The magnetic monopole is the Yeti of the subatomic world—avidly sought but never incontrovertibly seen. Reporting in Physical Review Letters, a team of physicists argues that old, high-latitude rocks derived from the Earth’s interior should be prime hunting ground for the hypothetical particles. Although the team’s search came up empty, their strategy may offer a way to set stronger limits on the abundance of monopoles within the planet.
Daily Archives: 22. März 2013
78. Chinua Achebe gestorben
1966 legte Achebe nach den Massakern am nigerianischen Volk der Igbo sein Amt beim Rundfunk nieder. Als Sonderbotschafter der separatistischen Republik Biafra warb er während des Biafra-Krieges (1967-70), der über eine Million Menschen das Leben kostete, um Unterstützung für den Freiheitskampf.
Larzac, Wyhl, Brokdorf, Seabrook, Gorleben …
Die gewaltfreie Bewegung vergisst ihre eigene Geschichte, ausser den „Taten der ganz Grossen“ wie Gandhi oder Martin-Luther King. Wichtige Ereignisse und Erfahrungen der vielen „Namenlosen“werden nicht weitergegeben und sind schon in der folgenden Generation verblasst bis vergessen. Das trifft auf die Entwicklung in den einzelnen Ländern zu, aber noch mehr darauf, wie erfolgreiche Beispiele von Aktionen und Kampagnen Grenzen überschreitend aufgegriffen und weiter entwickelt wurden. Daher hier ein Ausschnitt aus der Geschichte der 70er und 80er Jahre.
The One Thing That Actually Deserves The Death Penalty
This is the ultimate denial of human rights, and we should stop it
Our Chavez: Huey Long
Americans are committed to capitalism and prefer free market solutions whenever possible.
Wrong. The truth is that support for capitalism has been steadily eroding since the Great Crash of ’08 when markets tumbled and housing prices plunged wiping out $8 trillion in home equity and leaving 5 million homeowners facing foreclosure. After that dose of cold water in the face, support for the free market system dropped precipitously from 80% (in 2002) to a titch above 54% by 2010. Interestingly, in France (according to the Economist) only 6% of the people now “strongly” support the free market. Here’s more from the article in the Economist:
Jubilation, then tragedy, for Mogadishu press this week
At least one Somali journalist has already been targeted for murder this year. Unknown gunmen killed veteran Shabelle Media Network producer Abdihared Osman Aden on January 18 while he was walking to work. Somali authorities have not convicted a single killer of Somali journalists despite pledges by the president to end this impunity.
Netanyahu apologizes for 2010 deaths
Netanyahu made the call from a trailer at the airport shortly before Obama‘s departure, The Wall Street Journal reported.
Cyprus crisis: UK experts fly out to advise on bailout
Officials led by Treasury mandarin Tom Scholar visit island after Nicosia government accepts offer of ‚technical assistance‘
CISPA Sponsor Tweets, Then Deletes, About How Much More Lobbying Dollars Have Come From Pro-CISPA Groups
Ah, transparency. The Sunlight Foundation put together Politwoops last year to highlight tweets that elected officials deleted. Mostly it‘s innocuous stuff, but sometimes some real gems come through. For example, the account of Rep. Mike Rogers, who is the main Representative behind CISPA, retweeted but then deleted a MapLight tweet about how the House Intelligence Committee, which Rogers chairs, „received 15 times more from pro-CISPA groups than anti-CISPA orgs.“ You can see MapLight‘s data here.
Ein Armutszeugnis
Die Möglichkeit, dass die drastische Deregulierung des Arbeitsmarktes durch die Agenda 2010 und die unweigerlichen Folgen, nämlich eine dramatische Absenkung der Löhne, mit dem schwindenden Vermögen zu tun haben könnten, wird lieber gar nicht erst in Erwägung gezogen. Betrachtet man die Reallohnentwicklung in dem Zeitraum seit Durchsetzung der Agenda 2010, dann wird deutlich, dass sich für die vergangene Dekade die rot-grüne und dann die schwarz gelbe Regierung des reichen Deutschlands selbst ein Armutszeugnis ausgestellt haben: Die deutschen Arbeitnehmer haben nämlich als einzige in der Europäischen Union einen Reallohn-Verlust – in der Zeit von 2000 bis 2008 waren es minus 0,8 Prozent – hinnehmen müssen.
