This is an important victory. It requires the government to retire the absurd claim that the CIA‘s interest in the targeted killing program is a secret, and it will make it more difficult for the government to deflect questions about the program‘s scope and legal basis. It also means that the CIA will have to explain what records it is withholding, and on what grounds it is withholding them.
Daily Archives: 15. März 2013
Israelischer General behauptet, dass eine ‚50.000 Mann starke’ iranische Streitmacht in Syrien existiert
Es gibt zwar noch immer keinen Beweis, aber der israelische Generalmajor Aviv Kochavi hat eine Beschuldigung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika von Anfang Februar wiederholt, es gäbe eine geheime riesige iranische Armee, die in Syrien operiert, und sagte, sie hätten eine Streitmacht von 50.000 Mann geschaffen, die Assad stützen und den Krieg nach seinem Sturz weiterführen sollte
Appeals court rejects CIA’s argument over acknowledging drone operations
The court ruled that a blanket denial is neither “logical nor plausible” after administration officials from the president on down discussed targeted killing operations.
Putin signs law banning opening of foreign bank branches in RF
According to the amendments, the notion of branches of foreign banks is removed from the Laws “On banks and Banking Activity,” “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia),” “On Currency Regulation and Currency Control.”
State Duma imposes high fines for swear words in mass media
The fines have remained unchanged as compared to those in the bill adopted in the first reading: individuals will have to pay 2,000-3,000 roubles (U.S. $1=RUB 30.76), officials, from 5,000 to 20,000 rubles, and legal entities from 20,000 to 200,000 rubles for using profanity-laden language in the media.
Den Siegern die Beute
IN DEN Tagen nach den israelischen Wahlen, ließ Yair Lapid, der große Sieger, wissen, dass er der nächste Außenminister sein möchte.
U.N. Drone Inquisitor Says It’s Time to End Robot War in Pakistan
After days of meeting with Pakistani officials, the United Nations official investigating Washington’s global campaign of drone strikes attacked the legal and strategic basis for the robotic war in its biggest battlefield. And he raised doubts over whether Americans operating the drones can actually distinguish terrorists from average Pakistanis.
Source: U.S.-trained rebels return to Syria
The first Syrian rebels trained by U.S. military and intelligence officers in Jordan returned to Syria on Thursday, a senior rebel spokesman told CNN.
Cases of Greek starving children increase
Two days earlier, the director of an elementary school from Trikala wrote an open letter about a six-year-old child in her class. “After almost a week of school absence, the child returned to school, emaciated, cachectic, with trembling all over his body. The parents of this little child are unemployed. They live in a slum. They lack even the bread.“
Tourism: Greece; Macedonia Palace in Thessaloniki reopens
Historic hotel welcomes many visitors from Israel and Russia
EU Summit: Cyprus under spotlight, one more year to Portugal
The first day of the summit ended on Thursday confirming the ideological fracture between austerity and growth though partial progress was made towards a compromise on speeding growth by slightly softening austerity policies.
The cheek of it – German political comedy nicks gags from Yes Minister
A political satire about a politician who quits because he plagiarised his doctorate has been exposed – for plagiarising, reports the Times
Putin Names Aide Nabiullina to Head Russian Central Bank
President Vladimir Putin picked a member of his inner circle to lead Russia’s central bank after government calls for lower borrowing costs fell on deaf ears.
Russia’s central bank can avoid “putinisation”
Elvira Nabiullina has the worst possible credential for the job of head of the Russian central bank: she is a close ally of Vladimir Putin. The former economy minister, currently the Russian president’s chief economic adviser, will take the new post in June.
Obama will Druck auf Iran fortsetzen
Auch andere Druckmittel auf Teheran sollten nicht ausgeschlossen werden, so Obama.
Reuters Editor Faces 10 Years In Prison Because Vandalism Is A Federal Crime When It Involves Computers
In what seems like a pretty cut and dry case, Reuters editor Matthew Keys has been indicted for letting some hackers into the content management system of his former employer, Tribune, after he was fired.
