Archiv: Thom Tillis

03.10.2020 - 12:44 [ Lindsey Graham, US Senator / Twitter ]

Talked to Senator Lee earlier today and wished him a speedy recovery. Look forward to welcoming him back to the @senjudiciary to proceed with the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barret on October 12.

03.10.2020 - 12:43 [ ]

Trotz infizierter Senatoren: Barretts Ernennung soll planmäßig stattfinden

Trotz der Corona-Infektion zweier beteiligter Senatoren soll die Nachbesetzung des freien Postens am Obersten Gericht der USA planmäßig stattfinden. Die Kandidatin Amy Coney Barrett solle wie angekündigt vom 12. Oktober an angehört werden, so der Vorsitzende des Justizausschusses, Lindsey Graham. Die Senatoren könnten daran nach Wunsch auch per Video teilnehmen.

03.10.2020 - 12:33 [ USA Today ]

2 GOP senators test positive for COVID-19 after Trump; Democrats say it‘s ‚premature‘ to move forward with Barrett confirmation hearings

Despite the concerns, Senate Republican leaders say they want to move ahead with confirmation hearings for Barrett, which are slated to begin Oct. 12. Both Lee and Tillis are members of the 22-member Senate Judiciary Committee that will hold the hearings and ultimately decide whether his confirmation will move forward for a vote in the full Senate.

03.10.2020 - 12:14 [ New York Times ]

Positive Tests for Senators Raise Questions About Timing of Barrett Hearings

Two Republican senators on the pivotal Judiciary Committee have tested positive for the coronavirus after attending White House events last week announcing Mr. Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, Judge Amy Coney Barrett, throwing the future of her Supreme Court confirmation hearings into question.

03.10.2020 - 12:13 [ New York Times ]

Trump’s Diagnosis Imperils Quick Supreme Court Confirmation Timeline

But by Friday evening, with the White House and Congress in turmoil and two Republican members of the Judiciary Committee, Senators Mike Lee of Utah and Thom Tillis of North Carolina, among those announcing they had tested positive for the virus, it was clear that the challenge had grown steeper.

Top Republicans insisted they would move ahead at an uncommonly swift pace to hold hearings on Judge Barrett’s nomination by Oct. 12, send her nomination to the full Senate by Oct. 22 and confirm her as soon as Oct. 26, eight days before Election Day — even if it meant breaking Senate norms and considering a lifetime judicial nomination by videoconference.