Cree Idle No More walkers near end of 1,600 km trek to Ottawa
The long walk will soon be over for a group of youths from the James Bay Cree community of Whapmagoostui, Que., who expect to arrive in Ottawa Monday after trekking about 1,600 kilometres.
Yair Lapid brachte uns eine extrem rechte von Siedlern dominierte Regierung
Heute wurde in Israel eine extremistisch rechte Regierung errichtet, in der die Siedler und ihre Verbündeten alle Schlüsselpositionen haben: ihr Minister für Wohnungsbau wird Siedlungen bauen; ihr Minister für Industrie wird Industrie in die Siedlungen lenken; der Vorsitzende des Knessetfinanzkomittee wird ihnen viel Geld zukommen lassen. Der Verteidigungsminister – der tatsächlich der Militärdiktator ist, hat die Macht über die besetzten Gebiete – ist gegen jede (positive) Geste gegenüber den Palästinensern, selbst die kleinste und symbolischste.
BBC-Guardian Exposé Uses WikiLeaks to Link Iraq Torture Centers to U.S. Col. Steele & Gen. Petraeus
A shocking new report by The Guardian and BBC Arabic details how the United States armed and trained Iraqi death squads that ran torture centers. It is a story that stretches from the U.S.-backed death squads in Central America during the 1980s to the imprisoned Army whistleblower Bradley Manning. We play extended excerpts of „James Steele: America’s Mystery Man in Iraq,“ which exposes the role the retired U.S. colonel James Steele, a veteran of American proxy wars in El Salvador and Nicaragua, played in training Iraqi police commando units.
Die Rede, die nicht gehalten wurde
Ich habe das Gefühl, ich muss direkt zu euch sprechen, und besonders zu den jungen jüdischen Leuten unter euch, um euren Verstand zu erreichen und eure Herzen zu berühren.
Entwurf eines Gesetzes über die Zusammenarbeit von Bundesregierung und Deutschem Bundestag in Angelegenheiten der Europäischen Union (EUZB)
§ 2 Ausschuss für die Angelegenheiten der Europäischen Union
Der Bundestag bestellt einen Ausschuss für Angelegenheiten der Europäischen Union. Der Bundestag kann den Ausschuss ermächtigen, für ihn Stellungnahmen abzugeben. Er kann ihn ermächtigen, die Rechte des
Bundestages gemäß Artikel 23 Grundgesetz gegenüber der Bundesregierung wahrzunehmen. Er kann ihn auch ermächtigen, die Rechte wahrzunehmen, die dem Bundestag in den vertraglichen Grundlagen der Europäischen Union eingeräumt sind.
Gregor Gysi, Die Linke: Merkel und Schäuble sind eine Gefahr für Europas Sparguthaben
21.03.2013, Aktuelle Stunde auf Initiative der Fraktion Die Linke
The M5S candidate for the position of Mayor of Rome: Marcello De Vito
After the online voting to choose the candidates for the Parliamentary elections for the Lower and Upper Houses and for the Regional elections for Lombardy, yesterday saw the conclusion of the online voting to choose a candidate for the position of mayor of Rome as well as the 48 candidates for the positions as councillors.
Bersani gets govt-formation mandate
Italian President Giorgio Napolitano on Friday handed Democratic Party leader Pier Luigi Bersani a mandate to try to form a government.
‘We will not become Germany’s slaves’
Demonstrators held banners saying, “Who’s next?” and “We will not become Germany’s slaves” while shouting slogans like, “Today it’s us, tomorrow it will be your turn”.
Germany refuses to blink over Cyprus
The assumption in Berlin, spelled out by a senior official this week, is that the Cypriot government and parliament will back down once the bank closures start wreaking havoc on the island‘s 18 billion euro economy.
Guest Post: Whose Insured Deposits Will Be Plundered Next?
