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Daily Archives: 14. April 2013
A Whistleblower’s Open Letter to the Citizens of Canada
(Andrew Frank is a Canadian citizen, and the former Senior Communications Manager withForestEthics Canada. He is also an instructor in the Environmental Protection Technology program at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, in Surrey, British Columbia)
My name is Andrew Frank. I grew up in a small town in the Okanagan valley of BritishColumbia. My granddad taught me how to fish. My father was a well‐respected lawyerknown for his unwavering integrity, and my mother was a favourite kindergarten teacher.Both have always impressed upon me the importance of telling the truth.
Split LP w/Adorno by Sugartown Cabaret
Emotional Punk-Hardcore band since 2004. Based in Caen, France.
Noch mehr aus Reinickendorf
Unweit von der ehemaligen Wohnung von Rosemarie F. kämpft noch eine andere Familie gegen ihre Zwangsräumung:…
Thatcher funeral protesters get police go-ahead to turn backs on coffin
Organisers say Scotland Yard has approved protest after warning that anyone causing ‚harassment‘ could be arrested
Demo by Häshcut
D.I.Y. psychedelic doom band from Caen, France.
Analysis: Don‘t underestimate Germany‘s new anti-euro party
the first congress of the „Alternative for Germany“ (AfD) showed that the movement, launched only a few months ago by a group of renegade academics, journalists and businessmen, is striking a chord with voters and may prove an influential force come September.
1,000 Germans abandon Angel Merkel for Eurosceptic party
More than 8,000 people have now joined the new party and more than 1,200 of these new members have defected either from the Christian Democrats, their Bavarian sister party the Christian Social Union, and the Free Democrats, who are junior partners in the coalition government. The party has also drawn support from former members of the Social Democrats, and many who had no former party affiliation.
Schaeuble Favors ‘Liability Hierarchy’ in European Bank Bailouts
“Before the state gets involved in the liability hierarchy, owners and creditors of banks” will be asked to contribute, and the ESM will help if “the government itself can’t because its access to financial markets is restricted,” he said.
Leading German economist calls for dissolution of eurozone to save EU
„Europe is tearing itself apart right now,“ said Starbatty. „A currency which is supposed to have united a continent is doing precisely the opposite.“
Britische Tories: Geheime Gespräche mit der “Alternative für Deutschland”
Wie der britische “Telegraph” meldet, hat die Regierungspartei von Premierminister David Cameron, die konservativen Tories, mit Vertretern der “Alternative für Deutschland” A.f.D. bereits vor deren heutigen Parteigründung in Berlin “geheime Gespräche” geführt.
London: Bankenunion der Euro-Deppen unsere Chance
Großbritannien: Änderung der E.U.-Verträge “Gelegenheit für Rückübertragung von Macht vom Block”
EU finance ministers agreed to consider examining EU treaty change
EU finance ministers agreed in December to create a single supervision mechanism (SSM) for euro zone banks, which would see national supervisors cede some powers to the ECB.
EU Takes Step Toward Treaty Change
At the tail-end of day one of this week’s meeting of European Union finance ministers in Dublin, governments struck a deal that British officials hope will offer an opening for their campaign to win back powers from the EU.
Germany puts brakes on EU bank union with treaty call
Germany said European banking union will require changes to EU law
Schäuble will Änderung der E.U.-Verträge
Am Freitag und Samstag sondierten in Schloss Meseberg die Kanzlerin von Deutschland und der Premierminister von Großbritannien die Chancen einer Änderung der Vertragsgrundlage des Staatenbundes “Europäische Union”. Am Samstag, nach einem Treffen des E.U.-Finanzministerrates in der irischen Hauptstadt Dublin, verkündete dann der Finanzminister der Republik Deutschland, immer noch Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble:
Germany puts brakes on EU bank union with treaty call
Germany Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said the EU‘s Lisbon treaty had to be changed to allow common rules on shutting troubled banks – a central element of the union.
EU Set to Clash on Bank Deal as Germany Sees Treaty Limit
“A banking union only makes sense if we have mechanisms for the restructuring and resolution of banks,” Schaeuble said. “But if we want these European institutions, we need treaty changes.”
EU Takes Step Toward Treaty Change
Berlin (and some others) has been calling for a change in current EU legal treaties that would entrench a strict separation between bank supervision and monetary policy.
Tories build secret alliance with Eurosceptics behind Merkel‘s back
The Daily Telegraph can reveal despite the personal warmth between Mr Cameron and Chancellor Merkel, the Conservatives are negotiating a secret alliance behind her back with Eurosceptic rivals to her Christian Democrats ahead of national elections this year and European polls in 2014.
German anti-euro party holds founding conference
One of the party‘s founders, economics professor Bernd Lucke, told the BBC he wanted to see a „gradual dismantling of the euro as a common currency“.
„We think that Europe has big problem coping with the euro as a common currency, since there are member countries of the eurozone which have big competitiveness problems, and which actually need a devaluation and can‘t have it,“ he said, citing Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal and France as examples.