Syria crisis: Cameron and Hollande fail to convince EU to arm rebels – live
Cameron hints he and Hollande may go it alone
Wäre Assad tatsächlich Diktator, hätte er Walid al-Muallem bereits erschiessen lassen
Germany Merkel: Ready to Discuss Syria Arms Embargo But Issue Very Complicated
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Thursday that Berlin is ready to discuss lifting the European Union‘s arms embargo on Syria, but stressed that the issue is „very complicated.“
EU – Gipfel: Entscheidung über Zypern-Rettung und Syrien-Debatte in Brüssel
Bundeskanzlerin Merkel ist bereit, die bisherige Ablehnung von Waffenlieferungen an Syriens Opposition zu überdenken.
ANSAmed – Today‘s events in the Mediterranean
BRUSSELS – European heads of states and government Summit DAMASCUS – Second anniversary of uprising against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.
Lacher des Tages: „Drohnen schaffen Arbeitsplätze“.
So argumentiert der Lobbyverband „Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International“.
Die StopRFID-Seiten des FoeBuD e.V.
Während sich Wirtschaft und Politik fieberhaft und nahezu täglich neue Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für die kleinen RFID-Schnüffelchips ausdenken, behalten wir, der FoeBuD e.V. in Bielefeld, die Folgen dieser neuen Technik für unsere Menschen- und Bürgerrechte im Blick. Mit Erfolg.
RFID in der ec-Karte deaktivieren
Nachdem ich kürzlich schrieb, dass ec-Karten auch per RFID auszulesen sind, fragt der eine oder andere, wie sich das verhindern lässt.
Die gute Nachricht: Die FU Berlin will Vorlesungsinhalte im Internet bereitstellen.
Die schlechte Nachricht:
„Die Nutzung soll exklusiv mit der iTunes-Software möglich sein.“
Some 50 percent of Russians trust Putin – public opinion poll
According to the All-Russia Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM), the level of confidence in Russian President Vladimir Putin was virtually unchanged over the past year and reached 50 percent and the level of confidence in Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev rose from 22 to 25 percent.
Medvedev is ‘dead man walking’ as Putin undoes his Russian reforms
somewhere between Mr. Medvedev’s term as president from 2008 to 2012 and Mr. Putin’s return to the presidency in May, the political romance faded.
Putin will offenbar Kreml-Partei abschießen
Wie der Rechtsexperte der Kommunistischen Partei, Wadim Solowjow, sagte, sind die Ergebnisse der Studie nicht neu. Eine wichtige Frage sei aber, warum der Kreml beschlossen habe, der Opposition zu folgen.
Terrorismus – Kriminalität: NSU-Ausschuss befragt Ex-Bundesinnenminister Schily
Der frühere Bundesinnenminister Otto Schily muss heute im Neonazi-Untersuchungsausschuss des Bundestages Rede und Antwort stehen.
Germany’s Dominant Role in the European Union
After nearly a quarter of a century since the fall of the wall, Berlin has become the uncontested centre of the continent in both political and economic terms. Only in military aspects is the reunited powerhouse of Europe curbing its expansionist instincts or zeal (yet with Washington’s benign consent it is now flexing its military muscles in Afghanistan and on the Syrian –Turkish border in quest of a much wider geo-political Lebensraum.
Terror in Central Asia: NATO’s Great Game
In this age of manufactured terror, one of the most vital regions on the global chessboard is also an area that few in the West know anything about: Central Asia. This geostrategic and resource-rich area on the doorstep of China and Russia finds itself in the middle of an all out terror campaign. But, as key national intelligence whistleblowers are pointing out, these terrorists are working hand-in-glove with NATO.
Obama on Israeli TV: Would Take Iran ‘Over a Year Or So’ to Build a Nuclear Bomb
Despite what he said to an overly fearful Israeli public, his own intelligence officials maintain that Iran does not have a nuclear weapons program and has demonstrated no intention of developing them.
Obama intimates US to strike Iran in a year if diplomacy fails
US president, in interview with Channel 2, says that ‘if we can resolve it diplomatically, that’s a more lasting solution’
53% of Britons think Iraq invasion was wrong, poll shows
More than half of Britons believe Tony Blair was wrong to invade Iraq, while 22% tell YouGov he should be tried as a war criminal
Americans Think Other Countries Were Right to Avoid Iraq War
In the online survey of a representative sample of 1,008 American adults, 36 per cent of respondents think launching military action against Iraq was the right decision, while 44 per cent deem it a mistake. While most Democrats (56%) regard the invasion as a mistake, a majority of Republicans (52%) think it was the correct thing to do.
