Archiv: TikTok (messenger)

23.05.2023 - 11:35 [ Al Jazeera ]

US says China can spy with TikTok. It spies on world with Google


Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which the US Congress must vote to reauthorise by December to prevent it from lapsing under a sunset clause, allows US intelligence agencies to carry out warrantless spying on foreigners’ email, phone and other online communications.

While US citizens have some protections against warrantless searches under the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution, the US government has maintained that these rights do not extend to foreigners overseas, giving agencies such as the National Security Agency (NSA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) practically free rein to snoop on their communications.

29.12.2022 - 13:03 [ Techdirt ]

TikTok Admits It Used App Data To Spy On Journalists To Try To Find Source Of Leak

Either way, in October, we again wrote about another story by Baker-White, now at Forbes, talking about how ByteDance appeared to use TikTok data to try to spy on certain US citizens, though the details were vague. As we said at the time, this seemed like the sort of thing that should spur people to pass a comprehensive federal privacy law, not that that’s happened. Instead, we’ve just been getting more and more performative nonsense focused exclusively on TikTok, rather than on the underlying problem.

Now, Baker-White has the third piece in this trilogy that ties them all together. Apparently one of the US citizens ByteDance was trying to spy on… was Baker-White herself, and it was because of the original Buzzfeed article, as the company sought to track down how the initial info was leaked. It’s quite a story and you should read the whole thing, though here’s just a snippet.