Anti-Euro Party a Wildcard in German Elections
Called Alternative for Germany, the main goal of the party founded by academics and economists is the „orderly dissolution“ of the euro, said Frauke Petry, a business owner and party spokeswoman.
Brave new continent
the chasm between European elites and the public has never been as wide in the postwar period as it is today. The average voter in southern Europe does not feel represented by Eurocrats like Jose Manuel Barroso and Olli Rehn, German Foreign Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble or other Eurogroup officials. He has never voted for them, they have never spoken to him, he does not share their ask-no-questions mentality. The distance between elites and ordinary people was made evident by recent elections in Italy.
Park says talks vital to defusing inter-Korean tensions: party officials
South Korean President Park Geun-hye made clear Friday that dialogue is an essential first step toward defusing heightened tensions with North Korea, ruling party officials said, a day after she expressed a strong willingness for talks with the communist nation.
Beppe Grillo: Hottest man in European politics on why he’s leading a revolution
Metro: You say you want to tear down the political system. Are you sure the people who voted for you wouldn’t instead like to see solutions to Italy’s problems?
Grillo: The destruction of the system has already started thanks to the Internet, which is demolishing the world’s corruption and fake democracy. Change is happening now, but the political class hasn’t yet understood that we’re not just another party of destruction seeking to replace the old ones. The Movement is a shift in mentality, culture and society.
Italy Populist Politician Beppe Grillo Compares Italy to ‚The Truman Show‘
“The answer is that part of the Italian population is living in a gigantic The Truman Show,” Grillo said, referring to Peter Weir’s 1998 comedy about a man who discovers his life is a hit television show. “The responsibility for this is completely due to Italian journalists … [in an] outright war against reality, a war of mystification, of illusions, in which lies are spat out by news media every day.”
“End Is Nigh” Warn Business Leaders
(25.03.) Time is running out for Italian industry.
Falsche Wahrheiten über Zypern
Die Entscheidung der politischen und ökonomischen Elite der Republik Zypern, das Land in ein regionales Finanz- und Wirtschaftszentrum zu verwandeln, wurde bereits in den 1980er Jahren getroffen. Diese wirtschaftspolitische Neuorientierung zielte schon deswegen nicht auf das russische Kapital, weil es so etwas gar nicht gab. Schließlich existierte damals noch die Sowjetunion.
Brussels sees risk of Spanish recession continuing into 2014
Rajoy promises more economic changes but asks Europe for stronger support in exchange for austerity
Armed forces cutbacks will have ‚repercussions‘ officers warn
Col. Cracel told Lusa this reform was “more of the same” as the armed forces have been in permanent reform since 1974.
US warns Japan against devaluing the yen for economic advantage
The Obama administration has put Japan on notice that it is watching its economic policies to ensure they were not aimed at devaluing the yen to gain a competitive advantage.
Japan monetary policy likely to win G20 understanding: FX chief
Japan‘s policy of boosting its economy with aggressive monetary stimulus is likely to win the understanding of major economies at their meeting in Washington next week, its newly appointed top financial diplomat said on Friday.
Omirou: Cyprus House fully respects Central Bank of Cyprus independency
President of the House of Representatives Yiannakis Omirou has said that the Cyprus parliament has never considered nor has the right to remove the Governor of Cyprus Central Bank from his post, and that the House fully respects the independency of the institution of the Central Bank of Cyprus and its Governor.
Cyprus central bank chief calls for its independence to be respected
In the past week, the Cypriot parliament started an investigation against Demetriades, President Nicos Anastasiades‘s government withdrew the appointment of his deputy, and three central bank officials resigned.
Einsam und obdachlos in London
eine nahe verwandte von mir ist in London verschollen.
Europa sieht den Beginn einer Revolution gegen die “Senhora Merkel”
wenn ein respektierter Staatsmann, der Portugal nach der Salazar-Diktatur in die Demokratie führte, nun eine Revolution gegen die aktuelle Regierung fordert, um die Knechtschaft unter der Rute von Berlin zu beenden, dann ist das eine ganz neue Qualität.
EU – Finanzen: Steinmeier stellt Ja der SPD zum Zypern-Paket in Aussicht
Die Europäer stellen über den Euro-Rettungsfonds ESM Hilfskredite von neun Milliarden Euro bereit.
SPD-Parteitag in Augsburg: Bittere Wahrheiten für die Sozialdemokraten
Bei den schlechten Umfragewerten weiß man am Rande des Augsburger Parteitags gar nicht, wer hier eigentlich wen unterstützen muss. Die Bundes-SPD die eher unstarke Bayern-SPD? Oder sogar andersherum?
Umfragetief: SPD verliert vor Parteitag weiter an Boden
Die Partei sei „durchaus überzeugt, dass man Wahlen gewinnen kann, wenn man mobilisiert und läuft und kämpft“. Dies habe sie zuletzt in Niedersachsen und bei der Oberbürgermeisterwahl in Wiesbaden bewiesen:
Grundgesetz: “Wahlen und Abstimmungen”. S.P.D.: Verfassungsänderung “notwendig”.