Obama: Iran könnte in einem Jahr die Bombe bauen
Der Iran wird laut US-Präsident Barack Obama „noch etwa ein Jahr“ für die Entwicklung von Kernwaffen brauchen. In einem Interview für das israelische Fernsehen versprach er zugleich, dies nicht zuzulassen. Eine Anwendung von Militärgewalt sei dabei nicht ausgeschlossen.
SPD verärgert über grüne Hartz-Pläne: „Das ist mit uns nicht zu machen“
Demnach sollen Sanktionen für unwillige Langzeitarbeitslose ausgesetzt werden, bis die Vermittlung in den Job-Centern verbessert wird. Die SPD reagiert auf den Vorschlag verärgert – und rätselt über die Motive.
UK terror suspects who are ‚potentially dangerous‘ set to be free within a year
The report from Mr Anderson also revealed that the men were unlikely to be subjected to further surveillance once the Tpim ceases effect. (…)
„But unsupported by the apparatus of a Tpim notice this is expensive and there are many competing priorities for the limited surveillance resource.“
UK terror suspects to walk free within a year
He has also been involved in training in Syria.
Europe‘s leaders on collision course over arming Syrian opposition
France wants to lift the EU embargo on arming rebels, Britain wants to review it and Germany wants to keep the status quo
Trilaterale Kommission
Vorsitzender (European chairman) der Gruppe ist seit April 2012 der amtierende Vorsitzende der ebenfalls vom Ehrenvorsitzenden David Rockefeller gegründeten Group of Thirty und ehemalige EZB-Präsident Jean-Claude Trichet. Vorgänger von Trichet als European chairman war bis zu seiner Ernennung als neuer italienischer Ministerpräsident Mario Monti.
15. März: Trilaterale Kommission
Am Abend redet die Kanzlerin auf der Jahrestagung der Trilateralen Kommission.
Die Trilaterale Kommission ist eine zivilgesellschaftliche Organisation, die sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, die Zusammenarbeit der drei Regionen Europa, Nordamerika und Asien/Pazifik zu verbessern.
Ludwik Zamenhof – Odpływ
Piosenka pochodzi z płyty Ludwika Zamenhofa pt. новые мелодии. W teledysku wykorzystano fragmenty animacji Jana Svankmajera.
SUDPLAN – DFKI-Software visualisiert Auswirkungen des Klimawandels bis ins Jahr 2100
Unter der Leitung des Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI, Stockholm) arbeiteten folgende Partner im SUDPLAN Projekt: Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT, Wien), cismet (Saarbrücken), Cenia (Prag), Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI, Kaiserslautern), Stockholm Uppsala Air Quality Management Association (SULVF, Stockholm), Technische Universität Graz, APERTUM IT AB (Linköping), Stadt Wuppertal. SUDPLAN wurde von der europäischen Union von Januar 2010 bis zum Jahresende 2012 gefördert.
[HAZE199] Hinyouki + SAFBB — Blame!
25 disturbing facts about psych drugs, soldiers and suicides
Dr. Bart Billings, a retired Army Colonel and former military psychologist, refers to psychiatric drugs as a „chemical lobotomy“ for soldiers.
Parents, Experts Blast New State Database of Private Student Info
„I‘m outraged,“ said Karen Sprowal, 52, who has a 9-year-old son. „I send my child to school to be educated. I never agreed to have his information shared with private companies or stored in a database.“
1,000s of students demonstrate in Madrid against education cuts
Carrying flags and banners that read „Our education will not pay your debt,“ the demonstrators marched towards the education ministry on Thursday to voice their anger at the crisis budget cuts and layoffs in schools and universities.
Exclusive: Court Docs Reveal Blackwater’s Secret CIA Past
But according to the documents Blackwater submitted in its defense—as well as an email exchange I had recently with Prince—the contractor’s relationship with the CIA was far deeper than most observers thought.
Obama’s Pro-Assad Policy?
Robert Dreyfuss thinks Obama’s recently revealed policy of supporting Iraqi security forces through the CIA so they can fight al-Qaeda affiliates there and cut off the flow of fighters pouring into Syria is nonsensical. “We’re backing the same guys in Syria that we’re fighting in Iraq,” he says.
Herbie Hancock jams with his Fairlight CMI
Herbie shows off while Quincy Jones looks on. Taken from VHS recording of 1984 documentary „I love Quincy“…