Archiv: not our fault ..

07.11.2020 - 12:16 [ ]

Rate of rejected mail-in ballots almost 30 times lower in Pennsylvania this year than in 2016

A county-by-county review by Just the News of accepted and rejected mail-in ballots throughout the state of Pennsylvania show that, when added up, the state only rejected 951 of 2,614,011 mail-in ballots this year, or a rate of 0.03%.

31.10.2020 - 12:24 [ ]

‚We’ve got to stop the bleeding‘: Democrats sound alarm in Miami

Democrats are sounding the alarm about weak voter turnout rates in Florida’s biggest county, Miami-Dade, where a strong Republican showing is endangering Joe Biden’s chances in the nation’s biggest swing state.

No Democrat can win Florida without a huge turnout and big winning margins here to offset losses elsewhere in the state. But Democrats are turning out at lower rates than Republicans and at lower rates than at this point in 2016, when Hillary Clinton won by 29 percentage points here and still lost the state to Donald Trump.

25.10.2020 - 08:01 [ Dan Scavino / Twitter ]

President @realDonaldTrump on his way to a massive #MAGA ?? ? rally in Circleville, Ohio.

Absolutely unbelievable—OHIO is TRUMP COUNTRY! LET’S WIN! #VOTE

25.10.2020 - 07:04 [ Abigail Marone / Twitter ]

When Joe Biden left his event today, he had to drive by the HUGE crowd of Pennsylvanians he had just called “chumps.” They were chanting “4 MORE YEARS!”

25.10.2020 - 06:37 [ Nicole Sganga, CBS News reporter, covering the Trump campaign / Twitter ]

DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA — Dozens of bedazzled cars await Joe Biden, Jill Biden and Jon Bon Jovi.

25.10.2020 - 06:30 [ Yahoo Finance / Youtube ]

Joe Biden campaigns in Dallas, Pennsylvania

Joe Biden campaigns in Dallas, Pennsylvania

25.10.2020 - 06:25 [ Yahoo Finance / Youtube ]

Joe Biden speaks at a drive-in campaign rally in Bristol, Pennsylvania

Joe Biden speaks at a drive-in campaign rally in Bristol, Pennsylvania

24.10.2020 - 10:21 [ Politico ]

Biden’s oil slip gives Trump campaign hope in Pa., Texas

Both 2020 candidates have lavished attention to the natural gas industry in Pennsylvania, the likely tipping-point state in the Electoral College.

22.10.2020 - 11:11 [ Jorge Ventura Media / Twitter ]

Thousands of Trump supporters listening to the president speak in #Gastonia