Daily Archives: 14. März 2013

14.03.2013 - 21:32 [ Russia Today ]

Reuters journalist indicted over Anonymous hack

The deputy social media editor for Reuters has been indicted by the US Justice Department for allegedly conspiring with members of the hacktivist movement Anonymous.

14.03.2013 - 18:05 [ Heise.de ]

Bundesregierung will WLAN-Störerhaftung den Gerichten überlassen

Der Bundesrat hatte die Bundesregierung im Oktober 2012 aufgefordert, eine gesetzliche Einschränkung der sogenannten Störerhaftung für WLAN-Anbieter zu prüfen, weil Betreiber oder Nutzer von Hotspots zunehmend abgemahnt würden.

14.03.2013 - 18:05 [ Golem.de ]

Filesharing: Nutzer dürfen sich durch Unterlassungserklärungen schützen

Geklagt hatte eine Kanzlei für einen Rechteinhaber, der sich durch die Erklärungen belästigt fühlte und Geld dafür verlangen wollte.

14.03.2013 - 18:03 [ Androidnext ]

Samsung Galaxy S4: Livestream ab 0:00 Uhr, wir sind vor Ort

Heute um Mitternacht ist es soweit, das Samsung Galaxy S4 wird vorgestellt. androidnext-Redakteur Amir ist vor Ort in in der Radio City Music Hall in New York, um euch so schnell wie möglich Hands-On-Videos von Samsungs Flaggschiff zu liefern.

14.03.2013 - 18:02 [ Winfuture ]

Galaxy S4: Neue Fotos bestätigen Leaks (Update)

In der Nacht auf morgen ist es soweit, der koreanische Hersteller Samsung wird in New York sein neues Flaggschiff, das Galaxy S4, vorstellen.

14.03.2013 - 18:01 [ Motor-Talk ]

Leistungsschutzrecht: – In eigener Sache

Alle Inhalte von MOTOR-TALK bleiben weiterhin frei zugänglich. Für Google, für andere News-Aggregatoren. Ohne Einschränkungen, ohne Bezahlschranke.

14.03.2013 - 17:46 [ Radio Utopie ]

Wann kommt die neue USPD?

(13.01.2011) Alle selbsterklärten linken, sozialistischen und kommunistischen Gruppen, die sich vor kurzem auf der Rosa Luxemburg Konferenz der Parteizeitung “Junge Welt” einfanden (die ohne die Werbeanzeigen der Partei-Linken einfach nicht leben kann) beziehen sich auf eine politische Kämpferin des letzten und vorletzten Jahrhunderts, die vor ihnen ausspucken würde, wenn es sie vor Entsetzen über diese Verräter und Versager nach neun Jahren Attentaten und Krieg, Sozialraub und Ausverkauf an die Banken, nach Nichtstuerei und Heuchelei im Angesicht von Polizeistaat und Kapitalismus aus ihrem Grab reissen würde, an dem die Parteibonzen, Gewerkschaftsfunktionäre, Anwälte und gelernten Mehrheitspolitiker Gregor Gysi, Klaus Ernst, Gesine Lötzsch und Oskar Lafontaine jedes Jahr ihre Kränze niederlegen.

Über das Original dieser Fälschung – die SPD – braucht niemand mehr zu reden.

14.03.2013 - 16:33 [ Beppe Grillo ]

The M5S is cutting their own salaries, perhaps the PD will too: #BersaniFalliFirmare

The parliamentary income of the citizen spokesperson of the MoVimento 5 Stelle {5 Star MoVement} will be 5 thousand euro gross a month, instead of 11,283 euro gross received by all the other parliamentarians. The rest of the money will be left with the State together with the solidarity cheque (or the one for the end of the term of office). That’s not news. The M5S has already done this in the regions where it is participating, like in Sicily. Thanks to the M5S, the saving for the State coffers will be more than 12 million a year.

14.03.2013 - 15:16 [ Beppe Grillo ]

Berlusconi’s uveitis and the Italians’ orchitis

Berlusconi is afraid of ending up like Bottino Craxi, but really he would be lucky to do so. Fleeing to the beaches of Tunisia full of people like Ruby without having the daily killjoys of his hangers-on. Without Ghedini, Alfano, Gelmini, without Biondi, Gasparri, Cicchitto, Brunetta and above all D’Alema. A paradise on earth. Let him get himself convicted as soon as possible without any mitigating circumstances and, before he’s arrested, go into hiding.

14.03.2013 - 15:13 [ techdirt ]

Details Come Out On US Attorneys Withholding Evidence In Aaron Swartz Case

Last week, we wrote about Aaron Swartz‘s girlfriend, Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman, releasing a statement accusing the DOJ of a variety of things that hadn‘t really been covered before, including lying, seizing evidence without a warrant and withholding exculpatory evidence. That resulted in an interesting discussion in the comments, in which a few DOJ defenders suggested that since there were no details, we were probably making this up (as if we don‘t have better things to do). Now, however, the details have come out. In a letter that was sent at the end of January (but just now leaked to the press), Swartz‘s lawyers highlight how Assistant US Attorney Steve Heymann was responsible for the charges above.

