On Oct. 15, a military helicopter crashed due to a technical failure near the Anad air base in the southern province of Lahj and the pilot died later from serious injuries.
On Oct. 25, 2011, another Russian-made Antonov military cargo plane crashed while landing at the Anad military air base, killing nine people, including eight Syrian engineers and a Yemeni army officer.
The Anad military air base is used by the U.S. army to train Yemeni counter-terrorism forces in combating al-Qaida militants in the country‘s restive south.
US-Präsident Barack Obama hat dem israelischen Regierungschef Benjamin Netanjahu versprochen, im Kongress mehr Geld für die zusätzliche Finanzierung des Raketenabwehrsystems „Eiserne Kuppel“ durchzusetzen.
Das teilte das Weiße Haus am Mittwoch mit. „Präsident Obama telefonierte heute mit Premier Netanjahu und bekräftigte sein Streben, die Sicherheit Israels zu gewährleisten. Der Präsident gab unmissverständlich zu verstehen, dass kein einziges Land Angriffe auf friedliche Bürger dulden wird“, hieß es.
Die internationale Ratingagentur Fitch hat die Bonität des kriesengeschüttelten EU-Landes Zypern gleich um zwei Noten – von „BB+“ auf „BB-“ – herabgestuft.
Der Ausblick sei „negativ“, teilte Fitch am Mittwoch mit.
21.11.2012 - 22:56 [ Organic Consumers Association ]
The goal of the USDA-appointed committee, the Advisory Committee on Biotechnology and 21st Century Agriculture (AC21), was to address contamination by genetically modified (also known as genetically engineered, or GE) crops to organic and non-GE crops, and to look at compensation mechanisms for that contamination.
About 42.2 million Americans will eat on a budget of $1 to $1.25 per meal this Thanksgiving as the number of people enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program remains high, found a new report by The Sunlight Foundation, a nonprofit government watchdog group. The number of Americans relying on food stamps this Thanksgiving is equal to the populations of California and Connecticut combined.
‘International Micronutritionist’ Dan Sienkewicz knows that as well as anyone, but on a recent trip to visit native tribes of the area, he discovered that the Rain Forest’s healing secrets had been all but lost on the natives, who now prefer starchy cereals, Coca Cola, and yes, Kraft Mac and Cheese, to their traditional diets, as well as government-provided “modern medicine” to their traditional herbs.
The Army Corps of Engineers, using $29 million in federal stimulus money, built the harbor.
„Yes. It‘s not normal,“ Steve Boardman, head of the Army Corps of Engineers civil projects division, told KUCB. „And it has prevented the construction of harbors in the past, when that supporting infrastructure is not there.“
The defense minister arrived in Vladivostok on Wednesday, after his visit to China where he had taken part in the 17th session of the Russian-Chinese inter-governmental military cooperation commission. Shoigu held talks with his Chinese colleague Liang Guanglie and met with Chinese President Hu Jintao.
Less than 10,000 students gathered in London to protest a hike in tuition, soaring youth unemployment and a host of other financial burdens. A splinter activist group threatened to break away from this “tame” rally and march on parliament.
The reason why I am posting this is to let you know that you are being manipulated […] The first three months is the probation period. Our hourly rate starts at 2,500 Korean Won (USD 2.3). They (the party) would pay for (computer and Internet use at) the PC room [note: Korean gaming cafe], but since we spend our money on buying meals and cigarettes, even after working a full-day, we barely covered our commuter expense…
The area has changed partly due to gentrification, it is near the famous Opéra Garnier and the Louvre museum, but is also close to several streets that are now full of sushi restaurants and shops catering for Japanese tourists.
The German campaign, as discreet as it was, was a timely reaction to the historic speech the U.S. president Barack Obama made in the Czech capital Prague in April 2009, where he called the nuclear weapons spread across the world „the most dangerous legacy of the Cold War“.
But soon, the German campaign for the denuclearisation of Europe, very much like Obama’s speech in Prague, turned out to be no more than pious words.
Vor kurzem hat der EZB-Rat ein neues Programm unter dem Namen Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) beschlossen, das unter bestimmten Auflagen den unbegrenzten Kauf von Staatsanleihen ermöglicht. Unter dem alten Programm SMP sollen keine Staatsanleihen mehr gekauft werden.
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said he was confident the funding gap could be filled by a mixture of letting Greece buy back its own debt at a discount, tapping ECB profits on Greek bond purchases, and lowering interest rates on government loans to Athens, but not below the cost to lenders.
Mr. Schäuble said Germany wouldn‘t accept lowering interest rates below the borrowing costs of German state bank KfW, which provided Germany‘s portion of Greece‘s first bailout, because that would cause German taxpayers to take a loss.
A super market cart to carry what is left from once a descent home: some clothes stuffed in bags. Some blankets. A sleeping bag. A camping gas, a pot and a spoon. And a roof of plastic to give shelter from November rain and cold.
CNTPO has a longstanding relationship with Blackwater, the infamous security firm that is now known as Academi. In 2009, it gave Blackwater a contract to train Afghan police, and company employees used that contract to requisition guns from the U.S. military for their private use. Although that contract was ultimately taken out of CNTPO’s hands, the office’s relationship with Academi/Blackwater endures.
Gazprom and Petrovietnam have discussed bilateral cooperation in the oil and gas sector and brought into focus the main thrusts of its further development.
