Die deutschen Sicherheitsbehörden werden im bevorstehenden NSU-Prozess sicher einen großen Schaden davon tragen. Eine noch viel größere Sprengkraft dürfte für die Organe jedoch ein ganz anderer Gerichtsprozess auslösen – auch im Bundestag. Den in Luxemburg wird gerade der „Bombenleger“-Prozess behandelt. Die Spuren führen auch zu „Gladio“, den geheimen Nato-Armeen, deren Existenz in Deutschland nie aufgearbeitet wurde. Nun bringt ein Zeuge den BND mit dieser Geheimarmee in Verbindung und macht diesen für den Terroranschlag auf das Oktoberfest 1980 in München verantwortlich.
Daily Archives: 19. April 2013
Robert Greenwald on „War on Whistleblowers: Free Press and the National Security“
A new film directed by Robert Greenwald looks at four whistleblowers who had their lives practically destroyed after they went to the press with evidence of government wrongdoing. They are Michael DeKort, Thomas Drake, Franz Gayl and Thomas Tamm. Whistleblowers have come under unprecedented attack by the Obama administration.
Obama Approves Raising Permissible Levels of Nuclear Radiation in Drinking Water. Civilian Cancer Deaths Expected to Skyrocket
The White House has given final approval for dramatically raising permissible radioactive levels in drinking water and soil following “radiological incidents,” such as nuclear power-plant accidents and dirty bombs.
Top Ten Albums of 2013 so far…
Anyway, here we go, and I would strongly advise you click on the links to go to the releases and listen for yourself, especially as a fair few of these are available for free and those that aren‘t are offering a life-enhancing experience at a remarkably low price:
Coincidence Control Network: File #045 – Death and Justice
This week: We get all political and stuff, we celebrate the justice of a man released for a crime he didn’t commit, we keep up to date on Bradley Manning, we send off Thatcher with a twist of feminism, we celebrate the art of Joan Cornellà, and finally, we say Google Glass…who gives a fuck?
Hamid Karzai seeks to curb CIA operations in Afghanistan
President Hamid Karzai is determined to curb CIA operations in Afghanistan after the death of a US agent and 10 Afghan children in a battle he believes was fought by an illegal militia working for the US spy agency.
Horst Köhler – Der Bundespräsident und die Bilderberger
Dass die Treffen der Bilderberger genauso wenig Verschwörung sind, wie die jährlichen Zusammenkünfte der Trilateralen Kommission, dürfte dank der regen Bloggerszene und den neuen Medien, mittlerweile den meisten interessierten Lesern klar geworden sein. Wieviel Macht die sogenannte Schattenelite allerdings wirklich hat und was deren Absichten sind vermag hingegen – wenn überhaupt – nur einer der Teilnehmer zu sagen.(1)…
Bersani calls party meeting after Prodi comes up short
PD member Anna Finocchiaro called the results „discomforting“.
‚Prodi‘s candidacy over‘ says Renzi
A fifth round of voting will take place Saturday morning.
Centre-left‘s Prodi fails in latest vote for Italy president
The vote was the fourth in a complex election process by 1,007 electors from both houses of parliament and regional representatives. A fifth and sixth vote are expected on Saturday.
Prodi not elected Italian president
Two-time premier garners 395 votes, short of needed 504
Ein Lob auf die Emotion
ES WAR eine bewegende Erfahrung. Momente, die nicht nur den Verstand berührten, sondern auch – und vor allem – das Herz.
Am letzten Sonntag, am Vorabend von Israels Gedenktag für die Gefallenen unserer Kriege, war ich zu einer Veranstaltung eingeladen, die von der Aktivistengruppe „Kämpfer für den Frieden“ und dem „Forum israelischer und palästinensischer trauernder Eltern“ organisiert wurde.
