Dmitri Medwedew haben in der Nacht zum Sonntag am Ostergottesdienst in der Moskauer Erlöser-Kathedrale teilgenommen.
“On 5 May, the deputy secretary-general will travel to London to participate in the Somalia Conference, which will take place on 7 May,” said Martin Nesirky, UN secretary-general’s spokesperson, at the daily briefing.
(07.04.)Both Somalia’s federal government and the northern break away region of Somaliland have accepted to attend newly established talks in Turkey changing the talks table from London to Istanbul.
All officials are safe but blast killed eight Somalis
According to eyewitness who spoke to RBC Radio, TOYOTA CARIB car laden with explosive devices exploded just at KM4 junction in Somalia capital, Mogadishu near Ex-Cinema Equator building and few metres away from the Turkish Embassy in Mogadishu.
The suicide car seemed to target a convoy belonged to the interior minister carrying Qatari delegation who visited Mogadishu in the past days and were on their way to the airport to depart. The minister was not on board at the time of explosion.
Als klare Anhänger des Euro bekannten sich nur vier Prozent der Befragten.
(30.08.2012) Wen kündigte nach dem Treffen mit Kanzlerin Merkel in Peking an, China sei bereit, weiter in Staatsanleihen kriselnder Euro-Staaten zu investieren. Welche Bedingungen dafür notwendig seien, sagte er nicht.
(30.08.2012) Beide Seiten haben die Kommunikation und Abstimmung innerhalb der G20 intensiviert und werden die Reform der Global Economic Governance gemeinsam vorantreiben und die Rolle der G20 als Hauptforum der internationalen Wirtschafts- und Finanzkooperationen stärken.
6. China würdigt die deutsche Rolle in der Bewältigung der Staatsschuldenkrise in der Eurozone und die von den EU-Mitgliedstaaten ergriffenen umfangreichen Stabilisierungsmaßnahmen. Deutschland würdigt die konstruktive Haltung und den Beitrag Chinas zur Bewältigung der Staatsschuldenkrise und seine Bereitschaft, die europäische Integration weiter zu unterstützen.
Das ergab eine Umfrage des Meinungsforschungsinstitut GfK Austria im Auftrag des Außenministeriums.
Im Falle der signifikanten Schieflage einer Schweizer Bank können Guthaben -ähnlich der zypriotischen Blaupause- konfisziert werden! Das lässt das Schweizer Bankgesetz zu!
Ist die Angst vor Inflation begründet? Ein Blick auf die Fakten.
George Osborne is pushing ahead with a massive nationwide road-building programme despite high-level concerns from ministers and Department for Transport (DfT) officials that there is little evidence it will boost the economy.
(03.05.) Financial decision makers at some of Britain‘s biggest companies say they still trust the scandal-hit interbank lending rate Libor, despite calls from regulators to overhaul it.
(03.05.) The setting of the London interbank offered rate, a benchmark interest rate known as Libor, was “actively manipulated,” Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney said today.
(03.05.) Lawmakers including Senator Elizabeth Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat, and Charles Grassley, an Iowa Republican, cited those comments when they pushed the department for tougher settlements in cases against banks.
(01.05.) Libor is a key metric for setting interest rates for trillions of dollars in financial instruments. It fixes the rates under which banks lend money to one another for as little as a day and as long as a year. Rates for 10 different currencies including the U.S. dollar, Japanese yen and British pound are computed daily after canvassing banks that comprise membership panels for each type of money.
The hunger strike by our former fellow prisoners at the Guantánamo prison camp should have already been the spur for President Obama to end this shameful saga, which has so lowered US prestige in the world.
It is now in its third month and around two-thirds of the 166 prisoners there are taking part. They are sick and weakened by 11 years of inhumane treatment and have chosen this painful way to gain the world‘s attention. Eighty-six of these men have been cleared for release by this administration‘s senior taskforce. Who can justify their continuing imprisonment? This must be ended by President Obama.
A roadside bomb has killed five US troops in Afghanistan and two other NATO soldiers were shot dead in an „insider attack“
#Syrien #Krieg #Menschheit #usw
Weil die von der NATO unterstützte Terroristenfront in Syrien bröckelt, versuchen die USA mit den bekannten Lügen über Massenvernichtungswaffen eine Militärintervention zu rechtfertigen.
Von Tony Cartalucci
„What I have said in the past and I continue to believe is that the Israelis justifiably have to guard against the transfer of advanced weaponry to terrorist organizations like Hezbollah. We coordinate closely with the Israelis recognizing they are very close to Syria, they are very close to Lebanon,“ he said.