Of course, if deposit insurance money is used as a resolution tool to bail out a bank which then goes on to fail anyway (as we have already seen multiple times since 2008 — a bank receives a large liquidity injection, and goes onto fail anyway) depositors could end up moneyless.
Cyprus says close to bailout deal
Averof Neophytou, deputy leader of President Nicos Anastasiades‘s Democratic Rally, told reporters in the capital.
Central Bank Governor Panicos Demetriades urged parliament to approve the bills submitted by the government in a bid to facilitate a swift deal with international lenders
Cyprus: Piraeus Bank to take on Cypriot bank units in Greece
Piraeus will acquire units of Cyprus‘s top three banks – Bank of Cyprus, Laiki Bank, and Hellenic Bank, for a total of 350 million euros, Cypriot radio reported.
Save the Children urges anti-poverty plan for Italian kids
Over 6% of child population in absolute poverty by end of 2013
Why geoengineering has immediate appeal to China
In December, the country listed geoengineering among its Earth science research priorities, in a marked shift in the international climate change landscape noticed by China specialists Kingsley Edney and Jonathan Symons.
Lloyd Austin to Lead U.S. Central Command
During the change of command ceremony today, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said, “General Austin brings to this position combat experience gained on the unforgiving battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan. He has commanded some of the Army’s most storied formations, including the 82nd Airborne and 10th Mountain Divisions, as well as the 18th Airborne Corps“
Scots Independence vote date announced
Scotland‘s nationalist leader sets a date for an independence referendum in the year of the 700th anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn, a historic victory over English forces.
China‘s Xi arrives in Moscow
Chinese President Xi Jinping arrives in Moscow on Friday in his first foreign visit as president.
Empörung über Zypern-Verhandlungen: „Pistole am Kopf“
Maltas Finanzminister Edward Scicluna veröffentlicht seine eindringliche Schilderung der Brüsseler Verhandlungen über die Zypern-Hilfe. Er beschreibt, wie Wolfgang Schäuble „Körper und Seele“ des zyprischen Ministers auslaugte.
Cyprus: a lesson for life
I was lucky enough to see the event unfolding with Germany’s Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble sitting next to me and the Cyprus minister right opposite us at the same end of the hall. It reminded me of an unavoidable cross- Atlantic flight where you are not allowed to move from your seat though you are wined and dined several times during the endless voyage.
Cyprus Popular Bank Highlights Risk To Depositors From Government Plan
Uninsured depositors of Cyprus Popular Bank PCL (CPB.CP), also known as Laiki Bank locally, could lose up to 40% of their savings if the government proceeds with a proposed restructuring plan to split its assets into good and bad as part of efforts to unlock aid from international lenders and reopen its banking system, European and Cypriot officials with knowledge of the plan said Friday.
Bundesrat winkt Leistungsschutzrecht durch
Einen Widerspruch der Länderkammer hätte der Bundestag überstimmen können. Der Verweis an den Vermittlungsausschuss wäre deswegen nur ein Spiel auf zeit gewesen, hätte es aber bis zur Bundestagswahl keine Einigung gegeben, wäre das Gesetz verfallen.
Merkel’s Cyprus Gamble Explained as German Vote Nears
Germany’s role in imposing the euro bloc’s first levy on bank deposits, in Cyprus, shows Chancellor Angela Merkel’s dilemma in explaining to voters facing September elections why they should pick up the tab for another bailout.
Angela Merkel Has A Brutal Message For Cyprus — But It‘s The Key For Getting A Deal
„It must realize its current business model is dead.“
That‘s what Merkel said about Cyprus this morning, according to Luke Baker at Reuters.
Zypern: Aufstand der Währungskonsumenten, 67 % für Währungswechsel
Laut Umfrage 91 % gegen Konten-Raub, über 67 % für Austritt aus dem Währungs- und Finanzsystem “Euro”.
Portugal government faces symbolic vote of no confidence
Portugal‘s main opposition Socialists will field a motion of no confidence in the center-right coalition government in a largely symbolic move that reflects growing resistance to bailout austerity amid the worst recession since the 1970s.