Bahn lässt für S21 ungenehmigte Rohre verlegen
Presseerklärung vom 17. April 2013
Die Deutsche Bahn AG lässt seit November 2012 im Mittleren und Unteren Schlossgarten sowie im Rosensteinpark Rohrleitungen verlegen, die nicht dem Genehmigungsstand der Planfeststellungs- und Änderungsverfahren entsprechen. Diese Leitungen werden somit entgegen dem Baurecht errichtet, wie dies auch im Rahmen der 5. Planänderung im Bereich von Kernerstraße/Neckartor bereits der Fall war.
Vortrag: GWM – verrohrt, verbohrt, verantwortungslos
Die Initiativgruppe „Bad Cannstatter gegen S21“ hat den Geologen Dr. Ralf Laternser amDonnerstag, den 18. April um 19 Uhr in das Bezirksrathaus Bad Cannstatt zu einer Informationsveranstaltung über das sogenannte “Grundwassermanagment” eingeladen.
Titel der Veranstaltung: “Verrohrt, verbohrt, verantwortungslos – Aktuelle Informationen zum Grundwassermanagement beim Projekt S21“.
cams21 hat die Veranstaltung aufgezeichnet:
Protest gegen Zwangsräumung wirkt
Hartz IV Betroffene mit Tochter kann nach Protesten vorerst in der Wohnung verbleiben
Greek FinMin speaks of “lower instincts”!?
„You are appealing to the lower instincts and tell the people we can stay int the euro without the memorandum. This is populism and lies.”
“What do you mean ‘lower instincts? Have you understood that you have drown into poverty 2/3 of the population, that hunger is spreading in Greece and that children go to school hungry?” Tsipras replied to Stournaras.
Why not, Bersani? #RodotàPerchéNo
Too well-educated? Too independent? Too honest? Too popular? Too much like the president of everyone? Too dangerous for Berlusconi’s trials? Too intransigent in relation to scandals like MPS? I would like a response from Bersani. I don’t understand him. I can’t get my head round why his party is not voting for Rodotà. He comes from Bersani’s political persuasion. He’s a person of the utmost integrity. If he were to get the votes from the PD, the SEL and the M5S at the fourth round of voting, then he would have the majority needed in order to be elected. Why not? Bersani has to explain this to the country.
Sony Blows Doors Off Google Fiber, Launches Ultra-Fast Internet In Japan
On Monday, So-net Entertainment’s “Nuro” fiber-based service was made available to homes, apartments and small businesses in Tokyo and six-surrounding prefectures. The service, which used the Gigabit-capable Passive Optics Network (GPON), will support download speeds of 2.488 Gbps with 1Gbps uploads, and Nuro will reportedly cost $51 US per month.
Before the Blast, West Fertilizer’s Monsanto Lawsuit
Monsanto responded to Texas Grain’s complaint by saying the company didn’t have standing to bring the case and was barred by the statute of limitations. Thursday, a Monsanto spokesman said, “The long dormant lawsuit filed by Texas Grain had nothing to do with fertilizer or the operation of the West, Texas plant.”
Genau. Und WER ist hier fremd…??!
Und jetzt denken wir mal -ganz entspannt- über Tschetschenen in Boston und Vollidioten in Deutschland nach. Was stellt da welche Gefahr dar?
So. Und jetzt ersetzen wir mal „fremder“ durch „einheimischer“.
Psychologische Kriegsführung
Der Ausdruck Psychologische Kriegsführung (aus dem Englischen oft auch psychological operations (PSYOP)) bezeichnet im Militärwesen und der Kriegsführung alle Methoden und Maßnahmen zur Beeinflussung des Verhaltens und der Einstellungen von gegnerischen Streitkräften sowie fremder Zivilbevölkerungen im Rahmen oder im Vorfeld militärischer Operationen.
Diplomatie ist die Kunst und Praxis des Verhandelns zwischen bevollmächtigten Repräsentanten verschiedener Gruppen oder Nationen (Diplomaten).
