Archiv: Christmas Night 2023 massacre by Israel military airstrike on Maghazi refugee camp

10.01.2024 - 10:48 [ Times of Israel ]

UK’s foreign minister worried Israel may have breached international law in Gaza

Britain’s Foreign Minister David Cameron said on Tuesday he was worried that Israel might have breached international law in its war on terror group Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and that though the advice he had received so far was that Israel was compliant, there were still questions to answer.

25.12.2023 - 17:50 [ Mohammad Alsaafin / Twitter ]

An Israeli airstrike on the cemetery in the Maghazi Refugee Camp just killed five people helping bury some of the 70+ killed by yesterdays Israeli airstrikes on the Maghazi Refugee Camp

25.12.2023 - 17:32 [ Historia Fotografią Pisana / Twitter ]

25.12.2023 r. – Palestyna: Dziś w nocy, w 50 nalotach, żydowska armia dokonała masakr w obozach dla dla uchodźców Al Nuseirat, Al Bureij i Al Maghazi w środkowej Gazie.

25.12.2023 - 17:26 [ Thomas Portes / Twitter ]

L’horreur continue. Dans le camp de réfugiés Al Maghazi à Gaza l’armée israélienne vient de commettre un nouveau massacre. Des dizaines de civils, dont de nombreuses femmes et enfants, sont mortes. Le nettoyage ethnique se poursuit dans un silence assourdissant de la communauté internationale. Il faut arrêter ces criminels de guerre.

25.12.2023 - 17:19 [ mikel ayestaran / Twitter ]

Hilo del día 80 de guerra en #Gaza 1- #Israel castiga los campos de refugiados en #gaza y el último objetivo ha sido Maghazi. El ataque deja decenas de muertos y destrucción

Foto @Reuters

25.12.2023 - 17:10 [ Potere al Popolo / Twitter ]

Per #Israele i Palestinesi non hanno diritto neanche alla tregua di #Natale. Stanotte il campo profughi Al Maghazi, centro della Striscia di #Gaza, è stato bombardato. Si contano almeno 70 morti, decine ancora sotto le macerie, moltissimi i bambini. #FreePalestine #CeasefireNOW

25.12.2023 - 16:50 [ AFP News Agency / Youtube ]

AERIAL SHOTS: Destruction in Gaza‘s Al-Maghazi camp following Israeli bombardment | AFP

Aerial shots show the extensive destruction in Al-Maghazi refugee camp, in the central Gaza Strip, following deadly Israeli air strikes. The Gaza health ministry said an Israeli air strike killed at least 70 people on Christmas Eve at the Al-Maghazi refugee camp. The army said it was „reviewing the incident“, adding it was „committed to international law including taking feasible steps to minimise harm to civilians“.

25.12.2023 - 16:39 [ Younis Tirawi | يونس / Twitter ]

Maghazi Refugee Camp, Gaza | Lord have mercy! Lord have mercy!

Up to 70 Palestinians slaughtered. Many women and children after a triple Israeli airstrike a while ago on Mosallem, Sesalem and Nawajreh families’ houses.

The death tolls is expected to increase!

25.12.2023 - 15:03 [ Reuters ]

Israeli airstrikes kill 100 in one of war‘s deadliest nights, Gaza officials say

Health ministry spokesperson Ashraf Al-Qidra said many of those killed at Maghazi were women and children. Eight others were killed as Israeli planes and tanks carried out dozens of airstrikes on houses and roads in nearby al-Bureij and al-Nusseirat, health officials said.

Medics said an Israeli airstrike in Khan Younis in southern Gaza killed 23, bringing total Palestinian fatalities overnight to more than 100.