Bersani May Get First Chance to Form New Italian Government
“President Napolitano is likely to ask Mr. Bersani first to sound out party willingness to support his government as opposed to appointing him prime minister by decree ahead of” required confidence votes, Fabio Fois, an economist at Barclays Capital in Milan, wrote in a note to investors.
Italy awaits decision on government from its President
Italian President Giorgio Napolitano has finished two days of consultation with the three main parties elected in the last elections and is expected to announce a decision some time on Friday.
Over 4 million Italians in absolute poverty in 2013
This figure translates into over 6% of the population and compares to the 3.9% living in absolute poverty in 2006.
Umfrage Deutschland: 79 % gegen Raub der Konten, 77 % gegen Geldtransfer an Banken wegen Zypern
Der TV-Sender N24 machte gestern aus seiner Emnid-Umfrage zur Zypern-Situation keinen großen Aufhänger. Konnte es am Ende an deren Ergebnis liegen?
Die Revolution vorantreiben
Es war nie so simpel: Einfach mal Bargeld holen. Venceremos!
Cyprus Popular Bank: 260-euro cap on ATM withdrawals after reconstruction plan
Thousands of CPB queued at ATMs on Thursday after rumors claimed the bank would be shut down.
Cyprus MPs set to vote on bank restructuring proposal
The measures will be imposed on Laiki and failure to do will render the bank bankrupt.
Wie sicher sind die Sparguthaben der Deutschen wirklich?
Die Lage in Zypern gibt Anlass, noch einmal an die Garantie-Erklärung für deutsche Sparguthaben von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und ihres damaligen Finanzministers Peer Steinbrück zu erinnern…
Zypern: Kann Plan B das Land retten?
Bis gestern hatte Zypern kein Geld und brauchte dringend Hilfe und jetzt soll das Land plötzlich aus eigenen Mitteln die nötigen Milliarden zusammenbekommen? Das glaubt doch niemand.
Greece’s Council of Systemic Stability holds extraordinary meeting on Cyprus
Greece’s Council of Systemic Stability is holding an extraordinary meeting Thursday evening to deal with the Cyprus issue. Finance Minister Yiannis Stournaras, Bank of Greece governor, George Provopoulos, the chairman of capital market, Costas Botopoulos, and representatives from the Greek Financial Stability Fund (HFSF) participate in the meeting.
Beppe Grillo prepares to storm Europe
The comedian‘s Five star movement was the revelation of last Italian election. Its anti-establishment views and „digital democracy“ methods are shared by many political movements across the EU, and they could form a common front at the European elections in 2014.
Grillo wants M5S govt or spy, TV commissions
Anti-establishment movement gives Napolitano diktat
Cyprus House convenes Friday to vote on nine bills
House of Representatives convenes on Friday morning to discuss and vote on a total of nine bills prepared by the Government to armor the banking system and prevent a mass outflow of deposits.
Cyprus: MPs to vote on crisis measures in bid to secure bailout – live
• Vote delayed until this afternoon
• Finance minister flies back from Moscow empty handed.
• Cyprus parliament prepares to vote on bank restructuring and capital controls laws.
Poll: Voters still don‘t know what‘s in Obama health law
Three years after President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law, the public continues to have a poor understanding of the reforms and how they will affect them.
Thatcher papers reveal Tory party split over Falklands
Senior Tories were initially sceptical about going to war over the Falklands, newly released papers from Margaret Thatcher‘s personal archive show.
A note from the whips‘ office following Argentina‘s 1982 invasion reported solid support for military action from some Conservative MPs, but others were privately hostile.
The papers have been published by Churchill College, Cambridge.
Gazprom, Rosneft not interested in Cyprus proposals on its fields
When asked whether there were concrete figures and how well prepared the proposals were, the source said they (Cypriots) proposed to participate in a tender. The seismological research of the field is not completed. It is not clear what a field it is. It must be studied deeply, he said.
Italian transport unions to strike
With Italy’s public transport workers going on a 24-hour strike today, local media warn about inevitable delays in train service across the country.