Daily Archives: 18. Juni 2011

18.06.2011 - 22:41 [ MMnews ]

Kalium: vergessene Herz- und Nervennahrung

Während die Medien ständig über Vitamine brabbeln, sich über Spurenelemente austoben, dabei aber die Enzyme völlig vergessen, die Mineralien hochleben lassen, gebricht es an Informationen über die wundersamen Kalium-Ionen, die in unseren Billionen Körperzellen hausen und wirken. Da sei die Frage angebracht, woher wir dieses Zell-Elexier am Besten beziehen.

18.06.2011 - 21:39 [ Rechtslupe ]


Die Bundesregierung hat den Entwurf eines Gesetzes über die geodätischen Referenzsysteme, -netze und geotopographischen Referenzdaten des Bundes (Bundesgeoreferenzdatengesetz) in das Gesetzgebungsverfahren eingebracht

18.06.2011 - 17:45 [ Michael Moore ]

America for Sale: Is Goldman Sachs Buying Your City?

In Chicago, it‘s the sale of parking meters to the sovereign wealth fund of Abu Dhabi. In Indiana, it‘s the sale of the northern toll road to a Spanish and Australian joint venture. In Wisconsin it‘s public health and food programs, in California it‘s libraries. It‘s water treatment plants, schools, toll roads, airports, and power plants. It‘s Amtrak. There are revolving doors of corrupt politicians, big banks, and rating agencies. There are conflicts of interest. It‘s bipartisan.

18.06.2011 - 17:33 [ Cindy Sheehan´s Soap Box ]

My Interview with the Honorable Cynthia McKinney `The Democrats let the world down`: Cindy Sheehan

This interview is a comprehensive look at Election Fraud American Style!
PART ONE highlights the stolen elections of 2000 and the way the Democratic Party complied in the oligarch‘s evil slide to destruction.

PART TWO exposes electronic voting machines and the privatization of „Democracy.“

PART THREE talks about a COINTELPRO paper saying that the oligarchy decided to „Hand pick“ a „Black Messiah,“ to prevent the rise of persons like Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr who „excited the Negroes.“

18.06.2011 - 16:54 [ SeattlePi.com ]

Feingold slams Dem super PACs

In a 27-minute keynote speech at Netroots Nation here, Feingold pressured President Barack Obama to make overturning the Citizens United Supreme Court decision – which allowed corporations and unions to fund independent election ads – a central part of his 2012 campaign.

„It shouldn‘t be checking a box,“ he said. „It should be in every speech, every statement. It is the bottom line for our democracy.“ ..

„I fear that the Democratic Party is in danger of losing its identity,“ Feingold said. „Creating those kinds of Super PACs is wrong . People will see us as weak. People will see us as Corporate Lite. It‘s not just wrong. It‘s a dumb strategy.“ ..

In reference to the 2010 Supreme Court ruling on campaign finance, which reflected the view that campaign cash restrictions infringe on free speech, he said: „Speech doesn‘t corrupt. Money corrupts, and money isn‘t speech.“

18.06.2011 - 16:52 [ You Tube ]

‚America Is NOT Broke‘: Michael Moore Speaks in Madison, WI

„Contrary to what those in power would like you to believe so that you‘ll give up your pension, cut your wages, and settle for the life your great-grandparents had, America is not broke. Not by a long shot. The country is awash in wealth and cash. It‘s just that it‘s not in your hands. It has been transferred, in the greatest heist in history, from the workers and consumers to the banks and the portfolios of the uber-rich.“ — Michael Moore

18.06.2011 - 16:48 [ You Tube ]

Klaus Kinski (feat. Buffalo Springfield): Wie man einen Sklaven macht

Poem: Wie Man Einen Sklaven Macht
Artist: Klaus Kinski
LP: Dichtung afrikanischer Völker
Year: 1961
Label: Deutsche Grammophon

Song: For What It‘s Worth
Artist: Buffalo Springfield
Year: 1967
7 Inch: For What It‘s Worth
Label: Atco

Lead Vocals: Nikolaus Karl Günther Nakszyński † 1991
Lead Guitar: Neil Percival Young
Guitar: Stephen Arthur Stills
Rhythm Guitar: Paul Richard Furay
Drums: Dewey Martin
Bass: Bruce Palmer † 2004

18.06.2011 - 13:22 [ Zeit ]

Noam Chomsky: ´Studenten sollen Anarchisten werden´

Chomsky: Das Problem ist einfach: Die allermeisten Intellektuellen sind Diener der Macht. Sie beraten Regierungen, sie nennen sich Experten, sie streben nach Prestige, übrigens nicht nur heute, sondern seit Jahrhunderten. Doch jede Gesellschaft hat an ihren Rändern kritische Intellektuelle. Beide Typen haben Einfluss: die Diener der Macht und die Dissidenten.