„Sie müssen, Frau Bundeskanzlerin, diese Fähigkeiten zum Aussitzen und Abwarten irgendwo gelernt haben, diese Neigung, sich nicht zu exponieren, schön in der Deckung zu bleiben, um dann auf den Zug zu springen, in dem die meisten Fahrgäste sind.“
During an exchange with the Labour leader, Ed Miliband, at prime minister‘s questions, Cameron said the EU, US and other international players needed to put pressure on both sides in the conflict to „de-escalate, to stop the fighting, to stop the bombing“.
(12.11.) Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon visited the Magic City, speaking to a crowd at The Club Monday afternoon. He spoke about the future of U.S.-Israel relations, and said party lines do not matter. „We do not distinguish between republicans and democrats. For us, you are all Americans,“ he said.
21.11.2012 - 17:25 [ Aniaetleprogrammeur - New Releases ]
„Aniaetleprogrammeur filled our bodies with thumping beats, thrilling synths,
and guitars that wailed so hard they raised goosebumps on the back of our necks-
all with just two members! They credit their Parisian beginnings for the hints
of ambience and nuanced melodies imbued throughout their Berlin Wall of
Sound.“*Los Angeles Weekly (US)***
In other words, the bill is aimed at ending pointless, embarrassing and invasive pat downs of travelers by the federal Transportation Security Administration, among others.
21.11.2012 - 15:36 [ Deutsche Wirtschafts-Nachrichten ]
Das wäre Bert Brecht in seinen kühnsten Stücken nicht eingefallen: Ein kämpferischer Arbeiterführer wechselt die Seite und wird mit einen Millionengage Vorstandsmitglied des von ihm bekämpften Konzerns.
Archaeologists are still working on the site, discovered this summer during work for the Environment Agency, but preliminary carbon-dating results suggest that they are almost 8,000 years old, from the Mesolithic period, and come from at least three structures, suggesting family groups living together in a settlement which may have lasted for centuries.
Dr Noble has been part of a team working in the area around the famous Craw Stane for around two years. Their findings have revealed that Rhynie was a key seat of Pictish power and may even have been a royal settlement in the 5th and 6th centuries AD.
Allen had been nominated to be NATO‘s Supreme Allied Commander-Europe and head the U.S. European Command, but that promotion was put on hold pending the investigation.
Panetta, though, had asked the Senate earlier this month to move quickly to confirm Allen‘s nominated successor in Afghanistan, Gen. Joseph Dunford.
Le magazine Forbes la classe au 9e rang des femmes les plus puissantes au monde. Janet Napolitano, secrétaire d‘Etat à la Sécurité intérieure des Etats-Unis, répond aux questions de L‘Express sur le piratage de l‘Elysée et la cyberguerre.
The United States used U.S.-Israeli spy software to hack into the French presidential office earlier this year, the French cyberwarfare agency has concluded, according to the newsmagazine l‘Express.
Dr. Chakraborty is among hundreds of scientists in India who have come out in suport of a ban on GMO food crops in the subcontinent. He is in Manila at the invitation of Greenpeace, as an expert witness in ongoing Writ of Kalikasan hearings at the Supreme Court, to help substantiate scientific findings that GMOs are unstable and unsafe to be planted, processed, and eaten.
Leave it to the Beasties to frame this in terms of identity politics, but that is precisely the political calculation the Obama administration will be making if Rice is indeed the President’s nominee for State: not only is Rice one of the Three Harpies of War who — in the Madeleine Albright tradition — agitated for the disastrous Libyan intervention, she’s also African-American, a major plus in an administration where identity politics trumps real world qualifications.
Syrian government troops backed by tanks battled to oust rebel forces from an opposition stronghold in a Damascus suburb on Tuesday in the heaviest fighting in the capital for months.
A suicide bomber has killed two security guards in the heart of Kabul‘s heavily fortified military and diplomatic enclave, but it is suspected he was stopped short of his real target, Afghan police said.
But the window of opportunity for a negotiated solution is narrowing because of growing alarm over Tehran‘s nuclear course in Israel, which has threatened to bomb Iranian installations.
Bereits im Vorfeld warnten Schäuble und Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel vor den hohen Risiken, die Deutschland im Falle eines erneuten Schuldenschnittes für Griechenland bevorstünden.
Vor allem der deutsche Bankensektor würde in Mitleidenschaft gezogen.
(19.11.) The troika of Greek creditors, composed by the European Commission, the ECB and the IMF, examined the possibility of extending a moratorium on repayments for Greece by 10 years to 2032
Es sei daher nicht anzunehmen, dass sich einzelne Mitglieder aus der „Rettungsarchitektur“ lösten, ist sich Canel sicher. „Der IWF sitzt wie eine Maus in der selbstgebauten Euro-Rettungsfalle, so wie es der ausscheidende Ökonom des IWF, Peter Doyle, in seinem Kündigungsbrief im Juni 2012 kritisiert hat. Und er muss es wissen.“
Der französische Finanzminister Pierre Moscovici gab sich hoffnungsvoll: „Ich habe den Eindruck, dass eine politische Vereinbarung in Reichweite ist. Es ist unsere Pflicht, alles zu unternehmen.“ Bundesfinanzminister Wolfgang Schäuble sagte, es sei „noch ein bisschen Arbeit zu leisten“.