Die “Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands” fordert in ihrem Wahlkampf-Programm für die Bundestagswahl 2013 (“Das Wir entscheidet”) eine angeblich “notwendige Grundgesetzänderung”, um “Volksinitiativen, Volksbegehren und Volksentscheide” in der Republik “einzuführen”. Den Begriff Volksabstimmung vermeidet die Verräterpartei peinlichst. So ein Zufall.
Man nennt es Enteignung
Als Enteignung bezeichnet man umgangssprachlich den Entzug des Eigentums durch den Staat. Nun sollen Bankkunden für ihre Banken haften, Steuerzahler werden geschröpft und Sparer haben negative Renditen. Enteignung durch Ausübung von Gewalt könnte man sogar Raub nennen.
Millions in party political donations unaccounted for
“All donations are declared by the ALP consistent with the treatment and definition of gifts under Australian tax law,“ the spokesman said.
„WikiLeaks’ New Release: The Kissinger Cables and Bradley Manning.“ By Amy Goodman
By Amy Goodman with Denis Moynihan
Carr and Beazley: Allies of the United States, Traitors to #Assange
The cable also reports that Beazley said that Australia would support the war in Afghanistan “until Hell freezes over”. The illegal and unjust Afghan war has cost 39 Australian lives and more than seven billion taxpayer dollars, not to mention the tens of thousands of Afghan civilians who have been killed or displaced .
Margaret Thatcher ‚gave her approval‘ to her son Mark‘s failed coup attempt in Equatorial Guinea
Margaret Thatcher approved of a failed attempt to use an army of mercenaries to overthrow the president of Equatorial Guinea, according to the unpublished memoirs of the chief protagonist of the bid, former SAS officer Simon Mann.
While the government has the right, under the laws of war, to detain prisoners captured on the battlefield until the end of hostilities, no president should have the power to declare the entire globe a war zone and then seize and detain civilian terrorism suspects anywhere in the world — including within the United States — and to hold them forever without charge or trial.
Guantanamo Bay detainees and military clash; hunger strike continues
An official in Washington, who was not authorized to speak publicly on the issue, said that the military authorities at the base hope that by isolating detainees they can break the hunger strike by significantly reducing the numbers protesting.
Detainees, U.S. guards clash at Guantanamo Bay
The incident, which happened in Camp VI at the detention center, comes as some inmates have waged a weeks-long hunger strike in protest of their treatment, guards searching through Qurans and other issues.
The Fort Bragg murders: is Jeffrey MacDonald innocent?
The killings that took place in the early hours of that morning and their protracted aftermath have cast an ever-lengthening shadow over not just America‘s criminal justice system – it is the longest-running criminal case in US history – but also its national media. A small library of books, a TV mini-series, countless documentaries and a forest of newsprint have all tried to explain what happened 43 years ago inside the home of Captain Jeffrey MacDonald, then 26 and a promising surgeon in the Special Forces.
Die KI, elffriede und ich
„Ein paar Seiten weiter: „am ende / wächst / das ende / ohne ende / zuende // um keines zu finden“. Klar, die Signifikanten scharwenzeln umher, ohne jemals zum Signifikat zu finden. Semantisches Zwiebelhäuten. So soll es. Aber ich kann mich so furchtbar einfach damit zufrieden geben, mit der ungefähren Idee davon, was hier veranstaltet werden soll, zu leben. Meta-sprachlicher Murks, graue Theorie. Praxis ist nicht. Oder liegt das einfach nur an mir?“
Gefunden bei Lyrikzeitung & Poetry News
Drones out of everywhere! Washington march against US drone warfare
“We’re saying to this president, we don’t like these policies that turn America into a war-mongering country, an assassination capital of the world,”
Wikileaks: when India wanted Swedish subs with development funds
A secret US diplomatic cable dated May 8, 1974 talks about a proposed submarine deal between India and Sweden left the Swedes deeply embarrassed when India wanted the SJEE-ORM (Seasnake) subs to be funded from the Swedish International Development Authority (SIDA) aid programme.
WikiLeaks names Bob Hawke as US informant
Secret cables released by WikiLeaks have revealed that Bob Hawke was the United States‘ most valuable informant during the years of the Whitlam government.
Australia closely monitoring Manning prosecution
Foreign Minister Bob Carr thinks the idea the United States wishes to extradite Julian Assange is “sheer fantasy”. Despite this the Australian embassy in Washington has continued to closely monitor the prosecution of US Army private Bradley Manning for leaking to the WikiLeaks publisher.
Ohio police chief hospitalized after eating ‘cannabis cake’
An Easter morning craving turned into a cause for concern for the chief of police in Lawrenceville, Ohio, after the cake he ate turned out to be laced with cannabis oil.