Archiv: Tsunamis

02.01.2024 - 18:27 [ Japan Today ]

Fire destroys JAL plane after collision with coast guard aircraft at Haneda; 5 dead

All 379 passengers and crew of a Japan Airlines plane miraculously escaped from a fire following a collision with a Japan Coast Guard aircraft at Tokyo‘s Haneda airport on Tuesday, but local media said five of the coast guard plane crew had died.

The coast guard said the collision involved one of its planes that was headed to Niigata airport on Japan‘s west coast to deliver aid to those caught up in a powerful earthquake that struck on New Year‘s Day.

02.01.2024 - 18:18 [ Japan Today ]

Rescue teams search for quake survivors in Ishikawa as death toll reaches 48

The quake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.6 struck at 4:10 p.m. on Monday afternoon, prompting people in coastal areas to flee to higher ground as tsunami waves hit Japan‘s western seaboard, sweeping cars and houses into the water.

Around 200 tremors have been detected since the quake first hit on Monday, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency, which warned more strong shocks could hit in the coming days.

17.07.2021 - 17:25 [ International Committee on the Red Cross ]

Convention on the prohibition of military or any hostile use of environmental modification techniques, 10 December 1976.

Understanding relating to article II

It is the understanding of the Committee that the following examples are illustrative of phenomena that could be caused by the use of environmental modification techniques as defined in article II of the Convention: earthquakes; tsunamis; an upset in the ecological balance of a region; changes in weather patterns (clouds, precipitation, cyclones of various types and tornadic storms); changes in climate patterns; changes in ocean currents; changes in the state of the ozone layer; and changes in the state of the ionosphere.

18.06.2019 - 18:08 [ International Committee on the Red Cross ]

Convention on the prohibition of military or any hostile use of environmental modification techniques, 10 December 1976.

Understanding relating to article II

It is the understanding of the Committee that the following examples are illustrative of phenomena that could be caused by the use of environmental modification techniques as defined in article II of the Convention: earthquakes; tsunamis; an upset in the ecological balance of a region; changes in weather patterns (clouds, precipitation, cyclones of various types and tornadic storms); changes in climate patterns; changes in ocean currents; changes in the state of the ozone layer; and changes in the state of the ionosphere.

18.06.2019 - 18:03 [ Radio Utopie ]

Kennen Sie eigentlich die ENMOD-Konvention gegen Wetterwaffen aus dem Jahre 1976?


Ausdrücklich erwähnt werden:
– Erdbeben oder Veränderungen der Erdkruste
– Tsunamis
– Wetterphänomene wie Zyklone, Tornados, Wolkenbildung, Niederschlag/Regen
– Störung der ökologischen Balance einer Region
– Beeinflussung der Meeresströmungen, usw

Und das war 1976.

01.10.2018 - 18:59 [ ]

Wild weather: Hurricanes, tsunamis and quakes threaten millions

(today) A POWERFUL series of quakes, hurricanes, tsunamis and other storm systems are rattling the globe in the wake of almost a thousands deaths in Indonesia.

01.10.2018 - 17:56 [ Arirang News / Youtube ]

Natural disasters hit Indonesia and Japan, leaving hundreds dead

The earthquake and tsunami that struck Indonesia Friday, reportedly took more than 800 lives, with the death toll to expected to rise. Over in Japan, the powerful Typhoon Trami swept the country, killing 2 people and inuring at least 120 others. KIM Da-mi updates us on the situations. Indonesia‘s disaster agency says the latest death toll from Friday‘s earthquake and tsunami stands at 832.