Obama letter to Putin aims for better relations
(17.04.) A letter President Barack Obama wrote to Russian President Vladimir Putin was aimed at paving the way for improved relations, despite recent diplomatic tensions between Moscow and Washington.
As U.S. Seeks Security Pact, Obama Is Set to Meet Putin
(15.04.) President Obama has accepted an invitation to meet with President Vladimir V. Putin ahead of a Group of 20 conference in Russia this fall, officials here said Monday — signaling a new opportunity to ease tensions even as the Kremlin continues to bristle over an American effort to punish Russian citizens accused of violating human rights.
Readers suggest the 10 best … spies – in pictures
Last week we bought you our 10 best spies. Here we present your thoughts on who really deserved to make the list – from Agent Zigzag to Mata Hari and one of the Cambridge Five
Hauptversammlung der Commerzbank: Orgie der Kapitalvernichtung
Zum fünften Mal in vier Jahren bittet die Bank ihre Anleger um frisches Geld. „Kapitalerhöhungsorgie“ nennen das inzwischen selbst moderate Aktionärsschützer. „Wenn man die Aktien in Originalgröße drucken würde, könnte man damit den Weg zum Mond sieben Mal pflastern“, rechnet Freitag vor.
Hausdurchsuchung Fake-Doktortitel bringt Bloggerin Polizeibesuch ein
Ihre Kinder kauften ihr aus Jux einen falschen Doktortitel, sie schrieb darüber in ihrem Blog – und jetzt klingelte die Polizei bei der Dortmunderin Eva Ihnenfeldt. Die Beamten durchsuchten Wohnung und Geschäftsräume der Bloggerin.
talian politics: Pier Luigi Bersani should be trying harder to woo Beppe Grillo
The professor in law is by no means a radical, but he has been a strong and early critic of European inspired austerity measures that have been devastating the economy, such as the lethal budgetary straightjacket of the Fiscal Compact brought in by Italy, among other EU countries.
Italian Parliament fails to vote new president in 3rd round as political discord persists
The Italian president has no political role, but retains powers to dissolve Parliament, call new elections and tap a candidate to form a new government
Berlusconi says PD violated agreement with Prodi candidacy
People of Freedom Party (PdL) leader Berlusconi said that the PD had „gone back on their word“.
Former DHS Official Says Boston Bombing Proves ACLU & EFF Are Wrong About Surveillance And CISPA
There have been a lot of kneejerk reactions to the Boston Marathon bombing. Between certain politicians and pundits quickly turning the horrific event into makeshift planks to support their pet legislation/conspiracy theories and the New York Post cranking out reports so „exclusive“ they weren‘t even true, the internet and airwaves have been filled with the sort of stupidity we‘ve sadly come to expect when tragedy strikes.
Spain: February trade deficit -38.6%
Recession-ridden Spain‘s trade deficit shrank by 38.6% on a yearly basis to 4.682 billion euros in February,
Prodi’s Presidential Bid Vulnerable in Italian Secret Ballot
The showdown is set for later today and may be decided by the vagaries of the secret ballot. Voting booths on the floor of Rome’s Chamber of Deputies enable electors to break ranks with their parties, becoming known as “snipers,” without fear of retribution.
No Italian President After 3rd Round
Most lawmakers — a total of 465 — cast blank ballots in the third round, when a two-thirds majority was required, reserving their real vote for the fourth round when a simple majority is needed.
Berlusconi‘s party won‘t vote in 4th president ballot
Simply majority now sufficient after 3 inconclusive votes
Bloggerin berichtet scherzhaft über Fake-Doktortitel, den ihre Kinder ihr aus Jux gekauft haben — Hausdurchsuchung zuhause und im Büro.
Wie kommt das eigentlich, dass die Koch-Mehrin noch frei rumläuft?
Wusstet ihr, dass in Deutschland bei Beleidigungen im Internet (Facebook in diesem Fall) der Staatsschutz loszieht und Hausdurchsuchungen bei 14jährigen Kindern macht?