14.03.2013 - 15:09 [ Daily Mail ]

An identity crisis for Blair: Former PM describes Jerusalem as ‚home‘

(12.04.2009) Indeed, The Mail on Sunday can disclose that he faces growing criticism from senior figures at the United Nations for not spending enough time on his role as head of the Quartet, the foursome of the US, Russia, the EU and the UN tasked with building peace in the Middle East.

They say they are unhappy about the time Mr Blair devotes to the lucrative international lecture circuit and to lobbying to become the first permanent president of the EU.

14.03.2013 - 13:29 [ New York Daily News ]

Enraged protesters battle cops in Brooklyn streets during third night of rioting after it‘s revealed that 16-year-old Kimani Gray was shot in the back

Many in the community contest police allegations that Gray pointed a gun at cops when he was shot during a confrontation with two plainclothes officers on E. 52nd St. Saturday night. Those suspicions on the street intensified Wednesday when an autopsy report revealed Gray was hit by seven bullets — three to the back.

14.03.2013 - 13:23 [ New York Daily News ]

Brooklyn riot over teen‘s death: 16-year-old shot by cops did not have a gun, says witness

Tishana King is the only civilian eyewitness to come forward, and her account sharply differs from Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly’s assertion that Gray had pointed a .38-caliber revolver at the cops before they opened fire. “I’m certain he didn’t have anything in his hands,” King told the Daily News.

14.03.2013 - 13:06 [ Ria Novosti ]

Moskau und London beenden Eiszeit

Nach den diplomatischen Irritationen der vergangenen Jahre haben der britischen Außenminister William Hague und Verteidigungsminister Philip Hammond erstmals mit ihren russischen Amtskollegen Sergej Lawrow und Sergej Schoigu ein Treffen im „2+2“-Format abgehalten, schreibt die Zeitung „Nesawissimaja Gaseta“ am Donnerstag.

14.03.2013 - 12:48 [ techdirt ]

Director Of National Intelligence Admits That There‘s Little Risk Of A ‚Cyber Pearl Harbor‘

We‘ve been pointing out for years that all the talk about „cyberattacks“ and „cybersecurity“ appear to be FUD, mostly designed to scare up money for „defense“ contractors looking for a new digital angle. And yet, we keep seeing fear-mongering report after fear mongering report insisting that we‘re facing imminent threats of such a dire nature that multiple people keep referring to this ridiculous concept of the „cyber Pearl Harbor“ which is going to happen any day now if we don‘t pass vaguely worded bills that will surely ramp up huge contracts.

14.03.2013 - 12:02 [ RT ]

Manning: US Army like ‘child torturing ants with a magnifying glass’ (FULL LEAKED TESTIMONY)

Manning justifies his actions with a firm belief that what he identifies as US government wrongdoings need to be exposed in order to “spark a domestic debate on the role of the military and our foreign policy in general as it related to Iraq and Afghanistan.”

In the recording he goes on to accuse the army of “not valu[ing] human life,“ comparing servicemen „to a child torturing ants with a magnifying glass.“

14.03.2013 - 10:29 [ Russia Today ]

Internal intelligence agencies hungry for deeper cooperation from Skype

While already giving intelligence services access to private data without a court order, some Russian experts say, Skype is still being pressured into registering as a telecom agency, allowing intelligence to operate around a series of legal loopholes.

14.03.2013 - 09:00 [ Radio China International ]

Chinas neue Staatsführung gewählt

Auf der 4. Plenarsitzung der 1. Tagung des 12. Nationalen Volkskongresses (NVK) wurde am Donnerstag Chinas neue Staatsführung gewählt. Neuer Staatspräsident und Vorsitzender der Zentralen Militärkommission der Volksrepublik ist Xi Jinping.

14.03.2013 - 08:59 [ Bloomberg ]

Netanyahu Reaches Deal on Forming New Israeli Government

Netanyahu is holding the foreign minister’s job for Avigdor Liberman, the leader of the Yisrael Beitenu party, who resigned in December after being indicted on charges of fraud and breach of trust. Liberman will continue to serve in the Knesset through his trial, which is set to resume in April.

14.03.2013 - 08:56 [ Ynet ]

Coalition deal: Fewer benefits for haredim, draft reform

„There is a government,“ the spokeswoman, Noga Katz, said. She said Netanyahu‘s Likud-Beiteinu list would be allied with the centrist Yesh Atid and far-right Habayit Hayehudi parties as well as with a smaller faction led by former Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni.

14.03.2013 - 08:50 [ Golem ]

Werbeblocker: Google wirft Adblocker aus dem Play Store

Für Google selbst sind Adblocker in mehrerlei Hinsicht ein Problem: Zum einen basiert Googles eigenes Geschäft weitgehend auf kostenlosen Diensten, die über Werbung finanziert werden, was durch Adblocker untergraben wird.

14.03.2013 - 08:48 [ Quora ]

Google Reader Shut Down (March 2013): Why is Google killing Google Reader?

It turns out they decided to kill it anyway in 2010, even though most of the engineers opted against joining G+. Ironically, I think the reason Google always wanted to pull the Reader team off to build these other social products was that the Reader team actually understood social