18.06.2011 - 12:44 [ Wiener Zeitung ]

Wien will Libyens Rebellen anerkennen

Eine entsprechende Erklärung werde Außenminister Michael Spindelegger bei einem Treffen mit EU-Kollegen in Luxemburg am Montag abgeben, sagte sein Sprecher Alexander Schallenberg. Eine für Sonntag geplante Reise von Spindelegger in die libysche Rebellenhauptstadt ist unterdessen verschoben worden.

18.06.2011 - 12:41 [ Monsters and Critics ]

More daytime attacks on Tripoli after Gaddafi vows to defeat NATO

A defiant Gaddafi, who has been in power for 42 years, said in a reported telephone call broadcast on state television late Friday that ‚the alliance will be defeated.‘

‚We are in our country, and we are determined to stay and defend it. … We are staying, we are staying. Let them even use nuclear bombs,‘ he said, and described the rebels seeking his ouster as ‚traitors‘ and ‚cowards.‘

18.06.2011 - 12:37 [ New York Times ]

Karzai Blasts Allies as Insurgents Attack Kabul Market

President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan launched a broadside against his coalition allies on Saturday, saying the motives behind their presence were suspect and even complaining that their weaponry is polluting his country.

Mr. Karzai denied earlier reports — including from his own statements — that his government was negotiating with Taliban leaders, but he said that the Americans were doing so. American officials have never publicly acknowledged such talks, and the Taliban have denied them categorically.

18.06.2011 - 12:30 [ Leipziger Volkszeitung ]

Überraschende Reisepläne zweier Minister – gute Laune im vollklimatisierten Großzelt

glaubt man General Azmat von der pakistanischen Armee, er ist deren Sprecher und in den USA ziemlich gut ausgebildet, dann könnte sich ja die Sache mit Afghanistan („das Ding“, wie de Maizière am Freitag den Soldaten sagte) relativ zügig erledigen. Wieder einmal ein eindrucksvoller Powerpoint-Vortrag mit Statistiken und niedlichen Hubschraubern, die über die Leinwand segeln und Erfolge im Kampf gegen Terror allen Orten verkünden.

18.06.2011 - 10:11 [ Radio Utopie ]

Deny! Deny!

I AM fed up with all this nonsense about recognizing Israel as the “Jewish State”.

18.06.2011 - 06:32 [ New York Times ]

Court Papers Detail Strauss-Kahn’s Statements After Arrest

The statements were detailed in court papers filed by the Manhattan district attorney’s office: a notification known as a voluntary disclosure form, which prosecutors are required to provide to defense lawyers within 15 days of a defendant’s arraignment.

The papers were dated Tuesday, but it was unclear when they were provided to Mr. Strauss-Kahn’s lawyers, William W. Taylor III and Benjamin Brafman. Mr. Taylor declined to comment on the contents of the documents.

18.06.2011 - 06:24 [ Winfuture ]

YouTube: Musikkonzerne werfen GEMA Blockade vor

In den offiziellen Listen über die Lizenzgebühren veranschlagt die GEMA derzeit für Streaming-Angebote einen Preis von rund 13 Cent pro Video-Abruf.

18.06.2011 - 02:29 [ Parteibuch ]

USA wollen Bashar Assad vom Kanguruh-Gericht ICC verfolgen lassen

Die USA wissen nur zu gut, dass das ICC ein politisches Kanguruh-Gericht ist, wo nicht Schuld oder Unschuld über Anklage und Verurteilung oder Freispruch entscheiden, sondern politische Einflussnahme und Manipulation von Zeugen und Beweismitteln durch westliche Großmächte.