Archiv: Phakiso Mochochoko

03.04.2021 - 01:17 [ ]

US-Regierung: Sanktionen gegen Strafgerichtshof aufgehoben

US-Außenminister Antony Blinken teilte in Washington mit, Biden habe eine entsprechende Verfügung seines Amtsvorgängers Donald Trump rückgängig gemacht. Dadurch seien auch die von der Trump-Regierung verhängten Strafmaßnahmen gegen die Chefanklägerin des Gerichts, Fatou Bensouda, sowie ICC-Abteilungsleiter Phakiso Mochochoko, aufgehoben. Visarestriktionen für Mitarbeiter des Gerichtshofes seien ebenfalls gestrichen worden.

03.04.2021 - 00:56 [ Haaretz ]

Biden Administration Lifts Trump Sanctions on ICC Officials

The move comes nearly one month after ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda announced the decision to open a formal investigation into war crimes in the Palestinian Territories, which will examine both sides in the conflict

03.09.2020 - 20:46 [ ]

Anklägerin ermittelt gegen die USA: Sie will Mut zeigen

Am Mittwoch nun hat US-Aussenminister Mike Pompeo zudem eine Drohung wahr gemacht und Fatou Bensouda sowie einen hochrangigen Mitarbeiter auf die Sanktionsliste gesetzt. Das heisst, sie werden gleichgesetzt mit Terroristen, ihr Vermögen in den USA kann eingefroren werden. Solche Sanktionen hatte zuletzt auch Israels Regierung gefordert, die verärgert ist über – allerdings nur sehr verhaltene – Ermittlungen wegen möglicher Kriegsverbrechen in Gaza.

03.09.2020 - 20:32 [ Internationaler Strafgerichtshof / International Criminal Court (ICC) ]

International Criminal Court condemns US economic sanctions

The new measures, announced pursuant to the US Executive Order 13928 dated 11 June 2020, are another attempt to interfere with the Court‘s judicial and prosecutorial independence and crucial work to address grave crimes of concern to the international community as mandated under the ICC Rome Statute.

These coercive acts, directed at an international judicial institution and its civil servants, are unprecedented and constitute serious attacks against the Court, the Rome Statute system of international criminal justice, and the rule of law more generally.

The Court continues to stand firmly by its personnel and its mission of fighting impunity for the world‘s most serious crimes under international law, independently and impartially, in accordance with its mandate. In doing so, the Court benefits from the strong support and commitment of two thirds of the world‘s States which are parties to the Rome Statute.

03.09.2020 - 20:30 [ European Union External Action (EEAS) / Auswärtiger Dienst der Europäischen Union ]

International Criminal Court: Statement by the High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell on US sanctions

The European Union is unwavering in its support for the universality of the Rome Statute and for the ICC. We will resolutely defend it from any attempts aimed at obstructing the course of justice and undermining the international system of criminal justice.

03.09.2020 - 20:22 [ ]

U.S. blacklists ICC prosecutor over Afghanistan war crimes probe

Pompeo also said Phakiso Mochochoko, the head of the ICC’s Jurisdiction, Complementarity and Cooperation Division, had also been blacklisted under sanctions authorized by President Donald Trump in June that allow for asset freezes and travel bans.

“Today we take the next step, because the ICC continues to target Americans, sadly,” Pompeo told reporters.

03.09.2020 - 20:22 [ Times of Israel ]

US sanctions ICC prosecutor who allowed complaint of Israeli ‘war crimes’

The US has imposed sanctions on the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court just weeks after she allowed a complaint of Israeli “war crimes” to proceed.

Announcing sanctions against the ICC’s Fatou Bensouda, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the court “continues to target Americans”, in apparent reference to investigations into US Army actions in Afghanistan.