Daraufhin ging die Kripo zu dieser Schule und befragten den Direktor und ein 13jähriger Schüler, der „eingehend befragt wurde“ (OMFG) hat dann schließlich auf den 14jährigen gezeigt. Den hätte man auch befragen können, entschied sich aber lieber zu einer Hausdurchsuchung. So konnte man im Kinderzimmer einen Laptop sicherstellen.
Lebanon hopes Cyprus will overcome current economic difficulties
„On the international level, friendship between Cyprus and Lebanon has been translated into mutual support on most issues, both drawing our aspirations from the fundamental rights of people to live in peace and freedom as well as for states to enjoy independence and sovereignty“
Question mark over whether parliament will sanction bailout
Under the constitution, the treaty is subject to parliament’s approval.
Growth is here! Greek Gov’t opens job vacancies for 6 alternate ministers
Growth arrived in Greece. Finally. After five years of recession. Growth is here to stay. To mark this joyful news. Prime minister Antonis Samaras opened seven job vacancies for high state positions. Published at the official government gazette are the positions for
„six alternate ministers for Administrative Reform, Justice, Public Order, Tourism, Marine and Macedonia-Thrace.“
olice In Japan Are Asking ISPs To Start Blocking Tor
The National Police Agency in Japan is apparently asking ISPs in that country to „voluntarily“ block the use of Tor, the well-known and widely used system for anonymously surfing the internet.
Probe opened on alleged Libyan campaign donation to Sarkozy
French prosecutors on Friday launched a preliminary investigation into allegations that former President Nicolas Sarkozy accepted an illegal Libyan financial aid during his presidential campaign in 2007, local media reported.
Kündigungswelle in der CSU
Der Sohn als IT-Verwalter, die Ehefrau als Sekretärin: Weil einige Abgeordnete ihre Familienmitglieder gegen Bezahlung für sich arbeiten lassen, rumort es wieder in der CSU.
Prodi may not heal PD divisions
Fears D‘Alema, Marini loyalists may rebel against party line
Cyprus negotiator: Germany, IMF used atomic bomb to shoot pigeon
One of Cyprus‘s most senior civil servants has likened his country‘s treatment by Germany and the IMF to the shooting of a pigeon with an atomic bomb, saying they had destroyed an economic system that worked.
Obama hails US-Greek ties at White House reception
At the reception on Thursday night, which was attended by Archbishop Demetrios, Obama said the US and Greece «have stood side by side» and that the people of both nations have learned that «democracy blooms» when we respect each other‘s differences
Disposable income in Greece fell 8.3 pct in Q4 of 2012, consumption down 11.2 pct
The disposable income of Greek households decreased by 8.3 percent in the final quarter of 2012 compared to a year earlier, according to figures published by the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT).
Crisis: Greece; premier to name another 6 deputy ministers
Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras‘ decision to name six new deputy ministers has sparked allegations that a government reshuffle is imminent.
Reuters Sorry About Pre-Releasing Kinda Bitchy Soros Obit, Not Sorry Enough To Take It Down
From our friends over at Dealbreaker, we learn that those bastions of professional journalism, Reuters, published a premature obituary for George Soros (where they left in the XXs for his age).
Romano Prodi
Von September 1999 bis November 2004 war Prodi Präsident der Europäischen Kommission.
Bersani calls on PD to rediscover unity, hails Prodi
Bersani also hailed former European Commission President Prodi, who is seen as the nemesis of three-time premier Berlusconi after defeating him in Italian general elections in 1996 and 2006.
Berlusconi Allies Reject Prodi as Presidential Candidate
„It‘s obvious that the choice of Prodi is a rift [between the two coalitions that can‘t be bridged],“ said Fabrizio Cicchitto, chief whip of Silvio Berlusconi‘s People of Freedom party, or PDL, in the chamber of deputies.