Daily Archives: 28. Dezember 2012

28.12.2012 - 23:24 [ N-TV ]

Illegale Downloads von Filmen und TV-Serien: Datenspur führt in den Bundestag

Wer illegale Inhalte herunterlädt, hinterlässt Spuren. Feste IP-Adressen sind besonders leicht auszumachen. Eine Datensammlung enthüllt nun: US-Filmstudios laden Werke der Konkurrenz und Pornos herunter, US-Ministerien und das Repräsentantenhaus sind ebenfalls verstrickt. Wie der Bundestag.

28.12.2012 - 23:19 [ RIA Novosti ]

Iran Starts 6-Day Naval Drills

The drills, dubbed Velayat 91, will be carried out in the Strait of Hormuz, the Sea of Oman, north of the Indian Ocean, the Gulf of Aden and the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, Navy commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said.

28.12.2012 - 23:07 [ McClatchy ]

US closes embassy in Central African Republic

The U.S. Embassy „suspended its operations on December 28, 2012, and, therefore, cannot provide protection or routine consular services,“ the State Department said in a statement.

28.12.2012 - 22:57 [ CNBC ]

Greek Crisis Harms Nation‘s Mental Health

Dr Kalbari is a psychologist. Each day her couch hosts a procession of patients suffering from anxiety, sleep disorders, depression and other maladies – many of them exacerbated, she believes, by a crisis that has pushed the unemployment rate above 25 per cent while depriving Greeks of any certainty about the future.

28.12.2012 - 19:59 [ Spiegel ]

Wowereit stürzt in Umfrage ab

Die Berliner SPD und ihr Regierender Bürgermeister Klaus Wowereit rutschen wegen des Flughafendesasters in der Wählergunst immer weiter ab. Erstmals seit Jahren liegt die bisher in Umfragen immer führende Regierungspartei SPD mit 24 Prozent deutlich hinter ihrem Koalitionspartner CDU, der auf 27 Prozent kommt.

28.12.2012 - 19:59 [ Beppe Grillo ]

Grillo’s reform agenda

1 – Anti-corruption Law
2 – Citizen‘s income
3 – Abolition of public contributions to the parties (retroactively starting with these elections)
4 – Immediate abolition of direct and indirect financing of newspapers
5 – Introduction of the possibility of having a referendum that puts forward a proposal and doesn’t need a quorum
6 – Referendum about staying in the euro

28.12.2012 - 19:58 [ Beppe Grillo ]

The Vatican and the man of Providence

When Cavalier Benito Mussolini signed the Lateran Pacts with the Vatican in 1929, Pope Pius XI made a public speech and called him a „Man of Providence“:

„And perhaps we needed a man like the one whom providence has sent us: a man without the worries of the liberal school, for the men for whom all these laws, all these regulations, or rather these “disorderly regulations”, let’s say, all those laws, and all those regulations were just fetishes, like the fetishes that are just as intangible and venerated as they are ugly and deformed.“

83 years have gone by and Rigor Montis, another man of Providence has been revealed to the world.

28.12.2012 - 19:55 [ Radio Vatikan ]

Italien: Katholiken unterstützen Monti

„Ich glaube dass Monti in dieser seiner Agenda eine Politik wiederherstellt, die die Probleme der Personen, Familien und Unternehmen im Sinne des Gemeinwohls zu lösen versucht. Endlich sprechen wir wieder über das Allgemeinwohl, über das Land, über Fragen, die gelöst werden müssen, damit es wieder Wachstum gibt.“

28.12.2012 - 17:18 [ Uri Avnery / Counterpunch ]

A Person Called Nobody

Suddenly, I realized that a new star had appeared on the political firmament of Israel.

Until yesterday I did not even know of its existence.

28.12.2012 - 15:45 [ techdirt ]

Senate Rejects Final FISA Amendment, Lets Spying Program Stay Shrouded In Secrecy

Yesterday, we covered the rushed last-minute debate over the FISA Amendments Act, after which three critical amendments that would have brought some accountability to the NSA‘s spying program were all struck down. This morning, the fourth and final such amendment from Senators Wyden and Udall was also rejected, in a vote of 52 to 43, meaning FISA will now move forward in its current (and likely unconstitutional) form.

