Daily Archives: 8. März 2013

08.03.2013 - 21:28 [ Jens Gloor ]

Zürich: Was geschah in der Nacht vom 2. zum 3. März 2013 wirklich?

In Zürich geschehen in regelmässigen Abständen eigenartige Dinge, in welche die Zürcher Stadtpolizei (StaPo) involviert ist – soeben erneut: Vom 2. auf den 3. März 2013 kam es zu nächtlicher Gewalt auf den Strassen mit Sachbeschädigungen, welche mehrere hunderttausend Franken betragen sollen. Doch die offizielle Geschichte zu den Hergängen ist äusserst sonderbar und zeigt wieder einmal deutlich auf, wie offizielle Kommunikation funktioniert, wie offizielle Stories von Behörden abgesetzt und von den Medien unbesehen kolportiert werden. Da die angeblichen Ordnungshüter nicht einmal die Spur einer Analyse der Vorgänge vornehmen, wollen wir es hier versuchen.

08.03.2013 - 21:13 [ Techdirt ]

Aaron Swartz‘s Partner Accuses DOJ Of Lying, Seizing Evidence Without A Warrant & Withholding Exculpatory Evidence

Yesterday we wrote about Attorney General Eric Holder‘s ridiculous claims defending the prosecution of Aaron Swartz. We noted two key things that were ridiculous. First, Holder insisted that Swartz was only facing a few months in jail (he implied 5 months, tops) and scolded the media for claiming it was 35 years. As we noted it was the US Attorneys‘ own press release that trumpeted the 35 years. More importantly, the few months in prison was only if he agreed to plead guilty.

08.03.2013 - 18:48 [ Pale Music Int. ]

Tonight! The Return of Blitz – Bi Nuu Berlin

UPDATE: We are sorry for sending this out again, but we needed to make an urgent correction as there was a case of mistaken identities of the Djs.
Huge apologies to the artists VOIN and Sarah Adorable and for any confusion this may have caused.

08.03.2013 - 17:05 [ Reuters ]

Tunisian PM unveils new Islamist-led government

Tunisian Prime Minister Ali Larayedh unveiled a new coalition government led by the moderate Islamist Ennahda party on Friday, saying it would serve only until an election later in the year.

08.03.2013 - 17:04 [ Winfuture ]

Tablets ziehen im Web schon an Smartphones vorbei

Die Datenbasis für die Statistik stammt von über tausend weltweit verteilten großen Webseiten, die es zusammengenommen auf mehr als 100 Milliarden Besuche im Monat brachten.

08.03.2013 - 16:57 [ Ynet ]

Lapid: Don’t threaten us with civil war

„We need to carefully guard that which unites us. Such a union cannot exist if one fails to recognize a basic tenet of democracy and that is the state‘s right to act according to the desire of the majority.“

08.03.2013 - 16:18 [ Reuters ]

China delays GMO corn, rice to woo the public

The public remains „very concerned“ about the safety of GM crops, top agricultural official Chen Xiwen said on Thursday, but he added that it was inevitable that China would import GM crops in the future to meet the supply gap.

08.03.2013 - 15:36 [ CommonDreams ]

It‘s Official: Too Big to Fail Banks Are Too Big to Jail

Yesterday Attorney General Eric Holder stated openly what was already apparent: The Justice Department believes that Too Big to Fail Banks are Too Big to Jail. Criminal indictments against banks or leading bankers might endanger the economy and thus were too big a risk.

08.03.2013 - 15:22 [ AntiWar ]


I started writing this as Rand Paul entered the 9th hour of his historic filibuster against the nomination of John Brennan as CIA director, but I had to stop. As I listened and watched, real tears clouded my vision, raining down on the keyboard – tears of pure joy.

08.03.2013 - 14:03 [ New York Times ]

Kerry Says Syrian Opposition Can Handle Military Aid

(04.03.) Mr. Kerry’s comments followed a conference in Rome last week on the issue of building support for a coalition of opponents to the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad, which Mr. Kerry attended. He spoke to concerns that aid that was meant for the Western-backed group might be diverted into the hands of extremists.

08.03.2013 - 13:23 [ Yonhap (Südkorea) ]

Defense minister nominee grilled over link to arms dealer at rocky hearing

Kim Byung-kwan, who had served as the deputy commander of S. Korea-U.S. Combined Forces Korea in 2006-2008, has been under mounting public and media pressure to resign because of his well-paid job as a consultant for a local arms broker from 2010-2011. The arms broker was involved in a controversial project to import faulty German tank parts for the Korean Army.

08.03.2013 - 12:54 [ Radio Utopie ]

Asiatische Kuba-Krise als Kalkül

(26.11.2010) Die Korea-Krise, deren wahren Kontrahenten in Washington und Peking sitzen, bekommt eine neue Dimension. Bereits einen Tag vor dem Artilleriegefecht zwischen Nordkorea und Südkorea plauderte der tags darauf gefeuerte südkoreanische Verteidigungsminister Kim Tae-young neue, brisante Pläne aus. Diesen zufolge könnten die USA taktische Atomwaffen in Südkorea stationieren. Währenddessen werden rund um das Artilleriegefecht am 23. begründete Zweifel über die Darstellung der amerikanisch-südkoreanischen Seite laut. Offenbar versuchen die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika – wirtschaftlich und finanziell am Boden und nach neun Jahren Krieg mit zwei eroberten Ländern in Asien moralisch am Ende – mit kaltem, strategischem Kalkül eine asiatische Kuba-Krise herauf zu beschwören. Dabei benutzen sie die Koreaner beider Staaten als Bauern auf dem Schachbrett gegen ihren neuen Konkurrenten China, den sie zur Aufwertung ihrer Währung zwingen wollen.

08.03.2013 - 12:03 [ New York Times ]

Two Koreas Engage in Hostile Exchanges After Sanctions Vote

Angrily responding to the United Nations Security Council’s unanimous decision to impose tightened sanctions, North Korea said on Friday that it was nullifying all nonaggression agreements with South Korea, with one of its top generals claiming that his country had nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles ready to blast off.

08.03.2013 - 11:58 [ New York Times ]

U.N. Peacekeepers Still Held by Syria Rebels

A group of United Nations peacekeepers from the Philippines who were seized in the disputed Golan Heights region between Syria and Israel two days ago, remained in captivity early on Friday as their captors pressed demands for a redeployment of government forces nearby, the Filipino authorities said.