28.12.2012 - 15:44 [ El Pais ]

Privatizing healthcare law passed in Madrid assembly

The Madrid assembly on Thursday approved the Fiscal and Administrative Measures Law, which paves the way for the privatization of healthcare in the region. As of January 1, tenders can be submitted for healthcare services at six hospitals and 27 clinics. Also included in the legislation is a new and controversial supplementary charge of one euro per prescription.

28.12.2012 - 14:01 [ Cnet ]

Revealed: NSA targeting domestic computer systems in secret test

The Perfect Citizen files obtained by the Electronic Privacy Information Center and provided to CNET shed more light on how the agency aims to defend — and attack — embedded controllers. The NSA is reported to have developed Stuxnet, which President Obama secretly ordered to be used against Iran‘s nuclear program, with the help of Israel.

28.12.2012 - 13:56 [ techdirt ]

LEAKED: White House‘s Bogus Talking Points On Why Senate Should Trample The 4th Amendment

First, some background.

As we noted yesterday, there was a „debate“ in the Senate concerning the FISA Amendments Act renewal, and four specific amendments that some Senators tried to add to it to make the renewal less problematic. If you haven‘t been following this whole mess, you can read back through our FISA Amendments Act stories here, but the short version is that this is the bill that „legalized“ warrantless wiretapping

28.12.2012 - 13:51 [ Zeit ]

„Die USA haben ohne Not auf die dunkle Seite gewechselt“

Er, der NSA-Spion, fürchtet sich inzwischen vor Politikern, die fordern, dass der Staat alles wissen müsse. „Der Krieg gegen den Terror sollte kein Krieg gegen ethische Grundsätze und Menschenrechte sein“, sagte er. Und dass die USA nach dem 11. September ohne Grund Bürgerrechte und Freiheit geopfert hätten. „There was no, I repeat, no need to go to the dark side.“ (Es gab keinen, ich wiederhole: keinen Grund, zur dunklen Seite zu wechseln.)

28.12.2012 - 12:51 [ cams21 ]

Stuttgart 21: Pressekonferenz im Rosensteinpark

Am 28.12.2012 findet um 13:30 Uhr eine Pressekonferenz des Aktionsbündnis gegen S21, der Juristen zu S21 und der Parkschützer statt. Die Veranstalter stellen die aktuelle juristische Sachlage zum Thema Stuttgart 21 dar sowie die sich daraus ergebenden Konsequenzen für die Landesregierung und dem DB-Aufsichtsrat. Daraus ergibt sich insbesondere, wie das Projekt Stuttgart 21 abzuwickeln ist. Anlass, die PK zu veranstalten, ist der Gestattungsvertrag zur Zerstörung des Parks, der inzwischen Finanzminister Nils Schmid vorliegt.

28.12.2012 - 12:41 [ events.ccc.de ]

The Lichtbildausweis and the Überwachungswahn

The future of crime surely lies in identitytheft. In our ‚post-911‘-mindset we choose to live in a ‚show me who you are‘-society. But does this really makes us safer? Are people even aware what we are talking about or are we creating a new problem one that might be very hard to fix?

28.12.2012 - 12:41 [ events.ccc.de ]

Certificate Authority Collapse: Will the EU Succeed in Regulating HTTPS?

Given our dependence on secure web browsing, the security of HTTPS has become a top priority in telecommunications policy. In June 2012, the European Commission proposed a new Regulation on eSignatures. As the HTTPS ecosystem is by and large unregulated across the world, the proposal presents a paradigm shift in the governance of HTTPS.

28.12.2012 - 12:15 [ JewishPress.com ]

Likud Continues to Sink, Left Rising, Jewish Home Third Largest

The other big story is that the new beneficiary of Likud’s losses is no longer Naftali Bennett’s HaBayit HaYehudi, but the “near left” parties of Tzipi Livni and Yair Lapid. These two personality-based lists are also siphoning off votes from Labor, which in Friday’s poll was clipped down to 17 seats. Lapid and Livni are holding 11 seats each

28.12.2012 - 12:10 [ techdirt ]

Is Peru Going To Get Its Own SOPA?

Earlier this year, we noted that Colombia rushed through a SOPA-like law after signing a free trade agreement with the US. This despite growing evidence that countries who ratchet up their IP laws don‘t see much benefit from doing so.